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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. What is your religious background? Muslim or Buddhist or ?
  2. Doesn't have to have an official "state religion". That doesn't change the fact that Canada's history is Judeo-Christian and our system is built on that fact. Like it or not, that's the way it is.
  3. At least you declare you're an atheist and that is the reason why you don't care. I understand where you're coming from. It makes no difference to you.
  4. People can believe or support whatever religion they want on their own. But in a public event, officials should not be promoting every religion in the world. Canada is a Christian-founded nation coming from British North America. Are you a Catholic or a Muslim?
  5. All you can do is accuse me lying which shows your character. Seems like you are out of control and not someone anyone can have a civilized conversation with.
  6. Out of respect for the people who do believe and as an example of what is right.
  7. Some globalist, multiculturalist liberals or leftists don't want a Christian prayer to be made in public, but these same liberals gladly force the taxpayers to pay 35 million dollars for a Papal public relations visit to and around Canada by one of the world's largest religions.
  8. It doesn't warrant any kind of battle or federal investigation. It is just the principle of the thing. I would assume many of the people attending and perhaps family members would consider themselves Christians because Canada is in essence still a Christian or Judeo-Christian founded nation whether some like it or not. So it is kind of a insult against those who do because it was not a Christian prayer. People should get over trying to be politically-correct and appease every conceivable ideology and religion in the world in major public functions and events in Canada.
  9. Certainly if you're dumb enough to accept that as a legitimate reason. He is a religious-political leader, but there is no law that says we must bow down and pay 35 million dollars for a trip that is for the Papacy's benefit. That is a convenient excuse to make the taxpayers pay for it. What is the benefit in paying for it there for the millions of Canadians who do not support or belong to the Roman system? When the people in control of the tax strings in Ottawa belong to that organization, there is an obvious conflict of interest. Are you one of them? Are you a member? Were you baptised in it? If so, did you declare your association when commenting on it or are you hiding the truth? Remember, if one is being open and transparent and not recusing yourself, conflicts of interest are to be declared when speaking for or against something.
  10. When Jesus was alive on earth, they were still under the Old Testament law which is why he kept the Sabbath. When he was crucified that all ended and the age of grace began, which is what the Church is under. As already explained, that means we are in a different dispensation and no longer under the Sabbath laws.
  11. Keeping the Sabbath only applied to the Jews during the age of the Law which ended when Christ was crucified on the cross. Christians are not under that command since the crucifixion. "16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: {in meat…: or, for eating and drinking} {respect: or, part} 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." Colossians 2:16, 17 KJV " The Christian community as a whole does not keep the Sabbath because it was a part of the legal requirements of the Law, and according to the New Testament the Christian today is not under such legal requirements like circumcision, Sabbath keeping, even tithing. Instead, we are to produce the righteousness of the Law, the character of Christ, through the Spirit (see Rom. 6:14; 7:1-8:13; 2 Cor. 3:4-18; Gal. 3-5). Further, there are no commandments or exhortations in the New Testament for us to keep the Sabbath. Rather, the early church gathered on the first day of the week in celebration and remembrance of the resurrection. This is evident throughout the book of Acts (cf. also 1 Cor. 16:2 and Acts 20:7). Acts 20:7 is the clearest verse in the New Testament which indicates that Sunday was the normal meeting day of the apostolic church. Paul stayed in Troas for seven days (v. 6) and the church met on the first day of the week." Why do Christians worship on Sunday instead of the Sabbath? | Bible.org
  12. The Reformation led to freedom of conscience and beliefs in the countries where it succeeded. That led to democracy and human rights in Europe and then north America. These things never happened in the countries where there was no Reformation like Spain, Portugal, Italy, central and south America. They pretty well remained in darkness in many areas even to today. Communist revolutions were common. Totalitarianism in Spain. Honduras just now is establishing close relations with Communist China and cut off relations with Taiwan.
  13. The 35 million dollars was to pay for he Pope's visit which involved organizing events. That's all part of the Pope's visit to benefit the Roman Church and papacy. As far as Romanism is concerned, they have 1,700 years of history of brutal treatment of the world. You have a problem. You can't squirm out of it by false accusations.
  14. Bible-believing churches don't believe that either. I am not sure where you got that idea, but evangelical churches do not believe that kind of thing. It looks like you have been lied to in the extreme. Churches in genera are quite laid back about what people wear. Many dress very casually these days. Even many ministers wear casual clothes when the preach. Some churches are more formal. The idea of the Sabbath is not part of evangelical church's beliefs. The Sabbath was mainly a Jewish religious day and still is. The Seventh Day Adventists, which some say are a bit of a cult, follow the Sabbath, which is Saturday. They hold their services on Saturday. Reformed churches sometimes call Sunday a Sabbath and generally discourage their members from working on Sundays, which they usually refer to as the Lord's Day. But the Bible does not impose any particular day as a holy day on Christians and it actually speaks against it. Here is a little information on the Inquisition. "The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for hundreds of years, the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and its persecution of Jews and Muslims. Its worst manifestation was in Spain, where the Spanish Inquisition was a dominant force for more than 200 years, resulting in some 32,000 executions." " The Job of Inquisitors Inquisitors would arrive in a town and announce their presence, giving citizens a chance to admit to heresy. Those who confessed received a punishment ranging from a pilgrimage to a whipping. Those accused of heresy were forced to testify. If the heretic did not confess, torture and execution were inescapable. Heretics weren’t allowed to face accusers, received no counsel and were often victims of false accusations." There is a lot more to it on the history website: Inquisition - HISTORY Other sources say the Inquisition lasted 400 years or more. There are horror stories that occurred in the 20th century revealed in the book Smokescreens by Chick Publications.
