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  1. No, it is hyperbole to describe the behavior of the concerted efforts of those LGBTQ folks to destroy this man's life because he wouldn't bake them a special cake. That is how the mafia behaves. You pay them, or they come to destroy your business. This guy was minding his own business, literally harming no one, and going about his life making people cakes. He was not trying to push anything on anyone, just going to work and earning a living doing what he liked. The combative stance here was all on the LGBTQ crowd's side. And he won out to a large degree on the legal side.
  2. So... where is the bribe? This started with the accusation he was bribed and you have turned it into a complaint on how many gifts or ways someone like Thomas profits from his position instead. If you want to have that discussion, great, but you jumped in trying to defend the assertion of bribes, implying he was somehow bought off to make decisions a certain way. Now you are just throwing as much mud as you can to distract from your inability to back any of that obvious nonsense up. You asserted he was just handed a quarter of a million dollars... when in reality a friend loaned him money for an RV and the accusation by Democrats is that Thomas someone profited from this, but it is just that, an accusation. They don't really have any of the proof to show how much Thomas paid back or not, while his lawyer claims the loan payments were fulfilled. None of what you have listed is "greatly" enriching, it is certainly someone enjoying some lavish gifts and favors from friends. What is his net worth again? Not a whole lot for as much as you are feigning outrage over.
  3. There is no equivalence. The amount of destruction and violence from those BLM-associated protests / riots was beyond anything that happened on the 6th. They were just as incited by Democrats, like the Speaker of the House.
  4. What are you talking about? Your take on the scripture is still a contradiction to your position here. You tried to say you wanted a gift economy, and then you said you wanted everyone to be paid the same wage.
  5. If we go with your definition, it is "ethnic cleansing" if Israel evicts one Palestinian from their home for any reason. I mention the amount, because with what Israel is doing, there is no real path to ever achieving any kind of you know... "ethnic cleansing" So, if that outcome is not going to happen... how is it that you claim that is what is being done? Listen to yourself, you claim that it doesn't matter if the population is not reduced... so then how is it ethnic cleansing if nothing is being cleansed? You are the one ignoring the complexity behind the fact that Palestinians lost a war, and Israel's ongoing Settlement policies, which started with a concern with Security... you know, because the Palestinians and others keep trying to kill them.
  6. Yeah, some bad people on the right screwed up royally that day and should be punished. The exception... meanwhile, the left did far more damage over their summer of violence, attacked more police, killed more people... I am new here, and I am not sure if the trend is the same here as in other online forums where folks on the left pretend none of that ever happened.
  7. What about it? Baseless charges? Did they have any charges at all? Remember, this was you trying to be cute throwing it in my face that I was wrong on them having no charges... and you were wrong. So, tell me, what charges do you think they should face then? Do you agree they should face charges? It's just my imagination that the Pro-Hamas protestors are taking over college campuses all over the country, including harassing people, blocking students, and otherwise breaking the law by trespassing at a minimum and then refusing lawful orders to disperse. You really going to be that obtuse?
  8. Nice strawman and spin to attempted personal insult.
  9. It isn't too far off the mark, he wants us to teach kids how to give good blow jobs and how to have anal sex in K-12....
  10. That isn't what happened though. We are talking about his rich friend taking him on vacation... you know, stuff like jets, yachts, and resorts are just expenses for the trip. What does that do to "bribe" him to do anything? Answer: Nothing. You can't support your case, all you can do is ask speculative rhetorical questions.
  11. Totally. We need young kid beastiality literature because who is going to teach these kids how to have sex with a sheep or camel the right way? How to maintain that relationship. Probably need more literature on Polygamy, incest, you name it, the whole full spectrum. Not sure there will be much time for reading or writing, though, with all these sexual fetish courses these kids will need.
  12. Well, there is a precedent for religious freedom as well. The point here isn't that we have a precedent for forcing people to do stuff. The point was that the LGBTQ mafia was trying to destroy this guy to get him to comply and not just destroy him, continually harass him. That the notion of so-called tolerance here is anything but when it comes to compelling others like this.
