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John Edwards

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Former U.S. presidential candidate John Edwards, who won nationwide praise and sympathy as he campaigned side-by-side with his cancer-stricken wife, Elizabeth, admitted in shame Friday he had had an extramarital affair with a woman who produced videos for his campaign.

Acknowledging a sex scandal he had dismissed as "tabloid trash" only last month, Edwards said he had told his wife and family long ago but "I had hoped that it would never become public."

Some are saying that it will hurt the Democrats just as much as Edwards himself.

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I think that its between him and his family. On the other hand, it never sits well with the public when a politican cheats on their spouse.

Yep. And especially when that spouse is in the midst of battling cancer. You stay classy John Edwards.

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Never? From what I've seen former President Bill Clinton seems to be still very popular in the US and I might add, in Canada.

Bill Clinton had certain unique "teflon" qualities that Edwards signally lacks. Clinton struck common people as genuinely empathic. Edwards strikes most people as being genuinely arrogant and snobbish. Hilary had that same problem.

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Guest American Woman

Some are saying that it will hurt the Democrats just as much as Edwards himself.

Why would it, considering McCain had an affair and married the woman he was cheating on his wife with one month after their divorce-- when McCain is an actual presidential candidate?

It never ceases to amaze me how judgmental some people can be of one 'side' while completely over looking the same behavior when it's 'their side' doing the deed. Talk about holier-than-thou utter hypocrisy. It boggles the mind.

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Yep. And especially when that spouse is in the midst of battling cancer. You stay classy John Edwards.

I was just surprised it was with a somewhat attractive woman and wasn't with a hooker or a guy in a washroom... oh wait... thats the other party... my bad. :lol:

Either way, not good form. I'll be surprised if he can make a comeback from this. I don't think it hurts the party itself though. Imagine if he had won the nomination and this had come out!!!

EDIT: Edited to add the affair happened before his wife was diagnosed with cancer apparently.

Edited by Shakeyhands
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Why would it, considering McCain had an affair and married the woman he was cheating on his wife with one month after their divorce-- when McCain is an actual presidential candidate?

It never ceases to amaze me how judgmental some people can be of one 'side' while completely over looking the same behavior when it's 'their side' doing the deed. Talk about holier-than-thou utter hypocrisy. It boggles the mind.

I agree with you that this doesn't belong in public. There are minor differences but they're quibbles.
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Why would it, considering McCain had an affair and married the woman he was cheating on his wife with one month after their divorce-- when McCain is an actual presidential candidate?

Maybe because your premise is wrong. John McCain and his former wife were on their way to being divorced, and as you state, married Cindy after the marriage had ended. Not to mention that known events that occured 30 years ago don't tend to qualify as news.

It never ceases to amaze me how judgmental some people can be of one 'side' while completely over looking the same behavior when it's 'their side' doing the deed. Talk about holier-than-thou utter hypocrisy. It boggles the mind.

I agree. Too bad this situation doesn't qualify.

I was just surprised it was with a somewhat attractive woman and wasn't with a hooker or a guy in a washroom... oh wait... thats the other party... my bad.

Hmm, that's as relevant as Rep. Gerry Studds D-MA, having engaged in sexual relationships with minors, and then getting a standing ovation from the Democrat controlled Congress. That's poor form as well.

EDIT: Edited to add the affair happened before his wife was diagnosed with cancer apparently.

That's incorrect. Elizabeth Edwards was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. You stay classy John Edwards!

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Guest American Woman
Maybe because your premise is wrong. John McCain and his former wife were on their way to being divorced, and as you state, married Cindy after the marriage had ended

Of course he married Cindy after the marriage had ended. He could have hardly married her before. :rolleyes: But it seems you're the one with the "wrong premise" since it's a fact that McCain started seeing Cindy while he was still married.

John McCain had a well-documented affair on his first wife, with his current wife. He has admitted in the books he has written about his life that he ran around with several different women while still married to his first wife. And don't forget that he left her for a younger, richer woman - multi-millionaire Cindy Hensley who is now Cindy McCain - after she [his wife] had been severely hurt in a car accident. link

Not to mention that known events that occured 30 years ago don't tend to qualify as news.

Who said anything about "news?" I said "judgment." Reporting is one thing, judging is another. And if Edwards can't be POTUS because of his affair, then neither can McCain. The fact that it occurred thirty years ago doesn't make it any more "moral" and it doesn't change what kind of person he is. If you're critical of one, you have to be critical of the other-- unless you're judgmental only of one side, etc.

QUOTE=American Woman: It never ceases to amaze me how judgmental some people can be of one 'side' while completely over looking the same behavior when it's 'their side' doing the deed. Talk about holier-than-thou utter hypocrisy. It boggles the mind.

I agree. Too bad this situation doesn't qualify.

What a hoot. You are displaying the very behavior you are saying you agree with. So to paraphrase you since it's just as applicable: 'stay classy, McCain' -- and keep backing up my posts with yours, shady. :)

Edited by American Woman
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Who said anything about "news?" I said "judgment." Reporting is one thing, judging is another. And if Edwards can't be POTUS because of his affair, then neither can McCain. The fact that it occurred thirty years ago doesn't make it any more "moral" and it doesn't change what kind of person he is. If you're critical of one, you have to be critical of the other-- unless you're judgmental only of one side, etc.

