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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. It might disappoint you but there were no "mass graves". That was fake news. There were unmarked graves, which could have easily happened because wooden markers or crosses rot and disappear. Mass graves are the kind found in the holocaust where a large hole is dug and a large number of bodies are dumped in the same hole. That is not what occurred at residential schools.
  2. Well it becomes obvious mainstream media has greatly mis-represented the residential school graves report. It seems they were very quick to report and sensationalize the story without any background investigation or reporting. They reported on it repeatedly in a way that caused hysteria among the Canadian population and did not present the true facts. As a result many people reacted in a predictable way, with anger and hysteria. Some went as far as pulling down and destroying statues. Others defaced churches and others burned churches down to the ground. Many politicians seemed to have accepted the media reports at face value and many did not strongly condemn the illegal acts and arson. As a result of these inflammatory reports, many cities even went as far as to cancel Canada Day celebrations. This new report goes into the details of what the misinformation was. Six things the media got wrong about the graves found near Residential Schools | True North (tnc.news) Since mainstream media got this issue so wrong, can they really be trusted in anything they report? Are they prone to automatically take the side of the left wing radical woke anarchists who seem bent on tearing down Canada? "A recent study by the consultancy firm Edelman found that 52% of Canadians believe most news outlets are more concerned with promoting their own ideology than telling the truth. Another 49% of Canadians surveyed believe journalists are “purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations.” CBC restricts comments section to hide opposing voices | True North (tnc.news)
  3. " Since this news came out, there has been a near universal assumption in the media that these graves are evidence of Canada’s Holocaust, as if the children had been deliberately killed. Genocide requires intent. It requires a concerted and systematic effort to conduct mass murder and eliminate an entire race of people. Canada’s residential schools, however misguided, had the intent of educating children, assimilating them into the broader Canadian population, and ultimately lifting them out of poverty. The policy was wrong, clearly. It was flawed and much harm resulted. But there are a few orders of magnitude that separate the misguided intent of Catholic priests, nuns and Canadian government officials versus those of Nazi firing squads and gas chambers. " Six things the media got wrong about the graves found near Residential Schools | True North (tnc.news) Let's face it; the woke left hates Canada and are trying to lie about Canada's past as much as possible to generate as much against Canada as possible. The media and many politicians are part of the problem.
  4. Never heard of an electric chair in a school. If such a thing were done, it was probably very rare and only an isolated incident. Same with swallowing vomit. If that were done, it would have been an extremely isolated incident. When I went to school I received some physical abuse in the public school from other students on several occasions. But I don't think everyone in all public schools had the same thing happen to them. They were isolated incidents Just like the things you cherry pick and try to claim they were common in many schools. In one public school I attended, the principal was big man who used to give the strap severely to students. He made them put their hands out and used a big strap about two feet long and several inches wide. He really gave it. I barely escaped it on one occasion when I played hooky one day. I was hitchiking to town that morning about 9AM. He lived out in the same area and guess what? It was the principal who picked me up to give me a ride. He asked why I wasn't at school and I said I was playing hooky that day. He said in that case you have to have the strap. When we got to school, he told me to sit in the hall outside his office and wait. Luckily for me the councilor came along and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was waiting to get the strap because I played hooky. He said oh, he said that eh. Just wait there. The councilor went into his office and had what may have been a heated discussion. Ten minutes later the councilor came out and said you won't be getting the strap. You can go to your class now. Physical punishment was the norm in the 1950s, and 60s in public schools. It certainly was no incentive to stay in school if one could just drop out and get a job and earn a little money, which I did.
  5. You better do some more research. This story has nothing to do the mass graves that have been found in various residential schools and for which the media and many red power activists and left wing progressives have been touting as proof of genocide. Six things the media got wrong about the graves found near Residential Schools | True North (tnc.news) "Let me refer back to a National Post story that explains what ground penetrating radar actually does. They interviewed a professor of Anthropology who is also the director of the Institute of Prairie and Indigenous Archaeology. She said this of ground penetrating radar: “It doesn’t actually see the bodies. It’s not like an X-ray.” “What it actually does is it looks for the shaft. When a grave is dug, there is a grave shaft dug and the body is placed in the grave, sometimes in a coffin, as in the Christian burial context. What the ground-penetrating radar can see is where that pit itself was dug, because the soil actually changes when you dig a grave. And occasionally, if it is a coffin, the radar can pick up the coffin sometimes as well.” We’re talking about pretty rudimentary technology here, and a relatively imprecise process. The numbers are more or less a rough estimate. So why have media reports been so bold in asserting these numbers as facts? " "Many children who died at these schools died of natural causes. According to the Truth and Reconciliation Committee report in 2015, the number one cause of death was Tuberculosis. " Six things the media got wrong about the graves found near Residential Schools | True North (tnc.news)
  6. People who abused native children did not do it openly. They know they are doing wrong and are careful to do things bad privately. That has always been the case. Abusers don't commit their crimes in front of other people. That is why it is difficult for police and authorities to collect evidence for crimes. It is difficult without witnesses. When a criminal denies he did something, you have to have proof or eye witnesses or he gets off. That is how the justice system works. There is a native who told his story recently of what happened to him at a residential school one day. He did or said something very trivial and the administrator or authority figure took him into his office. When the boy said something he did not like, he punched him in the face and broke some bones. They took him to the hospital and doctor. But the administrator had a false story of what happened and gave the supervisor a false story. The truth was covered up with a lie. Since the administrator who hit the boy and broke his bones did it privately, he was able to make up a false story to tell the supervisor who took the boy to the hospital. The boy was scared and did not speak when the doctor asked what happened. The supervisor who was present in the room said it was some kind of accident. The doctor believed it or at least did not question it. That is how it works. They commit their crimes privately and tell lies about what happened. The supervisor who took the boy to the hospital would not question his boss if he wanted to keep his job. There was an interview with a man and woman who worked in a residential school and observed the harsh treatment of students around 1970. They tried to report it to someone but nobody listened and they were eventually fired. Authorities in schools just downplayed and denied wrongdoing and government inspectors did little or nothing. That is how it worked. It does not help to compare the schools with German concentration camps for the Jews in WW2. They are not in the same league and it gives people a very false picture of the reality.
