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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 1 hour ago, Deluge said:

    robodrone is losing his shit over the ridicule his hive queen is getting. lol

    it ain't going to get better as this goes on i suspect.   LIke i kept saying previously, August was probably the best it was ever going to get for Kammy.  After that it gets harder and she will have very few opportunities to increase her polling. 

    Kammy was up over trump by 1.9 points, and now over the last several days has fallen to 1.3.  AND most of those losses happened in the battlegrounds. Look at the trend lines


    Trump hit bottom and is now climbing back up.  Kammy peaked at the dnc and is now barely holding steady with trump hot on her heels.  Realclear is already showing trump as the most likely winner again if the election was tomorrow. 

    He's got the momentum  -  and tomorrow there's the debate. 


    So if she starts to slide or trump gets ahead, where does she get the chance to correct that?  What's the next opportunity moment? There's no more debates other than the vice presidents and I don't see that going well for them. She can't do media press conferences.  She doesn't draw well enough for mass rally events.  So where does she pick  up the energy to climb?

     She can't. If she slides it's over for her unless trump does something stupid.  The only thing the dems could do to win at that point would be to fire biden entirely and install her as 'princess kamala, first black female president' and try to ride that momentum till the end, but i doubt biden would go along with it willingly. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Chrissy1979 said:

    But if illegal aliens are such horrible people, wouldn't they vote for Trump anyway? He did, after all, kill the bipartisan border deal that would have stopped them from coming. He also distracted all efforts at the border by putting all the resources into a totally useless wall, making it easier for them to get in.

    The border deal would have let them cross in even larger numbers.  It would just have provided recourses to help escort them more safely.  So no, they big mad. 

    but unlike you and the democrats even if they were going to vote for "their side", republicans wouldn't want that because it's not lawful.  Whereas democrats can't understand why just because something is not lawful you shouldn't support it if it benefits you. 

  3. 2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

    Chuckle chuckle. Oh poor baby... don't like what is coming at you?

    LOL i LOVE what's coming at me,  i've been quite clear that i find it absolutely hilarious to watch your meltdown :) 

    Kid NOBODY here would be upset by what you consider to be insult memes :)  LOLOLOL!! Not a single person here will say "oh if you did that to me i'd be upset". :)  nobody on the planet who's older than 12 would 'not like it' :)  

    I Know you think you're doing really well...   LOL you are not.  :)  I'm actually physically giggling while i type this at your admission that you think this would be upsetting to ANYONE never mind me :) 

    ANd its clear that you've spent a long long long time googling for memes to do it :) Which makes it even more delightful  -  you are final proof that lefties are more prone to mental health issues :)  

  4. 4 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

    God, you are insufferable.  Your Russian handlers need to do better.

    LOL   and once again you're wrong and once again it's my fault :)   Go look at your responses and mine, at this point you should be COMPLETELY embarrassed that  you're freaking out and throwing a tantrum jus because i CORRECTLY pointed out some simple facts!

    Oh and 'russian'?   LOL  why russian?  is it your argument that the violence in the black communities is a result of russian interference now or did you get confused and think we were talking about black trump? LOLOLOL!!! :) 

  5. 4 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

    He was also calling the use of EOs being a dictator, but that part wasn't important enough to matter either.

    It's the one thing we noticed again and again and again. The left absolutely has to lie and misconstrue and misrepresent what was said. They do it about this, they do it about the so-called blood in the streets comment, they did it about the I only care about your vote comment and about a dozen others.

    Apparently nothing he actually says upsets them enough or they feel that they can't argue against it. So they have to pretend he said something else to give them something to be shocked about.

    When we talk about Kamala we talk about things she actually did or said. She talks about a $25,000 gift to all first time home buyers, we correctly point out that that will increase inflation. We don't need to pretend she said something else. But for some reason they always have to pretend that trump said something else.

    It's pretty obvious that they know that they are in the wrong here and just desperately want to promote their tribalism.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

    Blacks represent just under 5% of the Canadian population.

    Exactly.'  A very small precent. 


    Of interest, Indigenous Canadians are eight times more likely to be incarcerated than the overall population. Natives make up about 5% of Canada's population. Combine them, and compared to the Black population of the United States (12%), there is not that much difference.

