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Cuba After Castro


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You live a life of ease and may never have sweated or blistered - perhaps that life of ease has also dampened your honour

... and so on

You're wasting your talents here, Borg. With a crystal ball like yours you should be advising the President where and when their next foreign misadventure would happen. Then, if they'd only listen...

You have yet to answer my question - proving my point about you lacking hinour.

Your rhetoric is wasted - show me what you are made of and answer the question.

I did it for you - return the favour or admit you lack a quality that can not be purchased.

Cowardice is so unbecoming.


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So this is you Borg, you are on here to call people names and critize every thing they say. I asked you some questions perhaps you would be gentlemanly enough to answer them.

What are you doing for the world?

margrace - I am sorry I missed the question. I will always answer when I can and advise when I cannot.

First I have not called anyone a name - I simply stated facts as I see them - evidenced by the lack of response. If I had attacked after an honourable response - then and only then would it be name calling. Due to the lack of response, it is obviously factual information.

You also appear to be quite tender when bluntly confronted - I will attempt in the future to be kinder to you.

What I am doing now? I instruct Army Special Forces personnel in how to do "things". I travel often.

You can read far too much into this if you chose to but I cannot and will not go deeper on a thread such as this. I am contracted by a Canadian company and supprt the Yanks and some of their allies.

You now have your answer.

You have continued to support the Cuban regime. Additional thoughts without looking at past posts on this thread - - - -

Someone married a female from Cuba? If I was her Dad I would be urging her to catch any white guy and get off the island - and hope for refugee sponsorship to follow for the family. Good for her - she got out. I would be willing to bet any attractive lady in Cuba who is single would be willing to at least look at "the marrying off the island choice" as a serious option.

You gather clothes for them? A great country when you need to import cast off clothing. It is warmn there so they do not need many - but textile industries must not be keeping up. I wonder why? NO ifrastructure, training, equipment, supplies, cloth and the beat goes on.

They need paring knives? Well, steel is a commodity that can be difficult to obtain in quantity and quality. Then you have to take it and make something out of it. Not an easy task when you have reverted to a third world country.

You believe they "could use a little more freedom". Try living behind a fence. Ever been a prisoner? Ever wonder why people are willing to die - just to get out? Rhetorical question no response required.

Only one country embargoes - the U.S. of A. But not many others trade with them - they have NOTHING worth trading for. All development and all exports are basically toast. Ever see a new Ford, Dodge or Chev in that country? Good luck. more donkies pulling carts in the contry than vehicular traffic.

You have yet to say Castro is a dictator and a killer - repressing his people - so you support him? Do not bother to answer.

There I have answered the question - as I once stated and this time mean - you and I are done on this thread - I am sure you will run into me on other threads.

Take good care my dear.


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In the meantimne - we keep propping up that dictatorship with Canadian tourist money and justifying it by saying things like your words.

I suspect you conveniently ignore that.


And I suppose you conveniently ignore the fact that American and other nation companies are there doing brisk trade "supporting the communists" . But of course, only Canadians pay money. The others pay in seashells.

What about American tourists? They go, but via different routes .

The Helms Burton law is a farce. Pure and simple. Pretty much every country passed a law banning the Act and anyone who tries to implement it .

Ever been to China ?

tsk tsk

And in your own words...Take good care my dear !


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In the meantimne - we keep propping up that dictatorship with Canadian tourist money and justifying it by saying things like your words.

I suspect you conveniently ignore that.


And I suppose you conveniently ignore the fact that American and other nation companies are there doing brisk trade "supporting the communists" . But of course, only Canadians pay money. The others pay in seashells.

What about American tourists? They go, but via different routes .

The Helms Burton law is a farce. Pure and simple. Pretty much every country passed a law banning the Act and anyone who tries to implement it .

Ever been to China ?

tsk tsk

And in your own words...Take good care my dear !


Actually I have been there several times and never as a tourist. As for Helms I would agree.

I did not ignore the "others" - but we were talking about Canadians. Have you something of value to add? Or are you simply sqeaking because you dislike my manner?

Not really sure what your point is but you have ceratinly made an attempt to get it across - badly I might add. No surprize there - another Canadian apologist perhaps?

Are you going to deny or ignore the fact that Castro is a dictator and a killer and his people are repressed?

I would expect that from most Canadians - it certainly seems to be that way on this thread - or are you going to be a bit different and come right out and agree?

As for telling me to take good care - thank you - whoever you might be. I will take any blessings - real or imagined - one never knows when they will come in handy. Several times in my life I have wished for them and not had one handy.

