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Marijuana In Canada

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How you Anal-Retentives "Feel" has nothing to do with the facts...

Cigarrettes are a powerful drug, a killer to your health, totally addictive but no one is claiming they impair anyone.

So why don't we see an actually test of a bunch of marijuana users at the task of driving as we did for the alcohol campaign? Too expensive to set up a closed course? Afraid of the results, or only interested in hearing your own ignorance?

The RCMP came out with a statement this year that cronic marijuana users are likely not impaired enough to be concerned about their driving. (That was after I challenged Dr. Jeffries, their toxicologist point man for proof of their assertion that THC impairs. MADD set me on him when I challenged them for proof. He couldn't come up with any, only bs like yours. Small minds belive anything)

I'm the only one calling for proof and delivering it here. You seem to know it all, but have no urge to show any proof.

Cellphone use impairs people's ability to concentrate on driving and is documented to do so. Ask any byciclist about the dangers of cellphones. Where is the campaign for public safety here? Nowhere insight, because demonizing pot is a political campaign designed to oppress one segment of the population by using timeless lies.

What people, as prejudiced as you believe, is only a measure of your ignorance, the same condition which has caused oppression for ages.

The same self-righteousness that comforted a crowd as the screams of another "witch' was burned at the stake, in the name of god, must exite your insides when you hear of another pot bust. This is what I find in your idiotic factless conversation.

Who really gives a fart-in-a-windstorm about what small minds like yours regurgitate.

Enjoy your oppressive circle jerk.

Edited by KO2
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This should make Liberals very happy concerning pot use in Canada:

"The UN study even suggests Canadians use marijuana at a rate double that of the Netherlands, where it is legal to buy and sell the drug for personal use."

Ha, ha, ha, ha, a liberal dream come true, beyond their wildest expectations without even legalizing the crap here in Canada, thanks primarily to B.C. and Quebec and even Ontario.


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"The coroners have no information about how many high drivers there are because drivers are not routinely tested for dope today. You cannot use the lack of data to make your case - you need scientific studies that demonstrate no impairment."

Where do you get such bullshit from? They are not regularly tested for marijuana. An absurd statement that is pure fiction.

If marijuana were such a threat as the government has made out for 3 decades now, you would think that it is their responsibility to document this and change the laws accordingly for the safety of the population.

This they have done I assure you, otherwise we would be able to sue them until their eyes bleed. It is the government's responsibility to take the safety of a population into primary concern. Unlike you spouters of lies, the government has the truth available and won't release it because it would prove marijuana to be innocuous, contrary to the propaganda.

The facts, old Windyriver, are that every driving fatality victim's blood is checked for every compound currently on the street and at your pharmacist. To do anything less makes no sense and is irresponsible.

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From the same story Leafless just posted the link to.

The data show Canadian usage fifth after Zambia (17.7% in 2003), Ghana (21.5% in 1998) and Papua New Guinea and Micronesia, which tied for first place at 29% each in 1995.

Hmmm, maybe a little less pot usage would help Canada deal with the productivity gap. Unless those four tiger economies listed above us are more productive than Canada.

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Anyway, I remember a while back that marijuana was legal in Canada.

That's the thing about maryjane, it plays tricks with the memory....

Is it for medical use only? If so, does anyone know what steps one would take to become a supplier to the Canadian medical industry?

Sure, all you need do is declare the medical herb at the border.....

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Arrests have really spiked since the bill to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana was killed.


The number of people arrested for smoking pot rose dramatically in several Canadian cities last year after the Conservatives took office and killed a bill to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana.

The spike in arrests for simple possession of cannabis appears in data compiled by The Canadian Press from municipal police forces through interviews and Access to Information Act requests.

National statistics will only be released next week but preliminary figures suggest the number of arrests jumped by more than one-third in several Canadian cities.

Seems like a waste of resources going after these type of offenses.

Moreover, enforcement is inconsistent.


Marc-Boris St-Maurice has been arrested so many times for marijuana possession that he serves as a one-man clinical study in the fate reserved for those caught with small amounts of pot.

The study's theme would be inconsistency.

The Montreal pot activist has been arrested about seven times and on a handful of other occasions he's been left alone by police without so much as a slap on the wrist.

His mishmash of experiences with authority offers a glimpse into a law whose application appears at best erratic, and at worst improvised and arbitrary.

