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Everything posted by Galloway

  1. 1. It will affect the black community far more than the white community. 2. Based on the systemic racism in many of the states introducing these laws, the "poor white" is going to have a lot better chance of getting a day off to go and get voter ID than blacks and hispanics. 3, Based on systemic racism, access to government offices to get ID is statistically easier for white people. 4. Based on systemic racism, access to transportation to get ID is statistically easier for white people. I'm sure there's lots of little things I haven't thought of that will add a 0.1% less likely here, and a 0.8% less likely there. That's the whole point of systemic racism after all. So little to do with intelligence, but everything to do with systemic racism.
  2. LOL, yeah, I think I messed up that first part. People will continue to die from covid, even if there was 100% vaccination. But the data says there would be far fewer deaths. They didn't nefariously "move the goalposts". They're working with new information, new variants, new techniques, new vaccines. They're giving us the best information they can, changing up instructions as they get new information, and that doesn't mean it's always right. But I would sure bet on it being right more often than a random youtuber or "Q". I don't believe any authority ever said "Only elderly people with co-morbidities die." Can you please provide a link to a reputable source for that claim.
  3. Except Trump lost what, 60+ court cases claiming fraud? Many of those losses before Trump appointed judges. Without any evidence demonstrating significant fraud occured, it is fair to say the current laws being passed to "prevent fraud" are actually intended to disenfranchise as many minority voters as possible.
  4. So you don't have a drivers license either because that's also "the government assuming they have the authority to do so." How does that work out?
  5. They are less likely to become infected, and thus less likely to spread it. As well, they're less like to get sick, thus saving hospital resources for the non-idiots.
  6. I had never heard of it until now. Failed predictions? It sounds like it's being run by "Q".
  7. Like it or not, China is almost certainly going to be the world's preiminent power in very short order, the Trump era did too much damage. Playing golf, holding rallies, spending hours every day focused on getting the perfect tweet, instead of putting in the hard work and developing a global strategy. So being pragmatic, which side of the world's superpower do we want to be on? Good? Or Bad?
  8. And another person being frightened with the boogieman. Very sad. Maybe we need to let in more immigrants and refugees so the country get's a backbone again? I can remember a time when Canadians weren't afraid of the boogieman.
  9. First, why does anyone care what a magical storybook character from 2000 years ago thought? What's next, Harry First, why does anyone care what a magical storybook character from 2000 years ago thought? At least use a more upto date character like Santa or Harry Potter. Second, the three richest men in the USA own more than 50% of the country's wealth. That's according to Forbes. Nobody deserves that percentage of a nation's wealth, it is utterly and completely ridiculous. And it shouldn't come as a surprise. The poltiicians changed the laws to make bribery legal. Then the rich bribed the politicians to improve their ability to make a profit. So the rich had even more money to bribe the politicians with, which mean more laws and statutes and tax exemptions were changed in their favour. So the rich had even more money to bribe.....you get the picture. There clearly needs to be some manner of limitting personal wealth, I would hate to think what Canada would look like if three Canadians owned more than 1/2 the county's wealth. It certainly wouldn't be as good a place as it is now.
  10. LOL, that must have been interesting. How did he blend the complete opposites of fascism's dictatorial oppression and communism's egalitarianism? Far right and Far left ideologies don't usually mix very well.
  11. What is that? It sounds like it must be a very scary bogeyman indeed..
  12. Yeah, afaik every government in the world does that. One can only imagine the chaos if it couldnt.
  13. For all that, Canada is the most educated country in the world according to the OECD, and the number one country in the world overall according to USNews. Things seem to be working out darn well for us so far, let's be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
  14. The numbers seem to be settling in pretty close to what they were last election. How is that "liberals leaving Justin's side in droves"?
  15. Jesus, don't give O'Toole any ideas. If he thinks Trudeau is going to give 100 million, O'Toole is going to promise 300 million.
  16. They're trying to use the same fear tactics in Canada that were used on conservatives in the USA. In case anyone hasn't noticed, America is heading towards 3rd world status in a big hurry. The right wing think tank Freedom House has them ranked 65th in the world in personal freedom, and that's before the Jim Crow laws flooding the country are considered. I wouldn't be surprised to see America drop out of the 100 freest countries in the world. In the last election we watched as almost 1/3 of American told the world they were willing to give up their freedom to be protected by a strongman dictator. Let's not let that happen to Canada.
  17. From what I've observed the "desperate" people are mostly well off conservatives.
  18. It sounds like you've been listening to too much FOX News, OAN, Newsmax, and The My Pillow guy.
  19. That's my take too. O'Toole is trying to out Trudeau Trudeau. It's not going to work. Trump has shown quite conclusively that the best way to get conservatives energized is to use fear and hate.
  20. Trump suggested injecting household disinfectants as a cure for covid, nuking hurricanes, and said windmills cause cancer. And he led the racist Birther Movement. Trump also catastrophically mismanaged the pandemic, resulting in hundreds of thousands unnecessary American deaths, he made 9/11 look like a walk in the park. The facts are clear, Trump's is the biggest "twit" and "total dufus" out there, it's not even close. ? I'm sorry reality completely refutes your OP. Maybe spend some time thinking and researching before posting such silly proganda, so you're not publicly embarassed like this again? Just to review, deaths this century: Terrorist deaths with Republican POTUS: 3,004 Terrorist deaths with Democrat POTUS: ~150 Unnecessary deaths caused in part by Trump's Catastrophic Incompetence dealing with covid: 200,000+ And the winner for killing Americans by incompetence is....Trump in a landslide!
  21. The Africa Report won numerous awards a decade ago. Now it seems sketchy af. All the citations are internal, nothing cited to reputable external sources. It's wikipedia page is virtually non-existant. Google doesn't list it on any media evaluation sites on the first couple of pages, which normally happens for reputable sources like The Fraser Institute. The Cato Institute. Etc If all that is true, you should have no problem coming up with a better source. I'll look forward to reading it.
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