Ta ta my mysterious friend.


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Actually I have been there several times and never as a tourist. As for Helms I would agree.

I did not ignore the "others" - but we were talking about Canadians. Have you something of value to add? Or are you simply sqeaking because you dislike my manner?

Not really sure what your point is but you have ceratinly made an attempt to get it across - badly I might add. No surprize there - another Canadian apologist perhaps?

Are you going to deny or ignore the fact that Castro is a dictator and a killer and his people are repressed?

I would expect that from most Canadians - it certainly seems to be that way on this thread - or are you going to be a bit different and come right out and agree?

As for telling me to take good care - thank you - whoever you might be. I will take any blessings - real or imagined - one never knows when they will come in handy. Several times in my life I have wished for them and not had one handy.

Ta ta my mysterious friend.


No I am not a CDN apologist. Far from it. But I will post about hypocrisy in that you seem to want to mention that Canadians contribute to enrich a communist dictator.And that at the expense of all others.

You sure seem to get upset easliy , or perhaps you like being confrontational on the internet when one discusses something. Says plenty by the way.

And I highly doubt that "most" Canadians think that Castro is a cool guy and just misunderstood. Most will acknowledge that he is in fact a dictator of a communist country.

And thank you for showing the transparency of your comments . You are not "sure what my point is...badly I might add. " So, you dont know what I am saying , yet you can cast aspersions on what I was trying to say? Thats fine, your attempt to belittle is defining.

What I said you understand quite well.

I know I know, you instruct "Army Special Forces personnel" , which makes you the arbiter of special information the likes the rest of us dumb Canucks cannot challenge.

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I do not think I have been hypocritical - I simply brought up my thoughts - and none were even directed towards you - it was you who jumped into the fray - it is you that took umbrage - even though we have had no discourse up until now.

And in fact Canadians do contribute to Castro and his buddies - and no one seems ready to admit this. If there are other countries - does that still make it right that Canada does? I did not initially mention other countries because we were talking about Cuba and Canada.

In fact at least one person here has stated that "they are not so bad off" - or words to that effect.

Perhaps you would care to analyse me for the benefit of the folks who might read this? You seem to know lots about me. Or at least act like you do - even though you and I have never once shared a topic before this.

The reason I stated you made your point badly was because I did not understand it - truthfully. Not because I was attempting to mislead you or cast aspersions. Perhaps it is you that is sensitive?

As for what I do - I only answered a question - if what I do makes you angry or makes you think I am better - that is your problem and not mine. I certainly have never brought it into discussion and I certainly would not make fun of your profession. In fact, as often is the case - it may be what I do - but it might not be what I am. Perhaps you need to read the poem "Tommy" sometime - it is a good one and may help you understand the soldier. If you are at all interested that is.

Until now, no one had ever asked me what I did - so I did not bring it up. It appears to have offended you - are you anti military as well?

You really do need to pick your battles more carfeully - it would allow you to come off a bit better.

Oh, to keep this thread at least a little on track - what do you think will happen when that dictator dies? If you go back you will see my answer - seems no one else - or at least very darned few want to hazard a guess.

I have not attacked you - never heard of you before - and you are jumping on me - good for you - now take a valium, a glass of water and call me later if you want to continue to ramble - I am off to other threads again - and off to work later tonight. Wish me luck?

Might be back in a day or two if I can get the sat time.


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Well you used the word - "terrorist" and it's you who has to give some evidence and/or explanations now. I'm afraid rhethorics and calling names won't suffice to bail you out. If Castro is a "terrorist" because he's sending military aid and advising friendlies (note: at their request, not forcefully liberating them) then the US (and possibly many others) are as much in the league, if not more. If you meant something else here's your chance to clarify it - before your credibility drops to ground level.

Oh yeah Castro is a dictator and is guilty of suppressing his peoples freedoms. That does not make him a terrorist still - unless you have something to prove otherwise.

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I do not think I have been hypocritical - I simply brought up my thoughts - and none were even directed towards you - it was you who jumped into the fray - it is you that took umbrage - even though we have had no discourse up until now.

And in fact Canadians do contribute to Castro and his buddies - and no one seems ready to admit this. If there are other countries - does that still make it right that Canada does? I did not initially mention other countries because we were talking about Cuba and Canada.

In fact at least one person here has stated that "they are not so bad off" - or words to that effect.

