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Infidel Dog

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Everything posted by Infidel Dog

  1. Trump was indicted in New York by the George Soros, legal toadie, Alvin Bragg. Not every New Yorker has gone full-out Prog Left, NPC yet though: Justice is blind...except in New York, where it's non-existent.
  2. Meanwhile back at the topic... Ron DeSantis has spoken" ""The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. It is un-American. The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent. Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda," stated Gov. Ron DeSantis" https://floridianpress.com/2023/03/desantis-responds-to-indictment-of-president-trump/
  3. This: Did a pretty good job too. Unless someone wants to stand in line holding hands with you chanting "There are no tranny mass shooters, there are no tranny mass shooters..." thinking, wishing it to be true will make not it true. I don't see anybody lining up to do it though. Too bad, so sad, your majesty. Come to think, and speaking of king lies, you might want to check out this one: "Never mind that 99.9% of mass shooters are straight white males -that’s not a pattern - the ONE trans mass shooter who identifies as a white male “proves” that trans people are the real safety problem! ?" That's definitely not true or to those of us who believe wanting something to be true doesn't make it so, it's what we like to refer to as "a lie."
  4. Speaking of ignoring the obvious: Are you for real? Do you have a set of eyes? Ever consider using them?
  5. Hey, I'm going to help you with that first one Beave because you seem to have a lot of trouble supporting your argument. Sorry, but the best I could find were the leftists at Snopes. https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/03/29/viral-transgender-shooter-claims-context/ They might help you with your fringies of Progdom who like yourself have bought into the whole, "ignore the obvious" thing.
  6. On the other hand, what is actually happening is you guys aren't happy with what happened to your "Woke" label - just like you weren't happy when people noticed it was actually your team pushing what you wanted to call "Fake News." Or "Climate Change" from "Global Warming" because it became too easy to notice the Global disasters that were supposed to happen from warming weren't happening. A few bad weather events we'd seen in the past but the existential disaster you promising wasn't coming. So now you're pouting because those of us who refuse to ignore the obvious see what you wanted to call "Woke" actually is. So you want to change it to "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" DEI. Not to worry that's garbage too and when we get the time we'll be by to point at that and offer our chuckling interpretation of "Look the Emperor has no clothes." BTW did you know CRT actually spins out of something the original cultural Marxists were simply calling Critical Theory. All it means is if something exists in the culture which is working to hold it together it needs to be attacked. So now they want to concentrate on race now. What was evolving out of the culture was becoming a successful construct. People were starting to learn how to get along with each other. Marxists couldn't have that so they started telling people "No, white people must always be victimizers no matter how hard they try to get along or how bad many of them have it themselves and blacks must always be victims until the end of time. I don't know...cause history or new interpretations of history or something. And if you think it doesn't it exist my advice is shove it up your ass and stop pushing it.
  7. Not exactly. It was more an Emperor's New Clothes kind of thing. They saw what it actually was and said look at that. That's what it is. Kind of like when I call a Progressive a Prog or when others call them the "Regressive" left. Know the tree by the fruit it bears. Like that.
  8. I see Mikey gave you a laughing smiling for that so apparently even you two know how ridiculous it is then. You forgot Mitch McConnel, Adam Kinzinger, Lindsey Graham et al though. Over in the land of actual Republicans they're not even calling that group RINOs anymore. They call them the "Uniparty" now because there's no real difference between them and Democrats.
  9. Nope. The Cultural Marxist migration happened. Try what you're always expecting everybody else to do for you and look it up. The evidence of Progs existing (like AOC as a minor example) and what they're about is available to anybody who wants to look around. And the chaos these two poisonous ideologies have wrought is well documented by anybody with eyes and ears who's willing to watch and listen. As to listening to both sides, take your own advice for once and try it.
