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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Imagine if they all interrupted the introductions to say "We met backstage and decided that we're all resigning for the good of the province"
    1 point
  2. Society in Canada went for a shit back in 1980 when papa Trudeau won the election in that year. Ever since then Canada has been pretty much owned and operated by the lieberals and allowed to run and ruin this once great WASP country. And yet what did the dummies do in the last election? They voted for his pro diversity/feminist kid and put him into power to continue on with his old mans legacy of how to destroy a country in one decade. Oh the joy of it all.
    1 point
  3. In this day and age of readily available, instantly consumed media it's easier to make a "statement" from anywhere in the world. Certain freedom can, in some cases, put us at risk if applied dogmatically, as though they are always morally the right thing to do. Our "enemies" such as the Russians, Chinese, are very interested in exploiting whatever weakness they can, to gain influence in our politics. "Influence" however does not necessarily mean they significantly affected the final outcome. It's still just the Americans who get to vote.
    1 point
  4. Canadians have been moving to the U.S. for greater opportunity and lower cost of living for generations. Immigrants to Canada have also made the switch for over a century, and at one point (1930's) Canada actually lost population to the U.S. Two-thirds of Canadians live within 100 kilometers of the U.S. border...temporary and permanent access to the U.S. is an important Canadian value and behaviour. Many high skilled, high wealth, or high income Canadians will not be satisfied to pay more and get less in Canada.
    1 point
  5. You're reading into it what you choose to. Parsing that statement it sure does say 'some members' of families in the bottom 20% pay no taxes. But realistically, that could be 99%. Given the federal personal exemption amount is about $11,000 and the Ontario provincial personal exemption is another $10,000 or so, it's hard to imagine anyone in the bottom 20% paying any tax here. In the Atlantic provinces I understand the provinces have much lower exemptions so you might get some paying provincial income tax there.. Plus, you're ignoring that a lot of people NOT in the bottom 20% also pay no taxes due to various tax breaks, such as those for a non-working spouse and for children. That's mighty white of you. Do you point out that 5% of people are responsible for 42% of income taxes? And in any event, you continue to ignore the fact the discussion is on how such income tax responsibilities or lack thereof will inevitably impact voter intentions.
    1 point
  6. Funny how people in Ontario are afraid to support Ford because of what he “migt” do or allegedly do as per opposition lies. . Voters should be more afraid of what the other two “WILL” do.
    1 point
  7. The problem with Canada's national health care is a stubborn Marxist belief that all people should get exactly the same health care treatment, regardless of how much money they have or are willing to pay. This flies in the face of reality, of course, and everyone knows the likes of Justin Trudeau and other rich men don't have to wait in line for six hours at an ER to see a doctor, or wait six months on a list for an operation. Yet they cling to the ideal regardless. They don't insist everyone have the same quality of housing or clothing or food or anything else. But somehow the opinion makers, at least, have become devoted Marxists in terms of health care.
    1 point
  8. First of all, only productive people pay for sick care in the US. Between Medicare, Medicaid and government employment, a significant percentage of the population enjoys sick care at the cost of taxpayers. What we have in Canada is a sick system where everyone has medical insurance (most hidden cost by tax but in some cases with a monthly premium) provided by each province. There is a wide array of service delivery that is 100% government funded, some 100% government delivered, some delivered by private contractors to the state sick care plan and others that are "out of scope" and must be paid by the patient...IF it is allowed (some services are restricted to government delivery). Within the former G7, only Canada and the US stand out at the two opposite extremes. All of the rest have some version of government insurance, but an unrestricted mix of private and/or public service delivery.
    1 point
  9. The solutions are many, but I always think back to the time Erik Nilesen was Minister of some-damned-thing. One of his first priorities was to write a white paper on how much money we spend on the administration of the Federal Government. He found departments with big budgets and no employees (but the money got spent) and departments with little to actually DO, but big budgets, big staffs, etc. That was the biggest spike in his political coffin. I have maintained for decades that that first question one should ask when negotiating with public servants is not "what more can you do with more money" but "why should you and your department even exist?" A wholesale house cleaning is needed, and government should be restricted to governing - regulate and enforce, not try to be a social and economic entity.
    1 point
  10. Oh and I'd like to thank our gov't for their munificence. I am a private contractor and over 80% of my work comes from homeowners where at least one (and often both) are "civil" "servants." I'd like to thank a long line of LibCon politicians who for decades have been earnest in succoring public sector votes - even without the virtue signalling enabling tools like digital photography. Thank you Bill Davis. Thank you Joe Clark. Thank you Brian Mulrooney. Thank you Pierre. Thank you Justeen. Thank you Dalton. Thank you Cathleen. Ontario is now the most indebted sub-national jurisdiction on the planet. Turning our economy into one where the economy serves the gov't might be the death stroke of Ontario, but it has enabled 15 years of globalist happy gov't.
    1 point
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