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Everything posted by BeaverFever

  1. Immigration is necessary because we have a seriously ageing population and the boomers will all be dead soon and the population will crash. Immigration isn’t the problem, populations always grow.
  2. So is that a yes to my question which was: Your idea of Canada and “real Canadian towns” doesn’t include people of Indian descent?
  3. Cherry-picked anecdotes aside, blue states consistently outperform red states in education, child poverty, health etc. That has been the cases for decades.
  4. Your idea of Canada and “real Canadian towns” doesn’t include people of Indian descent?
  5. 1) “Blocked a road” lol minimize much? They blocked all the roads surrounding parliament and downtown Ottawa and border crossings for a MONTH. Doug Ford also declared a state of emergency and passed laws prohibiting obstruction of public roads etc and that law was ignored by the convoy. Yeah, you are getting into ridiculous hyperbole.
  6. Sorry once claim have no idea what you’re talking about, making things up and then posting links that completely contradict what you claim. Let me repeat some facts which are also stated in your link and then I’ll try to explain to you so you can understand how it works. 1) The Emergencies act doesn’t suspend any rights 2) The Emergencies Act doesn’t have anything to do with the Notwithstanding Clause Now for the explanation. From your own link: …. Impact of the Emergencies Act on individual rights When the Emergencies Act is invoked, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter) continues to protect individual rights as the Government of Canada takes the necessary steps to safeguard the safety and well-being of Canadians. In deciding on measures to take, the Government must respect constitutionally protected rights and freedoms, including the rights of citizens to enter Canada and the right to life, liberty and security of the person, as well as Canada’s obligations under international law. The Charter allows the Government to balance the rights of the individual with the interests of society where limits on guaranteed rights and freedoms can be justified in a free and democratic society. Specifically, section 1 of the Charter allows the Government to put limits on rights and freedoms if those limits: are set out in law; pursue an important goal which can be justified in a free and democratic society; and pursue that goal in a reasonable and proportionate manner. This means that during a public order emergency, as defined by the Emergencies Act, the Government must only take actions that are a reasonable and proportionate response to the risks to safety of Canadians. …. So as further explanation, in every country all rights and freedoms are subject to “reasonable limits”. In Canada, this is spelled out in Section 1 of the Charter…NOT the notwithstanding clause. That is why governments can prevent you from yelling fire in a crowded theatre or speeding through a school zone without having to invoke NWS to “suspend” your rights to free speech or mobility. Every right and freedom in any country on this planet is subject to “reasonable limits” with the courts having the final say on what is or isn’t reasonable. The Emergencies act derives its authority from these “reasonable limits” provisions in Sec 1 of the Charter and. doesn’t suspend rights as you claim So then you might wonder what is the point of the NWS clause then? To paraphrase conservative commentator and former Bush speech writer, if Section 1 of the Charter is the reasonable limits provision, the Notwithstanding Clause is the ‘unreasonable limits’ provision. NWS allows the applicable provincial or federal jurisdiction to suspend any right for any reason, or for no reason at all, it is the “because we say so” clause without any ability for courts to intervene other than to confirm that the law in question was passed under the correct jurisdiction (which is where Klein failed on same sex marriage as it is federal jurisdiction). And so to recap the Emergencies Act, which is REASONABLE LIMITS used for a specifically defined activity, place and time, was used by JT exactly once for a specific event and was upheld by the Supreme Court as reasonable….Compared to conservatives’ preference for broad and permanent general SUSPENSION of rights of the general public on multiple occasions for “unreasonable” purposes such as ideology (Klein and Moe) or trivial matters of municipal governance (Ford).
  7. LMAO how did I know someone was going to say that. Emergencies act isn’t the NWS and isn’t even part of the constitution. It doesn’t limit or suspend any charter rights, it is simply a 1980s act of parliament In fact just for the ill-informed, the legislation specifically clarifies that any measures taken under the act must be consistent with the charter and bill of rights. Also Emergencies act powers are temporary and were used by JT as response to a specific public order event. Meanwhile all 3 conservative uses of NWS were intended tonbe permanent restrictions of freedoms affecting how people live their private lives The people with bouncy castles laid siege to a city and blockaded major borders crossings for 3 weeks Millions of dollars of trade and economic activity was lost, workers lost their jobs or shifts as a result and other citizens in Ottawa couldn’t leave their houses to get to work Ford involved NWS simply because he had some personal unfounded ideas about how many people should be on city council Klein did it because gay people make him feel icky and he wanted to ensure they knew they were not welcome in Alberta. Moe os doing the same thing but this time it’s trannies, who are the “gay scare” of the current decade
  8. Moe, Klein, Ford. Funny how conservatives claim to be the party of rights and freedoms while also being the party that’s always invoking the notwithstanding clause to revoke people’s rights and Freedoms. Also the NWS clause is meant to be a temporary suspension of rights and has to be regularly renewed. Is that the plan from “the party of freedom” to just repeatedly suspend these rights forever?
