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Has Marxism Contributes Anything Positive to Humanity

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Survival of the fittest. Marx would understand.


Anytime you want to launch a new way of living on the masses..the first thing you have to do is get rid of the non-compliant free thinkers and those the truely operate in the private sphere. Marxism really did not contribute anything positive to humanity. The reason being was that this movement had to murder a million intelligent people.. There world would have faired better without this distruction of the gene pool.

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In response to Lictor on this thread and the pending thread drift.

What do you think ?

I would argue that capitalism modified itself in response to Marxism, and therefore ensured that it would outlast it.

Marxism perhaps helped in delivering a decisive blow to Christianity, which for us Westerners was a spiritual syphilis that weakened us terribly.

But unfortunately Marxism was merely a reform type of Christianity and did nothing to cancel the inadequacies of the social superstitions of Christianity. In fact it made them worse. Marxism uses the religious Christian residue in people to make itself popular... which is what the hogwash about equality and "spreading the wealth around" is all about.

Other then that Communism is an anti-human and poisonous superstition... Communism brings out the worst in people, the very worst: it tells the shiftless the incompetent and the dull that they are MORE DESERVING then the most productive elements of any society. Communism arouses the primitive barbarism and lusts for savagery of ancient cavemen and troglodytes... it is a plan for wreaking nations.

Communism decapitates a nation... meaning: they kill the elite, the cream of the nation to make it more manageable (remember Katyn). Communism destroys people who achieve more, and show up the lie of human equality.

Communism debases: it wants to make everyone equal and the only possible way to have that is in universal dilapidation and self abasement.

Communism is suitable for bees or other swarm insects... not human beings.

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I don't know about Marxists but the Stalinists were really good at killing Nazis and getting themselves killed in the process, which they will be forever in our debt.

Oh...and iconically bad posters...

Stalin had his good points...all of them involved fighting the 3rd Reich.

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So is Islam. So is corporatism..we are not insects or microbes. As far as "consumer society" - I really think we should have a higher calling than consuming and shiting out waste - Global warming is simply bad house keeping - no one is putting the garbage in the can..simply poor poor management..you must have order - Garbage here - food their - material waste over there. Bees are great..so are ants...King Solomon said.."If you want wisdom go to the ant." I had a look at the ants...each ant functions as an individual..not part of the collective..but somehow each one does his part and the whole thing comes together on it's own.

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Stalin had his good points...all of them involved fighting the 3rd Reich.

He didn't fight the third Reich as much as the third Reich fought HIM.... The biggest reason for mobilization for the Germans was to defuse and destroy communism... And their biggest beef with the Jews was related to that... They thought that Communism was a the conspiracy to break western nations... and Jews were in deed conspicuously over represented in all Soviet governments.

Without commies... no WW2....

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He didn't fight the third Reich as much as the third Reich fought HIM.... The biggest reason for mobilization for the Germans was to defuse and destroy communism... And their biggest beef with the Jews was related to that... They thought that Communism was a the conspiracy to break western nations... and Jews were in deed conspicuously over represented in all Soviet governments.

Without commies... no WW2....

So your one of the 'Stalin was a Jew' crowd?

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Without commies... no WW2....

The second World War started well befor Hitler stabbed his buddy Stalin in the back...you know, Ribbintrop and Molotov carving up Poland and the Baltics for fun and profit.

...come to think of it, the forest Massacre would have never happened if the Nazis hadn't raped Poland.

Facsim, Nazism and Communism are a related diseases and it is a wonderful thing when they wipe each other out.

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The second World War started well befor Hitler stabbed his buddy Stalin in the back...you know, Ribbintrop and Molotov carving up Poland and the Baltics for fun and profit.

...come to think of it, the forest Massacre would have never happened if the Nazis hadn't raped Poland.

Facsim, Nazism and Communism are a related diseases and it is a wonderful thing when they wipe each other out.

Yup...during the opening hours Barbarossa, Stalin forbade his generals from fighting back least the massive bombardment and advancing Panzers were a mistake on Hitler's part. When true love hits the skids...it's the kids that suffer...or in this case...front line military districts of the Soviet Union. Not many...if any...Russian vets are around to describe their side of this event.

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The second World War started well befor Hitler stabbed his buddy Stalin in the back...you know, Ribbintrop and Molotov carving up Poland and the Baltics for fun and profit.

...come to think of it, the forest Massacre would have never happened if the Nazis hadn't raped Poland.

Facsim, Nazism and Communism are a related diseases and it is a wonderful thing when they wipe each other out.

