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Stanley Cup Playoffs 2007

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Another embarassing loss for the Flames. Boys and girls, we need a miracle! Good thing the Flames are the best home team in the league, look for them to pick up 2 back at the Dome.

Unfortunately, they need to win one on the road to win the series... Detroit may prove to want it just that much more.

Especially if Phaneuf cant play. Calgary is not looking good, but I do expect 2 wins at home. Kipper is the best there is.....now if everyone can step up (Hey Mr Conroy) this could get good.


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I am cheering for the Islanders this year because even though the Oilers are not in the playoffs, Ryan Smyth is.


The mullet man always looked great in blue and orange. ;)

Other than cheering for the western Canadian teams to lose, I don't have much stake in these playoffs. I don't care about Ottawa, but I'm getting sick of all the Crosby talk, so I'm hoping the Sens or Sabres make it out of the East. The Ducks look like a good pick from the West, but I like San Jose or Nashville as a dark horse. That's a helluva series.

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Especially if Phaneuf cant play. Calgary is not looking good, but I do expect 2 wins at home. Kipper is the best there is.....now if everyone can step up (Hey Mr Conroy) this could get good.


Your thinking of Regher, he's out with the knee. Phaneuf is fine and dandy. He's indestructable. In fact, he's been one of the few bright spots on the team in Detriot. I was also really impressed by Tanguay, he's really giving some effort.

Conroy has had two really close chances, been robbed by Hasek. He's on his game, he just needs some good bounces.

Then there is Iginla, or lack of him I suppose. Terrible time to take a cold streak. Fortunately the Flames were a winning team when he was out with injury. They need Huselius to step back up and fill in the gaps though.

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... but I like San Jose or Nashville as a dark horse. That's a helluva series.

Mmmhmm. I like Nashville too. If Calgary drops against Detroit, I'm going out to buy a Predators jersey for the next month or so.

I don't think Anahiem has the finish or desire to win. They are a very flat team with alot of skill, doesn't cut it in the playoffs. Emotion wins games at this time of year. They are playing well against Minesota, but I think it's more to do Minesotas poor play than any great shows of talent from Anahiem. They don't stand a chance against Detroit or Nashville.

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Phaneuf is fine and dandy. He's indestructable. In fact, he's been one of the few bright spots on the team in Detriot.

Which is too bad because if there's one gutless punk I'd like to see picking chunks of his kneecap off the ice, it's Celine.

Mmmhmm. I like Nashville too. If Calgary drops against Detroit, I'm going out to buy a Predators jersey for the next month or so.

Hopefully, you mean "when Calgary drops..."

I'd also steer clear of buying a Preds uni. They look like roller hockey jerseys.

I don't think Anahiem has the finish or desire to win. They are a very flat team with alot of skill, doesn't cut it in the playoffs. Emotion wins games at this time of year. They are playing well against Minesota, but I think it's more to do Minesotas poor play than any great shows of talent from Anahiem. They don't stand a chance against Detroit or Nashville.

I think we'll see what Anaheim is made of next series. The Wild aren't exactly a good way to guage emotion, given the way they play. I imagine its hard enough to stay awake against them, let alone get riled up.

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Which is too bad because if there's one gutless punk I'd like to see picking chunks of his kneecap off the ice, it's Celine.

You almost got your wish tonight, Draper laid an absolute bomb on Phaneuf. He was so stunned he couldn't stand properly.

Hopefully, you mean "when Calgary drops..."

Solid win tonight. Calgary played a much better, more composed game. Hasek bailed out Detroit many times, and the Flames got alot of bad bounces. The forecheck was overwelming, Detroit was behind their net for 20 straight seconds on a powerplay.

I'd also steer clear of buying a Preds uni. They look like roller hockey jerseys.

Your right, but oh well. After this playoff run I'll sell it on ebay or something.

I think we'll see what Anaheim is made of next series. The Wild aren't exactly a good way to guage emotion, given the way they play. I imagine its hard enough to stay awake against them, let alone get riled up.

