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Quote As the Climate-gate controversy continues to grow, amid charges of hiding and manipulating data, and suppressing research by academics who challenge global warming, there is one oft-repeated defense: other independent data-sets all reach the same conclusions. "I think everybody is clear on the science. I think scientists are clear on the science ... I think that this notion that there's some debate . . . on the science is kind of silly," said President Obama's Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, when asked about the president's response to the controversy on Monday. Despite the scandal, Britain's Met, the UK’s National Weather Service, claims: "we remain completely confident in the data. The three independent data sets show a strong correlation is highlighting an increase in global temperatures." But things are not so clear. It is not just the University of East Anglia data that is at question. There are about 450 academic peer-reviewed journal articles questioning the importance of man-made global warming. The sheer number of scientists rallying against a major intervention to stop carbon dioxide is remarkable. In a petition, more than 30,000 American scientists are urging the U.S. government to reject the Kyoto treaty. Thus, there is hardly the unanimity among scientists about global warming or mankind's role in producing it. But even for the sake of argument, assuming that there is significant man-made global warming, many academics argue that higher temperatures are actually good. Higher temperatures increase the amount of land to grow food, increase biological diversity, and improve people's health. Increased carbon dioxide also promotes plant growth. Unquote Surprise, Surprise, Many Scientists Disagree On Global Warming | Fox News List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming | Global Warming Wikia | Fandom News - Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming | Heartland Institute There Is No Climate Emergency, Say 500 Experts in Letter to the United Nations | American Enterprise Institute - AEI NASA Scientists Dispute Climate Change (businessinsider.com) The 10 Most-Respected Global Warming Skeptics (businessinsider.com) Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming: Second Edition: The NIPCC Report on Scientific Consensus eBook : Idso, Craig, Carter, Robert, Singer, S. Fred, Noon, Marita: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store This article is the kicker: MITCHELL: Do 97% of the world’s scientists believe that man has caused global warming? But it won't let me add the link. Google it or I will try to add it to a second reply.
Almost every political panel and discussion on CNN is from a Democratic or Liberal perspective, which is left-leaning. Not sure how you get "right" out of that. That does not mean I disagree with everything I hear on CNN. I oppose the gun lobby in the U.S. and the widespread presence of handguns and assault rifles. I also oppose abortion, which liberals and CNN generally support.
God spoke to the Apostles and Prophets. Once the Bible was completed there was no more men who could legitimately claim to receive God's words. The Bible verifies that and warns against anyone adding to or taking away from the words of the Bible. There were only one set of Apostles. After they passed away, no more genuine Apostles existed.
It does not say he was doubting the existence of God. He said "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46 Forsaken does not mean he was doubting the existence of God. “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46, KJV). This cry is a fulfillment of Psalm 22:1, one of many parallels between that psalm and the specific events of the crucifixion. It is difficult to understand in what sense Jesus was “forsaken” by God. It is certain that God approved His work. It is certain that Jesus was innocent. He had done nothing to forfeit the favor of God. As God’s own Son—holy, harmless, undefiled, and obedient—God still loved Him. In none of these senses could God have forsaken Him. The prophet Isaiah says this about the Messiah: “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4–5). Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us (Galatians 3:13). He was made a sin-offering, and He died in our place, on our account, that He might bring us near to God. It was this, doubtless, that intensified His sufferings and part of why Jesus said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” It was the manifestation of God’s hatred of sin, in some unexplained way, that Jesus experienced in that terrible hour. The suffering He endured was due to us, and it is that suffering by which we can be saved from eternal death. In those awful moments, as evil men were allowed to do whatever they wanted to Jesus, our Lord expressed His feelings of abandonment. God placed the sins of the world on His Son, and Jesus for a time felt the desolation of being unconscious of His Father’s presence. It was at this time that “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). There is another possible reason for Jesus to cry out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” It could be that Jesus’ intent in quoting Psalm 22:1 was to point His hearers to that psalm. When they read Psalm 22, they would no doubt see the many fulfilled prophecies included in that song of David. Even while experiencing the agony of the cross, Jesus was teaching the crowds and proving yet again that He was the Messiah who fulfilled the Scriptures. Unquote Why did Jesus say, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” | GotQuestions.org That website usually has good explanations.
Yes, there are many millionaires and billionaires who believe in the freedom of the market, but that has nothing to do with truth (biblical) and error, and nothing to do with salvation or damnation. There is only one truth which God gave man in the form of the Bible (KJV). This is a source of absolute truth and it's importance to every individual cannot be overstated. Those who mock it or invent their own religion or own truth, well, what can one say. God is the judge.
