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Jerry Falwell. Dead and gone.

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Global last night -- the report stated that INDEED Falwell is the one person responsible for uniting the republicans with the religious rightwing.

Today there are many republicans who feel they have been "highjacked" by the religious right.

Falwell said (during Regans campaign) "We now have more than 200 people running for office and we won't stop until he have all of them"

Conspiracy? Yes

Theory? No

Ah yes -- we must love those muslims 'cause we didn't cheer over their deaths. :rolleyes:

Thing is -- they do not influence our society on a day to day basis and are therefor not really on our radar. Falwell is because he is (was) "in our faces" on a daily basis.

Just because a person does not like a nutbar like Falwell does not mean they automatically support OTHER religious fanatics.

ALL religious zealots should have their tongues cut out and their hands mutilated so they cannot communicate their filth.

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Global last night -- the reported stated that INDEED Falwell is the one person responsible for uniting the republicans with the religious rightwing.

Today there are many republicans who feel they have been "highjacked" by the religious right.

Falwell said (during Regans campaign) "We now have more than 200 people running for office and we won't stop until he have all of them"

Conspiracy? Yes

Theory? No

Ah yes -- we must love those muslims 'cause we didn't cheer over their deaths. Thing is -- they do not influence our society on a day to day basis and are therefor not really on our radar. Falwell is because he is (was) "in our faces" on a daily basis.

Just because a person does not like a nutbar like Falwell does not mean they automatically support OTHER religious fanatics.

ALL religious zealots should have their tongues cut out and their hands mutilated so they cannot communicate their filth.

Ah, so since Global said it, it MUST be true, right? They also said Falwell helped win the whitehouse for Reagan. Which is kind of ignoring Jimmy Carter's fiasco and the voter's resulting swing to the Republicans.

I take it you don't know what you're talking about concerning Catchme's latest fad, the Dominionist Conspiracy theory.

You state Falwell is in your face on a daily basis. What are you talking about? Just what are you watching on a daily basis? Did he have a TV show that you watched every day, because he sure hadn't been in the news on a daily basis, or even monthly. The war on Terror, however is on the news 24/7. You really should try to be accurate in your wild statements.

And then you make the silliest statement you've ever made, and you've made some humdingers: "ALL religious zealots should have their tongues cut out and their hands mutilated so they cannot communicate their filth."

You sound EXACTLY like a zealot. The hands being mutilated part seals the deal. You are beyond weird.

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Well, Global ain't the CBC ;)

I watched the man say it himself -- unless of course the vast leftwing conspiracy theorists made someone up to LOOK like him... yah think?

By "we" I mean the populace of the west including dupeable Canadians and Americans. The guy has followers all over the world. He spouts his crap daily for decades -- we have only been hearing about this so called war on terror since GW was annointed (opps I mean appointed... oops I mean elected)

100 Huntly Steet comes on in the morning after Global News -- I'm not home but I change the channel anyway so my budgie doesn't have to listen to that garbage. LOL

Unless you're a religious fanatic you shouldn't be too worried your tongue and hands are safe.

S'matter anyway -- wouldn't you like to see the leader of Iran shut up? Would this not be a good thing? LOL


-- the religious fanatic in Iran spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

-- the religious fanatic in America spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

Same fanatic -- different clothing.

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I wasn't debating the part of your Global remarks where you said Falwell boasted of 200 running for office. Your statement that Falwell was the one person responsible for uniting the Republcans with the religious right, is wrong, even if Global said it. And Falwell's boast proved wrong as well.

Again, Falwell hasn't been in anyone's face for a few years, so your comment was wrong.

The leader of Iran is not a religious fanatic, wrong again.

Hopefully you won't be getting a hold of any religious fanatic's tongues or hands. Maybe you should screen your viewing and reading habits more.

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Catchme, you're really beginning to sound like polynewbie with your conspiracy theory.

So anyway, it's interesting to note the comments made by some at a controversial religious leader on this forum. I only bring it up because of the lack of such comments by said people concerning the recent death of two Muslim terrorist leaders responsible for killing 100's of Iraqis, Afghanis and american, brit and Canadian soldiers.

