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Khadr should make us ashamed to be Canadian

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There are about 1000 Canadians currently being held in detention outside of Canada.There must be something about young Omar that evokes feelings of sympathy in many Canadians,but for some strange reason,it wasn't evident until a Conservative became Prime Minister.If we were talking about a 15 yr old,white skinned neo nazi,would you still be shedding those tears?Strangely enough,nobody seems to have noticed that the Liberals didn't bring poor Omar back either when they were in power.


I previously read that article also, but did not post it since pretty much everthing in it has been covered in this thread.

Ha, ha, yeah sure, blame Omar Khadr's problems on the Conservatives.

Good dig!

I just love reading true facts over and over again.

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Strangely enough,nobody seems to have noticed that the Liberals didn't bring poor Omar back either when they were in power.


You should go back and read the first 81 pages of this thread before you go so simplistically into partisan polemics. This is a Canadian embarrassment, not a specific party's anymore.

Your attempt to relativistically minimalize Omar Khadr's plight among thousands is duly noted, twit.

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Morris should make us ashamed to be Canadian too.

Anyone who for all intent and purpose considers themselves a tough guy for beating up a 15 year old boy is a loser. Khadr should always be thought of in a mind frame of the age he was at apprehension - I hated it when Harper said MISTER Khadr,has been charged with very serious crimes" - as if he were 25 at the time..The age of this young man at the time is what it all revolves around - and the simple fact that the compound where he was hunkered down was blown to bits and HE was the last to survive - supposedly..

I don't believe he did anything other than get injured...and if he DID toss an explosive device..then it was justified..BECAUSE if YOU or I were in that position - WE WOULD MOST CERTAINLY BELIEVE THAT - WE WERE GOING TO BE FINISHED OFF - SEEING THEY HAD KILLED EVERYONE ELSE.

The other thing that pissed me off in the early stages of the reports on this matter was they kept refering to the victim as a "medic" - as IF he were some saint in a strange land coming to heal the wounds off all - The medics primary job is to keep the killers healthy so they can keep killing.

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Khadr should always be thought of in a mind frame of the age he was at apprehension

I think the age at which his parents began diddling with his mind is more appropriate. It's a perversion of justice to force kids to pay a price for the actions of their parents.

The lesson from this is that society should do more to teach kids why it is sometimes okay to disobey your parents.

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There are about 1000 Canadians currently being held in detention outside of Canada.There must be something about young Omar that evokes feelings of sympathy in many Canadians
You should go back and read the first 81 pages of this thread before you go so simplistically into partisan polemics. This is a Canadian embarrassment, not a specific party's anymore.

Your attempt to relativistically minimalize Omar Khadr's plight among thousands is duly noted, twit.

Is it an attempt to minimalize it, or is it a question, why has Canadians chosen Omar as there poster child out of the thousand Canadians currently held in detention, some of which are suffering worse conditions and treatment than our Omar....

If we were talking about a 15 yr old,white skinned neo nazi,would you still be shedding those tears?

Of course not, twit.

Glad that is cleared up ....

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There's one thing. How many of these 1000 were detained when they were kids?

So the fact he is being detained Canadian has nothing to do with it, just the fact he was a minor....

And yet kids as young as 14 can recieve adult sentences for serious crimes

In addition, the Act makes substantive changes to the current system for sentencing youth as adults. First, youth will no longer be transferred to adult court. Instead, youth court judges have the authority to impose adult sentences. Second, the legislation lowers the age for sentencing youth as adults. Under the amended Young Offenders Act, there was a presumption that cases involving youth aged 16 or over charged with murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, or aggravated sexual assault would be transferred to adult court. The Youth Criminal Justice Act lowers the age of presumption to 14;

My linkmapleleafweb.com/features/

Under Overview of the Youth Criminal Justice Act section of the article.

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So the fact he is being detained Canadian has nothing to do with it, just the fact he was a minor....

These are both reasons for which Canadians should be concerned but the last is especially cause for shame.

And yet kids as young as 14 can receive adult sentences for serious crimes

Not when they've suffered an abusive upbringing since the age of eight.

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I think the age at which his parents began diddling with his mind is more appropriate. It's a perversion of justice to force kids to pay a price for the actions of their parents.

The lesson from this is that society should do more to teach kids why it is sometimes okay to disobey your parents.

