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Everything posted by taxme

  1. Yup, our Canadian protesters sure know how to protest non-important issues alright like lets go get that Trump. Trump wants to clean the swamp of corruption, and so we can't allow that to happen. Like I always say "the people are their own worse enemy". Their reliance on the fake and phony media, and politically correct politicians is what is doing them great harm. Canada will always be a dead beat country as long as we keep putting in PM's like trudeau who thinks that the rest of the world is more important than Canada or Canadians.
  2. NASA? Not everything that comes out of the mouth of NASA is true. Sometimes they do screw up. Believe it or not. So, who cares if the Antarctic ice is growing, and the Arctic ice is melting. It is not going to effect my life or yours in the years that we have left on earth. Why do people living today care about where the ice is melting or not melting? The temperatures have pretty much not changed all that much in the last fifty years. So, why all the panic? Besides, every year it will always snow in the winter months in one of those places anyway. It will melt in the Arctic, and grow in the Antarctic, and vice-versa. The world will never become snow less. But hey.
  3. Ya, thanks to all those tax collectors and leftists liberal screw balls out there we will be keeping those tax collectors working for decades too come, and all those leftists liberal SJW's on food stamps for decades too come. It's time for you to stop crying and wake up, and get out of bed. If the country were left totally up too people like you and those SJW's all the time, we would all be on food stamps. As a matter of fact I do believe that the leftists liberals SJW's have pretty much put most Canadians on food stamps. Now that is something to whine and cry about.
  4. When it comes to science, research, and development, Trudeau versions of those three words would be too spend all that money instead on wanting to flood the country with refugees, and blowing tax dollars away on the rest of the third world. He is an expert on that for sure. But hey.
  5. Some get paid big bucks to provide scientific information bull crap. What? Are you one of those people who believe that what every scientist tells you is suppose to be true?
  6. I am so scared. But I will enjoy that coffee though while I am waiting for the big day to come when humans join the woolly mammoths off to oblivion.
  7. No, it is you who have been fooled again. Sorry loser, you lose again.
  8. Sure you do. Only fools will believe that line of bull. So, just how much money is it costing you, btw? Those satellites must be expensive to run.
  9. The polar bears will have to learn to live with any changes and learn to survive. If they don't then they will die off. Their choice. Besides many species of animal have died off, and the world still carried on without them. The sabre tooth tiger and the wooley mammoth disappeared , and the world still went on without them. Wake up and smell the coffee.
  10. I remember reading a story about a guy who sold all his belongings and headed for the hills. What a shock he must have got when he woke up on Y2K day and nothing happened at all. It just shows as to how the globalist elite can put the fear in people, and get them all up in a panic over nothing. Even get them to sell their homes. Incredible indeed.
  11. And just how would you know that global temperatures are rising? Have you done your own research on global temperatures from around the world? Where do you find the time and get all the money that is needed to be able to do all of that research yourself? Tell me how you do it?
  12. Sorry doom and gloomer but our activities are not causing any global warming. The average world temperature hasn't changed all that much in over a hundred years. Stop worrying about global warming, and get involved with more pressing issues that you should concern yourself with. Like how your tax dollars are being blown constantly by your fake and phony politicians would be a good start for you. Do and say something worthwhile to talk about.
  13. What you say is all true but there will be no convincing the brainwashed. You know, the brainwashed ones who cannot think for themselves but prefer to allow others to do it for them. This is why people like Al Gore get rich. Fools will believe their lies and propaganda. I live in the Lower Mainland area of Vancouver, and indeed this has been the coldest winter we have had in a long time. For the months of January and February it practically snowed every other day, and cold too. Yup, some global warming happening here alright.
  14. So, no one need try to deny and question anything told to them, eh? Just listen to the main scream media and politicians and get all the news we all need to know from the? It's no wonder that people like Al Gore are millionaires? They have people believing their bull, and giving them plenty of more money to listen to them tell them more bull. The last I heard was that the Antarctic has more snow then ever now. Very interesting, isn't that?
  15. The sheeple will never get it because they refuse to listen and use common sense and logic in their lives. They prefer to allow politicians, the media, and the elite globalist to run their lives and think for them. Unfortunately, we are surrounded by millions of them. Aw well.
  16. You are nothing more than a doom and gloomer cry baby. The earth has been blown up by volcanoes, floods drowned the land, tornadoes ripped up millions of acres, tsunamis have wiped out whole islands, earthquakes have ripped the earth apart in many places, and this has all been going on for millions of years, and yet the earth is still here, and life still thrives. You are still here, aren't you, or have you not noticed that yet? Let the arctic and antarctic ice melt. We all will adjust in some way and thrive on. By the time all that snow and ice melts away you will be long gone. So, quit with the panic. Why do people like you get all upset over something that may happen in a hundred thousand years from now anyway? This global warming nonsense is all just another elite globalist false flag to try to cause more division among the so many other divisions that the elite keep creating for the people to end up fighting over and against each other. When will these fools ever wake up?
  17. That trudeau should be arrested and charged and put in the gulag for the misuse of taxpayer's tax dollars. Lucky for him there is no law that we can nail his butt on for that. By the time JT, and what his papa has already done to Canada we will be bloody bankrupt. He blows taxes like there is no tomorrow, and there are some here who probably enjoy and go along with him. And then these same people ask themselves as to why I have no money to buy food. I think that Canada is a breeding ground for losers.
  18. Some scientists are paid big bucks to lie. But you would not now anything about that, now would you? It's going to take thousands of years before global warming ever does any kind of real damage to the earth, if that event ever happens at all. So, don't panic, go have a coffee and chillout. You will be dead by the time all this nonsense is suppose to happen anyway.
  19. I thought that whatever I said was falling on deaf ears? You truly are an exercise in futility. Nighty-night.
  20. You got that right. What I am saying here too you is falling on deaf ears. Time to clean yours out. Wax build up will do that to you.
  21. You are really starting to annoy me with your silly liberal responses.
  22. Good question. Why bother paying taxes when we have politicians who keep stealing our money and blowing that money on their pet liberal/socialist programs and agendas that most Canadians never asked for. Taxes are a ripoff.
  23. I know enough about Canadian law. It is obvious that you don't. Google it yourself and then come back to me and show me where it says that it is legal to enter Canada illegally. I await your reply.
  24. Geez, you really do have a reading problem alright. I fully know that you are not a criminal if you are invited into a home. You need to think before you speak. It really does work.
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