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Everything posted by imatitlover

  1. Virginia say they regret using black people as slaves. Has to make you wonder what that was all about and just how sincere they were,especially when you see.. Just a vote getter maybe? Reminds me of someone else who is being less than honest just to receive votes Meanwhile in Britain,slavery is still thriving
  2. Who the hell cares if he drank the liquor himself. Thats not the issue here He didnt die from being drunk. He was dumped in an alley The point here is that the cops lied when they said they investigated themselves.They didnt.They didnt even question one of the cops who dumped him in an alley to die. This cop ( now ex) himself called the investgation a sham Leftist rant? You suddenly post a story about Caledonia? Surely you dont think I was going to read all that do you? We all know how right wingers feel about that situation dont we. And about natives in general. Which goes right back to this thread. Native man dumped in an alley cold and wet where he dies. Like you would care less this man is dead or how his NATIVE family feels about it So what was my agenda by posting this story that is so serious a public enguiry has been called ?
  3. Now that is just plain silly. The point of this thread was about how a BC man was responsible for this sicko being in jail now. Reading the story I realized this scumbag was an elected judge. I was simply pointing out that electing judges,as right wingers here in Canada think we should be doing,doesnt give you law abiding judges who will punish criminals properly as they seem to think will be the case
  4. The American government thought he was a nice guy. Rumsfeld and him had a nice handshake sealing the deal of those weapons the Americans were about to give him
  5. Well actually that has always been the job for the American government.African,middle East,South American. You name it.The American government has supported a dictator somewhere who has killed a few hundred thousand people so the Americans can get what they want And once again Blue Canadian is not being truthful. I didnt say if I approve or not of helping Afghanistan build a road. I simply said for years right wingers have condemed foeign aid,have said you cant trust brown people from the middle east ,have said we should be fixing our own problems here in Canada first. Now suddenly the war mongers are all in favour of spending a few hundred million fixing someone elses schools hospitals and roads while at the same time still complaining about things right here in Canada
  6. Then whats your problem then? Whats with the ................. You rather than comment on the fact that cops,in the words of a cop ,conducted a sham of an investgation on themselves.Not even questioning one of the 2 key players Instead,saying by me posting this story I have an agenda. And now to my horror I see this.. I cant believe I actually read that.You are one sick puppy. 2 cops drag this man,who was drunk and soaking wet out of a cell,throw him into a paddy wagon and dump him in an alley where he died by morning of hypothermia and you say it is his fault? Do you consider yourself mature making a statement like that? And what the hell is this? Let me see.I start a serious discussion about death ,coverup,VPD unable to keep police chiefs,and the very 1st response was,,, And this person Canadian Blue wants to talk about being juvenile? I dont know about anyone accusing a "members" of supporting kiddie porn. I seriously doubt anyone did.As I said in another thread,I see this Canadian Blue is constantly being accused of saying someone said something they didnt. But whatever. So how about the VPD caught in basically amounts to a lie,saying they investigated this mans death ?
  7. You mean like those WMD and drones of death in Iraq that almost 3200 young Americans have died for so far?
  8. 200 Million ay? Add that to the billion Harper gave to the American lumber companies I find this interesting.. So,what I take that to mean is this. Dont worry about dead Canadians coming home killed for no good reason,because Canadian tax dollars rebuilt a school or two in Afghanistan Dont worry that parts of the Trans Canada Highway in BC are dubbed the killer highway because of the condition they are in,your tax dollars are being used to make nice roads in Afghanistan Meanwhile because of underfunding schools are closing in Canada,hospitals are struggling due to under funding in Canada. But hey,a new school was built in Kabul with your tax dollars Funny.Right wingers have always been dead against foreign aid,they think people with brown skin cant be trusted,but odd as it may seem,they have no problen with a billion plus some dollars going to help brown skinned people in a foreign country Odd http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/st...66ae90e&k=57050
  9. Now what would that be I wonder. Starting a thread about a news story on news forum? ( I think I know what you dont share,that being a concern for the dead man and his family) It appears to me that people on here just do not want to hear about bad cops. Seems also most on here just dont believe cops can be bad people. See just look at the opening post. A very serious incident happened involving the VPD that they obviously tried to cover up. No agenda.Just simply relaying the story complete with links. But does anyone care that a native man was dragged soaking wet and drunk out of a cell and left to die in an alley? Does anyone care that the VPD investgation of themselves deliberatly was a sham? Nope. Seems all anyone cares about is something or one call bailey Now if this dead person had of been white then maybe,just maybe a few more people would care So again... (Baylee again.) Just what was the bother in the opening post?
