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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2017 in Posts

  1. In Nigeria, Islamic extremists have kidnapped hundreds of school girls. Apparently some of the girls are being taken into neighboring countries as brides for extremists. Others might end up becoming sex slaves as per Muslim tradition: Meanwhile in Syria, Islamists are crucifying people. And I know that there are people who'll say "yeah, well, Christians did the same kind of stuff in the dark ages, and Islam started 600 years behind Christianity, so they just need a little more time." But you know, hundreds of years ago when Christian cultures were discovering how to be human, they didn't have the benefit of learning from a global community of more enlightened neighbors. They were figuring it out from scratch. These dummies, on the other hand, stand on an island surrounded by more enlightened people, and shut their eyes to it. Worse, some of these countries, like Syria and Iran and Afghanistan, are places where more modern ideas used to be embraced, and Islamists said "these ideas of treating women and minorities like humans suck. We should go back to the old ways." I honestly find it infuriating. -k
    1 point
  2. It's not really about my friend. I only gave him as an example. It's about tourism in Europe! Will you and Omni please re-read my posts. Read the articles. And get on the same page, will you?
    1 point
  3. Yes, I recall that many on the forum were highly supportive of it. "If you aren't doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about!" ...hmmm. Trump seems pretty worried. I wonder why? Well, that's one possibility. The other possibility is that Trump pulled the idea out of his ass, and that this is nothing more than sheer bald-faced slander. Whichever the case, even Trump's minions don't know what he's talking about and won't touch this claim with a 10 foot pole. -k
    1 point
  4. So what "lie" is being alleged? That Sessions met with the Russian ambassador? That's not a lie, that's been verified. That Sessions denied communicating with Russian officials while under oath? That's also not a lie, that exchange is a matter of public record. What's this lie you're alleging? You guys are quite clearly drinking a different kind of kool-aid. -k
    1 point
  5. I found it surprising that anyone would actually demonstrate against M103, or anyone but a handful of people, especially given the temperature, but there were demonstrations in several cities the other day involving hundreds of people. Then there were the counter-demonstrators, showing how enthusiastic the Left is about freedom of speech, ironically. I'm not sure who got violent with whom, but given the 'anti-fascists' seem to have come masked my suspicion is on them. People here mock the idea M103 could possibly lead to a suggestion that our hate laws be toughened and broadened to prohibit 'hurtful' and offensive statements about ethnic, racial or religious groups, as they are in some parts of Europe. But the lack of commitment to freedom of speech by the Left has never been more obvious in Canada. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/m-103-protests-violence-breaks-out-as-supporters-critics-of-motion-condemning-islamophobia-clash
    1 point
  6. http://www.thelocal.fr/20170110/euro-2016-gave-france-billion-euro-boost-to-economy Here's 2016. They can do all the morale-boosting speech they do after each and every attack, but whom are they kidding? Of course, it all adds up. That's the cost of having terrorists within!
    1 point
  7. Doesn't explain a damn thing. So, who were the hijackers and why were they necessary at all? Al Queda had already tried to bomb the towers in 1993.
    1 point
  8. Agreed. And they do love having their demonstrations against Trump. As if Trump cares. With the candidates running for the Conservative Party leadership it is beginning to look like there is no one that would do anything different to what JT and the liberals are doing. They both walk the walk, and that is about it. Political correctness has them both by the you know what. Canada got screwed when the electorate voted papa Trudeau into power in 1980. When Trudeau decided that it was time to give up on our British heritage and culture and traditions that was the writing on the wall and the beginning of the end for Canada. The Canada that I was brought up in is pretty much gone, and is now being replaced by every other race,culture,heritage,tradition,language and religion. This is going to lead to a multicultural disaster in the making for Canada in the next twenty years. Incredible indeed.
    1 point
  9. Canada, the joke of the world, and even more, now that JT is the dictator of la-la-land. Canada needs a leader like Trump, not a wuss who calls himself a feminist, and is a pro-third wold refugee believer, a social worker multiculturalist. Canada needs a business leader like Kevin O'Leary as PM. O'Leary may have a bit of a big ego at times but he does not hold back any punches. That is what I like about him, and I do hope that he becomes the PC leader.
