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Infidel Dog

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Everything posted by Infidel Dog

  1. Seriously? You mean you are going to make me go through every translated article until the details match? Why can't you do it?
  2. Also the story is at multiple sites. It's just English speaking media that's avoiding it. Perhaps the French sites and the French people who have been protesting this and 2 other recent attacks are also what you're calling "Islamophobes." Except the word is just an Iranian invention. I don't need Iranians making up English words for me. Islamophobia doesn't exist.
  3. Here ya go, Marocc. I had a little time so I found one, ran it through Google translate and it will give you a better idea of what actually happened. (And yes, she was dismembered.") https://www.europe-israel.org/2020/07/axelle-dorier-morte-apres-avoir-ete-trainee-pendant-800-metres-a-lyon-le-conducteur-sappellerait-youcef-t-et-son-passager-mohamed-y/
  4. Yes she was hit and dragged 800 metres by a group in a vehicle - one of them named Mohammed. That much does not appear to be under dispute. I'm not going to spend the rest of the day translating articles to get the sourced details though. Unless, of course you want to continue being snotty. In which case get used to idea you'll be hearing every nitty gritty little detail
  5. It's easy enough to check. Even Google can't hide it if you do an image search. There's tons of pictures of Axelle Dorier, the woman who was hit, with links to articles. https://www.google.com/search?q=Axelle+Dorier&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQwK6ji4DsAhVIgp4KHTd0DhAQ_AUoAXoECA8QAw&biw=1440&bih=761 There doesn't seem to be a lot of mainstream English interest in the story but according to what appears to be smaller French media and translated media there doesn't appear to be much doubt a woman was walking her dog when she got hit and dragged. There seems to be debate on the how the events happened and I think somebody on Twitter may have posted a fake photo of the supposed perp. https://freewestmedia.com/2020/07/23/will-the-death-of-axelle-dorier-in-france-ignite-the-identity-powder-keg/ They say this is Axelle:
  6. Apparently AOC offered the counter to that where she lectured that the constitution was trumped by Ruth's dying wish (according to her activist grand daughter and nobody else) that the constitution and all precedent be ignored so America could be forced to wait for a new President to nominate the next Supreme court justice. I couldn't find the video of that but I did find humor group, The United Spot's re-interpretation.
  7. Tucker puts together all the incidents for display of Democrats and their thug army of neo-Marxists threatening violence if the Republicans insist on following the constitution in the nomination of the next Supreme Court: Fall in line or else there will be thuggery on the streets. You'd think Commies would try something new, but no...it's always the same ol', same ol'.
  8. Planned Parenthood clinics target black communities as per her instructions so yes, she matters. There's nothing "hypocritical" about knowing that.
  9. Well she was one of a group of about 15 doctors speaking but if there is an unproven allegation of medical abuse against her then perhaps her testimony should be eliminated from the 15 until the allegation can be resolved. There are still studies and reports from medical facilities attesting to an effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine when administered correctly. I'd never heard of the Nigerian doctor but she is interested. Apparently the "Demon possession" claim comes from a line the leftist journal The Daily Beast found somewhere: It doesn't surprise that animistic beliefs still exist in Africa though and can be integrated into Christianity. Muslims are told by their "perfect book" sperm comes from the spine. They're required to believe their perfect book. Will you still allow them to become doctors?
  10. All religions can have some nutty beliefs. For example here's an animation in music of some of the nutty thing Muslims believe: The Doctor being attacked for her religious beliefs here got her medical degree in Nigeria. She practiced there and was accustomed to prescribing Hydroxychloroquine for malaria. She practices in America now. Her claim is as follows: https://heavy.com/news/2020/07/dr-stella-immanuel/
  11. I don't think you recognize hypocrisy so much as invent it. One notices the increase of abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and remembers that the creator of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, had a specific strategy of black babies being targeted for abortion. There's no hypocrisy in knowing that yet not succumbing to the bigotry of low expectations and realizing blacks have agency. They are capable of looking after themselves. Republicans don't have a problem believing Blacks are as capable as any others of getting ID and producing it when they vote. To see hypocrisy there requires imagination...or gullibility.