What a hoot. You are displaying the very behavior you are saying you agree with. So to paraphrase you since it's just as applicable: 'stay classy, McCain' -- and keep backing up my posts with yours, shady. :)

I felt with the Clinton impeachment, and with the current fru-fra over Edwards, that sexual matters, unless national security is involved, shouldn't mix with politics. I judge Clinton on his (considerable) merits, and Edwards on his (lack of any) merit. McCain is an open question.

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Who said anything about "news?" I said "judgment." Reporting is one thing, judging is another. And if Edwards can't be POTUS because of his affair, then neither can McCain.

I've never said that Edwards shouldn't be POTUS because of his affair. I don't think he should be POTUS because he's a despicable lying sack of crap. However, he is definitely qualified to be a great used-car salesman.

The fact that it occurred thirty years ago doesn't make it any more "moral"

No, but it does make it much less relevant, considering 30 years of a clear public and private record to examine.

and it doesn't change what kind of person he is.

Wrong. People can make mistakes in their younger lives, and learn from them, and become better people.

If you're critical of one, you have to be critical of the other

Yes, I think it was very wrong for John McCain to stray from his wife in the 70's. And, when examining his life since the war, since his years of torture, and since his unfaithfulness during that same period, I believe he has learned and changed for the better. I can't say the same for John Edwards. The man is in his 50's, he has a family, and he's running for POTUS now. And if he can be so deceitful and so callus to his own family, and cancer stricken wife. Then what does that say about his judgement and character to be President? I think you know the answer.

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Guest American Woman
Yes, I think it was very wrong for John McCain to stray from his wife in the 70's. And, when examining his life since the war, since his years of torture, and since his unfaithfulness during that same period, I believe he has learned and changed for the better. I can't say the same for John Edwards. The man is in his 50's, he has a family, and he's running for POTUS now. And if he can be so deceitful and so callus to his own family, and cancer stricken wife. Then what does that say about his judgement and character to be President? I think you know the answer.

Of course it was wrong of McCain to commit adultery; just as wrong as it was for John Edwards. McCain was just as deceitful and callus to his own family, and his wife who was severely injured in an auto accident, as Edwards was. You may believe McCain has learned from his mistakes while others can believe that Edwards has, but to make excuses only for one side, to be critical only of one, is to be holier-than-thou hypocritical, just as I said.

And fyi, Edwards isn't running for POTUS now-- that would be McCain.

... it does make [McCain's affair] much less relevant, considering 30 years of a clear public and private record to examine.

McCain doesn't have 30 years of a clear public and private record.

Not long ago, the New York Times reported the story of McCain's relationship with the sultry lobbyist, Vicki Iseman. McCain surrogates furiously denounced the story, but oddly, John McCain never brought it up.

When asked about it during an interview, McCain refused to answer. link

And just for the record, if McCain can learn from his mistakes and be a better person because of them, so can Edwards.

Edited by American Woman
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Not long ago, the New York Times reported the story of McCain's relationship with the sultry lobbyist, Vicki Iseman. McCain surrogates furiously denounced the story, but oddly, John McCain never brought it up.

When asked about it during an interview, McCain refused to answer. link

Thank you for providing an excellent example, to further prove my posts regarding media bias in another thread. It's amazing that the New York Times, with no proof of any type of inappropriate relationship, decided to run with the story. But the same mainstream media, with boat loads of evidence, ducked the Edwards story since last fall.

I'd also like to take this oppurtunity to correct you. John McCain has commented on the New York Times story. I think you may want to use some other sources than just the Huffinton Post all the time. It's providing you with some very sketchy information. Here's the YouTube link of John McCain discussing the issue back in FEBRUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Interesting video for someone who's "never brought the issue up" and has "refused to answer".

And just for the record, if McCain can learn from his mistakes and be a better person because of them, so can Edwards.

I agree. However, I'll agree even more when John Edwards comes clean about the child as well. Until then, you stay classy John Edwards!

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I'll tell you what.. I was surprised it was a Dem too!!! It's usually the Republicans that are caught up in this stuff... weird, I know!

To be fair, the republicans of late are more likely to have a one off than an affair and usually in a men's washroom with an undercover cop...

On that note, am I the only one surprised that Edwards isn't a closet case?

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Guest American Woman
QUOTE=American Woman: And just for the record, if McCain can learn from his mistakes and be a better person because of them, so can Edwards.

I agree. However, I'll agree even more when John Edwards comes clean about the child as well. Until then, you stay classy John Edwards!

Perhaps he's waiting until oh-so-classy McCain comes clean about his affair with Vicki Iseman. ;)

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I'll tell you what.. I was surprised it was a Dem too!!! It's usually the Republicans that are caught up in this stuff... weird, I know!

Not true. I guess we've already forgotten about Eliot Spitzer.

Perhaps he's waiting until oh-so-classy McCain comes clean about his affair with Vicki Iseman. ;)

Or, until Barack Obama comes clean about his affair with Scarlett Johansson.

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