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Everything posted by West

  1. Andrew Scheer tees off on criminal Elizabeth May. Wooo
  2. Trudeau complaining about foreign donations is like Adolf Hitler complaining when the Americans freed Germany
  3. You must be a psychopath to be part of the 16% that supports Trudeau at this junction
  4. At this point you must be pretty narcissistic to be a leftist. These folk have no souls left.
  5. Chris barber has far more integrity in his pinky finger than you do in your entire body. You should be ashamed of yourself for your support of this nonsense toward your fellow citizens.
  6. Yup the stasi are alive and well. May be time to protest the jails and court houses.
  7. Jacks a gaslighter. Have an allergic reaction to medications and don't want to risk it? Too bad you nazi. Take it anyway. Jacky boy knows what's best for ya
  8. The difference between me and them is I'm not coercing or forcing them to do anything. If they genuinely believe the masks and vaccines work, wear three and take 12. I don't care
  9. Look at you. Wah wah wah I have to eat in a restaurant beside someone who disagrees with me ?
  10. You do realize we all work and that two weeks basically makes any sort of travel non-feasible right? Covid is all over the place. How is mandatory isolation doing anything at this point?
  11. You aren't serious.. I've got family in the United States. If I travel down there and have to isolate for 14 days when I return, how am I not being punished?
  12. And before that? What disease did I need a vaccine for in order to travel to my winter home in the US?
  13. They most certainly are gaslighting us here. You are a bad person for assessing the risks of the vaccine and making a choice that's right for you. You must be punished for that
  14. We most certainly are being gaslighted by the leftists. They can't come to grips with the fact that people can disagree with them and still not want their grandmothers dead. They have legitimate deeply personal concerns about the vaccine and should not be punished for wrongthink
  15. ? Sounds like you there tough guy. All about you and your irrational fear of those without the poke. I forgot: -Those who disagree with me on vaccines are by definition disease carriers and should not be allowed equal access to goods and services.
  16. They've never asked me. Don't we have some sort of agreement with them?
  17. Some ridiculous arguments I hear from leftists on here: 1. I have a right to deny you basic human rights because the majority agrees with me 2. Government mandates such as making it illegal for someone to treat an unvaccinated person with dignity by allowing them to sit at a table in a restaurant or firing someone over a jab aren't actually an infringement on bodily autonomy. 3. Governments intruding into your personal finances for giving to a protest that they disagree with aren't actually a violation of your privacy or human rights. 4. You can protest but only as long as the government allows you to. Failure to accept that makes you a radical and a treasonous individual. 5. God is okay with human rights violation because he supports all governments no matter their actions. 6. Coercing someone to do something against their will is totally fine and not a violation of human rights. 7. You are selfish for wanting autonomy over your body free from government coercion and manipulation. 8. A healthy person not staying home or wearing a mask is akin to killing a grandmother. Are we being gaslight by the left?
  18. I've traveled to the US regularly and have never been required to isolate until just recently. What's the purpose of these requirements any longer? Covid is in Canada already.
  19. If you are sick you should not pass the bug onto someone else. If you are healthy you should not be treated like you are sick...
  20. Look at you. I have property state side yet the Prime Minister has put unreasonable limits on my enjoyment of it. Every time i want to go use it, I would have to isolate for several weeks after even though I don't have the bug. Why? Because I wanted control over my body.
  21. Trudeau is totally free to look for another job as well
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