MY KIDS always disobeyed me if I was full of shit..If I said to my sons or daughters when they were younger that we have to go to the old Soviet Union and start killing communists that stole the families 2000 acres..well - my kids would say "dad you are nuts" - I believe my point was that there are so called right wingers who are still banging this old thread around..spiteful cowards who are not questioning the American buisness elite or government about the where abouts of Bin Ladin..but are more than happy to kick the shit out of a guy that was `15 years old at the time of the alledged offence...Khadr should have never been held all this time..He was simply to young .. but foolish and phoney right wingers are like old wolves are a afraid to take on the big dogs so the pounced on the pup.

Remember also...Afghanistan did not invade us ...Iraq did not invade us....Saudi Arabia financed the biggest terrorist operation and we did NOT invade them? Why..? Because buisness is buisness....as for Khadr and his family....BIG F**king deal! Just a bearded dad and a pimply faced kid of on some misadventure... WHO EVER PUTS UP THE MONEY FOR TERRORIST ACTIONS ARE THE ONES TO BE DEALT WITH STERNLY ---problem is - Is that the west is and always will be in a conflict of interest...YOU are not supposed to do buisness with people that YOU know are putting up the cash to fund terrorism...Pakistan has always done it - Saudi Arabia has always done it....YET...we devert our attention to the duped goat herders instead of the creep princes that screw us in the ass as we give them oil money.

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Not when they've suffered an abusive upbringing since the age of eight.

Really i did'nt see that caveat in the justice act....It does say they should be held accountable for their actions, that they may face adult sentences, but the primary concern should be treatment....but no where did it say, abusive upbringing gets you a free pass....Nor does it say the parents should be held responsable for their role in this affair....as far as i know they are still in Canada living the good life feeding off our tax dollars....

Beside we both know this excuse has been used so many times, in fact almost every criminal has used it at one time or another , my mother beat me, my dad was a drinker, i grew up in a tough neiborhood....so it should be OK for me to act this way, it should be OK to take another life.....

Abusive to whom you and me, abusive in regards to their culture....this type of behavoir is typical in their culture in fact it is expected....Do we let them all get a free pass becuase of how they where raised....i mean is age the only reason we are pausing here, Omar brothers where adults, his comrads were adults do they get a free pass....or just Omar, becuase he was a child with a rough upbringing...

Everyday Canadian kids raised in Canada with Canadian morals and values are tried and given adult sentences everyday.serious crimes need serious sntences to prevent them from happening again....

Edited by Army Guy
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I believe my point was that there are so called right wingers who are still banging this old thread around..spiteful cowards who are not questioning the American buisness elite or government about the where abouts of Bin Ladin..but are more than happy to kick the shit out of a guy that was `15 years old at the time of the alledged offence...Khadr should have never been held all this time..He was simply to young .. but foolish and phoney right wingers are like old wolves are a afraid to take on the big dogs so the pounced on the pup.

F***K you OLEG and the arm chair you rode in on, what gives you the right to judge anyone, you've claimed you've spent more than your share of court preceedings is wanting justice to much to ask.....i guess so ....ya he's was kid at the time of his crimes, lots of Canadian kids are given adult sentences, when was the last time they recieved 1/10 the coverage as Omar and his terrorist family....when was the last time you posted anything in their defence...when was the last time anyone here posted anything in their defence...

Shit the terrorists in Afghan employ thousands of kids...But me wanting to kick the shit out some 15 year old makes me a spiteful coward....him gathering intel ,planting IED's, engaging NATO forces in a fire fight thats OK....

Working for an oganization that forces 5 year old boys to don a explosive vest and peddle they're bike towards a Canadian check piont is OK...they routinely cut the hands off little girls for going to school, Strip an old man of all his skin and stake him to the ground to be cooked in the days sun for talking to Canadian soldiers ....yes sir these are some of the mild things they have accomplished in their rein of terror .....are these are things we should turn the other cheek for....these are things we should forget and forgive because the little bastards were only 15 years old....Sorry i'm not ready to do that....what i'm ready for is for him to face justice, serve his time, so we can all move along.

As far as taking on the American bussiness elite, ...I'm afraid it was'nt them that drove those planes into those buildings....no sir that was your terrorist buddies....they threw down the gauntlet we just picked it up and slapped them with it...

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Working for an oganization that forces 5 year old boys to don a explosive vest and peddle they're bike towards a Canadian check piont is OK...they routinely cut the hands off little girls for going to school, Strip an old man of all his skin and stake him to the ground to be cooked in the days sun for talking to Canadian soldiers ....yes sir these are some of the mild things they have accomplished in their rein of terror .....are these are things we should turn the other cheek for....these are things we should forget and forgive because the little bastards were only 15 years old....Sorry i'm not ready to do that....what i'm ready for is for him to face justice, serve his time, so we can all move along.