  13. Well, we already have a million special laws on the books to protect abortion clinics from protests. If someone blocks the entrance, they face special federal charges with years in federal prison. Notice, you don't see Conservative protestors blocking traffic like this and taking over campus like this every other year for something... gee, I wonder why. We don't have to even consider having a double standard because we already respect the rule of law more to begin with.
  14. Not suddenly at all. Israel has been consistently working to improve the flow of aid, the trend has been going up for months now. The limiting factor has consistently been what the UN is able to pick up and deliver. Almost every other day Israel COGAT posts pictures of how much aid is piled up waiting for the UN to pick up and deliver.
  15. Yes, I can read. This was you making a baseless assertion about it being their "central pillar" and no further explanation for how this thread is proof of state violence support. Remember, I already pointed out the stupidity of what you were doing here: "Enforcing laws != "State Violence" otherwise the term is near meaningless as the enforcement of laws always requires violence to those who resist." Oh, Oops indeed: ""At this time we anticipate having to send the case back to the CHP for continued investigation," Jenkins explained." Golden Gate Bridge protesters released after SF DA Jenkins asks for more conspiracy evidence https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/golden-gate-bridge-protesters-released-after-sf-da-jenkins-asks-for-more-conspiracy-evidence/ I am not holding my breath waiting to see if she follows through or not.... likely wait for this die off in the media cycle or succumb to the pressure of the radical left who is demanding she doesn't press charges. Oh, speaking of the left-wing and supporting my position, here you go: "Outside the jail, supporters showed up to call for the protesters release prior to them being set free. It was a second day of protest, this time demanding the 26 people arrested on the bridge be released with no charges." I was not equating them, I was comparing who might be doing the same thing. Speaking of asking if you can read, here you go again: "Yet, we all know if it were the Proud Boys camping out in the middle of a campus shutting things down and harassing black students, folks on the left would be screaming bloody murder, mobilizing the National Guard to beat them with rifles and drag them all away coming up with every charge in the book they could throw at them and then some. (See January 6th, See Targetting of Pro-Life demonstrators)" I clearly was pointing out the comparison to if the Proud Boys were doing the same thing as these Pro-Hamas protestors were doing...
  16. And yet you did not offer anything substantive to support your original worthless assertion either... But, since you asked, lets take a look at these campus protests in support of Hamas or otherwise blocking the roads. You find that in the more liberal Democrat run places they are hesitant to arrest and even when they do, likely not to even bother with pressing charges after. (See San Francisco Bridge) Yet, we all know if it were the Proud Boys camping out in the middle of a campus shutting things down and harassing black students, folks on the left would be screaming bloody murder, mobilizing the National Guard to beat them with rifles and drag them all away coming up with every charge in the book they could throw at them and then some. (See January 6th, See Targetting of Pro-Life demonstrators)
  17. My response was no more empty than what I was responding to...
  18. You want to rehash where Bush was going on 9/11? Maybe take 5 minutes to do some googling next time. Bush was returning to the Capitol at first, but the attacks were still underway. Flight 93 still went down after they left Florida. Intelligence said there were still threats in WDC, so they went to LA to quickly address the nation and then to Nebraska because USSTRATCOM was based there and served as an ideal place to continue to operate from seeing as we still had no idea how many more attacks were to come or underway. He was there for maybe a few hours and then returned to WDC by late afternoon to address the nation that evening from the White House. He was in the Whitehouse that evening to address the nation. Go invent something else to pretend to be outraged over.
  19. I travel to Canada for work about once a year, but I am not familiar with the day to day politics there, but I do find it amazing how the Police can go out of their way to arrest that Rebel News Journalist every other week for merely existing... and it sure seemed like they used the heavy hand of the law during COVID to destroy peoples lives that did not comply or the Truckers protest... but they can't find that these protestors are breaking any laws?
