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Everything posted by cannuck

  1. Uh...gee, that IS what democracy is supposed to be about. The MAJORITY rules, not the fringes of radical looney minorities. We've got our Federal government to piddle away trillions doing more of that.
  2. Wow, you completely missed the fact that this IS "real life" and it is "backed up" by entire disciplines of social studies.
  3. When I do business in the rest of the world, I am now ashamed to admit to be Canadian. The car theft thing is a joke. Organized crime has a field day here stealing/exporting cars, importing drugs, running prostitution rings and so on. They do this because they KNOW they are not likely to get caught and will never have to bother paying tax on their income. Not just a Liberal problem, but their soft on crime, catch and release, etc. policies sure as Hell don't help fix anything
  4. I feel sorry for you if your life is so devoid of meaning. I know literally hundreds of people who absolutely love their work, and many more - such as myself - who left situations that DIDN'T satisfy them to do something they truly love and enjoy. We have 2 children who both are doing exactly what they like with their lives and if they have learned anything from us they would simply do something different if what they do now stopped being their passionate pursuit. You would know that you really enjoy your work when the actual earnings really don't matter to you. Our eldest is probably paid 20% of what she COULD earn (4 degrees plus a bunch of other qualifications) because she is doing exactly what gives her most joy and satisfaction.
  5. Who said anything about "the earth doesn't warm up"????? If you are referring to one of my posts, READ THE DAMN THING and find out that real scientists simply present the facts that there is no scientific evidence that anthropomorphic carbon emissions are related to WHY the Earth has been changing climate - as it has done constantly for the last several billion years. I suppose if you can't understand something that simple it explains why you think people will simply "volunteer" magnanimously to do what they are paid for today. OF COURSE the communists we know used money - as it is literally impossible to run an economy and society without tokens of exchange. People figured that out about 5,000 years ago.
  6. What "science" saying that is from a credible source? Please remember the real world has seen many Marxist states where the state owns everything and everyone is supposed to sit around the firepit and sing Kumbaya to celebrate. When Chairman Mao took the farmland away from individual, greedy farmers and gave it for free to everyone in the wonderful Communist country as many as 100 million people starved to death. NOBODY steps up and volunteers to do actual work. You socialist eutopia has been proven over and over again to be a dismal failure.
  7. Interesting video (that few people will sit for 48 minutes to hear). For those who really want to know the genuine threats to climate and even life as we know it on this planet, spend some time on this site: https://goesfoundation.com/ It explains exactly the hows and whys. In summary, pollution is the real problem and plastics are the largest single source. CO2 emissions are not even close to the problem - as also pointed out in the OP's link. As usual, when you want to understand why we do things - follow the gold. The CO2 thing comes from the UN and Euroweenies who dislike the oil industry but LOVE to use "research" money to build consensus in pseudo science for why to build Li Ion batteries, BEVs, but the REALLY big ones - trading carbon credits and offsets. The sad part is: we are so intellectually lazy nobody bothers to question and learn WTF is going on around us. (on edit) I should have added this on first go-around but for those who actually care to look, read and THINK it through, here is a very detailed explanation from a Swedish engineer (one of my now deceased close friends was a mentor to this guy - who went on the design a bunch of revolutionary airplanes - including the first one to circumnavigate the Earth unrefueled and nonstop). https://burtrutan.com/downloads/EngrCritiqueCAGW-v4o3.pdf
  8. If you REALLY give a damn about this topic, take a look at the "most wanted" lists region by region. You will find a huge portion of those individuals are clearly immigrants or from immigrant families from cultures that are - to say the least - not exactly of same value set as the population of this country over most of the last two centuries. Another significant group is aboriginal Canadians, but less so on the "most wanted" list as they simply walk in and out of the Liberal "catch and release" system only pausing to stab a few dozen people along the way (as happened in SK last year) that takes them off of the "most wanted" list. With $1.4 TRILLION in racked up debt from buying votes with future taxpayers' money there is no consequence for doing so, thus we "voters" get what we deserve - i.e. what we elected. The country has become a failed nation/state and we are along for the ride. Worth noting that the US, EU and UK have similar problems with globalized and looney left virtue signaling immigration, violent crime, drugs and debt as we do.
  9. Don't forget that Israel started their formal presence as a nation state by pretty much a terrorist attack on the people who lived in the Palestinian region under British control. Didn't exactly start off on the right footing. The other thing to consider is that the Jewish population balooned from immigration while he Muslim population reproduced at a stunning rate - so this tiny bit of desert is stuffed to the gunwhales with population. SOMETHING has to give. So, you don't like the two state option: what do you propose as a workable solution??? BTW: something I have yet to understand: where did he money come from to build out the infrastructure of Gaza? To house and service 2 million people who produce essentially nothing except more children takes on crap ton of cash.
