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Marijuana Cures Cancer?

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It's true that it's not good for the lungs--it can cause a smoker's cough--but to the best of my knowledge, it's not a carcinogen at all.

If it were, we would see all kinds of studies linking Rastafarian lifestyle with high incidence of lung-cancer.

Tell that to Bob Marley.

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Well now THC may not be carcinogenic but who says that is the only thing in dope? Of course when you smoke dope whether that be hash or grass, you are inhaling;


2-carbon monoxide



Now please you going to tell me the above 4 chemicals are not carcinogenic. Yah right. Also keep in mind there's no filter on a joint and you breath this stuff in deeply.

So please get real. Of course it causes lung cancer.

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Yeah well, 14% is what the government says it is. Indepenent analysis showed it averaged out at about 5 it think. There are also other issues with contamination in the mine. Google it, you'll find all sorts of info from independent analysis. Hardly anyone with an exemption from HC buys the government schwag.

Which begs the question - where is it going?


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Well now THC may not be carcinogenic but who says that is the only thing in dope? Of course when you smoke dope whether that be hash or grass, you are inhaling;


2-carbon monoxide



Now please you going to tell me the above 4 chemicals are not carcinogenic. Yah right. Also keep in mind there's no filter on a joint and you breath this stuff in deeply.

So please get real. Of course it causes lung cancer.

Rue, life is dangerous! That is why we all try to reduce 'harm'. There are many ways to use cannabis - not just smoking it.

Whether it causes lung cancer is still up for debate.

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Well now THC may not be carcinogenic but who says that is the only thing in dope? Of course when you smoke dope whether that be hash or grass, you are inhaling;


2-carbon monoxide



Now please you going to tell me the above 4 chemicals are not carcinogenic. Yah right. Also keep in mind there's no filter on a joint and you breath this stuff in deeply.

So please get real. Of course it causes lung cancer.

Probably no worse than standing on the side of the road breathing in the exhaust from passing cars...

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Yeah well, 14% is what the government says it is. Indepenent analysis showed it averaged out at about 5 it think. There are also other issues with contamination in the mine. Google it, you'll find all sorts of info from independent analysis. Hardly anyone with an exemption from HC buys the government schwag.

Which begs the question - where is it going?


I can't find any information about the independent analysis you refer too. Perhaps you could show me the way?

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Yeah well, 14% is what the government says it is. Indepenent analysis showed it averaged out at about 5 it think. There are also other issues with contamination in the mine. Google it, you'll find all sorts of info from independent analysis. Hardly anyone with an exemption from HC buys the government schwag.

Which begs the question - where is it going?


I can't find any information about the independent analysis you refer too. Perhaps you could show me the way?


This is just one. Though CSA got into lots of trouble when their report came out.

Believe me, PPP cannot grow quality organic cannabis in their contaminated mine. It's ridiculous and certainly not cost effective either imo.

If you google it you will find lots of stuff. Try Phillip Lucas, Canadians for Safe Access, Map.. etc. There is lots of reading material out there.

Personally the prohibition of cannabis is insanity, IMO. A collossal waste of taxpayers money, police time and jail space - all the while fueling the black market and criminal element. Crazy.

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Personally the prohibition of cannabis is insanity, IMO. A collossal waste of taxpayers money, police time and jail space - all the while fueling the black market and criminal element. Crazy.

But thats why they do it. I don't for a second believe that the Canadian government isn't profiting from marijuanna sales in this country. The drug houses that get busted just are not the ones with the connections to the establishment. If they are protecting heroine over in Afghanistan they are making money from it. If they are making money from that then they are making money from internal production and trading within Canada.

They pay for the cops & jails with tax dollars control the trade and have more people directly dependent on government + turn a profit in the end.

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That works out to $5,000 for each kilogram, or a markup of more than 1,500 per cent.

I always remember the jist of a statistic (in this case the huge profit margin and the hypocrisy in not legalizing under the pretext of immoral profits gained).... but I'm so bad at remembering the stats themselves, how embarrassing. At least I remembered there was 5000 in there somewhere. :)

In my defense I was skimming the article in a waiting room.

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That works out to $5,000 for each kilogram, or a markup of more than 1,500 per cent.