  15. Most major denominations are apostate, gone far from the Bible, or not real churches. That is proven by the fact they are into a social gospel (Socialist leaning), accepting same-sex marriage, abortion, and MAID or at least not opposing those things. Bible-believing churches have always been the small evangelical, independent, or fundamental type of churches.
  16. "The prime minister’s family vacation to Jamaica over the New Year cost taxpayers nearly $160,000, according to documents obtained by the National Post — including just under $14,000 in support costs from the Privy Council Office." Seems like the Liberal government can throw millions of dollars around for everything under the sun with no problem and no questions asked. 35 million for the Pope's visit, 160 thousand for the PM's holiday trip to Jamaica. Everyone else has to pay for their holidays out of their own funds. Then there's the governor generals trips we hear cost hundreds of thousands to take the GG entourages.
  17. Did you agree with taxpayers paying 35 million dollars for the Pope's visit to Canada?
  18. Well, I believe what the Bible says. I plead guilty. If I had been a Bible believer in the Inquisition days, I would have been tortured, burned at the stake, or thrown into prison. That's what happened to Bible believers as they were condemned as heretics by the Papist system. There were thousands upon thousands of victims over at least 400 years. So what side would you have been on in those days?
  19. There is probably some truth in what you say. Mankind has been brutal to each other. That is a fact. But the Romanist system was an autocratic, totalitarian system that people had to struggle to break free from. In some countries like France and Ireland, Papists were in the overwhelming majority and the consequences of that for the Protestants were deadly. "On August 22, 1572, the bloody St. Bartholomew's Day massacre began. This was to be one fatal blow to destroy the Protestant movement in France. In the first three days, over ten thousand Protestant Huegenots were killed. A similar massacre occurred in Ireland in 1641. The conspirators picked October 23, the feast of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Order. They planned a general uprising for the whole country. All Protestants would be killed at once. ..." 40,000 Protestants were massacred by the Papists. -from the book Smokescreens by Chick Publications and verified in Foxes' Book of Martyrs. You can get some booklets on these things from the website for Chick Publications.
  20. I have my doubts about that. There is far more to it than can be said in one sentence like you said. The story covers centuries and centuries and requires a lot of detail. I can tell you I have been reading some books, and watching videos on youtube, etc over the last 40 years and learning quite a bit although my memory is not very good. For one thing we need to understand how Rome ruled the western world for 1,500 years up to the present, but especially the 1,000 years up to the Reformation in the 1,500s. They started the Holy Roman Inquisition somewhere around 1,200 A.D. and it lasted for at least 400 years and killed thousand upon thousands of heretics. You can download the Kindle book off Amazon "The History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages" written by I believe a Catholic scholar, Henry C. Lea. The Inquisition was a horror story. I am not saying what you claimed is untrue, but I don't know the details or extent of it. I know the Reformation resulted in the Thirty Years war in Europe in the 1600s I believe. I heard a million people mostly in Germany died in that war. The thing is the Romanist system denied freedom of religion and beliefs to everyone for a thousand years at least until the Reformation. Everyone was forced to accept the teachings of Rome and gradually a lot of "heretics" according to Rome's definition evolved in Europe and they needed to be dealt with. The answer was the Inquisition in the about the 12th century. The belief that led to the Reformation was that every person should have the right to believe in God according to the Bible, not by the Church lording it over everyone. The Reformation followers believed the Romanist church was not a true church and that everyone can access God themselves without the Priest or Church acting as the mediator. Actually, the Roman Church denied the common people the right to read the Bible until fairly recent times. They forbade it to be translated in the common languages of the people. When Bibles finally did start to come out around the time of the Reformation, they hunted them down and burned the Bibles they could find. But they could not stamp them out completely. The printing press was invented and Bible printing took off, which really helped change the world. So the Reformation broke the stranglehold that Rome had over the population for a thousand years.
  21. Are you not doing the same thing to me? I prefer civil conversation, but when I made a simple statement that the prayer was not a Christian biblical prayer, you attacked me.
  22. According to the Bible teaching, there is no access to God except through His Son, Jesus Christ. So the prayer is meaningless from a Biblical Christian point of view.
  23. No, I am not cherry picking. Biblical Christianity does not fit into today's more tolerant society if you mean agree with society. But Biblical Christianity is a belief system, not a political system. It is nonsense to try to say it must fit in with society's views on anything. The world is in general an evil system. The Bible gives the answer to that and what an individual must do to be saved. Everyone must choose whom they will follow. You've made your choice.
  24. No, I wasn't. This was a public, national memorial service. Therefore it is reasonable to comment on the fact the prayer was not a Christian prayer in my view. It was a politically-correct prayer and therefore open to comment on, whether you agree or not. Naturally someone who is not Christian is going to see it differently as you do. That's fair too, but you are mistaken in thinking nobody has a right to comment on it.
  25. The Bible does not advocate harassing, persecuting, insulting those who do not believe the Bible and are not Christian. Jesus said to love thy neighbour as thyself. The way I interpret pluralism is it means freedom of religion or no religion. I don't think the Bible is saying not to respect pluralism. You seem to be trying to invent something that is not there. Are you on a continuing crusade to undermine or discredit the Bible? You are failing in that. The Bible does teach Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and that there is only one God, the God of the Bible. But it does not say to harass or persecute anyone who does not believe it. That is a false claim you are making. Every religion has their beliefs. But Christianity / Bible does not teach to spread its message by force. It only advocates the preaching of the gospel, which is peaceful. That does not deny pluralism. I don't think you understand the difference.
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