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Everything posted by marcus

  1. This could very well happen. Our financial system has never been sustainable. The issues and holes within it have received bandages and its life has been extended, but it looks more and more like it's going to implode. This is more of a concern to me than climate change. Climate change will continue to happen. It's a transition. We will adapt to it, and looking at it positively, technology may may lessen the burden of it. But the financial system and infrastructure is a big concern that I don't see a solution to. Maybe self-sustainibility, localization of economy is the answer for food and products. The centralized money system, where money is printed without any oversight is not the answer. Blockchain could be the answer to that. I don't know. But that will take more than a decade to be able to be adopted.
  2. Frothing Berserker cries out for Donald Trump during the events of January 6th.
  3. Anyone use biodegradable trash bags? Cost has gone way down, due to competition.
  4. I would disagree with this. Because others' use of plastic bags is directly harming me and my environment.
  5. We have other sources of energy that can, one day, fully replace oil and coal. It's already happening, but it can be done faster. Why are you so afraid of adaptation and progress in order to improve how we live? Why can't Canada become a leader in using renewables? Why is it so difficult to accept that renewables can also create jobs and economic incentives. Side note: Atomic energy needs to be looked at more seriously.
  6. That's not correct. AR-15 are legal. Americans are also able to get a machine gun, if they want to. Background checks are not going through, despite an overwhelming majority supporting them. Why? Because the gun lobby is still one of the most powerful lobby groups in America. You're not making comments based on facts. Ref: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-deaths-per-capita-by-state
  7. I thought this was already happening. Can they improve it? I believe a country like the U.S. would not be able to handle a sudden shut off of gun culture. It needs to be a gradual weaning, which may take a few generations. Starting with removing automatic guns and introducing background checks.
  8. Gas prices have increased all over the world. It's not just in Canada. It doesn't matter if it's a leftist, centrist or rightwing government. A little oilsands 101:
  9. I thought about this. It would probably have to be a gradual transition. Start with background check + removing ARs.
  10. The constitution is designed to be a living and evolving document. This is the same document that did not give women the right to vote and did not provide equal rights to black people. This century requires a different approach to guns than the 1700’s…the guns are not even the same guns. Gun violence is a human rights issue and it’s time to revisit the 2nd amendment as other aspects of the constitution were visited. This is not a partisan issue, it’s a matter of public safety.
  11. Yuck. So toxic. After having read a few of the comments, I am surprised people are still indulging and are trying to have a conversation with this person and people like him. To me it's clear that technology and an increase in the standard of living is preventing evolution from weeding out the dummies.
  12. I agree with a lot of this. I mean, if Canada wants to step in to help people who are being attacked, then there are so many other places around the world that we would need to be stepping in. Like to help the Yemenis being attacked by the Saudis, or the Palestinians losing more and land each day, and living in an open air prison because of Israel, or the the Rohingyas' persecution in the hands of the Myanmar, or the Uyghurs who are living in prison camps in China, and etc. It's silly to pretend that this is a humanitarian move. The reality is that West's presence in the conflict is geopolitical. Having said all of this, one thing that we should be concerned about is the sovereignty over our land in the north. Russia has been quite aggressive over that area. Perhaps the West is using the opportunity in Ukraine to push Russia to spend on military and starve them through sanctions, so that they would lose power. It looks like Russia didn't expect this much resistence.
  13. National Post reviewed the list of investors, and it confirms that the conspiracy theory is not true. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/no-trudeau-foundation-doesnt-own-firm-supplying-pfizer-covid-vaccine A company official showed the National Post a copy of its central-securities register, a legally required document detailing ownership of the business. It indicates that most of the shares are controlled by the three founders and the rest by senior employees, board members and holding companies set up by employees for income-tax purposes. Acuitas asked that names of the shareholders not be published to protect them from attacks by anti-vaccine advocates.
  14. Here is more from National Post https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/no-trudeau-foundation-doesnt-own-firm-supplying-pfizer-covid-vaccine A company official showed the National Post a copy of its central-securities register, a legally required document detailing ownership of the business. It indicates that most of the shares are controlled by the three founders and the rest by senior employees, board members and holding companies set up by employees for income-tax purposes. Acuitas asked that names of the shareholders not be published to protect them from attacks by anti-vaccine advocates. ... But the fast-moving lie is the latest example of how conspiracy theories related to the pandemic can spread like viruses themselves, and presents a case study of how that online transmission occurs. Its exact origins are unclear but the false Acuitas-Trudeau link seems to have been amplified, at least, by prominent members of the American anti-COVID-vaccine movement, just as the U.S. right took up the cause of the trucker-branded protests against Canadian vaccine mandates. None of the accusers has offered actual evidence backing up the charge. Experts say none of it is a surprise.
  15. I just did a 10 minute search online and this is one of the links I came across: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-trudeau-acuitas-idUSL1N2UT27X Fact Check-Neither Justin Trudeau nor the Trudeau Foundation have shares in Acuitas Therapeutics I wasn't able to find any information that showed proof that Trudeau owns shares. Is there actual proof that Trudea owns shares that you can point to?
  16. My opinion: In the case of the f*ck trudeau/canadian flag waving crowd: When you have a small percentage of people, sitting in an echo chamber (social media), they're not only continuously fed the same, unchallenged misinformation, but they are also under the delusion that they have large support. Because support is all they hear. The reality is that they're a small, but very loud minority, who, thanks to social media, can actually organize these useless and unproductive stunts. This is why 2/3 of Canadians supported the government's measures to clear the convoy from downtown Ottawa.
  17. Can you point to how section 2 of the CRF has been violated by the government. I would appreciate specifics.
  18. I'm still not clear on this. What are people most mad about, in your opinion? Give me a list. I am still not sure what you perceive to be Western Englightenment. What is it? Is our economic system part of this anger as well? Is it cultural? Is it legal? If you could give me specifics, instead of general terms, I would appreciate it. I really just want to know where this anger is coming from.
  19. Who do you blame for the direction we're going? What's the central issue? How do we get out of it?
  20. Not that I am saying you're wrong, but it's a good practice to cite what you're saying, whenever you can, so others can see where you got your information from.
  21. This is at least a positive step. As much as I believe the approach the convoy and its backers took, and the timing of it, is something I am against, for the government to suddenly close accounts, is a huge red flag.
  22. Same thing is happening in the U.S. Their financial system is not working, and those in power are doing whatever they can to squeeze the last few drops of the old, failing system. The current financial system, the monopoly of industries, and the socialism for corporations that has been created by the governments (and the corp lobbyists) are the issues. Fortunately for them, instead of talking about the corrupt system we have, they have the people fighting amongst themselves, where people call each other communists and Canada haters, and etc. There is no saving the decaying, corrupt system we have. We will either hit rock bottom, and everything will collapse, or a new system, led by blockchain technology, and a rise of new industries, will slowly transition us out of the mess.
  23. We have already done away with a lot of the control the monarchy has had. Canada is unique, but the monarchy is not the glue that holds us together. The monarchy is not even part of our thinking system. What keeps us together are bacon, maple syrup, immigration, hockey, and healthcare. It is to Quebec's advantage to stay with the rest of Canada. The status quo works well for them in many ways. I'm not worried about it.
  24. Seriously? Stop with the weakminded personal attacks. Me? Communist? Opposed to Canada? Just so you know, I can't be bothered to fall into the trap of wasting time with people who want to apply these absolutes.
  25. Everything can be updated for the best. Even if a small number of people object to it. Barbados becomes a republic and parts ways with the Queen https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-59470843
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