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Status Updates posted by OftenWrong

  1. Gorgeous autumn afternoon here, and it's a long weekend! Happy Thanksgiving! Maybe we can barbecue that turkey...;) 


    1. OftenWrong


      Couldn't decide whether it would be steak or sausage on the barby tonight. 'Why not both?" says the wife.
      I concur, says I....

      <opens stout ale at picnic table>

      Good country, Canada

  2. Meanwhile in other news, some very bad things are happening that make all this seem like a sideshow.

    Seems, madam? Nay, it is.

  3. Justin Trudeau: Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.

  4. I gotta laugh about media use of the word "Brownface" - as if it were somehow less harsh than the severe blackface.

    Brownface is a new word. You can use it in a sentence like this - "He was merely in brownface." 

  5. Liberal bullshit is reaching such a high level, it is now collapsing under its own weight. Stand back, you fools...


  6. Seems like Dems are utterly desperate, beginning impeachment without even hearing the complaint. They know that they have no contender in the election that can beat Donald Trump, so this now is the ploy. Keep Trump mired in an impeachment process, let it drag on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OftenWrong


      I think polls are showing that Trump has the win. Dems have made their choice, this is the hill they will die on.

    3. Argus


      Judge Napolitano says Trump has admitted crimes that merit impeachment! FOX never lies!


    4. OftenWrong


      They do allow people to have a different opinion. Given that the whistleblower report wasn't even released until about an hour ago, thats what they are, just opinions.

  7. Let's see our PM now try to seriously lecture the Chinese, or the Saudis on human rights. He cannot govern. He is a laughing stock.

    1. betsy


      How can he even  stand before the global community in summits to discuss and make impassioned speeches on race-related issues, discrimination etc...

      Everyone will be eye-rolling! :lol:

  8. Mr. Trudeau shocks the conscience of Canadians.

  9. CBC is showing the PM at a staged town hall, taking questions from "the crowd". Mr. Trudeau apologizes, and receives rousing applause. The crowd has accepted his answer and wants to move on.

    Shape your opinion here, damage control, mind control.

    Nicely done boys, very nicely done!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Trudeau at the upcoming debates - show up in blackface. Now THAT would be balls! Now THAT I could vote for!

    3. scribblet


      They are all supporting him, and they are trotting out minority MPs to prop him up.    


    4. scribblet
  10. Mr Trudeau awakens to a new dawn. The irony is palpable. Greek theatre. How the mighty have fallen, and stuff.

    1. AngusThermopyle


      I can't wait to see how Harper made him do it.

    2. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      For liberals this is not going to make a difference in how they vote, this behavior is not only tolerated but encouraged...the truth is the truth 

    3. OftenWrong


      Not true for Liberal little black girls. "Mommy, why is Mr. Trudeau wearing blackface? Is he making fun of our skin colour?" 




  11. I’m at the Trump tower in NYC! Beers are cheaper here than outside. Interesting. Trumponomics in action.

  12. Leftist reactionary hype gets exposed. Oh well, Trump's a clown anyway! :huh: :wacko: :blink: 



    1. scribblet


      David Akin @davidakin

      Sep 5

      I’ve been watching the patterns of spending announcements by our federal government for 10 years. 26,000 spending announcements. Three Parliaments. And all I’ll say: you cannot believe the Liberals right now. Shameless.

  13. Maxime Bernier: "The goal of the green Left is to radically transform our society through hysterical fear that the end of the world is coming and we have no choice but to give up our freedoms and way of life."

    - Maxime Bernier at the start of a tweet-storm in which he eviscerates leftist wunderkind Greta Thunberg.

    1. OftenWrong


      Bernier holds back no punches for the little girl. Some highlights-

      "Their agenda is clear. Thunberg: “We must change almost everything in our current society.” They want to make us poorer and restrict everything from housing, transportation, food, travel, and what we consume, to even having babies.

      GretaThunberg is clearly mentally unstable. Not only autistic, but obsessive-compulsive, eating disorder, depression and lethargy, and she lives in a constant state of fear. She wants us to feel the same: “I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I fear every day.”

      If she’s just a “child,” why should we care about her immature and simplistic opinion on policies that affect millions? Why is she invited to the UN and getting massive media coverage? How convenient that we can’t criticize this alarmist “child” urging everyone to “panic.”

      The green leftists want us to focus on the feelings of this girl so as to prevent any debate on the radical ideology she is pushing. But she and her parents are responsible for making her an international figure at the center of political controversies. Not the rest of us. My concern is not for Greta Thunberg’s feelings, but for the millions of Canadians and people in other countries who will be poorer, will suffer and have their lives upended if we let her and the movement she represents impose their radical ideas. I’m also concerned about all the children that @GretaThunberg has irresponsibly encouraged to skip school, or who have become more anxious, distressed, and in some cases suicidal because they believe they have no future.


    2. scribblet


      He's right, but Greta is untouchable because she has some mental health issues.  IMO she is being exploited and her parents are the equivalent of 'dance moms'  on steroids, for environmentalists. 