  7. You still don't get it. We all agree there were crimes committed against some native children. But this was a relatively small number. What happened in this place was a horrendous crime. But that does not meet the definition of a genocide. The way people are using the word genocide, they are implying thousands of children were murdered in schools across the country which is a lie. That creates hatred, which is the Devil's objective in all this. They also imply there was a government / church policy to commit genocide which is a deplorable lie. genocide- NOUN the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Most of the 4,000 or so that died in residential schools died over a hundred years and died from diseases. We are talking about perhaps 150 schools over 100 years. There is no evidence they were murdered. It is irrational to claim they were deliberately killed or murdered. People that claim genocide or murder when there is no evidence to support that are provoking hate in the country. Genocide was something like the murder of vast numbers of people in Rwanda or in the holocaust. That would be a proper use of the term genocide.
  8. Just because you heard some woke leftists in the media call it genocide, you decide to go with that without having a clue of what it is all about. About 150,000 attended residential schools in a 100 year period and several thousand (4,000 to 6,000) died of likely mostly diseases and illness. No they did not wipe out the 150,000 aboriginals in schools. It impossible to have a rational discussion with someone who believes the red power radicals claims of genocide when you have no facts or proof of anything. The people who ran the schools were not killing students. We already know there was sexual abuse, physical abuse. But a lot of the people who worked in those schools are gone now. There may be some still alive from more recent times. But if you have any proof or factual information of crime, you should report it to the police.
  9. Let's face it; some countries are crime-ridden and terrorist-ridden. Haiti is one of them. Nigeria is another. Somalia and other countries in Africa. We have taken immigrants or border crossers in from some of those kinds of places and they committed serious offences in Canada.
  10. You make claims with absolutely no proof. Meaningless.
  11. The definition of genocide means there was no genocide of the residential school children. There is no evidence they were killed. Sure they were in many cases abused physically and mentally. But that doesn't equate to murder. There may have been neglect in caring for them and some died as a result, but that still doesn't meet the definition of genocide. The cultural genocide is a false claim. The purpose of the schools was to assimilate the aboriginal children into white man's society but calling it a cultural genocide is a stretch. Using the word genocide is deceptive and misleading. Natives drive pickup trucks, cars, and live in houses. Are they really complaining about that? No. They use the public health care system instead of going to a medicine man. Are they complaining about that? No. People who throw the word genocide around need to wake up and act more responsibly with their words. They are inciting hatred and possibly criminal acts.
  12. White immigrants from Europe are not involved in crime. Your insinuation is pure fiction. Where did you come from? Did you hear on the news somebody in Haiti just assassinated the President of Haiti? Great place! Haiti has a history of instability, violence and coup d' etat. Even the liberal CBC admitted that this morning. Yet how many immigrants or illegal border crossers came in from Haiti? How many of the Toronto gun criminal's parents or grandparents came from Haiti? Those are the kind of places that should be on the ban list. Trump had the right idea when he closed the borders to certain countries. Those are the exact kind of places Canada gets a lot of it's immigrants from.
  13. If Biden and his cronies say the military must take biological men claiming to be women in, the brass will do what they're told if they want to keep their jobs.
  14. The truth is not all men are rapists or perverts. But definitely there are some who are. Biological men who claim to be women and go into women's washrooms or change rooms is a problem to begin with. Any biological male can claim to be a woman and go into women's facilities with ulterior motives. I would not be happy if I had a daughter who happened to be in such a situation.