Considering the above, wee Omar's service to the Taliban was completely volountary?

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Twit: If we were talking about a 15 yr old,white skinned neo nazi,would you still be shedding those tears?

Radsickle: Of course not, twit.

Glad that is cleared up ....

Sorry, didn't realize at first that we were playing moralistic `gotcha'. I assumed the 15-year-old that twit mentioned was choosing to be a neo nazi, not a boy caught in a predicament similar to Omar's, where the connections to the offensive group aren't so well defined.

Any kid caught in Omar's situation should be allowed a proper trial and be protected from abuse and torture.

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Any kid caught in Omar's situation should be allowed a proper trial and be protected from abuse and torture.

Of course. And naturally not subjected to mimes or fruitcake. Now that there is not one shred of evidence that Lil Omar was subjected to mimes or fruitcake is irrelevant.

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Our Supreme Court found that Omar was subjected to torture and had his constitutional rights violated. Only a baboon would find that irrelevant.

False. Even more relevant, lil Omars court hasn't found any evidence.

BTW, do you enjoy coming off like a petulent teenager?

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Only a naive child would believe Omar's current kangaroo court is legitimate.

It has all the legitimacy it needs to send the little murderous toad to jail for life whilst the like of you whine impotently and call others names....which in itself is worth the price of admission.

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Really i did'nt see that caveat in the justice act....It does say they should be held accountable for their actions,

That's right and Khadr can account for what happened by pointing to an upbringing that should more accurately be termed an indoctrination.

that they may face adult sentences, but the primary concern should be treatment....but no where did it say, abusive upbringing gets you a free pass....Nor does it say the parents should be held responsable for their role in this affair....as far as i know they are still in Canada living the good life feeding off our tax dollars....

Some of the staunchest supporters of your mission to make the world safe for kids believe that instead of treatment kids like Khadr should be locked in a cage and ass-raped. That's certainly not a Canadian tradition or value worth defending is it?

Yes I realize Omar Khadr's parents are still untouchable and as near as I can tell the government still has no intention of doing anything to help other kids who might be in similar situations. Myself, I envision something similar to a D.A.R.E. program. Instead of teaching kids how to resist using drugs that mess with your mind it would teach them how to resist whacky religious and political ideas that likewise mess with their capacity to think straight.

As for parental liability there are in fact laws in this country that hold parent's to account. I'd love to see the government go after Khadr's parents for having turned him into a soldier, please, bring it on. This sounds like something a group of Canadian parents who have lost their kids to this war should be pressing for. I think the poignancy would be heart wrenching to say the least.

Beside we both know this excuse has been used so many times, in fact almost every criminal has used it at one time or another , my mother beat me, my dad was a drinker, i grew up in a tough neiborhood....so it should be OK for me to act this way, it should be OK to take another life.....

This is pure hyperbole. I doubt very much that you can cite a case where a criminal or a lawyer actually uttered the words it should be OK to take another life because... In Khadr's case ironically enough he was deliberately taught to believe that it was okay. Any society that teaches kids to obey their parents above virtually everything else does so at it's peril and to me it's unconscionable that we should throw kids into prison for doing as they're told. Treatment in Khadr's case should be a fairly straightforward matter, it's not like he's suffering from FASD, he's only been led, albeit a long long way, off track. He can easily be led back if he hasn't already found his way back on his own.

Abusive to whom you and me, abusive in regards to their culture....this type of behavoir is typical in their culture in fact it is expected....Do we let them all get a free pass becuase of how they where raised....i mean is age the only reason we are pausing here, Omar brothers where adults, his comrads were adults do they get a free pass....or just Omar, becuase he was a child with a rough upbringing...

Khadr was born in Canada his upbringing was very atypical of our culture. His age as it pertains to his case is one of the main reason to pause here, don't forget he was also tortured and the most basic of his human rights were denied to him. This is abusive in every culture and according to international law, which is also to say our law, illegal.

Everyday Canadian kids raised in Canada with Canadian morals and values are tried and given adult sentences everyday.serious crimes need serious sntences to prevent them from happening again....

Khadr was raised to be a soldier. I'm pretty sure that's still against our morals and values but that shouldn't matter given it's also against the law everywhere in the world. He should never have been charged in the first place and our country should have gone to bat for him right from the minute his arrest was made known to us.

By the way shouldn't you be off somewhere making the world safe for little kids instead of slagging them in here?

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