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Everything posted by taxme

  1. Exactly. Canada needs less of these so-called illegal criminal refugees, not more. Your welcome.
  2. Good start for you. Try cluing in a bit alright. Those illegals committed a crime according to Canadian law. Get it now? A refugee can approach a legal border crossing and enter Canada there legally, and go shout refugee. No doubt many are crossing and not declaring to any border officer that they are planning on staying in Canada. A lot of those so-called Syrian refugees are not refugees at all. They sure had to have lots of money to be able to come from Syria all the way over to Canada. If they were real refugees they would never had made it here. Common sense and logic should tell you that. Surely there are some Arab countries that would have taken them in. So stop trying to cry wolf to me in regards to these so-called refugees. I am one Canadian that does not want to be made a fool of by lying illegals. I don't believe anything you say. You talk with emotionalism and foolishness. Common sense and logic does not appear to be your forte. It would appear as though all who are jumping the border are pretty much dark skinned people. So stop trying to appear to be so politically correct. You cannot win being of that mind set.
  3. Well, according to some of you here, Canada should have no borders at all. If you see nothing wrong with anyone jumping the border and crossing into Canada illegally, then why bother to even try to explain anything too you. Again, why bother having a border if you see nothing wrong with people entering Canada illegally. Hope you are bale to figure this one out this time. If not, well.
  4. So, I walk into your house, and plan to steal your money, well too you, that would not be considered a crime then, eh? There are no unfounded comments being made by me here. Maybe it is you who needs to go learn the law before you tell me to do so.
  5. And let's just say for the record that I would not believe any of your sources for any news event. Faith tells you what we all need too know, and produces the facts, and you pretty much are saying here that she is a liar. And where you get your so-called facts from are for real actual true facts, eh? That is what I like about the alternative media. I can get the real facts of a story that the elites don't want me too know about. Need I say more?
  6. As Faith Goldy of The Rebel has reported, and with her conversation with the CBSA union boss, he has told her that many of those illegals crossing the border that have been caught over half of them have criminal records. Some have records for illegal trafficking, theft, and manslaughter. Wow, sounds like a fine bunch of illegals entering Canada these days. And no doubt the liberals will want to keep them here. Our immigration policy is nothing more than a disaster and a joke for Canada and all Canadians. I wished that Canada had a minister of immigration like Paul Fromm for one who would clean up the swamp of what this so called immigration policy of ours has created. Sadly, the elite powers, and their control of the media liberal party, will never allow a true patriot like Paul Fromm from ever becoming a minister of immigration. That would be their end of ever trying to destroy Canada.
  7. It doesn't make you a racist for saying what you just wrote. Matter of fact it makes you appear to be able to use more common sense and logic rather than emotionalism and foolishness. Indeed, cultural compatibility is the proper way to go as far as our immigration policy should be. Bringing in immigrants that have nor want to have anything to do with assimilation needs to be stopped. Our politically correct pro-multicultural politicians have opened up a can of worms as a result of their present day immigration policies that are turning Canada into a hodge-podge of many unneeded, and unwanted new immigrants, and their culture. And if anyone wants to call me a racist for saying what I said, then go ahead, make your day, but I will wear it as a badge of honor. The word racist is becoming old hat now. Only losers use that word because they cannot win the topic at hand.
  8. The racists as people like you like to call true patriots are not the ones that need to be deported. On the contrary, the ones that need to be deported are the illegal criminals, and the leftists liberals that are ruining Canada with their multicultural, and diversity is strength nonsense. That would be a great start to get to make Canada great again. And boy do we need a brand new start from this nasty and destructive thing called liberalism.
  9. I believe that is what everyone here does.
  10. Read over what Hydra said again will you? If they get arrested than they must have broken the law. It makes so much common sense and logic what he asked of you? Those criminal illegals broke our immigration laws by entering Canada illegally, and they dam well new it but didn't give a dam. Most likely because they believe that they will get to stay here in Canada by telling our immigration people that if they are sent back(to America)they will be persecuted or jailed. Weird, eh? Why do you not get it? Why do you keep banging your head against the wall all the time, and continue to try and fight common sense and logic that is always pointed out too you?
  11. Canada worked just fine thank you when it's population was small. Matter of fact life was pretty good then. Now with all the rest of the world coming here by the hundreds of thousands every year and who are putting a burden on our medical and social services, housing infrastructure and the environment(where are the environmentalist anyway on this btw who should be concerned)I see no benefit of more immigration like we have today. Maybe less would be better. Hey, you never know, eh?
  12. Sure starting to look like it, eh? Keep we the sheeple out of the loop. With our politicians,police and the media controlling the flow of information re: illegals I guess that we will never know as to how many criminals are entering Canada. And yet there are some here who are just fine with that. What aj oke Canada is fast becoming to the rest of the world. And we know who to thank for that alright.