    1 point
  10. The sad thing for me is that I had no choice in all these criminal illegals entering Canada. With the count up to over 400 criminals breaking Canadian law, it looks like I will be paying for another bunch of leeches. It just never ends here in la-la-land. I dread summer when the weather gets better. It may amount up to 4,000. I guess that I better sell my car so I can help pay for their free rent,food,clothing,medicare, and social services. I am just hoping that I won't have to sell anything else.
    1 point
  11. It's so futile trying to get these anti-Trump people to think for a change. Common sense and logic is just not their forte. Aw we, what can one do.
    1 point
  12. Points for being frooty loops don't count.
    1 point
  13. Your not interested in debating the Canadian myths about this mission, in fact your trying to continue another topic that you started here before..that ended with everyone calling your ideas crazy.....so you duped me into this post not having read your orginal post ... Sorry i to think your theories are on the wild side...I did provide you with plenty of sources, however your the one that is making incredible statements with NO proof, yes you have provided sources from gods know where that mention secret reports, or government here say....with no actual reports......Here's a sample disneyland has also produced a report one that sees perhaps mickey and mini have had a hand in the downing of the twin towers, using a stolen laser from the props warehouse and a powerful magnet purchased from INC that was used to drag those planes from the sky, while the laser vaporized them just as they struck the building for good visual effects...this theory has been proven by a long list of scientist, including the famous "Goofy" who stakes his reputation on the whole event... Now you can call me crazy or a loon, or someone that can not read a source or comprehend the topic at hand.....What i can tell you was during my 3 tours in Afghanistan, not once did i see a pipe line.....nor did i see any new mining operations....these things would have been major targets for the taliban, and NATO would have been briefed on them.....and with the down sizing of NATO military personal and equipment building those things and keeping them from being a target for the taliban is a fairy tale....they knew that before the mission started and they know that now....i guess we will see if this New Natural gas pipeline gets built in 2019....I got 10 bucks says in does not.....
    1 point
  14. Education Secretary Betsy deVos has joined in on the "alternative facts" craze with her own unique touch, "alternative history"! In the real world, black colleges were established in segregation states because the federal government required that black students have access to higher education. Black colleges were established so that these states could meet that requirement without having to let black people onto white campuses. But on Planet Betsy, the black colleges were "pioneers of school choice!" giving "more options!" to black students. Trying to reimagine segregation-era establishment of segregated campuses as creating a vigorous, thriving competition for black scholars is absurd. It's like trying to spin separate "whites" and "coloreds" water fountains as giving "more options!" to thirsty people. It's moronic in a way that defies description. -k
    1 point
  15. Argus I agree the wording of the motion is problematic in that it does not define Islamophobia and seems to put it on a higher level of priority than other forms of discrimination. I also personally believe its redundant as the Charter of Rights, Criminal Code and human rights laws of each province already provide remedy for the issue. I do respectfully disagree on one point. Motions are an exercise in politicians farting. Its gas. Its hot air. Its rhetoric. Its feel good babble. What our legal system has shown us at all three level of governments is that when someone proposes a study, its a meaningless phrase. Studies are what? Its an excuse for some patronage appointment or perhaps some senators to draft a white paper and make themselves feel important. Its piffle. The only reason this motion has gotten any attention is because of the word "Islamophobia" being singled out and given some kind of special status. Clearly that is as a result of the Mosque incident and a politician seeking to exploit the issue. The politician is Muslim so can say she is concerned as a Muslim representing many Muslims in her riding that the latest attack on the Mosque makes them all frightened. She will express her subjective views and those of other Muslims. I say you should not take the bait and assume its a conspiracy to prevent free speech. The best way to handle politicians pandering to ethnic votes whether they do so honestly or not, is to make the language as neutral as possible when referring to the kind of discrimination. I believe the MP has already agreed to do that. I myself feel its a pandering exercise by a Muslim who feels compelled as a politician to say something. I don't think her intention is evil, intended to snuff out free speech or even deliberately exploit the issue. Personally I find the wording ironically discriminatory but I think it was unintentional. Hope that clarifies it. I do concede there are quite a few journalists who have reacted feeling it could trigger unintended consequences. I myself don't react to motions. To me I expect politicians to