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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. ROFLMAO!!!!! When did I EVER say that If anyone here is playing a semantics game it's you. "Oh - antifa isn't a TECHNICAL group, we're just a non-group group that's a group but not a group! Also - jews for some reason". So apperently we can add anti-semite to your list of personality faults. Pretty common for the left these days. You already admitted it was a group. "WE" blah blah. Wikipedia thinks you're involved in a group. It says that antifa is made up of decentralized groups. So - you're literally in a group of groups. You're not just in a group, you're like group Squared. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States) Sorry - i know you thought you were being all clever and were going to have some sort of gotcha - but you blew it. Sure - i like jews, hate authoritarianism and fascism, believe in truth, and have no problem calling out scumbags who support violent fascists groups while pretending to be anti fascist. Of course they'd hate me. The Nazis would have loved you tho.
  2. The republicans are not facists. OR nazis And printing a news story with the absolute truth is not what hitler did. Sorry. If a white nationalist targeted a black church you'd be fine with the headline "White Nationalist targets black community". A transgender killer targeted a christian school. That's the truth.
  3. ROFLMAO - this has got to be the biggest lie the left tells. "OUR PROTESTS ARE MOSTLY PEACEFUL!" This concept is that if someone is peaceful 23 hours in a day but then murders 12 people in the last hour then the person isn't violent because he's "mostly peaceful". True - most of the time he was peaceful - but he's still a violent person BLM is a violent organization. Much violence has been done by their followers and supporters. Billions of dollars in damage has been done. They are NOT peaceful But they will insist that blm is MOSTLY peaceful. At the same time - trump supporers are evil violent people because of one even, while most of the demonstrations that day were peaceful. Hypocrisy - thy name is "lefties". https://thehill.com/homenews/media/513902-cnn-ridiculed-for-fiery-but-mostly-peaceful-caption-with-video-of-burning/
  4. 1 - you are not advocating for christianity. You're driving people away from it. 2 - it's the lying, arrogance, intolerance and hatred people are fed up with. 3 - it's not a few. It's pretty much everyone. Some are being decent enough to tell you, the rest are thinking it. There's an old saying - if 10,000 people think you're an asswipe, and you think you're NOT an asswipe, it really doesn't matter at that point if you're right or not. Something you're doing needs to change.
  5. Great - could you ask him where my remote is? it's been a week. Not behind the fridge or couch.
  6. Yeah. And we're in for a repeat of what we saw in the 80's after the last trudeau did this - the higher debt burden means that even when a sane gov't gets in they won't be able to reduce the tax and expense burden on taxpayers significantly as a result, they'll have to reduce services and do what they can to lower the burden but they'll still be handicapped by a debt that's into the trillions at this point and a debt to gdp that will be more than twice what it was when he took over. That'll mean stagflation and low efficiency improvements and so on. That's going to take many years to fix. An entire generation is going to face a reduced standard of living as a result and it was all avoidable.
  7. With you they fell on deaf ears to begin with - you continue to lie. But now everyone reading this knows you're lying as well. I'm satisfied with that.
  8. wow - you sound EXACTLY like those who support vaginal circumcision. They claim that's for the health of the girl as well, and it's nuts that people WOULDN'T"T allow this. Most responsible people agree that permanently altering a child for sexual purposes is a very very questionable act. A normal person realizes that it could be abuse. You're pro mutilation i assume? you use the same arguments.
  9. Of course it's a group. You're suggesting that it's not a formalized group. But your use of the word "we" shows there's more than one person and therefore it's a group. A group does not have to be formalized to be a group. Unless by "we" you mean the voices in your head. So swing and a miss there. Why? It doesn't bother me that you're wrong again. I'm used to it. Sounds like quite the little fantasy life you've got going in your head. Unfortunately for you the real world is a little different Three strikes kiddo Yer out it would seem
  10. Well that's what i said originally actually but TreeBeard correctly pointed out that you could just say 'Christian" and it would mean the same thing as everyone knows the christians came from the jews. That's why i was explaining why they say 'judeo-christian" rather than just Christian, even tho it's arguably a redundant term. Also my answer was somewhat tongue in cheek
  11. Because if you just say Christian then a lot of certain kinds of Christians might think you mean the WRONG kinds of Christians! Judeau-christian reminds all Christians that they are united in a common fundamental belief that this is all the jew's fault.