  10. And AOC is nothing but a little dab of glue at the end of the chain described above waiting for the next link.
  11. No it doesn't. It takes a thought movement called "cultural marxism" to get a foothold in American universities after the Communists get kicked out of Germany during the second world war. Then it takes another toxic European ideology called Progressivism to move in and adopt it. After that, poof, the magic is done and before you know it churches are socialists and socialist are religious. Climate cultists have us convinced any summer heatwave is evidence the world is coming to an end from global warming, there's no such thing as girls or boys anymore so if your girl thinks she's a boy just cut her breasts off. Here's a handful of puberty blockers for your boy. Too much crime? No problem. Make felonies misdemeanors and misdemeanors felonies so you can imprison your political rivals. And if eventually anybody, like say some Republicans in congress says anything like "Hey...wait a minute this is nuts," not to worry, have your acolytes blame them for it.
  12. You can tell I'm just laughing at you now, right? You're getting ridiculous. The time is coming you're going to have to stop Black Knighting me. It's funny but it's only funny for so long. After a while we start to get embarrassed for you.
  13. And that's nothing but a conspiracy theory from a liar who calls people conspiracy theorists then dons his tin foil hat whenever it becomes convenient. But let's say it is somehow true. Ron De Santis through his evil cabinet was going to try to indoctrinate children into believing the civil rights era didn't happen and somehow the race of those involved was questionable anyway. Luckily for us then that heroes like yourself and the NEW York Times had saved the day by running around in circles pulling your hair out, squealing, "THERE WAS AN EDIT! AN EDIT!! Did you hear me? AN EDiT!!! OMG! An Edit!" It was a late Edit. Stuffed into a review that didn't have any power to actually decide on what the curriculum would be but that doesn't matter because Beave, R&R and their New York Times saved the day by revealing the the horror of the EDIT. OK, let's jump down that insanity hole with you for a sec and assume you're correct. You and yours have saved us all from having the future indoctrinated into believing there was no civil rights era and there weren't real blacks involved anyway. Let's pretend that was De Santis's nefarious plan before the NYT and their army of NPC progs thwarted it by running around in circles, pulling their hair out SQUeee-ing about "THE EDIT!" Very well. Even by your own admission the De Santis conspiracy is not going to happen now. You saved the day. Good for you. But what are you still complaining about?
  14. Beave, Beave. Beave. Can you honestly not tell that if you're trying to bring attempted murder, and the 2020 election into a conversation about this conspiracy theory you have that Ron DeSantis is trying make Rosa Parks white all you're doing is trying to build some more ridiculous strawmen you hope you can suck me into attacking so you can accuse me of building strawmen. And you still haven't answered the actual question. If your conspiracy theory is not going to happen and it's not, what are you complaining about? You get so exited Beave, it's amusing. You run around like this doing this slinging insults and hoping you can get me to chase you into your little field of strawmen and I and a few others just sit here chuckling like this .
  15. I'm going to help you Beave, because you seem to be having trouble manufacturing strawmen that the facts support. Here's the full paygated NYT article Rebound only wants to parcel out in chunks. https://news.yahoo.com/florida-scoured-math-textbooks-prohibited-121246612.html Lots of fun little half-truths and conjecture for you to use as straw for your steadily growing little strawman army. I'll still be wondering what you're actually complaining about though, when nothing you appeared to be concerned about in your title is actually going to happen.
  16. Oh, well if the King of Lies says so it must be true. But what we do know for an objective fact is the claim in the title of this thread is not going happen. So one more time. What are you complaining about? That an edit stuffed into a review of minimal importance too late for the publisher to stop it means what? To the future of the curriculum I mean. Nothing right? So I'll even do it again. What are you complaining about then, really? Stuff you'd like to believe might happen while you call anybody who isn't on board with your fantasized future scenario of what you'd like to believe a conspiracy theorist? That's all I'm getting.
  17. Now as to the edits. The Rosa Parks one was stuffed into a final revision before a review which didn't even have power of final decision on what would or wouldn't be accepted as curriculum. The reviewers could only offer opinion. The publisher of the the Rosa Parks offering containing the sneaky edit that was snuck in at the last moment before the Mickey Mouse "review" called it an abhorrent miswriting of history. Something like that anyway. And they're not happy with the "staff" that stuffed the bogus edit in before they could see it. They say those people have been identified and the situation has been rectified. But that isn't the story Beave wanted you to believe in his title, is it? Go ahead lie some more and say it was. What blows my mind is even after the publisher responded to the NYT story telling you the Rosa Parks edits will never actually happen some of you are still all in on the lie. The Publisher of the review offering with the sneaky last minute edit is no longer eligible BTW. There are different stories as to why but you won't be seeing that bogus edit in any curriculum textbook. So again, what are you complaining about?