  9. Sorry that is not correct. I don’t think any European socialists or far “wholeheartedly agree” with Nazi Germany as an economic model. You are massively overgeneralizing to make 2 disparate things sound more similar than they are. “National Socialism” is not the same as “socialism” and Hitler didn’t come up with the party name anyway the Nazi party already existed as a fringe populist worker’s party. Hitler took it over and eventually had its founder murdered during the “night of the long knives” after the founder left the party claiming Hitler had turned his back on workers and was colluding with wealthy industrialists and other socially conservative groups. The Nazis didn’t simply persecute “the socialist party” as you claim they persecuted any people they identified as “socialists” or having socialist values, period. The father of socialism, Karl Marx was a hated villain to the Nazis and the evils of Marx and socialism in general were frequently the targets of Nazi propaganda.
  10. We have no concerns for your conspiracy bullshit but we do have concerns for actual current events
  11. That attitude was the reality vis-vis USA Historically USA LOVES AND WANTS to be the only fully-capable military power in the west, with the other NATO countries providing token forces for the appearance of multilateralism and to maybe save USA a few bucks and a few drops of blood on some of the smaller less important missions. But now with half the Republican Party convinced that Putin is the good guy and NATO countries are the bad guys we have to step up and recognize that the world has changed and we can’t always count on USA anymore .
  12. It “spun out of control” a long time ago, what are witnessing now is just more of the dominoes toppling as was predicted decades ago. There are a number of contributing factors: 1) A division of powers between the executive and legislative branches (and within the 2 legislative chambers) which leaves the government effectively leaderless and unaccountable to the public, and beholden to a spiderweb of secret backroom deals in order accomplish even minor acts of government 2) An effectively leaderless party system in which each elected politician is essentially a self-employed opportunist beholden to no office in particular and who navigate the above mentioned spiderweb of secret deals for their own private benefit 3) Politicized public serviced. Whereas in most countries, most routine public services are run by qualified non-political public service professionals, America’s federal and state founders made a crucial mistake in deciding that these positions would instead be filled by elected politicians: prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, public sanitation, county comptroller, state insurance commissioner, the manager of the county office that stamps your marriage certificate…the .list is virtually endless and runs the entire spectrum from municipal to federal government. Many of these jobs are obscure and the public doesn’t even know what they let alone understand how to identify a qualified candidate to fill the position. For many if not most of the lower profile positions, the incumbent politician runs unopposed. Meanwhile the overall proportion of politically appointed staff in US government departments and agencies is also far higher than what is common in many other countries. So the public service in the USA is rife with puppet politicians and appointed party hacks while comparatively few positions are filled through any sort of merit-based hiring process seeking qualified job applicants from the general public. This results in another layer of spiderweb-crawling deal makers who are poorly qualified for the actual position 4) 40 years of neoliberalism and austerity which has destroyed the quality of life for the working class in countless ways, causing many to become more and more radicalized over time, particularly after the 2008 collapse of the us financial system. You can draw a straight line from the Republicans’ Tea Party movement which formed back then to today’s MAGA extremists 5) Decades of partisan political gerrymandering that redrew electoral maps along absurd boundaries to produce single-party voting districts that keep the existing incumbent party in power. The result is that politicians no longer had any incentive to be moderate or reach across the aisle and instead are incentivized to be more radical in order to please their single-party constituency, raise money and ensure turnout The most extensive and effective gerrymandering program was Republicans’ 2010 PROJECT REDMAP which was a coordinated nationwide gerrymandering scheme, the first to be conducted on such a large scale and the first to use advanced technology and data collection techniques to map citizens’ party affiliation right down to the street and even individual household level The precision and the scale of the Great 2010 Gerrymander as it is called has yet to be undone or duplicated This is why republicans wield so much more political power today than their actual number of supporters would warrant Gerrymandering is largely considered the reason that Republicans won the House in the midterm elections 6) 24-hour cable news which exploits America’s political polarization problem for ratings, with unnecessary dramatization of the news and airing debate shows where people simply scream lies at each other. The most extreme example being Fox News, which although it features less heated debate than the other channels, it is effectively the propaganda arm of the Republican Party and facing billions in settlements for falsely reporting 2020 election lies 7) The advent of the internet and social media which allows people to further polarize and only consume “news” that suits their ideology, much of which is false or fraudulent and originates from hostile regimes like China, Russia and Iran. It also provides politicians with direct access to raise money and generate publicity without going having to through “gatekeepers” in their party or society 8)The 2011 Citizens United Supreme Court decision championed by Republicans that essentially ruled that Corporations are people and that donating money is equivalent to protected free speech. This opened the floodgates of money into what was already a perverse system of legalized bribery and dark money. Thank to Republicans, “SuperPACs” can raise millions of dollars tax free in a slush fund that can be paid out to almost anyone for almost any purpose with little transparency….hence Melania gets 6-figure payouts from Trump PACs for picking out tablecloths for a fundraising dinner. The US politician’s job therefore is to raise as much money for the super pacs as possible and to serve the wishes of the largest donors, lest those donors anoint someone else to run for election in the gerrymandered district where the donor’s chosen candidate is almost always guaranteed to win. For US politicians, extremist policies, screaming that the end is nigh, and headline-grabbing publicity stunts are effective means of remaining highly visible to their donor-masters as well as attracting voter turnout and small donations from constituents. The good of the country or the welfare of the citizens has absolutely nothing to do with it.