The spike in arrests has nothing to do with weed ....everything to do with a clamp down on gangsters....

As marijuana-related arrests soar across Canada, Toronto's police chief stressed the city's own swollen statistics stem from a crackdown on gangs and street violence – not on recreational puffers.

"Our focus in the communities where the street gangs operate has been on the violence," Bill Blair said yesterday in an interview.

"But we're also finding that ... one of their principal sources of income, in those street gangs, is the trafficking of drugs ... including marijuana."


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From the same story Leafless just posted the link to.
The data show Canadian usage fifth after Zambia (17.7% in 2003), Ghana (21.5% in 1998) and Papua New Guinea and Micronesia, which tied for first place at 29% each in 1995.

Hmmm, maybe a little less pot usage would help Canada deal with the productivity gap. Unless those four tiger economies listed above us are more productive than Canada.

That article is a little misleading. It only shows the percentage of people who have tried smoking pot, rather than overall usage. There is no reason to believe that trying pot once or twice, most likely on the weekend, is going to have any impact on productivity (of course, I do realize that you were probably kidding when you made that comment).

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I don't know what subspecies of humans are in your circle, but up here in BC we have guys that test positive (same test as is used for impairment on marijuana today) and win the Olympic Gold Medal in Snowboarding!

That my freind is a fact, unlike your trivial, biased opinion, coloured by decades of government propoganda.

Ross Revliati, was his name.

He beat the entire field who were stone cold sober!

If you call that impairment, I want to be high!

All you do is spout propaganda and BS.

I asked for scientific evidence , perhaps you don't understand the definition of that term?

Perhaps you can't spell well enough to be taken seriously?

Perhaps you were too stoned to know......but his name is Ross Rebagliati and he is not a chronic user of any drug nor was he "high" at the Olympics. And that is a fact.

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I have flown high for hundreds of hour both powere and soaring cross country.

I have driven since the mid sixties under the influence of marijuana more often then not, and have retired an unblemished proffessional liscense.

I current ride bycicle in busy traffic and have never had an accident since I began 53 years ago.

Marijuana has been a part of my daily enjoyment since 66.

God that is sad. Deal with the issues at the core of your addictions. Recreational drugs should not be legal including alcohol and tobacco. Folks can't be trusted to not abuse them and become a burden to society especially those near to them.

So do you have kids? Grandkids? Are they pot heads too? If so, you must be proud. Your successes have been despite your addictions. Time to grow up, son.

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The spike in arrests has nothing to do with weed ....everything to do with a clamp down on gangsters....

That is according to the Toronto Star. The original story from CP said that regular users have been clamped down on

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It is your bigotry and judgemental attitude that's sad.

Continuous judgement, crap and not even a single fact to support your bigotry.

Rant and rave as you will, possesed by the holy spirit of ignorant self-righteousness.

You must be christian of excellent spelling capability, sure of your correctness because you spell so well and god thinks that you're special..

The sermons of fantasy that you preach are ful of your blessed craft, fraud.

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It is your bigotry and judgemental attitude that's sad.

Continuous judgement, crap and not even a single fact to support your bigotry.

Rant and rave as you will, possesed by the holy spirit of ignorant self-righteousness.

You must be christian of excellent spelling capability, sure of your correctness because you spell so well and god thinks that you're special..

The sermons of fantasy that you preach are ful of your blessed craft, fraud.

Is this colourful rant addressed to anyone, or any topic? Or is it just random?

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That law never passed. What you are referring to is the Liberal legislation that died on the order paper.

Not entirely.

Like with the Dutch, there is no actual law that 'legalises' marijuana possession in Holland.

Decriminalisation in many cases essentially consists of a political decision not to enforce the existing law. This has been the case in Toronto for the last few years (until our Tory Government decided that legislating morality is a high priority - no surprise there).

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It is your bigotry and judgemental attitude that's sad.

Continuous judgement, crap and not even a single fact to support your bigotry.

Rant and rave as you will, possesed by the holy spirit of ignorant self-righteousness.

You must be christian of excellent spelling capability, sure of your correctness because you spell so well and god thinks that you're special..

The sermons of fantasy that you preach are ful of your blessed craft, fraud.

Yes. Good. Bring your anger to the surface. Transfer your emotions away from the core issues that are far too painful to address and transfer them onto me. In a few sessions, you'll see a few of those painful issues that have you using addictions to bury them.