  13. If Canada had politicians who cared about protecting Canada's borders, we would not have, as Blackbird pointed out, have close to a 100,000 illegal criminals in this country. Leave John A out of this. We have a great country thanks to him and other politicians like him.
  14. So, why does Canada bother to have borders at all then? What is the purpose of having a border?
  15. Are you kidding me? A person enters a country illegally, and you don 't think that it is criminal? Wow, no wonder Canada is in trouble. According to Faith Goldy of The Rebel has said that not one of these illegals has been charged with anything yet. What the hell? Enter Canada illegally and no one is charged? What kind of country are we living in where one can enter illegally and not be charged? This shouting refugee to try and get to stay in Canada needs to be halted. Either you want your country to have laws and have your police force enforce them or why bother have any laws at all? Just open the border gates and let the whole world in. And I am pretty sure that JT might just like to make that so.
  16. If Canada had politicians who cared about Canada, and were not oh so pro-multicultural, and politically correct, they would have done a better job of stopping all these criminal illegals from entering Canada. It would be a great make work project if we had patriotic politicians who would hire an extra thousand immigration officers who's only job would be was to hunt down illegals, and kick them out of Canada. But as long as we have liberals running this country, things unfortunately will only get worse. Way the go all of the liberal people out there who voted for trudeau. You are the bigger problem here because you put that fool of a PM into the big seat. Hopefully, in another couple of years he will be history and gone.
  17. "How can there be illegal immigrants in Canada anyway" you say? Are you trying to kid every one here? They are crossing into Canada from America by the thousands. 1600 since February and March, and no doubt more too come. That is a criminal illegal act. Those illegal criminals have a choice. Take the next plane back from whence they came. Don't go blaming Trump for what our PM done. JT invited them in, and he helped them break the law. JT is complicit in a crime being committed here in Canada. I thank gawd that Canada is not a part of Europe. Otherwise JT we would possibly be looking at hundreds of thousands of illegals entering Canada. Liberals and liberalism is bad for any country that wishes to keep it's culture and traditions alive and well.
  18. Canada pretty much had a British/Waspish culture about it that worked very well for centuries until papa trudeau came along, and then he started to change all that, and now we are being forced to learn and accept every other culture and tradition on earth thanks to that francophone destroyer. Quebec has been a disaster for Canada, and still is.
  19. It is Canadian culture that is in trouble here in Canada. It is not fabrication. Why bring up America? Be thankful that they are not invading and bombing Canada.
  20. Then why the cover up? Why have the RCMP and the media stopped reporting on how many of these illegal criminals are entering Canada? So far for 2017 10 billion tax dollars have blown on legal and illegal immigration. By the years end who knows how much it is going to cost the Canadian taxpayer's? And you think that this is alright? No wonder Canada is in trouble with attitudes like "LOL, yeah?
  21. I guess that we will just have to wait until this PM, and his political henchmen is out of office, hopefully by the next election. The Australian PM was forced to do something that he no doubt did not want to have too. He started to fear the rise of the anti-immigration people of Australia, so he had no choice. But whatever he is doing now is the right way to go to force new immigrants to assimilate, not dis-assimilate. I cannot believe that all one needed to become a citizen is to put in one year of living in Australia. This just shows just how much those liberal left wing crazies think about or could care about becoming a citizen of Australia. This has allowed those new immigrants to pretty much not even have to worry about assimilating. Get their year in of probation, and that is it. Be multicultural, and not become an Australian. Will we ever see the day when Canada finally does decide to follow Australia? We will not know until the next federal election. But by then it may be too late for Canada at the rate that the rest of the world is being criminally allowed in. Our political parties and the media are complicit and tied together in this criminal illegal invasion of Canada. They have no problem showing contempt and hatred towards any Canadian who dares to question Canada's immigration policy. As if those Canadians have no right to speak or question whatever the government decides what it thinks is good for Canadians. The only politician that at least says that she wants to do something about it is conservative candidate Kellie Leitch. The rest are all mum on immigration. We may need to have an anti-immigration party come forward to stop all this criminal illegal immigration ridiculous nonsense going on.
  22. In my opinion trudeau should be booted out as PM. Reason being that he is the person responsible for all this illegal criminal nonsense going on by him inviting these illegals too come to Canada if America does not want you. It would appear that they are taking him up on his offer. They appear to be flying all the way from countries like Somalia by way of America to gain illegal entrance into Canada. On the BCTV news this morning they reported that there was 700 illegal crossings in February, and another 900 in March. We have not even hit summer yet. Thanks trudeau for making a mockery of our immigration system. You pretty much have made yourself an accomplice in these criminal actions being committed by illegals by your telling the rest of the world to sneak right on in, and we will welcome you with open arms. This PM is a joke.
  23. Are you trying to be funny because I can take that reply two different ways? Just curious.
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