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  1. This argument differs entirely from your saying "nothing" and defending it as if he did nothing and your further lying to defend it literally. That has been and continues to be the point. It was, and continues to be, more than nothing. Less than 3 hours of doing nothing. Even in your analogy... even if someone did start a bar brawl... once a mindless fight breaks out, they certainly don't have much ability to stop it. That aside, Trump did not instigate any bar brawl. He held a peaceful rally, what was branded as a peaceful rally, and told folks to go continue to march in peace. Do you hold Democrats and BLM organizers/supporters as responsible for instigating all the summer long violence around BLM protests a few years ago too? Or... do you play the mostly peaceful card? Tried to join them... to do what? The dishonest implication you are making here is that he was going to join in the fighting. It was supposed to be a peaceful march. I am not interested in contested versions of events based on hearsay, when we have first hand accounts refuting it. Which after the fact? He condemned what happened after the fact when he conceded to Biden. Nothing to do with the riot? When was this the argument, when did I say this? He certainly did try to stop it. You yourself lied trying to claim he had that power to stop it too, when he released the video.
  2. You did not ask who the law would currently affect. It would be best if you chose your words better.
  3. How would I know? I am not a mind reader, so I asked. Instead of explaining yourself... Ineligable? This is about forcing them to do it. You frame it as if they are being denied some equal choice. Yes, women are, in fact, inferior to men when it comes to physical strength. Has nothing to do with my ego. It has everything to do with respecting women and their special role in society. It is the same reason why I let women go first, why if a ship was sinking I am letting them board the life-rafts first, why I would save them from the burning building first... I am sure you don't believe in any of those things though...
  4. No, it is not. You keep claiming this, I have repeatedly explained otherwise. You have also flip-flopped back and forth.
  5. No, I have no idea what you saying 29 pages has to do with anything or why that has any relevance. Did I urinate in your cheerios today or something? You are all sorts of riled up. No, this is from the Senate Armed Services Committee. It is literally in the title: "United States Senate Committee on Armed Services" And yes, the Democrats currently control the Senate and thus have controlling leadership over the committees. This is not the first year they keep putting this language into it and not the first time those on the right have fought to oppose it. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/06/ndaa-women-draft-dropped-523829 Which is why you and others are on here making such a big stink over it.
  6. No, not just Donald Trump. Spend more time focusing on your ignorance or integrity and less name-calling. To my point, this doesn't make anyone above the law. Do you not grasp that simple concept?
  7. You were not interested in that, as you were excluding combat roles... We don't need to double the draft pool.
  8. You just contradicted yourself. You claim they can't be beaten on the ground and then congratulate Ukraine for beating them on the ground. And then you push a lie as if all 300,000+ of their military they have committed to this, plus the 25K more a month in replacements for the casualties were just poorly trained convicts. That is absurd on its face. The bulk of the forces they have committed are not poorly trained convicts. They have sent a good chunk of convicts, but that just shows the Russians can't feed this war machine as relentlessly as you and others keep trying to pretend they can forever.
  9. It is no more buffoonish nitpicking to point out obvious facts about the timeline than for you to make exaggerated assertions. The problem was that instead of just admitting it, you tried to lie even more with defending the literal timeline, trying to change when it started and still claim 3 hours when even then it was maybe 2 and you tried to start the timeline when Trump was still speaking. Every step of the way, you had every chance to admit you were wrong or exaggerating, but instead, you proved how far you were willing to go to lie. But sure, now after days and many posts lying and obfuscating, you will "concede" but not really as you still go on to argue about it. You are trying to have it both ways... you sit here saying he had the power to rile the mob up with his tweets, but then he didn't have the power to calm them down with his tweets. Nevermind your continued lies about the timeline trying to claim when he finally posted the video they all left. You have lied repeatedly in this thread. As I have already pointed out before, the simple fact is that Trump had no power over a rioting mob.
  10. No reason to do this. Sure... why do we need to draft them to do them though?
  11. What was your opinion again on all those BLM protestors in the streets blocking people? It is a crime for Hamas-supporting protestors to block traffic and public right of ways too...
  12. Are you saying you are now aware of what we are talking about? I provided a link to the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act Executive Summary. It was not imagining any scenario. What is wrong with you?
  13. I have no idea what you are talking about regarding 29 pages. If the likelihood of a draft is nearly zero, why do we need to register women?
  14. It is really pathetic how you are acting here. Your lying assertion was never anything meaningful to debate. It was easily disproven by anyone who cared to be honest about the timeline. Instead of simply admitting you were wrong, you have spent days and countless posts furthering the lie by trying to lie even more.
  15. Are you this ignorant about what the selective service is for? There is nothing imaginary here. I provided you with a source. Are you and some other liberals on here really this adamantly opposed to engaging honestly on this forum?
  16. Neither do you. If you want to act like you are, I will keep calling you out for it.
  17. Well, some of us do. You seem to have no problem when it is protestors you like out blocking others' movements. Or am I mistaking you with someone else I have argued with in the past on here?
  18. Well, what you are doing is undoubtedly useless and just furthers what a liar you are being here.
  19. Canada does not have gun ownership like America does.
  20. Yes, and we should hold them accountable for submitting the data. We are not doing a "security check" though. This is for buying a weapon, something that 1/3 of all adults and almost half of all households have. There are not enough people in the world to do this kind of a check on someone buying a weapon in any kind of reasonable way.
  21. And I will keep criticizing you for being little more than a troll with your behavior in spamming the forum and barely hanging around in the threads you create to defend your positions.
  22. Yes, and you spam this forum with the garbage. Seriously, you don't even bother to stick around in most of the threads you create, you just run away to spam more.
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