I always remember the jist of a statistic (in this case the huge profit margin and the hypocrisy in not legalizing under the pretext of immoral profits gained).... but I'm so bad at remembering the stats themselves, how embarrassing. At least I remembered there was 5000 in there somewhere. :)

In my defense I was skimming the article in a waiting room.


I kinda thought that when I looked it up. I could've easily done the same - eeks! ;)

Still though, you've got to admit that is one hell of a mark up! ESP for the substandard product that Hellth Canada peddles!

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A drug is a drug is a drug.


don't look for me in your campaigns to make it legal

Please list all the folks that have died as a result of ingesting this drug. And then compare your 0 list to the deaths directly relating to smoking and drinking alchohol.

My proof should be conclusive in the amounts of efforts put in to stall an overturned on a ban on marijuana, and to legalize it and the amounts of government funds put into credibility to allow those like myself to believe marijuana is not good for you, while it still remains illegal.

The conclusion I have, that there is no currently accepted medical use for marijuana except for those research projects - the one mentioned in the beginning of this discussion, medical marijuana availability to seriously ill patients to ease pains, probably doing good for memory loss, distorted perception, forget things, don't need to think about much and some occasional teaser for you regular whiners with your crying pains that you cannot bear.

I can only concede up to this point folks, that almost everyone is going to get hurt however it may, and eventually everyone dies. It’s up to you to reduce your own risk, and look after your health - you wish to stick around a bit no?.

Why can't you generate your own high by climbing flights of stairs everyday, instead of opting for an easy draw on pot?

Even the Olympics support the ban on marijuana

Yep, just what I thought. This drug poses no fatal effect on anyone. Yet here we are promoting drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and even gambling. All vices that will wreck the fabric of our society vs. no physical effect from marijuana. Ooh, that devil weed.

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"There is a reason why marijuana is illegal - it is not good for you. I never had the opportunity to see the stuff much less smoke it, but maybe you can shed some light on the short-term memory loss you would have experienced.

Contrary to thinking that marijuana acts as the perfect aphrodisiacs for your encounters, the only thing that gets screwed is your own head.

There are numerous studies out to show that marijuana reduces testosterone and folks can become prone to erectile dysfunction.

a waste don't you think"

so basically you are just repeating what you may have read or heard somewhere? (I never had the opportunity to...). I can't say that I smoke too much of it anymore myself, but if you're going to make that statement, you should throw tobacco and booze in there as well. Also consider this: I wake up in the morning, get dressed, go to work at a downtown office (I take the subway), and when I get home after a long day, my nose and throat are coated in a blackish substance (pollutuion). What's going to kill me faster? If someone wants a joint to relax at the end of the day instead of a couple beers, that's fine with me. And I voted conservative last time out (head slapping motion)

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so basically you are just repeating what you may have read or heard somewhere? (I never had the opportunity to...)

Well, first I can point to the obvious, like you don't have to be a mathematician to add 1+1=3.

Well, I can also say that I am also of the belief that it is much more important to set a good moral example than going out of my way to try for smokes, weed, booze. You also get these items at special places and hideouts. Sounds very dangerous and compromising to me already.

But for the record, I am not repeating what I heard or read from someplace - some of my siblings are medical doctors. Well, I had these conversations since I was kid, so you understand now that I grilled up to the yin yang with mental notes on what is good. Now, I'd like to practice what I feel is right and also abide by laws that govern this land. I would also like to know I am not the only person left to follow the rules, so I would vote to keep this law in check.

I can't say that I smoke too much of it anymore myself, but if you're going to make that statement, you should throw tobacco and booze .... (pollution). What's going to kill me faster? If someone wants a joint to relax at the end of the day instead of a couple beers, that's fine with me. And I voted conservative last time out (head slapping motion)

I suppose in mentioning "tobacco" you mean cigar or Cuban cigar. Well, I am dead set against cigars also. First, it smells badly, please, for your own sake, you'll go faster than the law requires you to leave this place.

I like your choice of words, "booze" indicates substance abuse, links it to drunks and point to issues. Drunks are also treated with a disease. Perhaps we can make a go for treatment of marijuana as a disease, yes. The weed folks also act like drunks.

Pollution I agree is probably worst in the city e.g. Toronto vs. countryside - I don't have information how fast one dies because of pollution.