  15. Interesting how certain groups get special status in Canada, making the rest of us second class. Even the French who married natives are called Metis and given special status. Figure that out. What makes them so special? Some Canadians with special status get certain benefits the rest of don't get and have to pay for ourselves. "The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) sponsors the Métis Health Benefits program to provide eligible Indigenous Métis residents of the Northwest Territories access to a range of benefits not covered by hospital and medical care insurance. Through this program, NWT residents receive coverage for eligible prescription drugs, dental services, vision care, medical supplies and equipment." NWT Métis Health Benefits Program | Health and Social Services (gov.nt.ca)
  16. I have seen a hacker come into my computer after I made a political comment on an elected MLA's Facebook page. The timing of this hack seemed more than a coincidence. Be aware, there may be more going on behind the scenes as far as surveillance than we realize. I could see the hacker going through every word on my screen and highlighting each word in yellow or blue. This is not normal computer behavior but is obviously a search by an intruder, a violation of privacy rights. Or it may be a state tool to intimidate or silence opposition critics on the internet. I found a website which has software and shows how to trace hackers. I will look into this. Freedom exists to a certain degree only if we stand up and defend it. Otherwise we lose it and we become more like a totalitarian Communist or Fascist state. "When your computer is hacked, a hacker will typically install a Remote Access Trojan, or RAT, that will allow them to gain access to it again in the future. This trojan will listen on a TCP or UDP port and wait for connections from the remote user. Once the remote user is connected they will have full access to your computer and be able to access files, programs, screen shots, and possibly your web cam." from: Tracing a hacker (bleepingcomputer.com)
  17. Canada is bringing some bad people into the country. That needs to stop. Why is the media hiding the information about the suspect who reportedly deliberately killed the police officer in Toronto? Where did he come from and when did he arrive in Canada?
  18. What happened 50 or 100 years ago is no excuse to destroy property that belongs to Canadians. The criminals need to be brought to justice.
  19. It was on BC Global TV news tonight. Minister Farnsworth possibly of Public Safety condemned the comment.
  20. Kind of like the head of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association who apparently tweeted "burn them down". She is under heavy fire from government and other sources. Doubt she will keep her position in an organization like that. I'm pretty sure she just ended her career in that position. Many people have lost high-ranking positions for saying a lot less.
  21. There were non-biblical sources. Probably one of the most well known was Josephus, a Jewish historian, who lived around the time of Christ. Quote: 4. Flavius Josephus A Jewish historian, became a Pharisee at age 19; in A.D. 66 he was the commander of Jewish forces in Galilee. After being captured, he was attached to the Roman headquarters. There are three valuable references for New Testament students. One (Antiquities xviii. 5) describes John the Baptist just as the Gospels do. The second (Antiquities xx. 9) describes the death of James: The reference to Jesus being the brother of James fits the New Testament data, but that Jesus is further identified as the Christ is remarkable in light of the following quotation from Josephus. Here He is already called the “Christ,” i.e., the Messiah. The third excerpt from Josephus is of special interest because of what it says about Jesus: Jesus is called a wise “man” (hinting that he might be more than a man), did wonderful works, was a great teacher, was the Messiah, was condemned by Pilate (at the instigation of the Jews), rose from dead on the third day (in fulfillment of the Old Testament), and a movement of “Christians” continued at the time of Josephus’ writing. Value: This is the strongest corroboration of the resurrection of Jesus and his mission outside of the New Testament documents. Unquote Historical References to Christ From Non-Biblical Authors | Free Thinking Ministries There are several other historical figures that are described in this article. Of course anyone who saw the miracles that Jesus performed while on earth and then saw him after his resurrection would be "eager to promote Christ". Because that is something worth promoting. They put their lives on the line and some died for the faith. People do not promote something they know is false, but when they know something is true, of course they would promote and support it with all their strength. Your claim that the Bible is heavily edited is nonsense. The King James Bible is based on the Hebrew manuscripts for the O.T. and the Received Text for the New Testament. These are the majority Greek manuscripts from the early centuries. About 5,000 early Greek manuscripts or parts of manuscripts were preserved down through the centuries. The only edited Bibles are the corrupt modern translations which were produced in the last 150 years. They are based more on the corrupt Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts. The four writers of the four gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These are traditionally believed to be the writers of the four gospels. If you are looking for forensic evidence, I don't know if there is any that would fit a legal definition and is not considered a requirement for the past 1,900 years. The Bible Journey | Who wrote the Gospels?
  22. Thank the woke, progressive politicians like Biden and Democrats for this situation. Now male perverts pretending to me females can expose themselves to women and children and there don't appear to be any consequences. Any male can put on some women's clothes, claim he is a woman, and go into a woman's facility and expose himself or sexually assault women or young girls. In fact they have Antifa types defending this behavior and using it as an excuse to assault people. Seems to me Biden was working on legalizing biological males using women's facilities under the alleged claim of equality for all. This problem is purely man-made.
  23. All events and facts of history are written down accounts of witnesses. That is just a fact of life. Courts of law accept it especially when there are multiple eye witnesses. So why wouldn't you accept it with the Bible?
  24. Oh! Then why is it illegal to walk out in public naked exposing yourself? Isn't swearing in a public place actually illegal? Behaviour is a word that could included anything. I'm sure there is a long list of things under the title behaviour that would be illegal. And lots of things that are illegal behaviour actually come from the Bible, like stealing, killing, and harming other people. Afraid you lost badly on that claim.
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