  10. 3154 young Americans dead in Iraq. Who knows how many Iraqis the Americans have killed. They themselves said they dont keep track. February 24th, 2007 2:25 am Nearly 800 contractors killed in Iraq By Michelle Roberts / Associated Press In a largely invisible cost of the war in Iraq, nearly 800 civilians working under contract to the Pentagon have been killed and more than 3,300 hurt doing jobs normally handled by the U.S. military, according to figures gathered by The Associated Press.
  11. Lies lies lies. Are you saying my thread about the VPD and the sham investigation a( their words) and the chief quitting was a thread making unjust accusations? I read your posts to others Canadian Blue and I see you repeatedly being accused of lieing and saying posters said something they didnt As for my user name.What about it?
  12. Whats with people always complaining about taxes? I dont mind paying taxes and I most certainly dont feel overtaxed. The taxes we pay is a small price to be living in the greatest safest country in the world and for our first class healthcare system. Quit your moaning
  13. Obviously the Americans didnt care enough,otherwise the childen would be alive. As for getting the full story,hmmm,I thought the link to the story took care of that "Makes it seem like they lined them up and shot them. Fact is that did not happen." I didnt make it seem like that at all. I clearly said if the Americans were not there ( invasion,ocupying,BRING EM ON) then more than likely these children would be alive
  14. Shoving a needle into your arm is hardly considered a sex act. Having somone brutally rape you is hardly cosidered a sex act.How do you practice safe sex while someone is forcing his dick into you? As for Travis Smith. It is quite clear reading your posts on this forum you have not a clue what is going on in the real world. ( playing with your plastic army men?) Smith has had his trial,was convicted and is now in jail. Meanwhile,the women who did not have safe sex with him,will live in fear that they may become HIV positive because this sleaze bag didnt tell them he had it. But why would someone like you or Harper care And yea,the Toronto Sun with that war monger Peter WARthington indeed is the right wing bible
  15. Jack Barker says the reason the south side of Blind Bay is so murky is because of the geese. The fact their are hundreds of un regulated and not properly maintained septic tanks in his subdivision all draining into the south side of blind bay has nothing to do with it according to Jack
  16. Maybe you missed it. I know its been 6 years and maybe you havnt been watching the news. But Bush resisted Kyoto 6 years ago when he tore up the agreement
  17. Yes,definitly no one gives a damn that this native man was killed by the VPD and then they attempted to cover it up with a sham inquiry. Maybe now that a public inquiry has been called heads will roll and some of these cops will end up in the same cell Paul was dragged from
  18. Maybe you missed the question. Where in that article does it say these so called 'insurgents' were hiding among children. I can answer that . It doesnt. Again,it says they were on the run and took cover where these children happened to be. The American soldiers killed them. But hey,why would anyone on this forum care about some Iraqi children being cared.
  19. What does it meen to be Conservative? Well first and foremost you must be racist
  20. Whatever you say Canadian Blue So how about you stepping up and giving your views about this ELECTED judge who was so much into kiddie porn and who took pleasure from molesting a little boy. Do you approve or do you think it was wrong? This is a forum where news events are discussed is it not? Or is it just a place to call people names?
  21. So people,why dont you say how you really feel about this crime? That a cop himself says the investigation into this dead man at the hands of the police( his included) was a sham Or do you even care a man is dead for no good reason at all,other than the fact the cops did not want this drunken native in their cell
  22. Exactly WHERE in that article does it say insurgents were hiding with children? It doesnt. Using them as shields? You draw that conclusion from the story because that is what you want to believe. The story says these men were on the run,and ended up there. The kids were there first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But dear posters what it all comes down to is this. If the Americans were not there,causing all this death and murder in Iraq.. BRING EM ON.. then those children would probobly be alive
  23. Well what else is new http://www.thestar.com/News/article/185380
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