  14. So maybe nuking hurricanes is not such a bad idea after all?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      I'd try a 5-10 megaton airburst of the cleanest design. Right in the eyeball...


    3. BubberMiley


      Go big or go home. Just don't go golfing instead.

  15. Another virtue signaller has fallen by her own sword:


    “I have deleted my tweet about the hurricane & Mar a Lago and sincerely apologize to all it offended,” the Right Honourable Kim Campbell, who was Canada’s first female prime minister, wrote in the tweet.

    “It was intended as sarcasm-not a serious wish of harm. Throwaway lines get a life of their own on Twitter. I shd know better. Mea culpa,”.


    1. scribblet


      I saw that and it was not sarcasm

  16. lmao

    Donald Trump meets Boris Johnson


    Looks like they got along famously. Who knew?

    1. bush_cheney2004


      Just two bros having fun in France !   The other stiffs don't look nearly as happy.

  17. Donald Trump: I have come here to piss in your wine.

    1. scribblet


      You mean whine 

    2. OftenWrong


      Yes they are whiners! Trump meets Macron in France today. On the table is a French threat to impose a tax on US goods. Trump has said if they do that, he will put tariffs on French wine.

  18. Bird up

    1. Vid


      I may be banned, but it will be worth it, to finally call out BubberMiley.

    2. BubberMiley


      I definitely agree. It was worth it. :lol:

  19. I mean, all these fancy political theories can only work when you have a well-educated, intelligent electorate. Most importantly they have a political education.

    We don't have that level of intelligence yet. Hence the reason our democracy is so... stupid.

  20. The Google oracle returns to you the answers it wants you to see, not what you're looking for and not necessarily even the truth. Just remember that...

    1. scribblet


      Try duckduckgo 

      According to wikki:  The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) is the change in consumer preferences from manipulations of search results by search engine providers. SEME is one of the largest behavioral effects ever discovered. This includes voting preferences. A 2015 study indicated that such manipulations could shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more and up to 80 percent in some demographics.[1][2]

      The study estimated that this could change the outcome of upwards of 25 percent of national elections worldwide.

      Google denies it.    

      study from 2015  https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2015/08/03/1419828112.abstract?sid=2096de02-a382-4aeb-89e0-df794a4ca03a

      I think they broke up AT & T for less 

  21. The Ethics Commissioner's report shows that Mr. Trudeau and his team attempted to obstruct the investigation, despite Trudeau's loud proclamations of transparency. Virtue-signalling chickens are finally coming home to roost.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scribblet


      Yeah  but but  liberals are good with it all

    3. Shady


      What about Harper, man?

    4. Spiderfish


      Well, the CBC is now trying to make the case that it's inappropriate for Scheer to request the RCMP to investigate, declaring that this is interference in a potential criminal prosecution.

      CBC appears to be earning their share of the 600 million "aid package" courtesy of the Liberal party.

      You seriously can't make this stuff up.

  22. Globalists maneuvering us towards a recession... because Trump.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dougie93


      Like when you see flash crashes, that's because the big firms are spooked by 2008, so they've got their algorithms set to hair trigger alert to take their profits and get out fast, when certain warning signs flash.

    3. Dougie93


      Bear in mind that nothing was actually changed much in 2008, they bailed it out, but it's not like they control all the black boxes in the world, the black boxes are bigger and blacker than they were in 2008, contagion looms like a sword of damocles, collateral debt obligations could blow up again and even bigger this time around.

      There's nothing inherently wrong with a credit default swap, it's actually a brilliant hedge, but when everybody is hedged to everybody else, and some of them start to default, panic spreads like wildfire and it goes around the world in a matter of seconds, and these days its the computers making the calls, and garbage in garbage out means computers panic too.

    4. Dougie93


      IMO the rest of the world is already in recession, and in certain markets, like oil, there is a long term structural depression, it's just that the policy stimulus is hiding most of it, and the Americans are burning so hot and bright right now, they are singlehandedly propping the world markets up.

  23. This just in: Justin Trudeau to be hoisted by his own petard.

    1. OftenWrong


      Sounds good, whatever a petard is...

  24. RIP Peter Fonda. You have gone on to meet your maker...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Can't say for sure since I don't know any dirty bikers myself, BubberMiley. We rural folks try to live a clean life.

    3. BubberMiley


      You sounded so confident that you knew what you were talking about.

  25. Mr. Trudeau does not understand Canadians. Canadians do not want jobs from companies that do things that are illegal. We take pride in our honesty. We are a nation of law.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dialamah


      So I kinda thought the same but I saw an awful lot of support for him, much more than I usually see, on the FB page.  I admit I was surprised.  Perhaps the difference is that its perceived as corruption to benefit Canadians/jobs and not corruption to benefit himself/his cronies.

    3. scribblet


      He did do it to benefit himself tho as he mentioned him being an MP and all for Papineau and there wasn't really an issue with jobs.  However,  I'm surprised at so many people thumbing their nose at the law and ethics (or lack thereof)

    4. Dougie93


      Canada is a Company Town, everybody works for Boss Hogg and the Unions.

      Work is bullshit, jobs are jails, defend your laziness, free time is a commodity unto itself.

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