make loud noises. They are full of legumes. On a more serious note, I think the Parliament already addressed the issue which is to stand up, denounce the act, condemn it, and then move on. Our country has good laws in place to deal with hate crimes including religious discrimination. There is an incident in Quebec where the police were jumpy and arrested someone for making a sacrcastic statement on a blog questioning how Islamophobia would be wiped out. The blogger asked in sarcasm whether this meant wiping out all Muslims. That comment was taken seriously and the individual was arrested, held over night and told to get medical care. The individual claims his freedom of speech was violated and he was being sarcastic and simply was trying to show how impractical it is to say you can wipe out any hatred. We are at the point now where people want to censor words. I get your concerns. Political propriety has become so damn prevalent, it does curtail free speech because there is such a fine line between what is hateful and what is not. Someone ask I suppose Michael H the moderator on this forum how slippery that line has been for him. Its not easy to know when words go over the line to become so hateful as to constitute a crime and no longer just an opinion of freedom of speech. We live in a democracy. That vital right of freedom of speech and when to step in and say its gone too far its now a hate crime, is a tough one. So I do not underestimate the concern. I don't like government having too much power. I get it. I don' like censorship. Me personally I think educating the next and younger generations to see more than one side of an argument and to understand how words can unintentionally hurt is far more effective in the long term than motions by politicians. Hatred is ignorance. Ignorance is learned. Ignorance is taught. So can tolerance be learned and taught. Using motions or laws to change peoples' behaviour, doesn't work. It forces constraints on them with consequences for breaking laws, but that deterrence or prevention of displays of hatred doesn't change the hater from hating. It simply sends it underground. Sometimes I think and I know its stupid and naïve, the best way to deal with hatred is in the gym in the boxing ring. Man if we could just take all the idiots and have them learn to box. When you are in th e ring, your realize people bleed, sweat, smell the same. Anyone I boxed with whether they were Irish, Brazilian, French Canadian, Muslim, Jewish, when we were done we were always o.k. with each other. It was like playing hockey or football. It was the equalizer. Its why in the old days a lot of minorities joined the cadets or armed forces or by scouts. We had institutions and sports that were equalizers and put us on a common ground. We lack such things today. Give me a weekend with kids from any culture. Let me take them out in the woods survival camping and dependent on one another to eat and get shelter. That's how you deal with ignorance. Nothing like the need for food and shelter to smarten people up. Give people a common cause. Of course we can't do that. In today's environment organizations that promote common causes have become frowned upon. Ask any soldier to explain what I am talking about. The military is no panacea for ignorance, but soldiers who go through certain things together and had to survive, their skin colour, religion well it doesn't mean much when they have to keep each other alive and do. I have seen that when these guys return and how they talk about each other. That I get. You go through a common cause to survive things like religion or race become meaningless. Its too bad we have to get people killed to realize that.
    1 point
  16. Soon.......it'll also be illegal to criticise the government in any way. Governophobia! That's how you descend to Communism.
    1 point
  17. Part of stealth Jihad is to portray Islam and Muslims as misunderstood victims. This while shooting-up gay nightclubs and such. Thus, Muslims demand is just part of the solution as they see it: Infidels MUST learn their place...less than Muslims. Once that's understood and the Infidel pays a tax to the Muslims (Omar's Law), they can feel themselves properly subdued by their Islamic masters. Then peace will reign.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. True, but always remember that a majority of Canadians can only define their identities and self worth by always doing the opposite of what those evil 'muricans are doing, and that includes refugees/immigration. Trudeau only needs one third of the vote and these people to retain power. The rest are all screwed !
    0 points
  20. -1 points
  21. Are warning points just surreptitiously added to one's Profile page?
    -1 points
  22. Oh but Canadian politics is boring compared to the US, we don't have a clown making ever more dumb and disparate statements on a daily basis. Circuses were designed to entertain people. Trump seems to be taking over from the Ringling Bros.
    -1 points
  23. C'mon, Harper is out of power so leave him alone.
    -1 points
  24. -1 points
  25. If he's not a clown how come he spent a decade and power and couldn't get one frickin' pipeline done? Oh well, pat him on his back now if it is some sort of reprieve for ya. I will say this though, Harper was never the clown that Trump has become. Have a cup of coffee and wait to see what silly headline he achieves today.
    -1 points
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