  18. And as always every claim made above is blathered up BS diversion from the point. The Point is at has remained throughout this thread that the Title of this thread is a lie. This one: In DeSantis’s revised history curriculum, Rosa Parks wasn’t black or a civil rights activist That's not going to happen. No textbook in the final form will contain anything like that. So if it's not going to happen what are you nutbars complaining about? I'll give you fanatics credit for one thing. Some of you true believers are so locked into this lie that it's almost impressive.
  19. Let's check that out. Here is how my very first post in this thread began. Really? Did they now? Who says so? My god, Beave you have finally said something that may be correct. Was it an accident? I began asking you to justify the title of your thread and I'm still doing it. We're precisely where we started. Where the snake first began to swallow its head. Well can you then? Can you show me in the Publisher's response to the New York Times. Where they say the current textbook will be altered to say Rosa Parks was just some woman of non descript racial origins? Still can't do it, eh? How about showing me how it's possible for Ron De Santis to be responsible for something that's not going to happen? Is that proving to be too much even for the King of Lies? And also one more time. If you can't show me where the curriculum will be minimizing the race or importance of Rosa Parks to the civil rights story, what are you complaining about?
  20. I admit, Beave sometimes your willingness to say, present a picture of an Aardvark and tell them it's a tomato impresses even me. Here's what's currently up at the Studies Weekly Publishing website: Now show where in there it claims their next text book will contain anything that suggests Rosa Parks was not a civil rights icon or black. Then show me how what doesn't exist was the work of Ron De Santis. If you can't do that then what you appear to be claiming in the title of this thread is a lie. You should admit it and move on. But you won't. You can't. Liars can't admit they're lying. Instead you want to blather on about unrelated tidbits that have nothing to do with your central claim or inference or whatever that is in the title. And none of that matters because if there is nothing in the current revised curriculum as it will appear in their upcoming text book claiming Rosa Parks was just another bus passenger of unspecific race then what are you or your fellow, fringe, far left, numbskulls complaining about?
  21. See that? You can't preach-teach garbage like that in Florida schools and public institutions anymore. Doesn't matter how you try to justify it. That's all HB 7 says.
  22. No King of Lies. It's you again. They told you right to your face what happened but you seem to think if you just repeat the lie over and over again instead then what you want to believe becomes the truth. It doesn't. This is what happened. The Florida legislature was in the process of considering a bill that would make it illegal for schools or government to introduce policies mandating the preach-teaching of any kind of racism. Not even black against white. Not even the white woke against normal whites. In the meantime there was a publisher of Florida curriculum that had been publishing textbooks for grade threes. Their next volume was coming up for review before publishing. Just before the review somebody (either the New York Times) or an editor of the publishing house slipped an amateurish looking edit into the review and it appeared in the New York times. It marginalized Rosa Parks status as a civil rights icon and a black woman. In a response to the New York Times that appeared to be claiming that would be the new Florida curriculum the Publisher called the Rosa Parks claim an "abhorrent historical inaccuracy" and would never make it past the final review. It would not be in the final curriculum. The insinuation was some part of staff was responsible for stuffing in the edit when it was too late to stop it. The publisher claimed those responsible had been identified and the situation was rectified. As far as I know NYT and other leftist media lip servers never offered a retraction for their lie and their little fringe army of indoctrinated fanatics on social media started slinging out the inference of the edit as fact. That Ron De Santis had ordered a curriculum where Rosa Parks became a non-descript white woman. That never happened. It's not going to happen. Beave is lying again. He seems to think if he just keeps lying and launching insults we'll stop noticing he's lying. Speaking for myself that's not going to happen.
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