But I can say this, in economics if we take the cost of fixing your health because you screwed your brain using weed, and a cost savings of letting you go buy weed yourself without restrictions. The cost of fixing your health now far outweighs those little joints to relax. So, the law stays to ban the product.

Same with the pollution...it is probably more cost efficient and better to shift the entire population of Toronto outside of the city, give the city of pollution a name..."Toronto, the financial district of Canada" than repair all your damaged lungs.

Different scenarios, different solutions.

Runningdog, you indicated you stop using marijuana, did you recognize it does nothing for you? Well, it also does nothing for the economy. This is because black market for weed has long been established and is part of the economy. Whether, we legalize it or not, folks know where and how to get their stuff. Nothing changes.

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so basically you are just repeating what you may have read or heard somewhere? (I never had the opportunity to...)

Well, first I can point to the obvious, like you don't have to be a mathematician to add 1+1=3.

Well, I can also say that I am also of the belief that it is much more important to set a good moral example than going out of my way to try for smokes, weed, booze. You also get these items at special places and hideouts. Sounds very dangerous and compromising to me already.

I buy my smokes at London Drugs. I never thought of a drug store as a "hideout" LOL.
... abide by laws that govern this land. I would also like to know I am not the only person left to follow the rules, so I would vote to keep this law in check.

You will follow the law because it is "on the books", so it is safe to assume then, that when this antiquated law is struck down you will no longer have a problem with it?

I like your choice of words, "booze" indicates substance abuse, links it to drunks and point to issues. Drunks are also treated with a disease. Perhaps we can make a go for treatment of marijuana as a disease, yes. The weed folks also act like drunks.

If you've never had the opportunity to "even see the stuff" how can you say that someone who smokes weed acts like someone who is drunk. You are wrong. The effect of alcohol is entirely different than the effect of marijuana.

But I can say this, in economics if we take the cost of fixing your health because you screwed your brain using weed, and a cost savings of letting you go buy weed yourself without restrictions. The cost of fixing your health now far outweighs those little joints to relax. So, the law stays to ban the product.
The law is not in place because marijuana is "bad for you". The law is in place because the hemp crop was a threat to the US cotton crop back in the early part of last century.

Butter is also bad for you -- shall we ban it?

Well, it also does nothing for the economy. This is because black market for weed has long been established and is part of the economy. Whether, we legalize it or not, folks know where and how to get their stuff. Nothing changes.

Either it

a.) does nothing for the economy


b.)has long been established and is part of the economy

Maybe some mind altering substance is in order? You oughta try it for the clarity alone LOL

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I am a daily pot smoker myself. Pot can help with certain social disorderd like manic depressivness (bipolar) and other mental ailments. I used to be on prescription drugs for my anxiety and depression. Just made me feel zoned out, really stoned, really disconnected from things. I took myself off them. Then I found pot. Now pot gives me the chance to shut my brain off. One thing with bipolar is that you can stew on a certain thing over and over and over again untill it drives you mad. Obsessive behavious as well comes with it.

I am able to think better sometimes when I smoke. Got too much on the go?

It comes down to how we deal with things on a daily basis in our society. The more stresses the more people will snap.

I have never OD'd on pot.

I have never been sick on pot

It helps with nausea, headaches, upset stomach.

I can say I am addicted to it, or more of less the habit of rolling a J. Theraputicle for me. Also it depends on the person. I know for a fact that I can't handle hard drugs like coke, ect. So I just don't take them. I have experienced myself enough with pot to know how it affects me.

Do I suffer from short term memory loss? Yeah like only 99% of you out there.

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I strongly support the use of marijhuana as a therapeutic tool for people who have to take chemotherapy. I also strongly support its use for those kinds of brain injury or epilepsy where it can help control seizures. I also strongly support its use for people with chronic pain or terminal illnesses where other medications have not worked.

I think it would be foolish to say it doesn't have justifiable medical purposes. In regards to people using it recreationally you can't expect this man at 52 to look anyone in the face and say they shouldn't smoke dope.

Me personally I do not smoke dope because I find it makes me completely and absolutely depressed and paranoid. I prefer chocolate, sex, running, and Belgian beer or pretending I am still young and that Paris Hilton or Buffy would date me.

As a wee child my drug of preference was mushrooms. Then again I moved on quickly to trash tabloids.