  10. Bingo: unfortunately the case that the UN has become a massive 3rd world dominated bureaucracy funded by first world nations. In the case of Gaza/Palestine the thousands of UN employees that prop the place up could not possibly avoid employing some very hard line Paleo/Hamas supporters. To find only 12 is total BS. By the same token showing the total ineffectuality of the UN: the two state solution has faltered horribly with Israeli "settlers" taking over the West Bank. To think a sea of Jews is somehow going to tolerate two islands of people brought up to hate their very existence is naive in the extreme.
  11. Yeah, right. People will just "volunteer" to work their ass off for nothing. Reality is: you end up with the ultimate Marxist society where government owns the means of production and you do what you are told, when your are told, how you are told and do not question authority. You see, very few people are ever going to volunteer for the really difficult jobs and when they don't get done SOMEONE has to step in - i.e. those who "volunteered" themselves to be government. Think about this: you come down with cancer and you think the qualification to treat you is going to come from someone who has volunteered to be a doctor? Good luck with that one. Come to think of it: with our current Liberal immigration policy, we are getting scary close to the latter situation.
  12. One must first understand what the entire purpose of governments sticking their nose deep into money in-money out interference in marketplaces and the economy. Splash a bunch of taxpayers' money around with the excuse you are trying to save the world - and that creates a path back into a lot of back pockets that your political organization and leadership can cash in on. NOTE: IT IS NOT ONLY A LIBERAL PROBLEM. Any government that has run this country $1.5 TRILLION in debt has no business doing ANYTHING but paying off the portion of this debt they created - by real time taxation. Carbon tax is meant to buy votes, not fix any concept climate "protection". When I see ANY politician or bureaucrat recognizing that the ONLY thing effective they can do is to REDUCE all of the things we do to crap in our own nest, not spew endless nonsense about how doing MORE is somehow going to fix anything but their personal bank account THEN I will take them seriously.
  13. at $34 trillion and counting it does somewhat resemble an elaborate Ponzi scheme. The banks long ago took over legislating, regulating and enforcing (or not) ANYTHING to do with financial law, policy and crime. They started infiltrating levels of government in 1934 and "too big to fail" was demonstration that Goldman Sucks actually runs everything to do with economic law, policy and administration in the USA. They will simply reward thenselves with endless "money for nothing:" (i.e. speculative gain) in the hopes they will inflate the economy so badly that the $34T debt will be service and possibly at some time paid off by money so devalued that it will easily be covered by the asset value of the nation.
  14. Food, clothing, office supplies - almost all consumables would have a Costco name on them. Weekly trip for wife and eldest daughter (4 boys, so supplies used up quickly). What clothing Costco doesn't supply wife or kids make. Same for garden produce. I strongly approve of Costco business model and trust them to save us a bunch of time, trouble and money by doing the source shopping for us. Automotive - WVAG since I have driven, fixed, sold, etc. since 1967. I understand what they try to do and can put up with the times they don't quite get it right. Heavier stuff: class 3,4,5 trucks Cummins/Ram and Class 7 & 8 Detroit power. Aviation: AA and then Grumman American - believe in their design philosophy and a lot of experience with them. Avuation piston power: Lyc for little things, P&W for bigger ones and now Weslake for things to come. Hand tools: Stahlwille, Mac, Knipex, Vessel, Wera, Wiha - mostly German for me. Welding equipment: All blue except one - Miller has been exceptionally good for me over the years. Didn't realize how brand sensitive I seemed to be until this thread.
  15. It is not "the rich" that need taxation - it is speculative gain - as it creates no wealth but drives inflation that dillutes the value of money for everyone. Make me in charge for one day and I can fix this: 99% over first month, 95% over one year reducing by 5% for he term of the flip each year until reaching a nominal flat tax rate. Only "progressiveness" would be basic PERSONAL exemption = COL. To make an economy work, "investment" needs to be in productive use of capital, not merely speculation of already placed equity. And, of course, deriviatives and any other synthetic instruments would be a criminal offense.
  16. The "system" you refer to is not money, it is regulation of financial institutions, corporate governance and taxation. "Money" will be in each and every iteration of ANY system, as tokens are needed for exchange - again as others have clearly explained. On the other comment: people CAN and DO buy guns without virtually no restrictions - just not from the normal, legal retail route. Criminal's job would be extremely easy with no tokens to pay people for services such as fire and police.
