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Everything posted by taxme

  1. Indeed I do. Why put someone in jail for so many years or forever where the taxpayer's have to pay lots of tax dollars to feed,clothe, and house them, plus give them other goodies thrown in there for good measure. They may have just murdered one of your loved ones, and you appear to feel that it is alright what they did, and that they should spend time in jail rather than be executed for killing someone you love? If one wants to take the life of someone than they should have to forfeit their life. I do not have a problem with that. Why should they get to still live while your family member killed cannot. It seems only common sense and logical to me.
  2. If the nut case that cut the head off of a young lad on a bus a few years ago was your kid, I wonder if you would still have the same opinion, and wish Canada had the death penalty? I know that I would want that animal put to death if it were any of my family, and I would offer my services for free to be able to put his lights out. This is where the death penalty should be used. There was no doubt about who did it, so there should be no excuse for anyone to be able to say, but wait, he could be innocent.
  3. Ya, I find many Canadians fit that description, especially liberals.
  4. When they put dogs down like they did my dog they first inject them with a sleeping drug. A minute later they then administer the final drug which stops the heart. My dog left this world peacefully. A sad day for me indeed to have to put down a great little buddy and friend. After fifteen years of walking in the park together it sure was hard to have to put him down. I have to admit that I cried for weeks after. Sometimes life sucks.
  5. No, but go ahead and tell me. Probably something to do with insulting patriots.
  6. Yes I can. In many African countries young girls are forced to have their private parts removed. That is uncivilized. In many Arab countries young girls are raped by older men without any repercussions. Women are stoned to death and gays are thrown off of rooftops. That is uncivilized. Is that enough for you or do you want more? You certainly are one that always will find faults about the western countries but as a typical liberal you can never seem to be able to criticize non-white countries, and some of the sick pathetic things that they do to some of their people. deplorable indeed.
  7. It has more to do with being politically correct and being pro-multiculturalism. Unfortunately, that is what the conservatives have become today. It is fast turning out to appear as though the government is not so smart after all. Patriots like me and many others are the real smart and intelligent people in Canada. It is just that most Canadians have not noticed that yet. Still in their slumber. Aw well.
  8. Ya, like a muslim saying I want sharia law implemented in Canada or I do not want to become a citizen, and sign on the dotted line.
  9. Hot appears to have a very limited vocabulary. And one of the words hot knows really well and likes to bat around is that word racist. Otherwise, hot has nothing really to add here.
  10. I can safely say that most of those non-western countries out there are very uncivilized. But I guess from your reply that you just have not noticed that yet, eh? It is time for you to catch up on some reading, and start listening a little more. Try it. You may just learn something.
  11. Well, maybe the next time the conservatives get in to power they should smarten up, and stop all immigration especially from those countries where those minorities are coming from? Then you will be safe to use the bigotry and racist words. But all the years that the conservatives were in power, the majority of our new immigrants came from the non-white world. Where was the racism or bigotry there? It would appear as though all the racism and bigotry in time will be going against white people instead in the not to distant future thanks to the white liberals and the white NDP.
  12. Is that the only word in your liberal zionist vocabulary is racist? Why are you not able to carry on an intelligent conversation and debate an event or issue at hand without throwing the word racist around? I am getting sick and tired of liberals like you who call anyone a racist just because they are questioning an event or government policy. Get real will you.
  13. (1)I suppose when I drive my car I am warming up the area around me but that area pretty soon cools down. I am not in anyway really contributing all that much to this so-called global warming. If anyone is it is the people that live in China and India and Africa. There are billions of people living in those countries. They have to be contributing one hell of a lot of global warming into the air, and possibly being the culprits in the warming up of the planet. But all I ever hear from the global warming crowd is that we in Canada must cut back on our use of fossil fuels. We are small time players compared to those three countries mentioned. So you better go after them, and leave me out of your global warming fear mongering here in Canada. (2)That is just about everyone's attitude in this country, and pretty much in the rest of the world, that to them the rest of the world can go screw themselves. I believe that most Canadians don't care much about anything that is going on, and appear to be only interested in themselves, and their problems. And when they get themselves into some kind of trouble then they want everyone too come running to their rescue. Those people can go screw themselves. (3)No point in me reading it because I am not concerned about this thing called global warming. You just wrote that "we have had the coldest and snowiest winter in decades". Well, what is it? Are we warming up, or are we cooling down? Personally, I accept the fact that this has something to do with mother nature, and that she has caused many global cooling and global warming periods in the past. She likes to rearrange the furniture(weather)every now and then. Nothing stays the same and lasts forever. I just don't let the doom and gloomers get me in too a panic. Besides, by the time all the ice and snow melts in the Arctic, if that ever happens at all, the people alive today will be all dead and gone. And hat includes you and me, fella.