  12. I don't understand. In the first paragraph you seem to be saying Trump should have done more. In the second paragraph you seem to be saying he couldn't. The duty fell first on the state when it wasn't municipal. Are you saying that's the point? Americans are getting bad information drawing them to conflicting and incorrect conclusions.
  13. I'm kind of a fan of the evolving message of religion myself. Currently I'm incorporating the religious message of the band Babymetal into my Christianity. And I'm only half-joking. Babymetal tells us there is a Fox God (I suspect it's female). She is inspiration leading us down an unknown road. She can be deceptive but the ultimate destination is a summer festival of the joy in oneness. It comforts me to believe that and so I choose to. You choose to believe you're too much a smarty pants. Whatever...different strokes and all that. Pa Pa Ya. The Summer festival of Joy. That's my choice.
  14. There are end times prophecies in both testaments and most religions. Using them to insinuate a current support of genocide from followers is the kind of stupid that only works if you're hoping those listening are as stupid as the lack of intellect the insinuation is coming from.
  15. So it's as I suspected then. You are going back to the old testament for your allegations of religious of approval of genocides. You should have said that right away so it could have been immediately disregarded as the silly argument it is.
  16. Ordinarily I'd be happy to scream "CBC is Fake News" for you but this one is more a case of 'who cares?'
  17. 270 electoral votes are required to win. Trump got 304. That's a convincing win. Also there's no hypocrisy in McConnell's position. He has " said that when one party controls the Senate but the other party controls the White House, nominees should wait until afterward." That isn't the situation this time. Also Obama offered his supreme court choice justice choice. Biden won't do it. The suspicion is he wants an activist judge the people would never vote for. This voids the Democrats argument that the people need the option to choose. Also the people did choose when they voted in a Republican senate in 2016 and expanded that majority in the mid terms.
  18. Ted Cruz made a good point as to why they should get a new Supreme in there quick: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2020/09/18/ted-cruz-explains-perfectly-why-rbgs-seat-must-be-filled-before-the-election-n944445 And this is worth remembering: Three Supreme Court Justices Were Confirmed In Less Than 45 Days, Including Ginsburg
  19. Murkowski won't get on board but that's not because she's afraid of losing her seat. It's because she's a RINO. There's a few of those (Mitt Romney.)
  20. Things should get interesting now. The Republicans are going to want to get the next Supreme Court Justice nominated and sped through Senate before the election, Just in case. The Wahhhhhh of Democrats will be heard at an even higher frequency right up into November and beyond. One would expect it to go something like that anyway. Whatever... RBG is dead. This is a big one. It's for control of the Supreme Court.
  21. Mailing out ballots is a really dumb idea. No wonder Democrats love it. https://www.fox5ny.com/news/uncounted-ballots-from-new-jersey-july-primary-election-found-in-bin I agree some form of chaos is almost guarantied at the conclusion of voting this November. It would be best if Trump should win in a landslide. That way when the Democrats' goon squads try to terrorize the streets again Trump will have the power to put them down quick.
  22. And here's another subculture coming out for Trump: Well OK, just one Gay Conservative and apparently the Dems are not happy with him.
  23. Thanks, and you know what? What I've read of that piece so far is surprisingly fair. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/senate-intelligence-trump-russia-report/2020/08/18/62a7573e-e093-11ea-b69b-64f7b0477ed4_story.html You should have stopped there. The Guardian's 'let's flame Trump' piece was junk, But yeah, WaPo seems pretty fair this time. As was Fox.
  24. She makes an interesting Bolshevik, doesn't she? I mean, if she's being deprived by the racist class structure I'm not seeing the evidence.
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