A pox on you all for your hypocrisy.

Well to be fair, look at the MSM and tell me who are they talking about more?? Evil people are evil no matter where they are.


-- the religious fanatic in Iran spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

-- the religious fanatic in America spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

Same fanatic -- different clothing.

Hilarious when it is broken down to the basic components, it comes down to just that. I want to add to it.

My leader sees your leader as black and white

I see my leader as grey.

I lambaste other leaders while making excuses for my own leader's incompitence.

My reasons for having your leader killer are better than your reasons for killing mine.

Today there are many republicans who feel they have been "highjacked" by the religious right.

Ron Paul put it as the Republican Party lost it's way.

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Protestants in southern Ireland know what suffering is too it goes both ways.

Oh I don't know about that ever heard of the Palatines, there's lots of them still in the Limerick area and I haven't heard any of them complain, by the way I am Protestant.

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While I don't find any joy in Mr. Falwell's death, and certainly don't wish ill towards those of his ilk, I can think of a lot more productive people in this world whose lives would be better mentioned than this hateful preacher.

Truthful yes, hateful no. This thread exposes the liberal hate for the truth.

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Instead of celebrating Jerry Falwell's death, I think we should celebrate his life with a few quotes from the Reverend himself:

" If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being."

"This is probably as bad a day as the court has had on social issues since "Roe v Wade."" (re: Lawrence v Texas ruling in favour of a couple's right to privacy)

"God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve." (re: 9/11 attacks)

"And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say, "You helped this happen."" (re: 9/11 attacks)

"I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!"

"AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

"The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc."

"The Jews are returning to their land of unbelief. They are spiritually blind and desperately in need of their Messiah and Savior."

"Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them."

"I do not believe the homosexual community deserves minority status. One's misbehavior does not qualify him or her for minority status. Blacks, Hispanics, women, etc., are God-ordained minorities who do indeed deserve minority status." (yeah...he really did call women a 'minority')

"The ACLU is to Christians what the American Nazi party is to Jews."

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharoah's chariotters."


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-- the religious fanatic in Iran spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

-- the religious fanatic in America spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

Same fanatic -- different clothing.

hurray!, hurray! hurray!, clapping and adoration.

well said drea, well said!

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-- the religious fanatic in Iran spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

-- the religious fanatic in America spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

Same fanatic -- different clothing.

hurray!, hurray! hurray!, clapping and adoration.

well said drea, well said!

*dusts off the old record*

*drops the needle*

*crackle* "but christians don't fly airplanes into buildings"

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-- the religious fanatic in Iran spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

-- the religious fanatic in America spouts hatred to those who do not comply with his religious doctrine.

Same fanatic -- different clothing.

hurray!, hurray! hurray!, clapping and adoration.

well said drea, well said!

*dusts off the old record*

*drops the needle*

*crackle* "but christians don't fly airplanes into buildings"

nor, does Islam.

That is criminal individuals that do that kind of stuff, like , as an example launching illegal preemptive wars.

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How can a pre-emptive war be illegal? I mean, if it's pre-emptive, it's pre-empting an attack...which by definition is self defence, which is never illegal, unless we are talking about the jews?

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How can a pre-emptive war be illegal? I mean, if it's pre-emptive, it's pre-empting an attack...which by definition is self defence, which is never illegal, unless we are talking about the jews?

well to follow, you convoluted thinking then, how was Hitler's "pre-emptive" attack on Poland a problem???

How then were the alleged 9/11 attacks anything but a pre-emptive attack???

Attacking the US prior to their attack on Afghanistan, alllegedly following along your thinking of what pre-emption is, it was just self-defence, according to you???

pre-emptive warfare is rhetorical BS, you do realize that, it is just an excuse to justify an illegal attack, that can't be justified in any manner other then the manner of baloney, sales pitching.

pre-emptive can't be construed as self-defence, since to self-defend, one would have to be , being attacked.