  13. He doesn’t know what “socialism” means. He thinks it simply means “authoritarian”. Therefore in his view all authoritarians are socialist and vice-versa while all conservatives are libertarian and vice-versa. To him, the existence of right wing dictators and left wing democracies are impossibilities
  14. Hitler was not a socialist. The socialists were among the scapegoats whom he jailed and murdered by the tens of thousands. Every expert and historian describes European fascism as right wing authoritarianism. Obama didn’t invent the narrative of racism, but look at Republicans track record of hysteria and fear-mongering over immigrants, Muslims, common criminals, gays and now trannies and “groomers”.
  15. It’s not the Democrats fault the GOP is being overrun by the very extremists that they have been deliberately cultivating for the past 15 or so years. Of course extremists eat their own and constantly turn on each other that’s why they’re called extremists Mc Carthy swallowed the suicide pill months ago when he agreed to the extremists’ rule change demand that stipulated any ONE person in that parry of lunatics could trigger a confidence vote The Dems are simply heeding Napoleon’s advice to never interrupt your enemy while he is in the process of destroying himself. Asking whether this is good for America is the wrong question. This is yet another symptom of, rather than the cause of, the collapse of American politics and society
  16. If you ever come to know someone who commits suicide you will then learn how untrue that statement is.
  17. Government, academia and business often use formal terms that people don’t normally use in every day life. Nothing to see here. BTW, it was just a few decades ago that “visible minority” and “hyphenated Canadian” were also formal terms that “real people” didn’t use and that triggered the right.
  18. Nobody is “doing 2to” these people. The people who request these services are doing it to themselves “Great powers”? What relevance is that? And did you know 10 US states have legalized MAID? Also Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, are Experimental countries”? The solution to your MAID problem is easy, if you don’t agree with it, don’t get it. Problem solved. Stop trying to rule and micromanage other people’s lives.
  19. He’s long been known as pro-Putin Kremlin asset. Thankfully Slovakia is not an important country and the previous government has already donated most of the surplus military equipment that Slovakia has to offer
  20. I don’t think it does that at all. But I find it very ironic that the same people who are pro-Death penalty and who shrug their shoulders at tales of indigenous genocide, desperate refugees, the various horrors of colonialism, and until very recently wanted to carpet bomb the entire Middle East, resort to “sacredness of life” arguments.
  21. The people applying for MAID would rather be dead than continue living, which is pretty much the definition of suffering. It is not your place to judge their suffering anyway b
  22. Many feel it’s the best solution for them and that’s all that matters. Yes there are moral/ethical dilemmas associated with allowing people this option but there are equally valid and concerning dilemmas associated with NOT allowing this option and forcing people to suffer unimaginably against their will.
  23. How about I burn down your house and then pay you a $100 settlement AFTER FIGHTING YOU IN COURT FOR DECADES and losing then claim that fact that I paid you anything was proof of my generosity even thou I was forced to pay settlement you, then I call you greedy and ungrateful for not being satisfied with your $100 dollars then say “if that $100 is useless can I have the money back?” By the way the actual program spending on s not tied to any community needs. Historically their get % of the budget because was tied to their % of the population and has only improved slightly since then because of JT’s promise to fix the boil water advisories which is still ongoing In reality the demands you caricature are no different than those of a province, which technically FN people don’t have. These small communities don’t have the benefit of a provincial ministry of health, education, transportation etc they are entirely on their own to deal with these matters and therefore cannot achieve economy scale for public services that are required. In addition the remote and minimally developed locations for many FN communities makes the cost of service delivery even higher still. Historically they’ve had only the federal “Indian Affairs” department (the exact name changes from time to time), who is also often an adversary and an agent of the Indian Act, and who are not experts in any of these subject areas. Even though JT split this into 2 departments the reality remains that these small, scattered and often remote communities don’t have the resources or expertise for basic services. When non-FN people live in small towns their Province provides those towns adequate funding and access to provincial services even though those towns don’t generate sufficient tax revenue to pay for those services but nobody is doing that for FN I think a solution to the Indian Act is to bring the FN bands into confederation collectively as a province. In any paradigm there are people who benefit from preserving the status quo. There are certainly non-FN people who for centuries have benefited from policies that you admit keep FN down and continue to benefit from those policies. FN people are not the ones in power, they are running the country or the ones who have benefited from the Indian Act Chiefs have no power to abolish the Indian Act of forbid the government from abolishing it. And besides the only Chiefs the federal government recognizes are the band council chiefs that were created by the Indian Act. At the risk of overgeneralizing, these Chiefs are often wealthy local business owners whose interests are more aligned with non-FN industry and government. Many FN people consider these Indian Act chiefs to be illegitimate creatures of the federal government and instead follow hereditary or traditionally chosen chiefs, although the latter often have little real authority or recognition from the Canadian government. Many FN leaders have expressed opposition to the federal government unilaterally amending or abolishing the Indian Act without consultation or partnership to determine what it would be replaced with but nobody in the FN community says “keep the Indian Act it’s great”.
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