I repeat: Your successes have been despite your addictions. Now, how was your childhood? Were you abused somehow? It's safe to say, because you are anonymous. If it helps, I'm not religious nor a conservative. It's not about hidden agendas. It's about facing up to the facts of your addiction.

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How you Anal-Retentives "Feel" has nothing to do with the facts...

Says the stoned one.

Cigarrettes are a powerful drug, a killer to your health, totally addictive but no one is claiming they impair anyone.

I dont know about that, not being able to breathe seems like an impairment to me. But you are stoned, so who knows what you are thin......Ohh...look at the funny clouds !

So why don't we see an actually test of a bunch of marijuana users at the task of driving as we did for the alcohol campaign? Too expensive to set up a closed course? Afraid of the results, or only interested in hearing your own ignorance?

Since you seem to know all, let me first pull on my birkenstocks and tie dye and sit at your feet while you espouse all the reasons they dont. (but dumb ol me thinks it might just have to do with the fact that it is illegal? ....next thing ya know, you will want heroin driving tests.Yea why not huh huh...oh look at the funny cloud!)

The RCMP came out with a statement this year that cronic marijuana users are likely not impaired enough to be concerned about their driving. (That was after I challenged Dr. Jeffries, their toxicologist point man for proof of their assertion that THC impairs. MADD set me on him when I challenged them for proof. He couldn't come up with any, only bs like yours. Small minds belive anything)

Care to show that article, press conference whatever? By the way, I may have a small mind but its big enough that I know how to spell "believe"

I'm the only one calling for proof and delivering it here. You idiots seem to know it all, but have no urge to show any proof.

Ah the old "How to Influence People " ruse. Call them idiots.

Ask any byciclist about the dangers of cellphones. Where is the campaign for public safety here?

Do you mean the ones that dart anyplace at anytime and refuse to acknowledge any road rules? Those ones?

Nowhere insight, because demonizing pot is a political campaign designed to oppress one segment of the population by using timeless lies.

Ok thats true

as prejudiced as you believe, .....is only a measure of your ignorance, .....

The same self-righteousness that comforted a crowd as the screams of another "witch' was burned at the stake ...... This is what I find in your idiotic factless conversation.

Are you sure it is not "which"?

Who really gives a fart-in-a-windstorm about what small minds like yours regurgitate.

Enjoy your oppressive circle jerk.

Umm, I think you are in the middle of this circle , ya got a little on your...Hey is that hair gel?

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Well so far I'm up in the facts available department but if you wish to see these facts read them for your anal selves.



How a good speller like you can't find the facts when using a search engine is so easy remains a testismant to your capabilities.

Still haven't seen one single fact from you dopes.

I seem to be the only one that you quote at length, nothing else but your unsupported allegations and your angry rants at me and the truth.

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Because their immigration policy does not allow anyone who just 'wants to come live there'.

So, what you're saying is those "ethnic immigrants" you always rant about are actually MORE qualified than you?? No wonder you are so angry...

Yes they are actually. According to the US immigration policy, they qualify and I do not.

Note that very few actually make it in.

Most asians are there through the schooling loophole and then marriage. Few of the third world are in the US on H1B's. But I don't even qualify for an H1B.

Geoffery though might be able to qualify depending on his direct experience. Also if you are a nurse it's in the bag.

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With how straight and focused the immigrants are that I know, it's easy to see how White Canadians are failing their race. Right, KO2? mikedavid00?

When I was staying at UofT res 3 years back when I moved to Toronto, all the asian international students would go smoke pot in the field. They would go in like groups of 10 and then 15 min later walk back acting all gay and giggling and speaking Mandrin. It was always a funny site. The Chinese were always very giggly, happy, unisex, .. and 'herdish'.. The chinese made about 2/3 of the residence.

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Ah, don't get pulled into his game.

He's the one who brought up immigration first.

People don't like to talk about immigartion when their lives are good and the dollar value is high. The latter has a way of making people see everything through a rose color glass.

Yes I'm getting paid more than I ever have and actually have the largest savings I ever had and things are the best ever for me also.. I also work somewhere were there are litterally no immigrants so I never have to worry about miscommunication and cultaral bagage like cricket and stonage religions, but I still don't let these facts cloud my judgement that it's slowely destroying Canada month by month.

So no I don't see it as a game.

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