Ahhh, isn't Lemaire your favourite coach? "Let's see what we're going to do tonight boys... let's uhhh... try something new... let's... PLAY THE TRAP! Oh, was that the last 20 years of my career?"

There are many coaches that play an exciting defensive game, Sutter (previously), Ron Wilson, Dave Tippett. Lemaire is just a bore. All of his teams were terrible to watch.

Which is unfortunate because of all the exciting players the Wild have, Gaborik especially.

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You almost got your wish tonight, Draper laid an absolute bomb on Phaneuf. He was so stunned he couldn't stand properly.

I heard. Sorry I missed that one.

Solid win tonight. Calgary played a much better, more composed game. Hasek bailed out Detroit many times, and the Flames got alot of bad bounces. The forecheck was overwelming, Detroit was behind their net for 20 straight seconds on a powerplay.

Hasek also whiffed on the winner. Can't count on the bounces. From what I saww of the first two periods, Calgary was better, but the Wings are still the superior club.

(By the way, were the CBC microphones busted or was the 'dome really that quiet? Reminded me of Game 7 against the Ducks last year.)

Ahhh, isn't Lemaire your favourite coach? "Let's see what we're going to do tonight boys... let's uhhh... try something new... let's... PLAY THE TRAP! Oh, was that the last 20 years of my career?"

Naw. I like Ron Wilson.

Which is unfortunate because of all the exciting players the Wild have, Gaborik especially.

Catch any of the game last night? It was wild. That top line for Minny is sick.

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Anyone cheering for the Islanders against Buffalo tonight? I will be. I'd love to see another 8th place team oust a 1st place team like last year.

Glad Vancouver and Ottawa won last night. I hope they both win their series' in their next games.

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One thing I've noticed these playoffs is the stark difference in the reffing styles. Some series (Ottawa/Pits) have been allowed to take each others heads off, while in others it feels like November all over again when phantom hooks were called and diving rewarded.

All the teams can do is play the way they are reffed, and the Vancouver series, though not particularly invigorating to begin with, has been worse with the tight reffing.

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Unfortunately, I think officiating is getting more into the role of producing exciting hockey and less in the role of calling the game properly. NHL is a product now, especially in US markets, and if it's not exciting, people don't watch. I think this accounts for the various differences in officiation. The refs are there making the product as American consumable as possible.

Very very sad.

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As for officiating and rules:

I think everybody is pretty sick of all the hooking calls, especially the weak ones which happen so often. And what makes it worse is you have lots of people being called on flimsy hooks while others get away with the same thing.

Another thing I am not fond of in the new NHL is the automatic penalty for a puck going over the glass when shot from your own zone. A lot of times this is an accident. It really stings when your team already is shorthanded and they put it over the glass on the opposite zone from inside their own blue line on a clearing attempt.

And I think the point for making it to overtime in the regular season and losing is ridiculous. Basically some losers get points and some dont.

And another crappy thing is the way they rate the teams in each conference in order to ensure teams from each division make it. You have 4th place teams that have 10 more points than 2nd place teams. If you play in a very crappy division you can make third place easily just by being first in your own division.


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In response to Geoffrey-----yeah Calgary beating Detroit would be cool too. I would love to see it. Who knows?

Calgary won again tonight, Saturday will be a huge game either way.

And I think the point for making it to overtime in the regular season and losing is ridiculous. Basically some losers get points and some dont.

Should be 3 points for a win and 1 for an O/T loss IMO.

And another crappy thing is the way they rate the teams in each conference in order to ensure teams from each division make it. You have 4th place teams that have 10 more points than 2nd place teams. If you play in a very crappy division you can make third place easily just by being first in your own division.


I disagree. Look at the NorthWest in the first half of the year. Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, Colorado and Minesota were all a few points apart, but no where near Detroit or Nashville because the division was so good.

It's important that this is reflected later on.

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Too bad about Toronto not making the playoffs, again.

That was awesome. Hope it keeps up.

Calgary won again tonight, Saturday will be a huge game either way.

