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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2018 in Posts

  1. No...I DID NOT cross the border. Deport all illegals...and their sob stories.
    1 point
  2. Every immigrant and refugee accepted by Canada represents a vote for the political party that oversaw their arrival here. That's quite an incentive for increasing those arrivals.
    1 point
  3. Again, I didn't say her reward was losing her family and child. I said, why should she be rewarded with citizenship for breaking our laws? Especially when there was no reason to do so. And I didn't say I had no sympathy - I said I had "little sympathy" - about the same amount of sympathy I have for anyone who deliberately breaks the law and gets caught and suffers the consequences. What you're feeling isn't empathy. It's self-righteousness.
    1 point
  4. The decline started 15-20 years ago.
    1 point
  5. Not just trade deals. It is withdrawing everywhere from making contacts, friends, from the kind of ongoing dialogue between diplomats at all kinds of conferences and meetings which leads to both intelligence and understanding of the world, to trade deals, and to military and defense information. As well as, of course, being able to influence those people. You misunderstand the entire purpose of the TPP. It was not with China. It did not include China. It was to form a trading block between western and Asian countries which would help to resist Chinese economic influence as well as hopefully profit all involved.
    1 point
  6. You're right - but it's pretty obvious that having a baby increases your chances to stay on "humanitarian" grounds - if only because governments do not want to be accused of being heartless in separating mother and child. Can you just imagine how The Star and CBC would jump on these types of cases if Stephen Harper was still PM? So if you're here illegally, why not roll the dice if you're OK having a child?
    1 point
  7. Cretin choking a person caught on camera, no charges laid. Mulroney admits to taking bribes plus the stuff he got away with when in power, nevr charged. Fat ass mcduff claiming living away allowance while being an ont resident law says you must be 97 kms from yur primary residence. Never charged. Proof tht politicians are above the law and will continue to do what they're doing.
    1 point
  8. After how trudeau treated some men in is party over whispers, wait till he has to punish the next one. He needs to step down in shame.
    1 point
  9. Canada is also the biggest source of illegal overstays in the U.S. (100,000+). About twice as many Canadians emigrate legally to the U.S. than Americans going to Canada each year...and the U.S. has 10X the population ! The numbers for China are off the charts.
    1 point
  10. Anyone who queue's up in the immigration line has it all wrong. The trick is to cross into Canada illegally and your odds of being accepted are just as good as trying to come in through regular means.
    1 point
  11. The problem with our refugee system is really the problem with our legal system. What OUGHT to happen, is some Haitian shows up at the border, is shown to an office, makes his formal claim, and is denied almost immediately based upon the fairly obvious fact that he or she does not qualify under the UN definition of refugees (those fleeing persecution due to race, ethnicity, religion, political opinions, etc. Unfortunately, what happens is that we must take many years of legal hearings and appeals before a decision is rendered, by which time the individual is quite at home here and simply does not leave.
    1 point
  12. Why not? Tens of millions of people seem to be quite content to live there. There is no war in Turkey. Perhaps read a Canadian newspaper, not one from wherever it is you came from, and it will show that. No one paid for them. They paid their own way, and there were no health care or social services available on arrival. There are two concerns I have with immigration. The first is the immigration of hundreds of thousands of people without the skills, education or ability to perform well economically in Canada. The second is the immigration of hundreds of thousands of people with foreign cultures and values which are anathema to Canada's, and who have neither the ability nor the intention of ever assimilating. Based upon your performance so far I would venture to say you're probably a member of both such groups.
    1 point
  13. No one is in confusion as to why people from shitty countries want to come to Canada. But nor should anyone be confused by the desire that, given how very many people want to immigrate here, we be selective, and only take the best. And right now that is just not the case, else we would not see so many immigrants and their children living in poverty, and would not see continuing reports from government and others about the declining economic success of immigrants.
    1 point
  14. Iranian City council member who was suspended after being elected by people of City of Yazd because he was a Zoroastrian (a pre-Arab invasion ancient Persian religion which believed in peace, equality of races and religions and equality and respect for women but was virtually destroyed when Arabs invaded by sword). He was suspended unconstitutionally by an unelected group of apes called Guardian Council. He was re-appointed because the nation fought back. The reversal came after a widespread public outcry. https://www.rferl.org/a/iran-lifts-ban-on-zoroastrian-city-council-member/29381709.html Iranians should go back to Zoroastrian beliefs they used to have for centuries when they were a powerful peaceful nation respecting human rights and women if they ever wish to become a powerful country and nation again rather than having an allien Arab sympathizer imposed culture.
    1 point
  15. No, my ancestors were captured and sold in the Americas as slaves...they weren't running from anything. They paid their dues...you didn't. All you needed was a sob story and a plane ticket.
    1 point
  16. I have heard that Canada is an extremely hard country to get into if you are an actual immigrant. The points system; You must show that you have enough money on you, you must show that you have skills which there is a lack of in Canada or you at least must have already close relatives living in Canada already. However, none of the above has any significance if you are a refugee who just happens to float across a wide ocean into Canada.
    1 point
  17. It's ridiculous. There is very little difference between this appeals system and just throwing open the borders to anyone who wants to waltz through. The "anchor babies" need to be dealt with. Partly because many of these "refugees" and "asylum seekers" know they can never be turned away after birthing a child in Canada and partly because when we take in a family with 6 kids already and all they do is continue to reproduce, the chances of anyone in that family ever becoming a contributing member of society gets slimmer and slimmer. And now they're in a rut and a tax-payer burden for generations. I'm thinking of the family in BC who came with 6 kids, had one on the way over and another immediately on arriving, with no signs of stopping. The father is, of course, too busy to work or take language classes - and why should he have to? They're raking in almost $6000/month in child benefits alone - the mother will never work and the kids learn to play the system the same way as the parents. And complaining the whole way that they need more money because they're not living in a nice, new, fancy building. We are suckers.
    1 point
  18. There we go with the fringe politics. Russia needs to rejoin the west. They desperately want to rejoin the west. There are enormous obstacle to rejoining the west. Trump is trying solve world problems whilst critics are trying to make more problem. The election medelling had a very small impact on our election because of the de-centralized nature of said election. Stop whining over a lost election. Start thinking about why you lost in the first place. Go back to grass root politics. Stop supporting a liberal globalist agenda that doesn't work for "deplorables".
    1 point
  19. What's the problem ? Justin Trudeau has visited the United States 16 times, and Freeland's minions even more, trying to influence U.S. trade policy. Why are some people so afraid of Putin getting chummy with the USA, but not afraid to be NATO deadbeats ?
    1 point
  20. I deleted my reponse. I contend your comments pose as a pro Trump supporter to incite hateful comments against the US. Peekaboo I see you Ahmed or is it Pax Americana now.
    0 points
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