More Hate Mongering From Trudeau
blackbird replied to WestCanMan's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
I'm not a huge fan of Poilievre but I think he does have a chance of beating Trudeau, who is enormously unpopular with many voters. I don't agree with Poilievre's support of the convoy and meeting with them and don't agree with his opposition to vaccine mandates and pandemic measures. But there is nobody else around who could possibly beat Trudeau. So it is a matter of voting for the lesser of he evils. That's how our system works. We have to vote for the lesser evil and there are only a few choices. Jagmeet Singh is the last person I would vote for. He is a diehard Socialist. He thinks billionaires (or millionaires) are the worst and believes they should be taxed very heavily. That is Communism which won't work. It would be a disaster. Most investment would flee from Canada if we had an NDP government. There are many more investment friendly places in the world for them to go. Jagmeet and the NDP don't understand anything at all about the real world. They have a simpleton view of everything. They think government can provide everything for everyone and believe in big government control of everyone. They would be a disaster. It's not how the real world works. Capitalism or free enterprise is the best system in the world and is what produces wealth and prosperity. This has been proven repeatedly. There must be incentive for people to innovate, produce, and work in society. Human nature being what it is will always have lazy, loafers who want to live off others and off government. We can't have government robbing those who produce everything to give everything to the loafers. Jagmeet is also a bit of a revolutionary. He said the Cuban Communist revolution was good for the people. Ignored the fact thousands were killed and thousands locked up in prison and Cubans lost their freedom. Cuba has been struggling in poverty ever since. -
What exactly is the "great reset"?
blackbird replied to Thinkinoutsidethebox's topic in Political Philosophy
The Liberal Party of Canada under Trudeau has shifted far left under the new woke movement and no longer represents the central part of Canada. -
What exactly is the "great reset"?
blackbird replied to Thinkinoutsidethebox's topic in Political Philosophy
Sounds like Trudeau's modus operandi. He is working on taking away Canadian's freedom of speech under the guise of banning hate speech. He is unlike any other PM we have had. Not much respect for Charter Rights of basic human rights of freedom of speech. The problem of exalting the Charter is it depends who and how it is interpreted and neglects the basic truth that humans have basic human rights regardless of what a piece of paper or men say. Even the Liberals and their left leaning supporters have shifted away from defending basic freedom of speech in the last 20 years. It's not the same centrist party it once was. It has moved far left with the new woke movement. -
Quote For Canadians who believe in free speech, it’s time we recognize the damage that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has done to the Liberal Party of Canada. He has abandoned voters at the centre and appeals to an increasingly left-wing base that breaks from the federal Liberal party’s past support for free speech. Unquote Jamil Jivani: Trudeau has damaged the Liberal party's commitment to free speech (msn.com) The time may be coming when such forums as this may be banned and social media may be very strictly censored if Trudeau and his supporters have their way. Trudeau's attitude seems to indicate he wants to be crowned as absolute monarch and arbiter of everything every citizen speaks. Anything he disagrees with will be classified as "hate speech" and banned. It's as simple as that.
It was apparently a hardware problem to do with with servers. Could be software related. As far a I can tell, there is no simple "backup plan" because the system is made up of such a vast amount of servers, electronic equipment controlled by software. A backup would mean another duplicate complete network which is not economic or feasible. Whether they can build some kind of backup system into it I don't know. All I was doing in pointing out healthcare is giving an example of the failures in every system, be it the internet, health care, transportation systems, etc. There is no perfect man-made system of such complexity and vast size. People want a public health care system, but it looks like politicians and their supporters don't want to pay for it and now that it is shared with the federal government, it is easier to pass the buck and blame the other level of government for not paying enough to fund it properly. All this seems to be a flaw with a Socialist health care system. If it were funded solely by the provinces, at least everyone would know who to blame and politicians could not play political games with it and blame the other level of government. This is what we are witnessing now.
The telecommunications network is made up of countless microprocessor circuit boards all interconnected. The servers that failed are made up these circuit boards which are simply man-made and not infallible. I don't see how any government can prevent that vulnerability. Hardware and software are simply man-made and always will be subject to failure sooner or later. The cost of the system is likely billions of dollars so it would not be possible to build a backup system alongside the working system. Nobody wants to pay for that. The fact is Canadians don't even have a reliable, efficient health care system. Provincial and federal governments don't want to fund the health care system properly. It already takes tens of billions of dollars to fund the health care system in each province. So politicians are scared stiff of increasing taxes to fund it properly. Everybody demands a proper health care system, but nobody wants to pay for it. Think how they would react if the cost of smart phones, internet, and television had to be doubled in order to pay for a backup system. It's not going to happen.