  17. This thought inspired by the thread to eliminate money. Made me think about where do people get their information and inspiration. Most of all: how do we so willingly accept incredible bias in wealth distribution? Going back a few hundred years, it was churches that ruled the world. Mostly because they were he mechanism of delivering information. Check out the massive structures they built "in the name of whatever" and realize what they were extremely good at was convincing people to give them money. A quick check in with the Vatican bank, for instance, would give a pretty good idea of just how successful they were (and to a large extent still are). Fast forward to this century and still the most prominent conduit of information is broadcast television. Instead of worshipping some kind of dieties, we now worship greed. It seems to me one of the most influential constituents of this culture is the boob tube. When we watch the thing, it spends all of its time agrandizing the most useless, non-productive people on the planet. The "news" seldom contains any stories related to anything productive. Hollywood "stars", banking and finance personalities (seldom is there anything related to the actual products - Boeing airplanes one current exception) politicians, lawyers but most of all - professional sports are all offered up as the high priests of the new religion - greed. Yeah, when you take $10mm a year out of the economy to reward someone for playing stick and ball games - activities that produce diddly squat - that is simply a symptom of our worship of greed (note, I did not say "money"). Oh: then there is the other extreme - how we seem to be so fascinated with violence. TV seems not to get enough of crimes and brutality in the shows and movies it revells in human tragedy. Going way out on a limb here: but have to wonder if the frequency of mass shooting, stabbings, bombing, etc. getting so much attention along with glorifying wars and such on the screen doesn't lead to more actual violence.
  18. What (or more to the point one of many things) you seem not to understand is that people are involved. They do not behave in some great, even, reasonable and fair way, they live only by four things: sex, pride, greed and fear. Take away the mechanism of measuring worth and exchange (i.e. monetary system) and you would have chaos and collapse where exactly as today, greed rules except now free rain for fear to be the tool to expedite satiating sex and greed. What we need to eliminate is not money - but to control and reward only productive work with value. SIMPLE thing to fix: eliminate speculative gain. Our problem is not with money, it is with re-distribution of wealth without adding value. Again, it is not "money" per se that got us into this mess - it is giving control of everything that values money to a very small portion of the population (banks and finance).
  19. Sorry did not save screen. was able to pick up screen as tab was open. You should have it now. Agree with others: if you want to be effective, let your filter flag word when it is typed. The idea that a poster is going to spend ten minutes ever post to review and memorize some list of "bad words" is a bit naiive.
  20. I have been in the oil business for decades. Never saw a penny from any government come into my pocket. Gave them a crap tonne of cash, though. You need to understand just how big the world's transportation requirements and infrastructure are. As I said: not enough Lithium to put a tiny dent in it. Sorry, I did miss you sodium post, but as with any other technology not there yet (at the scale and energy density required for portable/vehicle energy storage). I have the incredible good luck to visit with some battery scientists busy developing aluminum (and I believe sodium) tech that has fantastic promise - but as with everything else in the battery world, no where near ready for prime time.
  21. and it took 120 years and hundreds of billions in government subsidies to circumvent what over a century of the marketplace had no chance of succeeding. Going to the Li Ion road is incredibly irresponsible. There is not enough known lithium reserves on the planet to put even a small dent in the needs for our global transportation needs. The second level of incredible stupidity is governments knowing full well Li Ion BEVs are a dead end technology jumping onto the Hydrogen Economy bandwagon. All things should only be driven by market conditions - that governments should influence by regulation and taxation....NOT by politician choosiong winners and losers with massive subsidies.
  22. Plus it will virtue signal our inclusiveness.
  23. Sorry did not save screen. Has happened MANY times. You see a quoted window of the post in brown text with the explanation of highlighted text needs to be corrected, but it shows 100% of the text in highlight. So, impossible to tell WHAT was tripping the intervention.
  24. I wander back here from time to time, and when I do I usually reply to something, maybe a little careless with language - and get presented with a screen that asks to remove the highlighted words - except the WHOLE POST is in one box in brown colour and the black and white text of same appears below with NO HIGHLIGHTING at all. Far too frustrating to waste time on.
  25. In the words of scientists without an agenda: "We do not have a carbon release problem, we have a carbon absorption one"....or words to that effect. The phytoplankton of both oceans and fresh water are by far the largest and fastest reacting sink of CO2. One species alone (diatoms) are responsible for 42% of all of the oxygen on the planet being released from absorbed (and used) CO2. Problem is: we have managed to poison the living shit out of the oceans and have reduced their ability to use CO2 .. A lot of the anti-carbon "science" is a populist movement to demonize the oil industry and move business into other directions. Doing this masks the real problems of ocean pollution that we barely pay lip service to. When money flows to support this kind of thing, "scientists" (i.e. those who produce diddly shit but need funding to pay the bills - so go where and say what will get their bux) line up to cash in. for those who give a damn: https://goesfoundation.com/
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