  14. Another boondoggle for the taxpayer's of Ontario if implemented. Anything that the liberals try to do always ends up in a disaster, and a waste of taxpayer's tax dollars. It never ends with those liberal or NDP fools. If only there were a law that says that any politician who waste taxpayer's tax dollars on stupid programs and agendas that have cost a lot of wasted tax dollars were around and they could be arrested for doing so, maybe then all the tax dollars that these phony politicians waste all the time will finally come to an end. It sounds like a perfect law to have on the books. Of course try to get a law passed like that in Canada? Good bloody luck, eh?
  15. Become Canadian, and assimilate right away, and stop bringing with them their culture and everything associated with that culture period. And of course the governments should not be catering to any other culture and blowing taxpayer's tax dollars on helping them to keep their culture alive but rather stick with and enforce on them Canadian culture. Hey, if they don't like it well take the next plane out. Canadians don't need or want you here. Of course today the governments and the media try to force Canadians to accept other cultures as part of their life now, and told to shut their mouths and swallow everything the government thinks is good for them. like diversity is our strength. When new immigrants are told that Canada is a multicultural country at swearing in ceremonies, well what can we expect from those new Canadians except gee, I have just been told that I can keep my culture, and not worry about assimilating. Canada? What a great country for new immigrants to come too, eh?
  16. You will have to talk to the globalist warmongering elite zionists about all of those crimes that have been committed under their watch, and then try to convince them that what they are doing is really bad. I wish you good luck on that one. Let me know how things work out. Personally though, I think that we will see the earth flood over first on that one. Btw, Canada has supported those elites mentioned above for decades now. Canada is not exactly clean period on this one.
  17. Our banksters get to create money out of thin air. How is that for a deal, eh?
  18. Patriotism is the last refuge for scoundrels? Thank gawd for those "scoundrels' otherwise Canada would be in worse shape than what it is today. At least patriots fight for Canada, not the rest of the world like you appear to do here. Patriotism is something leftist liberal SJW's know nothing about. Personally, you have it all wrong again. It is the leftist liberal SJW's who are the scoundrels, and the anti-Canadians here. Believe it or not.
  19. Coming out of the mouth of hot enough who believes that every thing being blurted out of the mouth of the media or politicians is oh so true and factual. Thank gawd that I am so politically incorrect, and at least I will make the attempt to check out the other side of the story. To only listen and read one side of the story, is to know nothing at all. So true.
  20. Yup, our Canadian protesters sure know how to protest non-important issues alright like lets go get that Trump. Trump wants to clean the swamp of corruption, and so we can't allow that to happen. Like I always say "the people are their own worse enemy". Their reliance on the fake and phony media, and politically correct politicians is what is doing them great harm. Canada will always be a dead beat country as long as we keep putting in PM's like trudeau who thinks that the rest of the world is more important than Canada or Canadians.
  21. NASA? Not everything that comes out of the mouth of NASA is true. Sometimes they do screw up. Believe it or not. So, who cares if the Antarctic ice is growing, and the Arctic ice is melting. It is not going to effect my life or yours in the years that we have left on earth. Why do people living today care about where the ice is melting or not melting? The temperatures have pretty much not changed all that much in the last fifty years. So, why all the panic? Besides, every year it will always snow in the winter months in one of those places anyway. It will melt in the Arctic, and grow in the Antarctic, and vice-versa. The world will never become snow less. But hey.
  22. Ya, thanks to all those tax collectors and leftists liberal screw balls out there we will be keeping those tax collectors working for decades too come, and all those leftists liberal SJW's on food stamps for decades too come. It's time for you to stop crying and wake up, and get out of bed. If the country were left totally up too people like you and those SJW's all the time, we would all be on food stamps. As a matter of fact I do believe that the leftists liberals SJW's have pretty much put most Canadians on food stamps. Now that is something to whine and cry about.
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