You did say earlier that Jesus is not God. Do you realize that is considered heresy by orthodox Christianity? You can't make up your own theology. That's why we have the Bible. What Is A Heretic? Are There Heretics In The Church? (whatchristianswanttoknow.com)
He claimed that Jesus is not God. I don't think he understands the basic teachings of the Bible. But then I don't know what you believe. You have never said. quote If that person says that Jesus was not God, then that’s heresy, and heretics speak heresies, and they must be silenced, at least in the church, so unless someone questions the divinity of Christ, the sinless-ness of Jesus, or His being our Lord and Savior, we can’t call someone a heretic for things that are not critical to our salvation. unquote What Is A Heretic? Are There Heretics In The Church? (whatchristianswanttoknow.com) What do you believe? Do you know the basics of Christianity or what it means?
A prime example of a complete lack of knowledge of Christianity and the Bible. Likely never even read much of the Bible. Talking complete nonsense. 1. Christianity started on the day of Penticost. Read the book of Acts. 2. There were early Christians of course before Constantine legalized Christianity in 312 A.D. He had nothing to do with "canonizing" the New Testament. The New Testament was written in the first 100 years after Christ was crucified and rose from the dead. 3. The acceptance of the New Testament was a process of recognizing it was inspired over a period of a few hundred years. Other "gospels" or writing that are not in the N.T. were not accepted as legitimate inspired Holy Scriptures and that is why they were not included. 4. The point of the N.T. was God communicating to mankind the gospel of Jesus Christ. Nothing to do with uniting the Roman Empire.
Perhaps you could explain how I misinterpreted the verses I quoted. I am sorry to say I don't think you know what you are talking about. You and Dougie are totally way off base.. Sorry but you guys are way out of your league. Maybe come on here with a more humble attitude willing to receive information and learn something instead of just throwing out nonsense. That would serve you better. Just trying to win brownie points on a forum by speaking nonsense won't cut it for anyone who knows the truth. The King James Bible was or is a translation for the English speaking people produced in the UK in 1611 for the obvious reason that nobody spoke Greek and Hebrew and nobody has the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. So a good English translation was needed for the people. The KJV was based on the Received Text, the best manuscripts available which have proven to be accurate. It has been used by hundreds of millions of people around the world in the last 400 years.
You are obviously not reading or paying attention to the verses I quoted to you.
I just gave you the article with verses that show Jesus is God. Did you read them and consider it? Look at John 5:18. Jesus was calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God. That is especially why the Jews wanted to kill him. Read the first chapter of the gospel of John. It refers to the Word as God in verse 1. Then in verse 14 it says the word became flesh (Jesus) and dwelt among us. So Jesus (the Word) came to earth and dwelt with the people. He took on human flesh. That is what it says.
quote The Bible teaches that Jesus is God in many places. However, there is no place where the exact three words “Jesus is God” occur. But we don’t need those exact words to determine that Jesus is God in the flesh because the Scriptures declare his deity in different ways. There are many verses that teach this. John 1:1,14, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…14, And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 5:18, “For this cause therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.” John 8:24 – “I said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins.” (The word “he” is not found in the Greek. Compare with Exodus 3:14) John 8:58 with Exodus 3:14. John 8:58, “Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” Exodus 3:14, “And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” John 20:28, “Thomas answered and said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” Col. 2:9, “For in Him all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form.” Phil. 2:5-8, “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Heb. 1:8, “But of the Son He says, “Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever, and the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom.” So, it should be quite clear that the writers of the New Testament considered Jesus to be divine. Unquote Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus is God? | carm.org NO, I don't worship a book. As I said, I worship the God who inspired men to write the book. So it must be reverenced, studied, and believed. It is one way God speaks to me personally and speaks to others personally. It is therefore not just any book, but a very special book, particularly the King James Version.
Jesus may not have said it in that specific way or using those specific words, but the general teaching and other things that he said dis make the claim that he is God. One reason the Jews had him crucified was because he claimed to be God.
Jesus said "16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 KJV When God said that one must believe in him to have everlasting life, is that not an "official decree"? I think it is pretty clear. That and similar verses are official and are decrees.
In the beginning of the gospel of John Jesus is equated or called the Word. The Word is God's Word, the Bible. God made many official decrees throughout the Bible. Jesus made many official decrees. You could call his teachings official decrees. Jesus is God and the Bible is an official decree from God to man. The ten commandments that God gave to man are official decrees.
I never said the word ordain or ordained was in the Bible, although I don't know if it is or not. I only used the word ordained as a simile which is not forbidden anywhere. We can use similar words when we communicate. It conveys the idea that God by his authority conveyed his words to mankind with the Bible. Do you believe God spoke through men or inspired men. Spoke through men is another similar expression to explain what inspired means.