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I would caution anyone not to use dope to medicate a physical or psychological problem without going to a doctor first.

However what people do with such things is not my business until they commit a crime or hurt others, so I will refrain from further comment. I just don't want anyone hurting themselves with it. That's all.

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Probably the only way someone could hurt themselves or someone else while on pot is if they drove and got in a car accident. I certainly do not condone driving after smoking as it's just as dangerous as driving while under the influence of alcohol, or when you are too tired.

People "self medicate" all the time. Instead of taking a doctor prescribed valium at the end of the day, some folks drink a glass of wine... some folks smoke a little weed... some folks do yoga.

There is still such a social stigma attached -- drives me nuts. No one thinks anything odd of my coworker who goes home and polishes off a bottle of red wine every night, but I am loath to mention that I smoke pot (because of the social stigma) -- even though she gets pissed drunk and I only get slightly mellow.

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I would caution anyone not to use dope to medicate a physical or psychological problem without going to a doctor first.

However what people do with such things is not my business until they commit a crime or hurt others, so I will refrain from further comment. I just don't want anyone hurting themselves with it. That's all.

One problem, not all doctors are the same, and not everyone will help you out the the same way. I hated being on the medication, it worked for a short term , then made me edgy and irritated. There are 3 others in my family that was on prescription anti depressants. Now we all smoke pot more or less. (Me more than them) And I got the same responses from them. It just allows them to shut down. I guess some good meditation would help as well. or dump a few of life's stresses.

Pot will have much less side effects on anyone than any prescription drug. It is a natural plant (I know some are poisonous) and can easily be grown. Medical crops would have a valid purpose, and yes Hemp clothes would be nice. Pick up a prescription bottle, tell me what the side effects are, and the exeptions (don't take if you are on heart medication, have bladder problems ect..) weed does not have those side effects.

Smoke, get high, releave some pain, eat a snack.

There has been enough clinical studies on pot to know how it affects us. Hell, the US military gave LSD to the soldiers in the field. I bet that had no side effects at all. I just think that that information is being held from the public.

Probably the only way someone could hurt themselves or someone else while on pot is if they drove and got in a car accident. I certainly do not condone driving after smoking as it's just as dangerous as driving while under the influence of alcohol, or when you are too tired.

Time and a place for everything. Common sense is not so common anymore.

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Probably the only way someone could hurt themselves or someone else while on pot is if they drove and got in a car accident. I certainly do not condone driving after smoking as it's just as dangerous as driving while under the influence of alcohol, or when you are too tired.

People "self medicate" all the time. Instead of taking a doctor prescribed valium at the end of the day, some folks drink a glass of wine... some folks smoke a little weed... some folks do yoga.

There is still such a social stigma attached -- drives me nuts. No one thinks anything odd of my coworker who goes home and polishes off a bottle of red wine every night, but I am loath to mention that I smoke pot (because of the social stigma) -- even though she gets pissed drunk and I only get slightly mellow.

Well Drea it is impossible for someone in my generation to point the finger at anyone about smoking dope since we all did it. More to the point I certainly am in no position to judge anyone's life style unless like you say they hurt someone else say driving. But what I said to my daughters was - you make choices in life - just make sure you make them not to avoid problems or block them out but to deal with them as honestly and candidly as you can. This coming from someone who reads trash tabloid and watchs WWE wrestling.

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It helps me to eat.

I am naturally too thin (and hyper to boot) so smoking pot helps me to chill out and makes food attractive to me so that I eat.

I just started this new "blueberry powder" from the health food store that I mix with fruit juice so I am getting nutrients. Without weed I'd probably hardly eat at all.

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Well Drea it is impossible for someone in my generation to point the finger at anyone about smoking dope since we all did it. More to the point I certainly am in no position to judge anyone's life style unless like you say they hurt someone else say driving. But what I said to my daughters was - you make choices in life - just make sure you make them not to avoid problems or block them out but to deal with them as honestly and candidly as you can. This coming from someone who reads trash tabloid and watchs WWE wrestling.

Rue, I seriously thought that by the time I reached middle age the stigma would be gone as we have all (most of us) tried it and discovered that we didn't turn into werewolves or anything LOL

I never smoke it at work, just like I never would drink at work. Just makes sense. As GostHacked pointed out -- there is a time and a place...

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