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About This Club

In-depth discussion, multiple viewpoints, and - really - being boring is the one unpardonable sin....
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Well when you take everything twist it backwards and then carry on because the 'new meaning' gives you something to rant about it usually does become a war of words. Tack on the fact you're on a forum where the extremists don't even know they're extremists, they believe they're centrists.
  3. We need to record that people have posted that rolling back refugee acceptance, immigration, carbon tax, and WEF influence will fix our problems.
  4. My thinking on the Public Sphere used to be that small forums and groups like this one across the web and social media would crystalize into publics. Has it happened ? Maybe that's the first thing to discuss - these three questions: 1. Has the public sphere changed structurally/permanently ? 2. Dependent on 1, what is next for the public sphere ? 3. How will the world change to adapt to the new public(s) ?
  5. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-whats-there-to-fear-about-pierre-poilievre/ Lawrence Martin, Globe & Mail " Mr. Trudeau is right to cite the major threat to progressivism that Mr. Poilievre represents. Mr. Lawton’s book makes note of how Mr. Harper disappointed many right-wing followers with his caution. He governed via incrementalism. A Poilievre government, Mr. Lawton argues, won’t be as restrained. His hardline ways have been bred in the bone since his teens. He’s a lifelong-conviction politician, not a wavering one: “He’ll be aggressive.”
  6. CdnFox "A global issue" blackbird "Climate Change is natural"
  7. List of posters who believe in anthropogenic climate change : Cdnfox Michael Gardner To be continued...
  8. General Michael Poilievre won't be able to fix [many of] our problems - Often wrong replies that he'can fix many things. eyeball Poilievre will need to "scrape off the Chuds" Moonbox Poilievre will slowly pivot to mainstream cdnfox I suspect Poilievre will do lots of amazing things, cut the CBC and improve the civil service via attrition and automation - very easy to look good almost immediately
  9. I wanted to take a snapshot of Forum Members' expectations of Poilievre before we get close to the election. This should be interesting to assess what our little "public" goes through, in the arc of the political life of a leader from initial fascination to disappointment and final goodbyes. My take on it is that Trudeau's popularity is so low as to cause a strategic problem for the Conservatives, ie. how to keep the status quo for the long time before an election. In all likelihood, Poilievre will have to modify his positions if/when he governs. Let's see what people have said.
  10. Let's try to include source material when we can. https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onhrt/doc/2022/2022hrto1044/2022hrto1044.html?searchUrlHash=AAAAAQAmT3R0YXdhLUNhcmxldG9uIGFuZCBnZW5kZXIgYW5kIE5pY2hvbHMAAAAAAQ&resultIndex=2
  11. I read this today. Somewhat disturbing: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/grade-1-teacher-who-said-boys-and-girls-no-different-in-gender-fluidity-lesson-cleared-by-rights-tribunal This is why I prefer teachers stick to facts or teaching theories as theory instead of teaching theory as facts.
  12. I'm still calling for examples. I'm going to keep this thread as a list of discussion points rather than have the discussion here on the thread itself.
  13. There's more of a spectrum of opinions on this than one might assume. Zeitgeist: Kids do need to learn about reproductive cycles, including ovulation and menstruation. They need to know how females become pregnant and learn about the risks of STD’s, the responsibilities of raising a child, etc. They need to learn about consent and the level of responsibility required to manage sexual behaviour, which is why many social teachings, religious and otherwise, promote abstinence for young people and people who aren’t in committed relationships.
  14. I'm just trying to start a library shelf for end-points of the discussion is all.
  15. I found this: https://ok2bme.ca/resources/parents-educators/resources-for-schools-and-classrooms/ It provides lesson ideas for teachers for LGBTQ2+ education in Ontario. And this one for BC - https://bc.sogieducation.org/sogi3
  16. Tried to investigate specific claims about what is being taught in Canada with @Nationalist The discussion ended when we didn't get specific examples. Last post:

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