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Suddenly PM Harper Cares About Aids

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Here we go again, stereotyping and unsubstantiated smears about a whole group of people.

The announcement does sound like it is geared to the election call that is possible after March 19.

It could be a vote getter, and I admit Harper is becoming more liberal than the Liberals; but its the first post and the malicious stereotyping I was referring to. Why is it necessary for the drive by smears about a roup of people when posting on a subject for discussion.

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In the past 40 years, Canada has spent over $12 billion on aid in sub-saharan Africa. As a recent Senate report noted, we got diddly squat for that money:

"Given the failure of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in Africa over the past 38 years to make an effective foreign aid difference, the government of Canada should conduct an immediate review of whether or not this organization should continue to exist in its present non-statutory form," says the Senate foreign affairs committee in a report that was two years in the making and heard from hundreds of witnesses.

Since 1968, CIDA has spent $12.4 billion in Sub-Sahran Africa, but has little to show for it.

National Post

Now, Harper comes along with a plan to spend about $100 million with a good chance that the money will lead to a real impact in the lives of Africans, and Canadians.

The federal government is pledging up to $111-million to establish The Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative (CHVI). The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is contributing up to $28-million.

“HIV/AIDS is a killer that must be stopped,” Mr. Harper said at a joint press conference with Mr. Gates. “This collaboration between Canada’s new government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is going to contribute to the global effort to develop safe, effective, affordable and globally accessible HIV/AIDS vaccines.”

National Post
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It could be a vote getter, and I admit Harper is becoming more liberal than the Liberals; but its the first post and the malicious stereotyping I was referring to. Why is it necessary for the drive by smears about a roup of people when posting on a subject for discussion.

There were people angry about Harper distancing himself from the AIDs conference.

I'm just happy the announcement was made. What I won't be happy about is the political football of where this facility will be placed. There were provinces already fighting about it this afternoon.

I think they should have announced where it was going to be placed today and give sound reasons as to why. I can't stand the tug of war scenarios that have been happening for open ended policies of military equipment purchases, environmental spending and now this AIDs facilities.

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Now, Harper comes along with a plan to spend about $100 million with a good chance that the money will lead to a real impact in the lives of Africans, and Canadians.

Please don't act like this is a singular announcement on the subject. The reason Gates is presenting money to Canada is because of the previous work by the University of Manitoba and McGill on AIDs research. That money came from previous Liberal governments.


Money that seeded the Manitoba project came from CIDA.

I think the significant criticism of CIDA is that it has to much administration in Ottawa.

The U of M funding put actual people on the ground in India and Africa.

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Of course he does not care about AIDS, and those it affects, anymore than he cares about the environment.

He does however care about about the photo op with Bill Gates, and the massive amount of money Gates is donating.

If he doesn't spend money, he's heartless. If he does spend it, he's a cynical opportunist. I'd like to know how the guy can possibly win. Stop listening to how the media and Paul Martin portrayed some of the fringe characters in the old Reform/Alliance......most of that minority has fallen by the wayside. Just pay attention to Harper - read the William Johnson book and see how he ticks. If you did, you'd see that he strongly believes in helping the less advantaged - but money must be well spent - not thrown around for the sake of making an announcement and having a government feel good about themselves. This partnership with Gates - 28 million from Bill and 111 million from the taxpayers - is an effective use of money and includes Canada actually building a testing facility here in Canada for testing Aids vaccines and running trials. We are the first country in Gates' vision of an international effort to develop an Aids vaccine. We are leaders! Sure it's a potential vote getter but it's a darn good cause and deserves to get accolades. This deal has been underway since the August Aids conference if not before. Bill Gates went out of his way to mention that the Conservatives had also worked with him in providing separate funding for another childhood disease that Gates felt was just as important. The funding was finalized 3 weeks ago but because it didn't have the "cache" of AIDS, the press here didn't even cover it.

What Harper is not going to do is dole out money to organizations who cannot make a good case for how the money will be spent.

I didn't think that much of Harper when he was running for the Conservative leadership - I actually liked Tom Long better......but with each passing day, I come to admire the man more. Let's face it - he's had a slender minority, hostile opposition, and a vindictive press corps...but he's handled things with good decisions and strong principles. Whenever he is interviewed, he gives the most concise and substantive answers that I have ever seen from a Canadian leader.

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I think the significant criticism of CIDA is that it has to much administration in Ottawa.

The U of M funding put actual people on the ground in India and Africa.

I don't want to drift the thread but that was Hugh Segal's spin. For myself, who cares where the people are. If CIDA was in Flin Flon, Timbuktoo or Tuktoyaktuk, it still would have spent a bundle and we'd have nothing to show for it.

If this AIDS research money is coming through CIDA, or was approved by the Liberals, I'll say the same. This measly $100 million has more chance of affecting the lives of ordinary Africans than the billions spent otherwise.

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Here we go again, stereotyping and unsubstantiated smears about a whole group of people.

The announcement does sound like it is geared to the election call that is possible after March 19.