Perhaps you would care to analyse me for the benefit of the folks who might read this? You seem to know lots about me. Or at least act like you do - even though you and I have never once shared a topic before this.

The reason I stated you made your point badly was because I did not understand it - truthfully. Not because I was attempting to mislead you or cast aspersions. Perhaps it is you that is sensitive?

As for what I do - I only answered a question - if what I do makes you angry or makes you think I am better - that is your problem and not mine. I certainly have never brought it into discussion and I certainly would not make fun of your profession. In fact, as often is the case - it may be what I do - but it might not be what I am. Perhaps you need to read the poem "Tommy" sometime - it is a good one and may help you understand the soldier. If you are at all interested that is.

Until now, no one had ever asked me what I did - so I did not bring it up. It appears to have offended you - are you anti military as well?

You really do need to pick your battles more carfeully - it would allow you to come off a bit better.

Oh, to keep this thread at least a little on track - what do you think will happen when that dictator dies? If you go back you will see my answer - seems no one else - or at least very darned few want to hazard a guess.

I have not attacked you - never heard of you before - and you are jumping on me - good for you - now take a valium, a glass of water and call me later if you want to continue to ramble - I am off to other threads again - and off to work later tonight. Wish me luck?

Might be back in a day or two if I can get the sat time.


There really is no use talking to this person. Everyone who disagrees with him and presents their own argumen is personally attacked. That is not debate it is harrassment.

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I do not think I have been hypocritical - I simply brought up my thoughts - and none were even directed towards you - it was you who jumped into the fray - it is you that took umbrage - even though we have had no discourse up until now.

The reason I stated you made your point badly was because I did not understand it - truthfully. Not because I was attempting to mislead you or cast aspersions. Perhaps it is you that is sensitive?

Until now, no one had ever asked me what I did - so I did not bring it up. It appears to have offended you - are you anti military as well?

You really do need to pick your battles more carfeully - it would allow you to come off a bit better.

Oh, to keep this thread at least a little on track - what do you think will happen when that dictator dies? If you go back you will see my answer - seems no one else - or at least very darned few want to hazard a guess.

I have not attacked you - never heard of you before - and you are jumping on me - good for you - now take a valium, a glass of water and call me later if you want to continue to ramble - I am off to other threads again - and off to work later tonight. Wish me luck?

Might be back in a day or two if I can get the sat time.


Please accept my apologies , I was not aware of the rule that we had to have a "discourse" before we could post. I will try and annouce my arrival to newcomers.

So, you did not understand my point but knew it was made badly. So for me and some others , which is it Sir? Do you understand and therefor can make judgement, or you "truthfully" did not know what I was talking about , in which case one need only say "huh?" So which is it ?

Anti-military, aww that is so cute. Wrong, but cute. I am one who is proud of my country and the Military that represent s us.

So, what happens when Castro dies? Who knows, not me? . But I would hope that the citizens realize as they must surely do by now, that an uprising against their tyrannical govt will benefit them to no end. They do not despise the west, they have cousins and brothers and sisters living in the US and Canada who have told them the wealth they will realize when that regime is gone. I am hoping that this scenario plays out.

As for attacking you ? Umm , sorry, but I think not. Perhaps being harsh with a sanctimoniuos attitude that we are dumb and you know better ? I will attack tone , I wont attack the person. Although in some other threads I am coming close. But by my observations , this is the third time you have posted in this thread asking people to take a "valium",or " your too thin skinned my dear , " and so on.

I suppose it is get what you give.

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As for attacking you ? Umm , sorry, but I think not. Perhaps being harsh with a sanctimoniuos attitude that we are dumb and you know better ? I will attack tone , I wont attack the person. Although in some other threads I am coming close. But by my observations , this is the third time you have posted in this thread asking people to take a "valium",or " your too thin skinned my dear , " and so on.

I suppose it is get what you give.

What's up? Borg is normally pretty temperate.

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  • 1 year later...
What exactly did Castro do that makes him a " terrorist " ? It's freely using the word do describe everyone that keeps it from having any real meaning.

You will notice Remiel that the anti-Cuban rhetoric is all about demonizing Castro as Satan and anyone who lives in Cuba as living in hell. It has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with myths and faith beliefs that require one to suspend factual documentation and instead rely on subjective worship and chanting of certain doctrrine. Ironically the very same things Castro and Cuba are condemned for are the exact same things these Castro Satan Cuba hell disciples engage in.

The reality is Castro is human not Satan and Cuba is not hell.

