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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. You reject the Bible and pull a verse out of context and twist it to support your own liberal ideology of soft-on-crime agenda. "“For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” Romans 13:4 King James Version Governments have not only a right but a responsibility to protect society from evil doers. Ever heard of law and order? That is perfectly in keeping with the Bible. Just to clarify the verse you quoted, it is referring to revenge. Christians are not to seek revenge. That is not referring to government's responsibility to maintain law and order in society. It is not referring to the justice system or punishment for crime. That is totally different than an individual seeking revenge for some offence against him. Jesus forbids that. If we went by your reasoning, then we might as well abolish the police, abolish the justice system, abolish prisons, and let terrorists do what they wish. But I don't think you mean that. Perhaps you just being contrary or being a liberal with the soft-on-crime thing. Let the terrorists who cut off people's heads come home to Canada right?
  2. Another article about Trudeau's just transition. NP View: Trudeau's 'just transition' just a big government plan to mop up his own mess (msn.com)
  3. Lots of people's human rights also being denied such as Trinity Western University's rights, doctor's rights, family's rights, on and on. Do you bother even reading the information?
  4. Treat ISIS terrorists "equally". Really? What kind reality do you live in? They have been left there for several years now. Britain revoked the citizenship of one of them which means he can't go back to Britain. In 2015 the Conservative government passed a law that allowed the government to revoke the citizenship of a terrorist or anyone it deems a threat to Canada. Trudeau repealed that law in 2017. Trudeau said a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.
  5. I am talking about defenders of what is right being attacked with words, false arguments, and discriminatory decisions. It goes on all the time. Also it goes on institutions, academia, bureaucracy, etc. "Unfortunately, Christians in this country find themselves under attack," McVety said at a news conference on Parliament Hill. Doctors fight for their right to refuse care over religious beliefs Law society in Nova Scotia appealing ruling in favour of Trinity Western B.C. advanced education minister revokes approval for Trinity Western law school "This is a violation, and we are calling on the Canadian government to stop this type of violation across this country." British Columbia last December revoked approval for Trinity Western's proposed law school, which was planned to launch in 2016. Law societies in B.C., Ontario and Nova Scotia have voted to deny accreditation to future graduates. But the Nova Scotia Supreme Court overturned the provincial law society's decision, which the Nova Scotia Barristers Society said yesterday it would appeal. Trinity Western is also fighting the rejection of the Law Society of British Columbia and has said it will fight the rejection in Ontario too." Christian leaders say faith under attack in Canada by governments, regulators | CBC News
  6. What we have is a country that at times seems to reward evil doers and terrorists but despises those that are good. Trudeau says a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian no matter what they have done or the circumstances. The federal and Supreme court has also taken the same position at times. "2 Timothy 3:3 KJV without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good." Those in Parliament who have stood up for good or right have often been attacked by the radical left and progressives.
  7. Does Canada have a "just society"? Former PM Pierre Trudeau brought in his concept of the just society with the Charter of Rights and repatriation of the Constitution it is said. Although Canada already had a Constitution. The result of the new Charter of Rights has been many Supreme Court ruling that have been questioned by many Canadians. One subject which is currently coming into the spotlight is the repatriation of Canadians who went overseas to fight for ISIS. The problem with this is the Canadian authorities do not have the evidence to lay many serious charges in connection with their involvement with ISIS. It has been said on the news, they are likely to get off very lightly. Another related issue which is an outcome of Trudeau's "just society" Charter of Rights and the Supreme Court interpretation of it is the continual release of violent offenders on bail after their arrest. Still another related issue is now the liberal government's aim of releasing aboriginal offenders on parole or transferring them to some kind of aboriginal justice system, maybe healing lodges. There are other questionable rulings that have come down such as the payment of ten million dollars compensation to people who have gone overseas to fight for a terrorist organization. Then there is the ruling from a Quebec judge that says assisted suicide must be offered to people with mental illness. I could go on. When PM Justin Trudeau now uses the words "just transition", it should make one wonder because that is very similar to his father's term "just society" which helped wreak havoc in many areas of Canadian life.
  8. The WEF is another globalist organization working to bring in a one world government. Some politicians seem to be working for demonic forces, not angels, with their woke/progressive and globalist agenda. If you don't believe in Satan and demons, you have a problem to begin with. That means you are under their control. The first rule of demonic forces is to be sure the majority don't believe in their existence. If you don't believe in Satan's existence, get the book on Amazon called Satan by Lewis Sperry Chafer. It is available on Amazon kindle for free. The WEF is just another part of the movement toward one world government. The U.N. is another step in that direction. One-World Government: Is it Already Here? – End Times Prophecy Report
  9. The only purpose of the WEF is The Great Reset and the Just Transition which will harm a great number of the middle class and already is. The NDP and leftist liberals are already doling out cheques for the low income people and using carbon taxes for wealth redistribution to also boost the low income people. It is the middle class that is paying the most for Trudeau's Just Transition through carbon taxes and the higher cost of living. It will be far worse when the just transition to a so-called "green economy" is really implemented.