It could be a vote getter, and I admit Harper is becoming more liberal than the Liberals; but its the first post and the malicious stereotyping I was referring to. Why is it necessary for the drive by smears about a roup of people when posting on a subject for discussion.

Sorry but Harper wants that majority more than anything in this world. He will do anything to get it but when and if he does you can rest easy scriblett, all this will be gone with the wind. A lepeard does change its spots and Harper could care less about Canadians, he just wants the power as Mr. Harris of Ontario did, to make himself a multimillionaire.

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Harper like most Conservatives always figured aids sufferers were nothing but a bunch of gays who got what they deserved.

Now suddenly he cares?

What the #@#$@? Did you see this in a Liberal campaign advertisement?

Oh come on, you really believe all Canadians are stupid. Anyone can see that, it is written for goodness sake. Problem is there are people who are doing everything they can to deny the hypocrite that Harper is.

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I don't want to drift the thread but that was Hugh Segal's spin. For myself, who cares where the people are. If CIDA was in Flin Flon, Timbuktoo or Tuktoyaktuk, it still would have spent a bundle and we'd have nothing to show for it.

If this AIDS research money is coming through CIDA, or was approved by the Liberals, I'll say the same. This measly $100 million has more chance of affecting the lives of ordinary Africans than the billions spent otherwise.

Without CIDA, you would just have to invent something like it.

CIDA is also the primary Canadian agency in Afghanistan too.

The Senate report specifically said that people on the ground in places like Africa doing things like AIDs research in essential.

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On one hand Harper is cold and heartless if he doesn't spend money, on the other hand he is just an oppurtunist when he does spend money on worthwhile causes. Harper can't possibly win.

A few months ago PM Harper didnt give a hoot about the enviroment.

Now he acts like he will be the saviour of it.

Harper like most Conservatives always figured aids sufferers were nothing but a bunch of gays who got what they deserved.

Now suddenly he cares?

Awe jeez, is this Baylee coming back on here with a different user name...

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Sorry but Harper wants that majority more than anything in this world. He will do anything to get it but when and if he does you can rest easy scriblett, all this will be gone with the wind. A lepeard does change its spots and Harper could care less about Canadians, he just wants the power as Mr. Harris of Ontario did, to make himself a multimillionaire.

Wrong. Why can't the loony left figure this out?

Harper doesn't just want a majority. He wants back to back Conservative majorities. He wants the Conservatives to become the dominate political party in Canada.

If Harper does get a majority, he will be just as concerned with getting a majority in the following election as he is concerned with acquiring one now.

You can rest easy, when/if he achieves his goals :)

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Here we go again, stereotyping and unsubstantiated smears about a whole group of people.

What whole group of people there were only 2 people mentioned by me?

And if you are inferring that the initial poster was off base, then reply in quotes to that poster, or you are smearing other posters.

However, the initial poster is not without some justification on the subject. It is readily documented that condoms are not being distributed by Christian organizations distributing aide in AIDS ravaged areas, even though they receive funding for it, because they feel it is morally wrong. It is also readily documented that some believe that AIDS is a plague from God sent to punish and/or is part of Armageddon.

Having said that, by no means are all CPC's against those with AIDS, or condemning of them. One would have to look at their religious affiliation groups to see where they were on the continuim. But that really means nothing either unless they are on record for being anti-homosexual and/or racist to the point they want them dead.

For example, those who follow James Dobson and the Focus on the Family network, may well not care about AIDS and those with it. But even within that framework, I am sure not all agree even. I have a girl friend who is an ardent supporter of Dobson, and she heartily disagrees with him and the position he, and others within Focus on the Family network, have taken. Though she agrees with them on most all other things, except child punishment.

So, truly broad brushed steortypes really shouldn't play into this, it is too importment to not create divisions. But for sure, people should be investigated as to their leanings in this regard if they are in government, or have a impact on what happens with this country and its systems.

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So, truly broad brushed steortypes really shouldn't play into this, it is too importment to not create divisions. But for sure, people should be investigated as to their leanings in this regard if they are in government, or have a impact on what happens with this country and its systems.

Unless Harper or any other Conservative has made comment's which substantiate what the original post claimed, it's nothing more than slander.

As well I wholeheartedly agree with your statement.

For those who are scared of Harper being a lunatic, well he probably does want back to back majorities so I doubt we'll see Canada becoming Franco's Spain anytime soon, not that he ever supported fascism like some people like to believe.

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Sorry but Harper wants that majority more than anything in this world. He will do anything to get it but when and if he does you can rest easy scriblett, all this will be gone with the wind. A lepeard does change its spots and Harper could care less about Canadians, he just wants the power as Mr. Harris of Ontario did, to make himself a multimillionaire.

Wrong. Why can't the loony left figure this out?..wants back to back majorities...

You can rest easy, when/if he achieves his goals

Some how I doubt there would be any resting easy for Canadians if he was to achieve his goals.

Thankfully, he won't.

Particularily because, the "loony left" his supporters speak about are in the majority and there is really nothing too loony about them, unlike those who call them names.