    Well you just jumped from "violence" to 'Commit crime".   And sorry but you can't just "Combine" populations and then compare them to other populations elsewhere :)  LOLOL  Lets try to keep this at least semi reasonable :) 




    Still lower than Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Kitchener, etc. Toronto is actually one of the safest cities in North America. 

    It's number 9 i believe on the list.  Not sure what the point is. 


    The Indigenous population are twice as likely to be charged with violent crime than Black Canadians.

    Then they're committing more violent crimes. Again - so  what?

    Are you trying to claim there's no difference between black canadians and first nations? because there is. 

    You made a specific comment about the black community.  I addressed that very specifically and provided proof.  

    This isn't going to be yet another case where you don't like the facts so you just run around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to find away around the very simple facts that have already been proved is it? 

  7. 2 hours ago, eyeball said:

    The proper immigration system you described.

    Careful what you wish for.

    Probably more humane than bullets. In any case up to a billion human beings or more could be on the move seeking greener pastures due to climate change by mid century. It's already well under way.

    or none. And if we have to go back to the bullets so be it.  Won't hurt the planet or global warming to have a few less humans right? Global warming is the most important thing and if we have to kill a billion or so to stop it you lefties will get right behind that i'm sure. 

    After all - it's a huge crisis. 

  8. 58 minutes ago, Matthew said:

    If I filed a lawsuit against Arizona for failing to stop republican voters from pooping into the voting machines, that would definitely mean republicans are doing that, right?

    If the lawsuit was allowed to proceed it would mean there must be SOME evidence of it. As the saying goes you can sue someone for eating a ham sandwich, but there needs to have been a sandwich. 

    And if you take the time and energy and money to file a suit, then you probably have reasonably good reason to believe it was republicans that did it.  You could be wrong, or maybe the evidence doesn't turn out to be that great, but you didn't pony up that cash without a reason. 

    Meanwhile you and yours insisted russian collusion was gospel just because there was an investigation underway, never mind a trial :) 

  9. 1 hour ago, herbie said:

    GOP logic targets dupes like reason10.
    You don't have to prove shit,you just claim it repeatedly. Witness years of DonOld's 'Crooked Biden' slander.
    As for claiming that merely filing a lawsuit 'proves' dick shit.....

    but  then again you are the deplorables backing a criminal pervert proven liar and fraud for President.

    if you called the pot any blacker kiddo we'd have to arrest you for hate crimes :) 

  10. The simple fact is is that it's not a matter of intelligence. Your intelligence level is not relevant when considering voting for harris or not. Even a cursory glance based on intellect and reason would mean you would not be that interested in her. Even if you felt trump was worse you would not be excited about her at all. 

    Instead she appeals to people who put their feelings before their reason. That is what she is running on, joy and happy feelings. Wouldn't it feel great to finally break that glass ceiling and have a black woman president? Wouldn't it be great if we could all laugh as much as I do during press conferences and speeches? You should vote for me because it'll make trump angry. For every vote for me and angel gets its wings. Etc etc

    Voting for harris appeals to those who have set reason aside and are judging based on other things.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    I posted multiple citations that supported my contention that magas are homophobes. 


    No, you post Useless partisan opinion pieces. This is why nobody takes you seriously. Posting lies 10 times in a row doesn't make them less lies.

    About 55 percent of americans are now or have been republican supporters

    Yet about 70 percent of people support gay marriage and gays.  

    Same-Sex Relations, Marriage Still Supported by Most in U.S. (gallup.com)

    And as we can see, about half those who identify as republican support gays and gay marriage. 


    Oh and about 20 percent of democrats don't support gays or gay marriage. And i wonder how many feel they HAVE to say they do?

    Then there's also those who are  not 'registered' but have supported republicans. 

    Even more interesting the number of republicans seems to be trending up.  it went down SLIGHTLY WHEN THE DEMS LAUNCHED THEIR RECENT CULTURE WAR over it. 

    So who should the gays really be afraid of? Democrats. Democrats start culture wars that push republicans away from gays and trans, which is exactly what democrats want. 

    Game set and match Barbie :)  


  12. 4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    So Trudeau just has to make it less of a throne speech and more of a reacharound speech and the NDP will all vote yea.

    Well of course that's exactly what he's trying to negotiate right now, I'm sure.