Cuba was a corupt mafia playground and would have remained so, had Castro not come about. It would have become another Dominican Republic, a corupt regime run my a military dictator staying in power by taking kick backs from organized crime syndicates and US companies.

The US tried with the IMF and with every economic force possible to starve its people and destroy their economy as they have every other West Indian nation that dared try to compete with America in the perishable commodity market, but they haven't gone down and that is what pisses off Americans.

Castro wasn't supposed to last this long. Its impossible. Humans want Big Macs and Coca Cola. It can't be.

The reality is Cuba is a state controled society. Yes it has a political police force and it regulates and swiftly deals with those who question the government over certain issues. The optics of how the masses are controlled can be spun as evil communism precisely because its centralized-it comes from one source instead of many like in the other countries.

Here is the irony. The Spanish, Italians, French, Germans and Canadians have had no problem setting up lucrative hotel chains in Cuba. All Cuba has done is ask for a percentage of the profit, and assure its people are hired.

The only difference between Cuba and other West Indian nations is its government makes sure a percentage of the profit must stay in the nation and that its people are employed. Ooh how tyranical.

Instead of hundreds of syndicates engaged in complicated kick-back schemes to all kinds of politicians-the kick back so to speak is open and up front and goes smack dab to the government. Tyrany? No just consolidated, centralized control of what would otherwise be a complex web of bribery that would benefit everyone but the people.

All one has to do is travel to the Dominican Republic, Yucatan Peninsula, and compare.

In Mexico its all about time shares and corupt real estate swindles and the people of the area seeing nothing from all the tourist activity. So who suffers more and why?

All the evils of Cuba are caused by what? In the Castro As Satan religion its all Castro's doing. In reality the government responsible for not allowing fresh milk or medicine or food or toilet products to Cuba is not Castro it is the US economic boycott.

If Cubans have suffered hardship it has come directly from US foreign policy trying to punish its people collectively hoping they would turn on Castro. All it did was make them more loyal to Castro.

You can spin the myth all you want that the people of Cuba are captive, but they genuinely love Castro. Go on, try find Castro's skeletons. Try show he has lived a hideously opulent life at the expense of his people. Good luck.

Castro genuinely is worried his country is vulnerable to coruption. He does not hate Americans or democracy. What he is worried about is organized coruption turning his people into prostitutes, drug addicts and begging on the streets while foreigners run his country and get wealthy.

Its a transparent ideology and concern. Of course it alienates those Cubans who wanted to put themselves before the state and become individually wealthy.

Now you want to spin the myth that collectivism is evil and rugged individual capitalism is the only way to free the people be my guest but I would suggest the truth is somewhere in between and that capitalism does not necessarily liberate or benefit anyone but a few corupt politicians and of course hotel chains. I would suggest with collectivism comes the loss of certain benefits we in Canada and the US think make us superior but to those people may not be as important as we think they are. Much of the anti-cuban myth comes from assuming they think like us and of course want to be like us. It would never dawn on anti-Cubans that Cuban people may not want to be like us at all and that we project our assumptions as to what is superior on them no different then the Christian missionaries of many centuries ago.

Are we superior because we owe more money and live more stressed out and polluted lives?

The truth is if the majority of Cubans hated their state of affairs, they would have revolted long ago. The political police monitor prostitution, crime, domestic violence, but these police can't control the people without the people allowing it. Cubans have short wave radio. They have inter-net. They are in contact with foreigners every day and they can easily get around surveillance and know when it is safe to talk or communicate through non words.

I have travelled in Cuba in non tourist areas. I listen to what is not said, not what is said. To find out about the people, its not words you listen to.

Political police can only control words and physical movement . They restrict the movement of their own people to keep them away from tourists not because of politics but because of the fear of cild molestation, prostitution, drug addiction.

If political police were interested in preventing me from travelling to the interior they could have easily done it. What I look for is not words. It is teeth decay, eye infections, cholera, typhoid, malnutrition, violence, prostitution, drug addiction. I look for dirty water, garbage, the mentally ill.

What I did find are hospitals and many doctors. The hospitals are clean. No they have no medicine. What I found were schools, where every child is in school. What I found were simple homes but no rats, no mice, no roaches and no garbage on the streets.

What I found everywhere was music, spontaneous music. I did not find sex being controlled through prostitution.

Sorry Cuba is not hell. Its not utopia either. It is a country with few luxuries. But its not the USA. It is a society of blended race and cultures-it is a society that is genuinely colour blind and where everyone goes to school and has the same access to hospitals.

