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Everything posted by QuebecOverCanada

  1. No, even Mexicans and Haitians have their own countries. Québec, which has 8 million citizens living in it, can survive on its own. Norway is 3 million people.
  2. Not at all. There's no evidence and every Rabbi has a file, that he transfers to other Rabbis, to keep the names and origins. For example, my grand-father was a Jew in Brazil, and is still recorded as a Jew in Brazil even though he converted to Catholicism. With Crazy Eyes Cortez, it's impossible for her to have Jewish ancestry, I don't believe it whatsoever.
  3. I'm totally for separation of Québec if Trud¸eau is reelected too. So sad to see so many of my constituents especially in Montréal and wealthy anglophones places vote for the Liberals by default instead of choosing what is right. I know many people in my neighborhood who will vote for Justin Trudeau, because he raised the pensions (which I'm paying every paycheck, while I make only about 50-60K/year), and because of the immigrants. The immigrants who were given anything and everything they wanted from Trudeau government. Free shelter? We'll pay for your rent my poor poor immigrant. Free education for you? We'll give it to you my poor poor immigrant. Free healthcare? Please abuse it my poor poor immigrant, when we have 12h emergency lines in our already flooded hospitals. Free money? You don't need to work my poor poor immigrant. Thus, it's not rare to hear, a justification to vote pour Trudeau, the fact that the person justifies it only by saying 'Because I'm X identity (Greek, Italian, Haitian, Syrian, Afghan), I vote Liberals'. That's why we need to make it so strangers and non canadian born citizens can't vote and can't hold office.
  4. Apparently Alexandria Ocasio Crazy-Eyes is a Jew according to this babbling moron. Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed she had Jewish ancestry, sparking a social media storm https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-welcome-to-the-tribe-aoc-s-jewish-ancestry-draws-praise-and-criticism-online-1.6729319
  5. It's still something that makes me uneasy a bit, because where I grew up in Québec, everyone got along very well and racism was not accepted at all. Even in my super white rural neighborhood growing up when I was a child, there was no tolerance for racism at all, some kids would get beat up for that. It's not something you bring up in Québec. You may bring up the other person's language (English vs French) for its lack of cultural assimilation, but race, never. It's crazy that you have this mentality, and I noticed it when I traveled to Brazil too, this kind of 'race mentality'.
  6. So he thinks you are in chains symbolically still, intellectually speaking. It's so figuratively racist, and disgusting.
  7. Hi, I'm a Francophone myself. I think highly of myself and my counterparts. What do I think of the English speaking population? Not much, they just speak another language, even though I interact with the English a lot, since I'm located in Montréal. It's just nice that in Québec we have laws that protect our language and our culture. I just find that the English population in Montréal is mostly immigrant. Otherwise we speak French even downtown.
  8. Why did Michael had to mention your race in all of this? No one calls him out on his casual racism?
  9. You just proved in two sentences your total stupidity. When did the Republicans advocated for no taxation at all? When did the poor start killing each other for no reason? Are you that debilitated? Bin Laden was a billionaire. It's all about indoctrination, islamic indoctrination to be accurate.
  10. We're 36 million, you took stats over 8 years. Look now at the numbers in Somalia. In one casual day you have twice as much
  11. No because it happened once and isn't a cultural thing in Québec to shoot people in the streets or in the mosques, churches. It's a cultural thing where Omar comes from.
  12. Ilhan Omar blushes and gets wet when talking about Al Qaeda. She almost moans when mentionning 'Al Qaeda';
  13. Remember the Democratic Party is the Party of the KKK Here is Ralph Northam (Current Democratic Governor of Virginia), aka 'the Coon' (called that way by his classmates as a nickname), during prom.
  14. Oh, so you were serious about your support for pedophilia in the other thread?
  15. 'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/462604/We-can-t-prove-sex-with-children-does-them-harm-says-Labour-linked-NCCL
  16. Sorry to think that pedophiles shouldn't be viewed as normal and should be ostracized.
  17. Wow. I should feel the shame, not the pedophiles. When I say that Liberals support pedophilia...
  18. I hope the person is considered evil if it is a pedophile. It should feel shame and feel social distress about its condition. It's not normal and there should be a stigma about it.
  19. Science should not be an argument to normalize pedophilia.
  20. Leftists on full autistic display, once again



    It gets worse over time isn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. OftenWrong


      lmao nice rack!

    3. DogOnPorch
    4. QuebecOverCanada


      I found a new argument for BubberMiley; instead of saying the old 'racist' 'xenophobe' as insults to try to shut us down with such claims, he could just clap his hands and yell frantically 'I DON'T GIVE A F--------------------' and then dance on a stripper pole right after.

  21. I do not worry a little bit about that. You have no power whatsoever and lost the public opinion a while ago. You won't be able to implement those rules anymore.
  22. Good Spreading fake news, or lies, is very unchristian like .
  23. Instead of bombarding kids for no reason other than trying to kill unprosecuted Americans, like Obama did willingly.
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