Yay 5 on 3s.

Should be 3 points for a win and 1 for an O/T loss IMO.

I think 2 points for a win, 0 for a loss. get rid of the bonus point.

I disagree. Look at the NorthWest in the first half of the year. Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, Colorado and Minesota were all a few points apart, but no where near Detroit or Nashville because the division was so good.

It's important that this is reflected later on.

I think they need to scrap divisional play altogether. Make it so each team plays every other team in the conference five times. The remaining games are played against teams from the other conference, with a focus on regional rivalries, o.g 6 matchups etc. Let things shake out that way instead of giving teams in soft divisions a leg up.

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Anybody else noticed how extremely brutal the picture quality of the CBC game feeds are? The rinks look dark and the pictures are fuzzy. No problem with TSN, but CBC looks terrible.

The Dallas-Vancouver series is unwatchable. I hate that kind of hockey, dulldullldull. The worst thing is that one of these teams will move on and inflict more of the same on us.

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In response to Geoffrey-----yeah Calgary beating Detroit would be cool too. I would love to see it. Who knows?

Calgary won again tonight, Saturday will be a huge game either way.

And I think the point for making it to overtime in the regular season and losing is ridiculous. Basically some losers get points and some dont.

Should be 3 points for a win and 1 for an O/T loss IMO.

And another crappy thing is the way they rate the teams in each conference in order to ensure teams from each division make it. You have 4th place teams that have 10 more points than 2nd place teams. If you play in a very crappy division you can make third place easily just by being first in your own division.


I disagree. Look at the NorthWest in the first half of the year. Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, Colorado and Minesota were all a few points apart, but no where near Detroit or Nashville because the division was so good.

It's important that this is reflected later on.

I disagree about the overtime points. All games should be two point games. In the old days before the decisive shoot-outs the two points were split in the event of a tie after five minutes of over time. Now we have a clear winner and loser. What difference should it make if the game goes into overtime? 2 points to the winner in overtime and 0 for the loser. Makes no sense to give a losing team a point simply because they lost in overtime. For instance lets say Philly and Boston went to overtime with each other in the reg season this year. Philly wins and Boston loses. Meanwhile Washington loses to Buffalo by one goal in the third period. Is there some honor that Boston achieved by making it to overtime that merits them getting a point, while Washington is just a loser. Why this point just because of overtime?

If they want to do conference standings those standings should be directly related to the amount of points a team has. Why should teams with less points occupy a higher place in the conference standings. Of course there is also the issue of the more games being played among teams within their own divisions. Hopefully next year we will see better scheduling where all teams have a chance to play one another.

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Just to give an example of how ridiculous the conference standings are:

Vancouver finished in 3rd place in the Western Conference while Dallas finished 3 places below them in 6th. They are in a series together right now.

Vancouver finished with 105 points. While Dallas finished with 107.

Dallas is ahead of Vancouver in points but three places below them in the standings?

And because of this Vancouver got home ice advantage.

In the Eastern Conference Ottawa and Pittsburgh finished with 105 points a piece but were both ranked below Atlanta which had 97.

To me this is just a little screwed up.

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Yeah ,Ottawa is in to the second round,

maybe the monkey is getting off our back,

even i didn't expect Ottawa to dominate

Pittsburgh so easily, now all we need to do is

face New York instead of New Jersey,don't want

to face Brodeur.

Brodeur hasn't been quite the same wall that he's been all these years. He's been human at times, although they shut out Tampa tonight.

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Looks like Ottawa is going to have to

go through New Jersey after all.

Let's hope Brodeur is human after all.

One of local Radio DJs' is so confident that Ottawa

won't make it to the Stanley Cup Final,that if they

do,he will shave his head,paint it Senator Red,stand on a street corner,

dressed in a tutu or ballerina outfit,and get this,

spread on the ground his Dougie Gilmour sweater and let people piss on it.

I really hate Maple Leaf fans,Lets make him pay

for this cockiness,Ottawa,LETS MAKE HIM WEAR IT!

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