  12. I believe that it's put forward as being 'judeo-christian' because christian values sort of flowed from the jewish values that came before it. There are large hunks of the christian bible that predate christ and are basically jewish after all At least i believe that's where the term comes from.
  13. Did they crucify him because he was a liar? Because that's what you're doing. No fraud involved, you're just lying. Did jesus die because he was a liar? And are you suggesting that lying is an inherent part of christian belief? Buddy - god or no god, a grown ass man should know better than to lie.
  14. All you can do is lie, which shows a hell of a lot more about yours. You repeat a lie that is verifiably a lie again and again - and you claim someone ELSE is out of control and incapable of a civilized conversation? Just stop lying. You're making baby jesus cry.
  15. Well seeing as christ obviously has instructed you lie in order to spread hatred - why would anyone WANT christ at their funeral? Seems like your imaginary friend is a bit of an ass - always demanding you lie like that.
  16. We didn't. And you are aware of that. You simply repeat the lie. We did spend 20 million on security etc. If you were going to complain about something that would at least be something spent "ON" him. But the 35 billion was not spent on his trip. And his trip was not religious - it was political. It was an apology to the first nations for things done under the church's watch. So - it's money given to the natives so they could address a political issue. You are lying. You know you're lying, this has all been pointed out before and yet you pretend that we paid for his visit. We did not, other than the security etc we do for any visiting dignitary. Does your bible command you to lie?
  17. This is yet another in a growing pile of examples of why the CBC really needs to be defunded and cut loose. They are very clearly shilling for the libs directly, and they're doing so with public money. It's one thing if they're an independent, but to take public money and use it for partisan political purposes is just wrong. And to make matters worse they're not just covering up the latest liberal gaffe or corruption - they're covering up a serious attempt by another country to interfere in our democracy. Our state broadcaster is covering up the fact another state interfered with us. Using our money to cover the activity of another gov't. These are bad people who deserve to lose their jobs.
  18. Leaving aside the banana for a moment, She has a very good point about meeting with other political leaders. Both Trudeau and Harper met with Putin at some point, that doesn't mean they approve of the man or his politics. Politicians meet with other politicians all the time that they may not agree with or might even seriously DISAGREE with. That really is the job. Which shows the liberals really don't understand what their job is.
  19. Honestly did we expect different? And i notice the usual suspects in the left wing media are out there touting all the goodies while barely mentioning the massive deficit or the fact that debt to gdp will once again be rising for the next few years. Its a disaster of a budget. And on top of it all that 'anti inflation' spending will actually make inflation worse. So we'll have higher inflation for longer than we needed to, followed by a crash that will really hurt people.
  20. I gurarantee you that PP feels the same. Especially as he knows he's going to have an up hill battle to beat trudeau and win a majority and can't afford to have anyone whos' less than the best. But when we see gay/black/trans/women people in jobs these days because of the stupid programs of the past we assume they're there because of that, and not because of skill
  21. Your response shows exactly why the programs of the past have been such failures. If a gay person is promoted to a position, we automatically assume it's as a token. And why wouldn't we? We've been told umpteen times Women and racial minorites and gays have to be put in positions of power even if they're not competent for 'equality'. So now we just assume anyone like that in that position is a diversity hire. PP is not the kind of guy who will put ANYONE in a position if they're not fully qualified to do the job well. ANd he knows he's got an uphill fight against trudeau, he needs the best of the best. And lets face it - he knows he can't "out woke" trudeau and he's not going to try. These will be competent people for sure. If they happen to tick a box for the liberal voters or those in between, great.
  22. This is the gov't of canada survey on immigration policy . It's pretty short. https://surveys.hkperspectives.com/s3/79c05916e410EN The link comes from this page: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/campaigns/canada-future-immigration-system/sessions.html personally i feel that immigration should be tied to the number of homes and schools and medical services we're adding and that's what I said. But have your own say about how you think immigration should be changed and what we should keep.
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