    Jaggers is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He's trying not to bring the government down while looking like he's not propping the government up. We'll see how that works out for him

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

    I know that the budget and other major bills can be considered votes of confidence, but how is a throne speech considered so? 

    Always has been.  Basically a throne speech, which is read by the GG and not the prime minister, is a statement of the gov'ts intentions and vision for the next cycle, and the parties have to vote to accept it.  If they disagree with it then they must vote against it same as  a budget or any other similar thing. If it gets voted down it's considered to be a statement that the parliament has no confidence in the gov't or their plans, and therefore parliament cannot continue and the GG must decide how to proceed. Usually they just call an election. They COULD technically ask another party to form gov't but in most cases there's no reason to believe another party would have more of the faith of the house. 


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  14. 2 hours ago, Nationalist said:


    Introducing and promoting abnormal sexual kink has no place in elementary school.!

    I can understand introducing and even normalizing gay parents. But Trans behavior is just over the line.

    They know it. But the dems and their work allies absolutely want it to be over the line. When it's over the line it creates conflict. Without conflict the democrats have nothing to sell. And The Wok who make money peddling this crap don't get any buyers.

    I wish there was some way to know how the trans actually felt about these things. But I suspect they are too afraid of the liberals and woke to speak their mind freely without fear of repercussion.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Just now, ExFlyer said:

    Your importance is only that I get to improve my googling LOL

    ROFLMAO -  well i guess that's your admission that you have now spent hours 'googling' for this, whereas i've spent seconds replying :) 

     I guess we know which of us is obsessed a little :)  (hint- it's the guy who has to practice his googling :) )


    Also  it's 2024, how is it you don't have killer google skills already?  Are you 12 or something? Honestly every time you talk you come across more and more like a young kid. 

  16. 38 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    Calm down??? You make my day.


    Aww that's sweet  :)  It's nice to know i'm that important to you.

    Sadly you're really nothing more than cheap entertainment for me but that's life  :) 

    And apperently i make your night too seeing as you stay up posting to me and wake up in the morning and rush to post etc. LOL   Basically it seems I AM your life at the moment.  Still couldn't find your real father i take it. 

    🍿🍿🍿(munch munch)🍿🍿🍿

  17. 1 minute ago, DUI_Offender said:

    That's very strange.

    The majority of the Black population of Canada lives in the GTA, and it has less violent crime than any Western Canadian city. How do you explain this?

    There just aren't that many blacks overall as a percentage of the total population. 

    But - among blacks the violence is VASTLY higher. Crime rates and violence are both up. 

    For example, Black Torontonians are four times more likely to be charged with a crime than their white counterparts, while one in 15 young Black men in Ontario have been incarcerated, compared to one in 70 young white men.

    More homicides, fewer supports in Toronto's predominantly Black neighbourhoods: U of T research | University of Toronto (utoronto.ca)

    Black communities plagued by high number of homicides, low support for loved ones, data shows

    Black communities plagued by high number of homicides, low support for loved ones, data shows | CBC News

    According to one estimate, young Black men in Toronto are five times more likely to be victims of homicidal violence than the majority population

    Three Decades of Epidemic Black Gun Homicide Victimization in Toronto: Analyzing Causes and Consequences of a Criminological Approach | Semantic Scholar


    So if you only look at the black communities in population, the violence and crime levels are astronomically higher.

  18. 10 minutes ago, herbie said:

    Not seeing the difference between killing people and terminating a pregnancy is what's twisted. 

    No, in this case he's right and you're wrong entirely. I was going to stay out of it but this is just rediculous. 

    There is an obvious and demonstrable difference between killing a person because they have committed a crime so aggregious that they cannot be tolerated to be part of society any further and also to discourage others from committing crimes like that AFTER a fair trial and legal remedy to ensure their guilt,  and killing an innocent person who has committed no crime other than to exist. 

    It's dumb. Even  YOU aren't that dumb. Stop it. 

  19. 5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

    From your first link...

    "blaming them for Easter falling on the same day as International Transgender Day of Visibility and embracing the false but inflammatory idea that trans people try to sexualize or indoctrinate kids at school. "

    These happen to be true Barbie.

    And there's the thing. 

    Republicans are fine leaving trans people to do their own thing. 

    The conflict comes when trans people start to demand that republican activities and beliefs and rights be infringed. 

    And guess who puts them up to that?

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