Quite right! the war began when Britain declared war on Germany on September 3 when Germany repatriated Danzig, a city that was erroneously given to the Polish nation after WW1. Danzig was a historically German city...

any cursory look into the molotov-ribbentrop pact (and we've been over this before) shows that hitler had absolutely NO intentions of maintaining any sort of peace with the communists.... and that Stalin knew this VERY VERY well. it was a mutual agreement to not attack until a certain date and certain objective were met.

Stalin merely miscalculated when Hitler would turn. Which was HItler's mistake... had he waited 8 more months ... the German war machine would have been even better and wouldn't have faced the Russians in -50C weather.

And communism would have been a thing of the past in 1944.

and how ridiculous... Katyn is by proxy the fault of germans.... because they provoked the red beast... wow...

Edited by lictor616
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any cursory look into the molotov-ribbentrop pact (and we've been over this before) shows that hitler had absolutely NO intentions of maintaining any sort of peace with the communists.... and that Stalin knew this VERY VERY well. it was a mutual agreement to not attack until a certain date and certain objective were met.

Stalin merely miscalculated when Hitler would turn. Which was HItler's mistake... had he waited 8 more months ... the German war machine would have been even better and wouldn't have faced the Russians in -50C weather.

And communism would have been a thing of the past in 1944.

If we went ober it before why didn't you learn you were wrong?

Read Churchill. Read the correespondance between them.

Stalin purged his armed forces before the invasion and was completely suprised by Hitlers.

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If we went ober it before why didn't you learn you were wrong?

Read Churchill. Read the correespondance between them.

Stalin purged his armed forces before the invasion and was completely suprised by Hitlers.

Nice point. Much like Cheney who got rid of all of his intelligent senior officers then was surprised that he needed them after he was well into Iraq. This has always been a facinating point about dictatorial leaders. They want to be considered clever so through attrition they remove or kill all those they consider too intelligent..huge mistake..getting rid of brain power is sheer madness.

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Quite right! the war began when Britain declared war on Germany on September 3

Correction, Poland, Britan and France soon to be followed by the rest of the commonwealth.

As for repatriating Gdansk,

997-1308: as part of Poland

1308-1454: as part of territory of Teutonic Order

1454-1466: Thirteen Years' War

1466-1793: as part of Poland

1793-1805: as part of Prussia

1807-1814: as a free city

1815-1871: as part of Prussia

1871-1918: as part of Imperial Germany

1918-1939: as a free city

1939-1945: as part of Nazi Germany

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That was the pinch. Pomerania was always a connector between Prussia and Greater Germany. Prussia being very German...at least back then. Hard to say what decades of Soviet rule did to the place's German culture.

The German culture slowly tranformed into the Anglo culture with a touch of Roman law that dictates the idea of empire - which was the misuse of Christianity as a governance of the people.

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Okay - so I am painting with words...where is Bush Cheney when I need him - He may be American but he does not believe in the idea that competition brings out the best..or maybe it did - You have me singing Christmas songs in my head.

It's just like that Chris Rock video.....if you make the Americans come over there, they are bringing an ass whipping with them.

Merry Christmas.....

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It's just like that Chris Rock video.....if you make the Americans come over there, they are bringing an ass whipping with them.

Merry Christmas.....

Thank you - and Merry Christmas to you and one and all...when it gets down to the crunch this one king formed the empire - a rebel! I decided it is going to be a wonderful yet different winter...and if you want to do some ass whipping here - better send the tall red head in leather - Ottawa loves those types..they feel so guilty.

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Oh, if only Marx' Communism probably implemented a democratically elected government & not dictatorship. That would have been truly interesting to see the results. Much of the crap that has been these pseudo-communist states (a true Marx Communist system has never been implemented) has to do with the usually brutal & repressive dictatorships that lead the "communist" countries.

Communism achieved positive things. It kept the USSR isolated from the capitalist world economy during the 1930's depression, which spared the Russians some misery (though they had enough misery with Stalin slaughtering them). This in turn helped the Russians be economically able to kick Nazi butt during WWII.

Man almost certainly landed on the moon earlier in history because of the Cold War space race.

The Cold War was also probably one of the most peaceful times in modern history (not saying much). At least since the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 and the establishment of the international sovereign state system. Before the Cold War, war between nations was almost constant for centuries. The Cold War period was relatively peaceful in comparison, despite many dead Vietnamese etc.

I'm there are other examples i can think of but i'm tired and lazy.

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