  10. The liberals are a national disaster. They are unable to manage our economy, housing, the health care system, passport offices, air travel, the building of the military, and countless other things; yet they think they can control the climate which nobody has ever been able to do. Rex Murphy: The Trudeau Liberals are coming for your jobs (msn.com)
  11. The Liberals cannot manage all the important issues in the country like health care, housing, building the military, passport offices, and countless other things. Yet they think they can control the climate. What a joke this gang is. Rex Murphy: The Trudeau Liberals are coming for your jobs (msn.com)
  12. Canadians are also forced to fund the woke agenda, billions for FNs claims too. The latest advertised on the woke CBC is if a FN person was under a water advisory for a year or more, he can make a claim. Where does it end?
  13. Yes and almost all of the scientists who agree with man-made climate change are not climate scientists, yet you are happy to accept their opinion and support. So why do you question a geologist's opinion? Isn't that being hypocritical? I am sure we can find many scientists who know something about climate science who reject "man-made climate change". We on here don't have the resources or ability to examine the world of scientists either. We mainly have to trust on what is reasonable, rational and what makes sense. I am still waiting for the explicit proof that man is the cause of excessive climate change. Where are the actual scientific facts. The honest answer it it doesn't exist. It is all speculation and based on assumptions.
  14. Yet you must be one of the ones that claim 97% of scientists support man-made climate change. Almost all of these scientists would be scientists from every field that exists and likely very few produced climate papers. Right? Be honest. Almost all of them are only nodding their heads in agreement, not because they studied any climate change science, but simply because they work in jobs that depend on their agreeing with the mob or the accepted paradigm. It is a fact that scientists who do not go along with the majority paradigm may not receive grants or positions in many universities or institutions. So of course they nod in agreement with whatever is the popular idea. That is the same reason creation scientists don't have "published papers" in the Darwinist system. Unless one agrees with the majority, they are rejected. Their papers are not even considered worthy of consideration. Simple as that.
  15. So when the herd decides to run over the cliff, you think they are correct and will run with them.
  16. Nobody would be convinced by a statement like that. It is completely irrelevant. "15) Professor Plimer, Professor of Geology and Earth Sciences at the University of Adelaide, stated that the idea of taking a single trace gas in the atmosphere, accusing it and finding it guilty of total responsibility for climate change, is an “absurdity” 16) A Harvard University astrophysicist and geophysicist, Willie Soon, said he is “embarrassed and puzzled” by the shallow science in papers that support the proposition that the earth faces a climate crisis caused by global warming. 17) The science of what determines the earth’s temperature is in fact far from settled or understood. 18) Despite activist concerns over CO2 levels, CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas, unlike water vapour which is tied to climate concerns, and which we can’t even pretend to control." 100 reasons why climate change is natural and not man-made | by Wiktorite | Medium In view of the myriad of opinions, many from scientists, it is amazing that anyone would become a crusader for climate change alarmism or even man-made climate change. CO2 is a trace gas to begin with and mankind only contributes 3% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Water vapour is known to be a greenhouse gas and it has a significant presence. The sun is the major source of energy that heats the earth plus radiation from other sources in space. So to automatically jump on the bandwagon as you do and blame man is ludicrous. There is no validity to credibility to the claim that man is the cause without question. Politicians especially Trudeau as he is PM have absolutely no right to dive into the debate with his eyes closed to the facts and impose radical solutions on everyone. What we have is an environmental radical in charge of government. The fact he would appoint a Greenpeace radical who climbed a tower to the Ministry of Environment is shocking to say the least and proves how outrageous the situation is.
  17. "HERE are the 100 reasons, released in a dossier issued by the European Foundation, why climate change is natural and not man-made: 1) There is “no real scientific proof” that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man’s activity. 2) Man-made carbon dioxide emissions throughout human history constitute less than 0.00022 percent of the total naturally emitted from the mantle of the earth during geological history. 3) Warmer periods of the Earth’s history came around 800 years before rises in CO2 levels. 4) After World War II, there was a huge surge in recorded CO2 emissions but global temperatures fell for four decades after 1940. 5) Throughout the Earth’s history, temperatures have often been warmer than now and CO2 levels have often been higher — more than ten times as high. 6) Significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout geologic time." 100 reasons why climate change is natural and not man-made | by Wiktorite | Medium Regardless of the arguments back and forth, nothing gives Trudeau or you the right to tax me because of CO2 existence, regulate my life to the enth degree, stop me from heating my home by making it more expensive, taking my job away from me, and the myriad of others things the dictator is doing. That is Marxist, Orwellian, and a violation of human rights.
