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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in Posts

  1. "We shouldn't be doing things for the sake of it." said UK's health secretary Javid Singh (BBC). Why? The recently published results on vaccine effects may suggest that passports limited to vaccinated may not be very effective in controlling the spread of the infection, because vaccination, though reducing, does not eliminate transmission of the infection. And if a clear public health benefit cannot be demonstrated, in the countries with functional independent judiciary such measures may not stand to legal challenges. "The Night Time Industries Association warned the plans could have crippled the industry and seen nightclubs facing discrimination cases." Morale: when one has to prove and defend their actions, one tends to think about them more seriously. Not all though. Maybe because not all of those who decide and manage have to think, explain, prove and defend their measures and policies?
    4 points
  2. That is so tru. When he said it will be down till the natives say so, he lost all authority.
    3 points
  3. both cases are bad examples you just take the media's word that they aren't the other parties are far more racist than the PPC the media just has a hard-on for the PPC the media is grasping at straws and you say that is enough the witch hunters are everywhere in the media that's why I see them everywhere in the media there aren't witches everywhere though and you still see them everywhere especially in the PPC
    1 point
  4. he didn't speak against Muslim's he spoke out against Muslim extremists and criticized the religion, which you say is fine, except apparently if a PPC candidate does it, or I do it, or many others on this forum do it it's a witch hunt, not off the table at all
    1 point
  5. Ok, so why is the province being held indefinitely at step 3. Open up, Mr. Premier, end these restrictions. Let ‘er rip.
    1 point
  6. Why don't you give PR a try? If it doesn't suit your political culture then scrap it and come back to FPTP. However, unless you try you'll never know.
    1 point
  7. Trudeau makes Canadians feel worse about Canada, a great country. He needs to go as soon as possible.
    1 point
  8. Right so there should be an immediate class action in Canada. Sue the government. Also employers who mandated the psudeo-vaccine for their workers. They must be sued, and the mandate challenged in court. This shows the problem, when government leaders listen to the insane mob during an emergency, rather than experts. Unions and other non- expert groups have had their way. But not common sense. It is here at this point where democracy as we know it fails. It is our undoing. Hope you people get that.
    1 point
  9. If the all the crap i have put in my body since becoming a teen in the 70s hasn't killed me, a vax ain't going to do it.
    1 point
  10. Pumping up fear with any intentions, even the best of them never produced good solutions. It is simply not the environment and conversation that can produce them. With vaccines widely available to protect the vulnerable, the rationale for extreme measures is no longer there, and examples of some countries bring up the question if it ever existed. The direction has to change to protection of vulnerable, intelligent and effective specific measures to control the infection and individual responsibility. It's time to come back to normality.
    1 point
  11. Biden says his patience with American’s constitutional rights is wearing thin. It’s time to impeach his fascist old ass as soon as Republicans win back the house in 2022.
    1 point
  12. and the PPC is the only party who opposes that the CPC will simply give you more of the same
    1 point
  13. From what I've observed the "desperate" people are mostly well off conservatives.
    1 point
  14. It sounds like you've been listening to too much FOX News, OAN, Newsmax, and The My Pillow guy.
    1 point
  15. Are you even aware of how priggish and arrogant you sound here?
    1 point
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