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Everything posted by Galloway

  1. You keep providing links about conspiracies, but none of the information in the links proves your conspiracy claims. I'm still waiting for you to provide quotes from your previous link that give evidence for your conspiracy. I was right, you can't. ?????
  2. You never did say, why are you screeching German WWII slogans at us? Personal heroes? You a Trump fan? He loves him some "very fine people."
  3. I was just pointing out why your "stats" are fallacious. Sorry the truth upsets you so much, that must be a horrible way to go through life.
  4. Not even that. She's just inventing stuff whole cloth with me. It's hilarious, like watching the clowns come to town.
  5. As I've already told you, different variants have different transmission rates, and affect people differently. And why are you screeching WWII German slogans? Is it in honor of the people conservative Christians allied themselves with Jan 6?
  6. Don't be ridiculous. All you've provided me with are a bunch of empty claims. That and a lot of screeching. Please provide reputable sources, and a logical argument.
  7. Where's the conspiracy? Provide a quote from the article you provided that supports your original assertion. I'll be waiting, undoubtedly a long long time.
  8. The one "FACT" you've demonstrated is that you have no clue how science works. But by all means keep screeching and screaming if that helps you deal with your emotions.
  9. Of course you don't. But you posting random stats does nothing to validate your screeching and screaming.
  10. You know, if you quit getting so emotional, and slowed down on the screeching and screaming, you might learn something. Just saying.
  11. Why do you keep telling us about your delusional fantasies? You need to produce peer reviewed studies from reputable journals supporting your claims.
  12. What are you babbling about? Produce a peer reviewed study in a reputable journal to support your claims. Why should anyone put their trust you when you are factually ignorant about the subject you're discussing
  13. Got it. There's a giant world wide conspiracy, involving millions of scientists and healthcare workers, from all religions and countries, and they're doing all this to make the CEOs of Pharma rich, and to keep Fauci in power. ?
  14. Of course it didn't form out of nowhere. Conservative leadership has been working hard for decades instilling fear and hate into their base, to the point where they would rather hurt black and brown skin people than help their own children. See "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens" for more information.
  15. The main thing your link shows is that conservatives suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect. That doesn't mean they're smarter, quite the opposite.
  16. The problem is different variants of covid have different effects. They have different transmission rates, and affect people differently. Your "stats" don't take that into account. So why should anyone believe your simplistic and factually ignorant conclusions? Wouldn't that be the height of folly?
  17. That's a brave accusation. Perhaps WestCoastMan has access to all communications that occured between Hillary and the Russians, and he's planning on sharing the transcripts with us on this very forum.
  18. So you must be privy to all communications between all parties involved to know there was no money (or other benefit) exchanged for services rendered. How did you come by this treasure trove of information? Any chance you could share it with us?
  19. See the previous post. It explains how systemic racism makes it harder for black people to travel on public transit than white people. Government offices are placed to make access easy for white people. And the racists in public office, and there are lot in the USA, particularly the South, must take special pleasure in closing down a government office in a black neighbourhood. That's the way systemic racism works. So sure, black people can get to the public office. But extra hurdles mean fewer people make it. Any decent statistician can take the demographics and tell you exactly how many people you need to discourage in any given area to swing an election, and what sort of obstacles would discourage the required number of people. And that is exactly what the laws in each area are designed to do. .
  20. WTF, you think systemic racism is "a conspiracy theory"? That's messed up, especially when everyone has access to the internet. Use your brain for Christ sake, it's all about discouraging one person here, and two people there. Surely you noticed that lots of elections are decided by very thin margins? So you just need to discourage enough people to swing the election in your favour. Here's an article from Rice University that covers racism in public transit. They use lots of data, feel free to dispute it. https://kinder.rice.edu/urbanedge/2020/08/24/transportation-racism-has-shaped-public-transit-america-inequalities
  21. Well DUH! You really think they should have know everything about covid from day 1, without any research at all? You really think they should have know everything about vaccines that hadn't been developed yet? That's the way science works, the goalposts are constantly moving as new information comes in, as new hypothesis are tested. That's what makes science so powerful. The people you want to be careful of are those who get an idea into their head, and then no amount of new information or data can change their opinion. They're the real danger to our society.
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