  18. "A global network of more than 500 knowledgeable and experienced scientists and professionals in climate and related fields have the honor to address to Your Excellencies the attached European Climate Declaration, for which the signatories to this letter are the national ambassadors. The general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose. Therefore, it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions of dollars on the basis of results from such immature models. Current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy. We urge you to follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics and genuine concern for those harmed by costly but unnecessary attempts at mitigation Here are the specific points about climate change highlighted in the letter: 1 Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming. 2. Warming is far slower than predicted. 3. Climate policy relies on inadequate models. 4. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a plant food that is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide. 5. Global warming has not increased natural disasters. 6. Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities." There Is No Climate Emergency, Say 500 Experts in Letter to the United Nations | American Enterprise Institute - AEI Trudeau listens only to the U.N. who just made a demand at WEF in Davos that the world must stop using fossil fuels. This is the kind of thing the Church of Trudeau worships and follows blindly. The UK has made a complete mess of their country and economy by following this climate alarmism madness. Why should Canadians have this same kind of insanity imposed on them by the actor in Ottawa. There are countless reasons why he cannot be believed. He just said his "just transition" will help Canada, which could not be further from the truth. It will be a total disaster for millions of Canadians.
  19. "Sitting on the molehill of a 31 per cent minority government, the Trudeau Liberals are setting about to shut down oil and gas, revamp forestry and agriculture, and let loose Niagara-sized plumes of government subsidy to every dubious “net-zero” fantasy OK’d by their favourite “consultants.” Rex Murphy: Liberals' 'just transition' a fist to the mouth of Canada (msn.com)
  20. Wow! This "just transition" that Trudeau was talking about could be the worst catastrophe to hit Canada. Rex Murphy describes it as "a fist to the mouth of Canada": “When you start to think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we — (a) select group of human beings … are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet. … I mean, it’s so almost extraterrestrial to think about ‘saving the planet.’” — John Kerry at Davos. What’s really, finally, at the heart of radical environmentalism? An insatiable urge, an unshakeable lust to govern the lives, habits and choices of everyone — everyone — who does not think like them, who chooses not to see the world as they prefer them to see it, who questions their furious dogmas and resists their sprawling imperatives into every corner of every person’s real life. It is far more about control of people, control in the smallest ways and control in the absolutely largest ways, than it is about — as they so pompously and vacuously put it — saving the planet. It wants to order, and increasingly is ordering, individual people and entire governments to do only as they say. Nothing is too petty for them to stick their authoritarian noses into, nothing too huge and global." Rex Murphy: Liberals' 'just transition' a fist to the mouth of Canada (msn.com) If this isn't like neo-Marxism, I don't know what is. It is more like a Marxist revolution. People thought there was a madman in charge when Hitler was in charge of Germany or Stalin in charge of Russia or Chairman Mao in charge of China. Here we have a guy in charge who won with 39% of the vote and is in a minority government position and who is coming down on Canadians like a ton of bricks driven by an extreme green ideology and belief he is saving the planet. He is determined to make a revolutionary change to the Canadian economy that could drastically alter the lives of millions of Canadians. Heaven help us.
  21. You can be sure many Trudeau fans will be blind to the 101 million dollars spend on consultant's firm being examined by a HOC committee soon.
  22. Wow! When did Trudeau ever listen to the voters? He is busy jetting across the country creating greenhouse gases and selling his climate change agenda and how he is going to save the planet with his "just transition".
  23. I already explained it but you proved you don't listen to my replies. We are not talking about individual greed. We are talking about Socialism or state ordained redistribution of property. State ordained stealing. "And you shall not steal.” The 8th commandment given to us by the Lord Himself promotes the concept of private property. Clearly. We find further proof of God wanting us to have private property in Exodus 22:1-4, which also reveals that anyone who violates one’s private property is to restore it and even provide additional compensation to the victim. This is the exact opposite of what Socialism teaches i.e. everything is owned by the government. Remember one of the staples in Agenda 2030? “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” Talk about a blatantly satanic system that’s the direct opposite of what the Scriptures say. 2. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 “For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.” As you can see, the Holy Word of God teaches that we have to support ourselves by working. In fact, verses 6 through 12 of 2 Thessalonians 3 are all about a commandment from the Lord against idleness. Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to sit around all day, doing nothing productive. He wants us to work and receive compensation for our labor. That’s how it’s been since the beginning (Genesis 2:15 ), although when sin entered into the world through Adam and Eve’s transgression, God told us “by the sweat of your face you shall eat bread” (Genesis 3:19). What Does the Bible Say About Socialism? – Faith Founded on Fact
  24. Just to boil it down, Socialism is not what Jesus taught. You are referring to personal charity which is what Jesus was referring to, not state ordained Socialism or Communism. When the state takes by force from some people to redistribute to other people, that is Socialism or Communism, not the kind of charity Jesus was referring to. True charity is a voluntary giving or helping of others. Socialism (and Communism) are political systems that have nothing to do with personal voluntary charity. The Bible is clear about private property when it says "thou shalt not steal". Socialism and Communism are political ideologies that reject the right to own private property. The state sets itself up as god and rejects God's commandments about stealing. In such systems the state thinks it knows better and believes it has the right to redistribute wealth by force through laws and taxation. Where it gets more difficult or complicated is in the area of welfare. One could make the argument that governments should help those in need and I don't think anyone would disagree with that. But when the state goes beyond that, one must ask how far do you carry that? When it gets to the point of Socialism, then it intrudes into every aspect of people's lives and wealth redistribution where people lose their freedom and earnings. Then it becomes diabolical.
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