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Hal 9000

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Everything posted by Hal 9000

  1. Actually, what you described does happen - all the time. It's not a gender thing, it's a case of grooming. It happens with men/men all the time too.
  2. Sorry - "not too (as) many women are willing to sacrifice'. Is that a surprise to you? It should seem pretty obvious. A woman with a newborn will rarely if ever be asked to pull extra time in the workplace - especially for free. Employers know who to dangle the carrot in front of, who to strong-arm, and who to let go at quitting time. I've known woman to make it a condition of employment that they never be asked to work late or weekends. Sorry, its true -"not too (as) many women are willing to sacrifice'.
  3. So, your assuming that there's jealousy and that she's smarter than the guys? I'm the one that trained her and I know exactly where she's at - which is this; she's decent! Decent is good enough to have her jump over a lot of qualified guys. There are about 7-8 guy's who have both more skills and are more experienced - sure they're pissed, not because she's a woman, but because they know whats going on.
  4. There's no stats if that's what you mean. I guess you could peek into some windows of local offices, if you see some lights on, i'll bet you it's a man/men working late.
  5. In union and government jobs it is like that. The private sector is different because it's about production, knowledge and experience
  6. No, you weren't, but the point is; there is a lot more to earnings than meets the eye. Men give up a ton of family time to move up (in any industry), not too many women are willing to sacrifice that time for their job. Here's something else we haven't explored yet; I work in a male dominated profession, my boss has been horny to have a crew leader who is a woman. He constantly trys pushing woman after woman up the ladder - until now they all failed miserably. Now, one female is decent - as decent as many of the guy's, however she's getting paid more than guys that have 2-3x's the experience (and are better at their job) and who should actually be leading their crews, but she's getting groomed and my boss brags to all our clients how we are truing a female crew leader.
  7. As a guy who has worked in the business world (another life ago), the men were expected/pressured to work later in the evenings some nights and more than half of the saturdays - especially toward month end. As we were salaried, we got nothing but a meager food allowance for our efforts. The women were never expected to any of that, they could if they wanted, but generally they had family responsibilities and didn't. When promotions and raises came around the guys got screwed every time. The discrepancies were based more on who had to pay for their families than work or gender. The young single guys always did more and yet were paid less than the older guy's and women. P.S - Most of the women were happy to make the salary they did, they didn't want promotions because that almost always meant a transfer. So, there is a lot more to wage discrepancy than gender. If any woman wants to work 60 hours a week and move up the ladder - great, but don't expect it if your walking out the door at 5:01 every day.
  8. What is the plan for Hamas and the palestinians here? They know their rockets are doing nothing, they have no real ground force, how can they win this?
  9. Bull crap! More than 90% of workplace deaths are men.
  10. Do you have even the slightest idea of what men do for their families? Clearly No! Do you know how many of us risk our lives every day so that our wives and kids can have a roof over their head, a decent place to live, a safe vehicle to drive. Many of us leave our families and head of to work - sometimes that means one week away, sometimes its months on end. Many men work and live for one simple reason - to take care of our families. Loggers, fishermen, miners, oil workers etc. Real work where real men can die. How about rat infested sewers - don't see women down there. I've known guy's who have been attacked by everything from bears to sharks, not including the dangers of simply travelling to the work site. Ever been in a 25foot boat and 20 foot seas? Have you ever been stalked by a bear or cougar, ever work 12-14 hours in -30, ever been in a mine collapse, You ever been in a sea plane that was too heavy...in bad weather, ever been 100 feet below the surface when your air ran out - just to feed you family? Bet you haven't! I've been involved in an industry of no more than 30 specialized workers, and the reality is 1.3 of us would die every season. After 4 or 5 years, it stops being cool and really starts to wear on a man's psyche. You leave home wondering if you're ever coming home. Your ignorance is pissing me off!
  11. You said; "I can't even imagine the Palestinian mothers with babies and young children, having no power, no where to run. It's a travesty on both sides." Could you have said "palastinian civilians/families instead? You really sound like you couldn't care less about men. Then you follow it up with the "If wars were managed by women" crap. Personally, I think female leaders know when war is required just as men do, fortunately, they generally are not forced to make such decisions. Most of us, including women have the luxury of living in a free society without guilt - great, don't assume men are the monsters while you go for sushi, sip your wine and chat with your friends about how hard done by you are.
  12. Does anyone even care that we work (those of us that do work) until August before we make even a dime for ourselves? Trudeau is gonna raise taxes even higher but he won't say how much or even where the tax money will go. But hey, lets trade that off for legalized pot - real smart!
  13. But, you refuse to say that Islam is worse than Christianity, so, I'm left with the understanding that you'd be just as comfortable living in Islam as Christianity - am I wrong? Can you at least admit that you have a better life in Canada than you would in say...Syria, Iran or Saudi Arabia?
  14. No, Israeli's know the routine! They are more afraid than you know and they want Hamas gone! It's like on Peanuts, most of us know that Lucy is gonna pull the football away from Charlie Brown. If you people on the left don't get that by now, you never will - sorry!
  15. Yes it was baiting, but it was no worse than what you display with every single post you make. I've since deleted the comment, because its not the way I want to be. It's not the way genders should look at each other, I hope you'd see that your signature doesn't help, in fact its damaging. That's all I'll say on the matter, unless of course you want to discuss further or start a new thread. But, 'I'm OK letting it go.
  16. I've just reitterated what she's said - that's all!
  17. You're absolutely right, you can and should express your thoughts any way you please...and you have. That's all I'll say on the matter, unless of course you want to discuss further or start a new thread. But, 'I'm OK letting it go.
  18. So...lets feel sorry for the women? Seriously? That's classic. P.S - you forgot set on fire, dragged behind vehicles and beheaded - Lol.
  19. No fit! Just using your sig to prove that disdain for men is not only accepted but worn as a badge of honour. I wish I could be so bold.
  20. It's futile, she's seen it, read it...and disregarded it. She believes Jihad is a loving aspect to Islam, she would also be just as happy to be muslim as Christian.
  21. That's crazy! Look at this statement; A woman who knows her true value will only put up with a man's nonsense for so long, you either get right or get left. This is a hateful statement, we all laugh, but it's totally hateful. Now, If I said; "A man who know his true value will only put up with a woman's yapping, bitching, weight gain, spending (take your pick) for so long, you can shape up or ship out." What would I be? Even drawing an example, I'm taking a chance at getting infracted or warned, but some misandrist poster actually spews this crap in her signature. It's a badge of honour for her and no one is even bothered, that's how bad things are.
  22. So, there can not be a hatred or dislike toward men/boys - anywhere! That's seems implausible!
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