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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. You replied back right away without even reading the article. What kind of proof do you want? The article has facts and figures. If you can't accept facts like that, what would satisfy you?
  2. "In the 60 days leading up to Jan. 12, including the period when Omicron took hold, the unvaccinated in the most vulnerable 80-plus group were 14 times more likely to die from COVID than their fully vaccinated counterparts, while unvaccinated 70-to-79 year olds died at 47 times the rate of vaccinated people in their 70s, the agency said. And those are the age groups that account for eight in 10 deaths, now and before." Why Canada is still seeing so many people die from COVID | The Province
  3. This article explains a little of why vaccination has saved mass lives: "Public Health Ontario put it in a different way in recently released data. In the 60 days leading up to Jan. 12, including the period when Omicron took hold, the unvaccinated in the most vulnerable 80-plus group were 14 times more likely to die from COVID than their fully vaccinated counterparts, while unvaccinated 70-to-79 year olds died at 47 times the rate of vaccinated people in their 70s, the agency said." Why Canada is still seeing so many people die from COVID | The Province Considering this it is hard to understand why some people would be so opposed to the mandates and health restrictions in this pandemic. Surely they could not want to see thousands of more people die when it has been avoided.
  4. You realize you and others on here have not mentioned the fact that thousands of lives have been saved by the health restrictions and vaccine mandates. If it were not for those measures, thousands or perhaps tens of thousands more Canadians would have died from Covid. Would you prefer to allow unvaccinated nurses to work with patients in hospitals or unvaccinated long term care workers to work with old people in care homes? Those people are exceptionally vulnerable to dying from Covid. It is a fact that thousands died before we had vaccine and it was largely brought into care homes by workers who had been infected by Covid.
  5. Anyone should lose a lot of rights when they become a law-breaking seditionist, which is what is happening today.
  6. If you had been watching the news, you would have seen the frequent reports of harassment, threatened violence, intimidation of residents and anybody wearing a mask in Ottawa. Trucker convoy: PM says protesters have to stop | CTV News
  7. You asked for a useful cite or reference on the benefits of Covid vaccination. This is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine | CDC
  8. You bring disrespect to the Canadian Forces veterans. I'm sure none of them would agree with you.
  9. So you are an admitted law-breaker and an anarchist. Got it.
  10. The Finance Minister has issued a warning to all those truckers who are part of the occupations that they could lose their trucks because their corporate accounts could be frozen and their insurance suspended. Basically that would mean they will be out of business. But she added they should get their trucks out of there now which could mean there is still time to save their trucks and jobs. The implementation of the Emergency Act also gives the authorities the power to require tow truck operators to use their tow trucks to remove trucks or vehicles from the occupation. They will no longer have a choice to decline.
  11. The great majority of truckers (over 90%) are vaccinated and are doing their job. They are not using their trucks for illegal blockades and occupation, which is harming many other people. Many of these occupiers and blockaders are not truckers but are hooligans, thugs, and anarchists, from Canada and even from the U.S.
  12. The Finance Minister just announced the corporate accounts of trucks in the illegal blockades will be frozen and the insurance will be suspended. She says now is the time to get their trucks out of the blockades.
  13. Premier Kenney says he has the legal powers and doesn't support the Emergency Measure Act use. If he has the powers, why is the Coutts border crossing blockade still there? Why hasn't it come to an end? When will it end in Kenney's world? How long does he intend to allow the border to be shut? The RCMP arrested eleven people and seized a pile of firearms at the Coutts blockade. These weapons could have been brought in because of the length of time this has dragged on. This is the danger of letting these occupations in Ottawa and border blockades drag on. It gives more time for extremists/terrorists to bring in weapons. That is why the sooner all this ends the better for everyone.
  14. We've already been all through that. Being vaccinated does not prevent one from catching Covid. But it makes it a little less likely and most important helps prevent a vaccinated person from serious illness or death. How many times do we have to repeat that?
  15. It would be pointless to work and spend time collecting the information because you have long proven you will not listen anyway. It would be a colossal waste of time.
  16. Would you prefer to live in the dark ages when a third or half of Europe died by the black plague? You would have loved those days with no vaccines, no government, no masks, no social distancing measures, etc. etc. You would have been free to get the plague and die without interference by government.
  17. Politicians are supposed to show leadership and vaccination is the only way out of this pandemic. Thousands more people would die without widespread vaccinations.
  18. Some private schools such as reformed church schools are notorious for not vaccinating the kids. They also had serious illness spread in their schools These people were made up of a lot of Dutch immigrants and their descendents who oppose vaccination and think it is poison. Sad really.
  19. Still in denial of the medical science.
  20. If a medical decision only effects yourself, then that is your decision. But in the case of a pandemic, when the virus is spread from person to person, then of course the is everyone's concern and government's responsibility to protect everyone.
  21. Vaccination has been a normal requirement in public schools for much of the 20th century to protect kids from serious illnesses such as polio, TB, smallpox, whooping cough, measles, etc. It helps prevent kids from spreading it other kids they are in contact with. Millions of lives have been saved by vaccines over the years. Romans Ch13, (not ch12) says God gave government authority over us. In the case of the pandemic government is acting in our interest to protect society from the virus. That's all there is to it.
  22. Well, that is a reasonable question. The answer is we are supposed to help each other. (love thy neighbour) That is why I am trying to help you. Arguing is pointless. Perhaps you can find a Bible-believing church in your area and have coffee and chat with the minister on a regular basis. If he is a good minister and believes the Bible, he should be a valuable resource for you.
  23. I can't see how you can call yourself a Christian and reject God's written revelation to man. That is an oxymoron.
  24. If you are a Christian, you need to read and believe the King James Bible.
  25. Defending the truth of what God said in his written revelation is not popery. I actually attended the Free Presbyterian Church for a couple years but found them to be somewhat popish themselves, although they say they oppose popery. However, I did hear the gospel from the Free Presbyterian Church and God used them to save me. I even had the honour of meeting Dr. Paisley. The Bible is God's revelation to man. If you are a true Protestant Christian, you will believe the KING JAMES Bible is the only infallible authority to live by. Dr. Paisley would not approve of your extremism; neither would God approve. You are following your own ideas, not God who wrote the Bible. You need to do some studying. That's not what I said. Follow the laws and you can protest things legally and peacefully.
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