You do not see the left majority, making laws based upon the premise the earth is NOT rotating, and evolution is not occuring, and that science is a Jewish conspiracy decades old that is to undermine the Old Testament, in face of the fact the Old Testament is about Jews, compiled by Jews, and considered Holy by Jews.

You do not see the left majority wanting to take others freedoms and rights away based upon mythology and personal beliefs in them.

You do not see the left majority brining the world to the brink of nuclear war because they believe the end of the world should happen so they can be swept up in the rapture. Another myth.

You do not see the left majority depriving those of condoms in AIDS ravaged areas because it might breed immorality.

You do not see the left majority wanting to know what goes on in the bedrooms of the world.

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You do not see the left majority, making laws based upon the premise the earth is NOT rotating, and evolution is not occuring, and that science is a Jewish conspiracy decades old that is to undermine the Old Testament, in face of the fact the Old Testament is about Jews, compiled by Jews, and considered Holy by Jews.

When did Harper say he was going to do that???

You do not see the left majority wanting to take others freedoms and rights away based upon mythology and personal beliefs in them.

What mythology???

You do not see the left majority brining the world to the brink of nuclear war because they believe the end of the world should happen so they can be swept up in the rapture. Another myth.

When did Canada get nuclear weapons???

You do not see the left majority depriving those of condoms in AIDS ravaged areas because it might breed immorality.


You do not see the left majority wanting to know what goes on in the bedrooms of the world.

Unless something illegal is going on...

Really what was the point of this post, you went from a really rational response, then veered right off into a fear nutty paranoid dystopic fantasy land.

This is why I abhore the old party label's, because no matter what you always have those extremists of the left and the right who take everything radically out of context because they are blinded by ideology.

Some how I doubt there would be any resting easy for Canadians if he was to achieve his goals.

Thankfully, he won't.

Particularily because, the "loony left" his supporters speak about are in the majority and there is really nothing too loony about them, unlike those who call them names.

If the left, and the majority of people are driven by nothing but unsubstantiated fear, then we have a problem in this country. None of what you described above has even been talked about by Harper, not even mainstream evangelical organization's. Plus your bringing American politics into this, if Harper is a Republican, he probably is a Lincoln Chaffee, or Arnold Schwartzenneger.

Either way, really, that's pure paranoia.

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You do not see the left majority, making laws based upon the premise the earth is NOT rotating, and evolution is not occuring, and that science is a Jewish conspiracy decades old that is to undermine the Old Testament, in face of the fact the Old Testament is about Jews, compiled by Jews, and considered Holy by Jews.

When did Harper say he was going to do that???

You do not see the left majority wanting to take others freedoms and rights away based upon mythology and personal beliefs in them.

What mythology???

You do not see the left majority brining the world to the brink of nuclear war because they believe the end of the world should happen so they can be swept up in the rapture. Another myth.

When did Canada get nuclear weapons???

You do not see the left majority depriving those of condoms in AIDS ravaged areas because it might breed immorality.


You do not see the left majority wanting to know what goes on in the bedrooms of the world.

Unless something illegal is going on...

Really what was the point of this post, you went from a really rational response, then veered right off into a fear nutty paranoid dystopic fantasy land.

This is why I abhore the old party label's, because no matter what you always have those extremists of the left and the right who take everything radically out of context because they are blinded by ideology.

Some how I doubt there would be any resting easy for Canadians if he was to achieve his goals.

Thankfully, he won't.

Particularily because, the "loony left" his supporters speak about are in the majority and there is really nothing too loony about them, unlike those who call them names.

If the left, and the majority of people are driven by nothing but unsubstantiated fear, then we have a problem in this country. None of what you described above has even been talked about by Harper, not even mainstream evangelical organization's. Plus your bringing American politics into this, if Harper is a Republican, he probably is a Lincoln Chaffee, or Arnold Schwartzenneger.

Either way, really, that's pure paranoia.

Perhaps you failed to see I was over stating and generalizing, to make a point to the person who called the left loony. Though I think you did see it. But choose to take the oppotunity to bash the left.

Why did you fail to call the person, who called the left loony, on it? Instead you chose to try and re-enforce a false perception of the left. Indeed right after saying you opposed old party labels, you used the term "left".

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“HIV/AIDS is a killer that must be stopped,” Mr. Harper said at a joint press conference with Mr. Gates. “This collaboration between Canada’s new government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is going to contribute to the global effort to develop safe, effective, affordable and globally accessible HIV/AIDS vaccines.”National Post
[Emphases added]

What the heck? The NEW government?

Is it the Government of Canada or not?

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Harper like most Conservatives always figured aids sufferers were nothing but a bunch of gays who got what they deserved.

Now suddenly he cares?

What the #@#$@? Did you see this in a Liberal campaign advertisement?

Oh come on, you really believe all Canadians are stupid. Anyone can see that, it is written for goodness sake. Problem is there are people who are doing everything they can to deny the hypocrite that Harper is.

The reason Harper is a good leader is partly that he is a rational, not emotional person. He doesn't let his personal beliefs overshadow the pulse of the nation. He does in the end what he thinks is right for the nation, not for him. If you don't think he likes gays, you should be applauding him.

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