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Infidel Dog

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Everything posted by Infidel Dog

  1. Yes he's heading to the hospital for observation on possible side effects of this experimental medicine cocktail he's taking. A doctor starts explaining at about 16:30 of this one.
  2. Trump, Trumped him again... So sleepy Joe thought he'd slip out of his basement bunker to get the jump on Trump and actually talk to real people. 'Fire up the teleprompter, Jill!' Meanwhile Trump decides to take his doctor's advice on this new regeneron antibody treatment he's getting and hops in a helicopter to go to Walter Reed for observation in case there are any side effects. Everybody forgets about dithering Joe and his magnificent speech and flips to Trump's waiting helicopter. 'Damn," thinks Joe. 'That's a waste of a shot uppers to the butt.'
  3. This morning she's straightening people out on the reality of what has happened and will happen in the White House.
  4. Depends on the surface. Droplets remain infectious on different surfaces for different lengths of time.
  5. Because a grocery store is the only place an infecter might rub the sides of his mask then touch something else, right?
  6. I'm guessing you haven't seen the Meidas Touch ad yet. Basically it's a collection of question answers where Kayleigh was called upon to guess the future infection rate of Chi-Comm and she got the answers wrong. Apparently in progworld not being able to predict the future makes you a liar. Unless, of course, your name is Pelosi or De Blasio or Trudeau.
  7. Choose from your silly choices? No thanks. I'll ask you a question instead. You go to the grocery store and you want to buy fruit or vegetables. You have to touch one of the plastic bags they give you. Do you immediately wash your hands afterward. Don't smart-ass lie to me and say something like you bring your own bags. If you haven't done what I describe you've done something like it. Everybody does. Every time they go anywhere. The President and his wife have to go many more places one could get an infection than you or I do.
  8. I hear the left is now going after the # 1 on their hate list - press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. Apparently if you work for Trump and you didn't predict the correct number of Chi-comm cases you're a liar. It's disappointing that's the hashtag they want to spread this morning. I like Kayleigh.
  9. Testing doesn't prevent Chi-Comm. But the president and his wife caught the infection early by frequent testing and that's a good thing. There are different studies on the effectiveness of different sorts of masks. Mostly they might help stop somebody from sneezing in your face but they won't stop somebody from rubbing the side of the mask then gripping the arm of the chair you're about to sit in next. There is no right or reason to spread the probable lie that Trump caught Wu flu by not wearing a mask. In any case what I heard Trump saying about wearing masks was it's up to you whether or not you wear a mask and which one you decide to wear. He said when the policy of the place he visited was to wear one he did.
  10. In fact the first surface an infected person might touch could be the area around his mask.
  11. Masks didn't become magic because the President and his wife caught the Commie flu. You can get Wu flu if an infected person touches a surface, you touch that surface then rub your eyes. In fact they say that is the more common method of transmission. There's no more reason to believe Donald and Melania got the Chi-com virus from not wearing a mask than there is to believe Proud Boys are white supremacists because they beat up antifa. In both case those are just lies leftists and their media like to spread and the gullibles are trained to ape out.
  12. Democrats are enjoying the President and his first lady getting infected by the Wu flu so much one is tempted to suspect they had something to do with it.
  13. "A video compilation highlighted by One America News depicts 20 times President Trump has condemned white supremacists."
  14. Ann Coulter got a good one off. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/01/ann-coulter-is-chris-wallace-a-white-supremacist/
  15. I'm sure the Progressive Socialists and their followers would like that but unfortunately for them he's busy winning a second term as President of the United States.
  16. Actually the proposal/question "Are you willing to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in these cities as we've seen in Kenosha and Portland" is an example of a rhetorical fallacy called "Begging the Question." (Lately most people use the phrase incorrectly. Begging the question, sometimes known by its Latin name petitio principii (meaning assuming the initial point), is a logical fallacy in which the writer or speaker assumes the statement under examination to be true. In other words, begging the question involves using a premise to support itself. If the premise is questionable, then the argument is bad. I'm hoping this is not news to you, Argus because you're such a master of it. Almost every statement you make is an example of it. You and Chris Wallace. The assumption in the proposal under examination here is the suggestion that white supremacists or militia groups are contributing significantly to the violence we've seen across America. That, of course, is false even though it's necessary to be true to validate the proposal that trump reject it. It's not even true of the 2 cities the second on the Biden debate team, Chris Wallace, mentions.
  17. I'd have to ask the same question of you that Trump asked Biden's co-debater, Chris Wallace. "What white supremacists?"
  18. As far as "courting other Racist POSs" I've yet to see any verifiable evidence of Trump doing that. Biden has though. He backed segregation and proudly thought of a grand Poopa of the KKK (Byrd) as his mentor.
  19. The new prog order and their body snatched pod-people won't be calling it cheating when the inevitable result pops up in November and continues on possibly into the new year. Mail-out votes won't be counted for at least a month - possibly months. The possibility - I would say probability - exists that no winner can be declared. The Democrat's thug arm will erupt in more anarcho-terrorism. The Progressive Socialists pulling the strings of the Democratic party will declare Biden the winner while their lawyer arm fights every Republican vote and finds Democrat votes in bathrooms and the trunks of cars. Trump sees this and refuses to commit himself to walking away from the left-induced chaos when it happens. And if things continue as suspected with the mail-out votes it will happen.
  20. Biden interrupted as Trump was debating Wallace by interjecting the name "Proud Boys" to Trump asking "What white supremacist group?" It's worth noting (which means the people who should notice won't but...) Proud Boys aren't White Racists. 10 to 20% of them including one of the main leaders are people of colour. The new brown shirt, thug arm of the Democratic party wearing masks and black hoodies this time are the groups that have been Kristallnachting through America. Only Progressive Socialists and their gullibles don't know or pretend not to know this.
  21. So in one ear and out the other then. And apparently you're proud of that are you?
  22. Trump held a rally peaceful protest in Duluth after the debate. He gave his opinion on what went down at the debate. He also discussed other subjects. The wall, for example. You might be interested in what he says at the 19:45 minute mark Canucklehead. He'll tell you how they're coming along on the wall and how Mexico will be paying for it. Tolls and such. 10 miles a week, right now. 52 weeks in a year. 4 years in the next presidential term.
  23. Before the Chi-Comm virus hit the American economy was as good or better than it had ever been. The Commie flu did hit though. It was and is being dealt with and now the American economy is recovering faster than it ever has from its many recessions. Mexico not so much. Not doing so well. Plus the poor guys have to pay for the wall: Mexico WILL pay for a wall – Trump is right Mexico Is Paying for Trump's Wall
  24. You don't have to "admire the guy" to notice he's doing a good job you just have to get past your media induced bigotry to observe what's happening in the real world. Trump's doing everything he said he'd do. Everything he was elected to do.
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