  20. No, you have failed to use scripture and I have pointed out the flaws in your position with scripture. I brought up the parable of the talents, remember? I don't have to take anything as you say it... that is YOUR opinion now.
  21. It was just too easy to point out its flaws... but for some reason I can't quite get Gaétan to admit that.
  22. Well, yeah, you were and are. Israel is not removing Palestinians en masse through terror or violence. Palestinians are and have been living in the West Bank and Gaza for decades now and continue to grow. So again... maybe in 10,000 years at this pace there will be some ethnic cleansing, if a million other things all align on the way... Your position is hyperbole at best, an gross exaggeration, over settlement policy, much of which started with security because again, they lost a war and Israel is not all to keen on having their borders so close again. I guess the Palestinians should have taken any number of the previous deals out there instead of insisting on little more than the destruction of Israel or a return to 1948 borders that will never happen.
  23. Enforcing laws != "State Violence" otherwise the term is near meaningless as the enforcement of laws always requires violence to those who resist. It is the folks on the left who want to selectively punish and target those they disagree with here, and ignore the folks they support when they do it. Perhaps your position will have more merit in another thread where folks on the right are arguing against enforcing the laws like this on folks on the right.
  24. At this point, I have to think you are just trying to be difficult to be difficult. Yes, we were talking about not pushing our values onto the students in regards to sex. It is aligned with political views there, but that is not what you said, as if I said no business getting in their business at all. I want teachers to focus on kids reading, science, the arts, math, history... you want to have them teaching kids how to have anal sex. You and I are worlds apart here and it is not even close how far out you are. Except, that is exactly what you are doing here. You are demanding that "tolerance" means I must play along with your fantasies. You are trying to force that onto me. That is not what Pro-Life means, you are conflating desired outcomes with what it means. Regardless, the point here was simply that you offer no respect or tolerance that you demand from others. Yes, how males and females behave has been a social construct to some degree, influence by biology and psychology as well. But it is how males and females behave. This is the game folks like you are trying to play and have it both ways now, trying to argue gender and sex are different so a man can pretend to be a woman... but the point is that he isn't a woman, yet you also want him to be treated as such not just in partaking in the acknowledgement of the fantasy, no, but we much allow the man to use women's facilities and beat them up in physical competition too! No, this is a ruse on your part, and not a very well done one. Are you demanding that I pretend that a toupee literally means they do in fact have hair? No, I do not nor would I go out of my way to denounce anyone, but you and others in the LGBTQ movement certainly are demanding that from the rest of us, that we must play along or we will be branded as intolerant! Hateful! How dare we! Let me know when you figure out this basic courtesy thing for yourself. Where did I take issue with pride in one's self? Well, Autism is a disability. I am not being asked to pretend someone with Autism doesn't in fact have Autism. Just like the Pro-Life flag, there is zero ham in that message of loving both the mother and the unborn child. But you want to make it into something ugly for the sake of politics. Yes. Clearly you missed out on the whole Masterpiece Cakeshop guy, who the LGBTQ mafia set out to destroy his life, trying to force him to make them a cake with a dildo among other things... that is just one pretty big example. Nope, folks on the left and in the LGBTQ movement couldn't tolerate or respect his beliefs, they had to force compliance and use the power of government to try to do it too. So, tell us, did you support using the force of government to make him use his artistic abilities to design a specially themed wedding cake for a gay wedding? Lets see how tolerant you are.
  25. Now, you are being obtuse. School Choice is clearly a term used to describe choice in publicly funded education opportunities, like vouchers, tax credits, or things like education savings accounts... But let's play. If that is your take on choice, don't expect people who choose something else to have to continue to pay for public schools either. Fair? Or... we just stop funding public education all together, let people choose to do as they please? If you are opposed to paying for public education, lets take you at your word, we won't fund it at all. I see you are a believer in the magic birth canal. You said: "It's not some wonderfully diverse cross section of American life. " My response was to point out that those who identify with being Pro-Life are, in fact, a wonderfully diverse cross-section of American life.
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