Therefore pre-emptive warfare is a propagandic,rhetorical, nonsensical term, used to fool people into excepting an illegal act of war as justifiable.

comprende? If you prefer your rhetoric, that's ok, too.

The U. S. was signatory to the Nuremberg Principles of 1950, which delineated that no war criminal in any place or time is above the law.

The most egregious of war crimes was defined by the 1946 International Military Tribunal as the "Crimes against Peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation, or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances". The U. S. itself drafted this language to prosecute the surviving leaders of the axis powers.

A year before, the U. S. was a major party to the UN charter, drafted in 1945, which stated that the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state was illegal.

How can the U. S. argue that it should not be bound by these laws?


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Ever notice that in the discussion of conservative/issues, sooner or later some leftwinger inserts a dig at the Iraq war, even though it may have zero to do with it?

Kind of sounds like a broken record.

Do you ever notice, how without failure, someone comes along who ACTUALLY , by choice, associates themselves with the "right" always starts throwing around the term "leftwinger" like it has any relevancy at all , to the discussion, other then as a derogatory term.

How is it you know, anyone in particular is "leftwing"?

What makes you claim that, other then because they have an opinion that differs from yours?

Can you discuss a topic without this type of rhetoric?

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Can you prove me wrong?

Leftwinger is not derogatory, and certainly mild compared to some of the over-the-top nonsense being spouted on this particular thread at the conservative crowd. If you can't handle leftwinger then maybe you should pass this thread by.

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Back to the topic!

Nothing to do with Iraq. Everything to do with the odd notion that someone invisible is watching us and judging us (creeeepy innit?!)

This CENTRIST poster figures this vile man should have never had airwaves to spout his garbage. If not for dupeable folks he would have been in his basement talking to himself.


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pre-emptive warfare is rhetorical BS, you do realize that, it is just an excuse to justify an illegal attack, that can't be justified in any manner other then the manner of baloney, sales pitching.

Not necessarily, the same rules apply as a fist fight. If you know you can't avoid a fight, you are an idiot if you let the other guy get in the first punch.

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First, God strikes Jerry down, now the Holy Spirit has prompted famillies to launch law suits against the government of Texas for violating the USA Constitution with their "new" curriculum.

Odessa, Texas, ... plaintiffs have asked the U.S. District Court in Midland-Odessa to stop the courses, taught for this first time this current school year in two Odessa high schools, using books from the National Council on Bible ...

The new suit, led by parent Amanda Moreno of Odessa, says the curriculum does not adhere to legal standards requiring bible courses to be objective and neutral, and presents the perspective of Christianity from a Protestant viewpoint, instructing students that the New Testament fulfills prophecies in the Hebrew Bible. Some Odessa course materials, the lawsuit says, state that Christ the Messiah "was prophesized [sic]" throughout the Old Testament and that Jesus was the son of God. Course materials characterize Roman Catholic beliefs of the transformation of the body and blood of Jesus into communion bread and wine as "warped" thinking brought on by "mysticism."

The course also teaches the Bible as historical truth, the lawsuit states, relying on the King James version of the Bible, the bible of Protestant faiths, as a historical document. The course treats the story of the creation, the life of Noah and his ark, and the lives of Abraham, Sarah, and Moses as if they were accurate historical statements, the lawsuit says.


Court documents below link


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"Dr. Falwell was a giant of faith and a visionary leader and he, as a man, has always been a man of great optimism and great faith and he has left instructions for those of us who have to carry on and we will be faithful to that charge"

How's that for an opposing view?

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pre-emptive warfare is rhetorical BS, you do realize that, it is just an excuse to justify an illegal attack, that can't be justified in any manner other then the manner of baloney, sales pitching.

Not necessarily, the same rules apply as a fist fight. If you know you can't avoid a fight, you are an idiot if you let the other guy get in the first punch.

Yes and a fistfight and a war are so relevant to one another (facetious)

Then Hitler was OK, in your way of thinking, and what is your problem with 9/11, which can easily be construed as a pre-emptive attack.?

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