Its economic limitations have come from deliberate US embargoes desigend to punish innocent people and make them angry hoping they would turn on their government. All its done is unify its people.

I am no Castro groupy. I hate his love affair with Chavez, Sadam Hussein, North Korea and orthodox Marxist economic planning theories. But this is no fool. This is a man who easily brought in capitalism and capitalist concepts to revitalize certain industries-all he did was assure his people benefitted.

To understand what Castro is all about, you have to travel to Cuban Miami to find that out.

If you think the average Cuban sits and dreams about living in Miami and being American you are mistaken.

Cuba has many problems. But to pretend the US is superior to it and its people are captive and dream about living in America is a crock.

Last time I looked there was more to Miami then Horatio Cane driving around in a Hummer and asking Frank what do we have here after how many shows of encountering dead bodies? American culture tends to get stuck on certain concepts and can't move on.

Edited by Rue
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Hello, I am new to this forum and was wondering if this subject is still active or if it has been closed, since no new postings have appeared for over a year.

Kind regards,

Cuba's Friend (I did choose this name carefully, being Cuba's Friend, not a friend of the regime, but of the common people)

Relax. This is Canada. As long as you don't hurt anyone and are willing to say excuse me after you burp and wait in any line you see even if there are other counters available, you will be fine.

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Relax. This is Canada. As long as you don't hurt anyone and are willing to say excuse me after you burp and wait in any line you see even if there are other counters available, you will be fine.

We already have an impoverished island province...

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You will notice Remiel that the anti-Cuban rhetoric is all about demonizing Castro as Satan and anyone who lives in Cuba as living in hell. It has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with myths and faith beliefs that require one to suspend factual documentation and instead rely on subjective worship and chanting of certain doctrrine. Ironically the very same things Castro and Cuba are condemned for are the exact same things these Castro Satan Cuba hell disciples engage in.

The reality is Castro is human not Satan and Cuba is not hell.

Cuba was a corupt mafia playground and would have remained so, had Castro not come about. It would have become another Dominican Republic, a corupt regime run my a military dictator staying in power by taking kick backs from organized crime syndicates and US companies.

The US tried with the IMF and with every economic force possible to starve its people and destroy their economy as they have every other West Indian nation that dared try to compete with America in the perishable commodity market, but they haven't gone down and that is what pisses off Americans.

Castro wasn't supposed to last this long. Its impossible. Humans want Big Macs and Coca Cola. It can't be.

The reality is Cuba is a state controled society. Yes it has a political police force and it regulates and swiftly deals with those who question the government over certain issues. The optics of how the masses are controlled can be spun as evil communism precisely because its centralized-it comes from one source instead of many like in the other countries.

Here is the irony. The Spanish, Italians, French, Germans and Canadians have had no problem setting up lucrative hotel chains in Cuba. All Cuba has done is ask for a percentage of the profit, and assure its people are hired.

The only difference between Cuba and other West Indian nations is its government makes sure a percentage of the profit must stay in the nation and that its people are employed. Ooh how tyranical.

Instead of hundreds of syndicates engaged in complicated kick-back schemes to all kinds of politicians-the kick back so to speak is open and up front and goes smack dab to the government. Tyrany? No just consolidated, centralized control of what would otherwise be a complex web of bribery that would benefit everyone but the people.

All one has to do is travel to the Dominican Republic, Yucatan Peninsula, and compare.

In Mexico its all about time shares and corupt real estate swindles and the people of the area seeing nothing from all the tourist activity. So who suffers more and why?

All the evils of Cuba are caused by what? In the Castro As Satan religion its all Castro's doing. In reality the government responsible for not allowing fresh milk or medicine or food or toilet products to Cuba is not Castro it is the US economic boycott.

If Cubans have suffered hardship it has come directly from US foreign policy trying to punish its people collectively hoping they would turn on Castro. All it did was make them more loyal to Castro.

You can spin the myth all you want that the people of Cuba are captive, but they genuinely love Castro. Go on, try find Castro's skeletons. Try show he has lived a hideously opulent life at the expense of his people. Good luck.

Castro genuinely is worried his country is vulnerable to coruption. He does not hate Americans or democracy. What he is worried about is organized coruption turning his people into prostitutes, drug addicts and begging on the streets while foreigners run his country and get wealthy.

Its a transparent ideology and concern. Of course it alienates those Cubans who wanted to put themselves before the state and become individually wealthy.

Now you want to spin the myth that collectivism is evil and rugged individual capitalism is the only way to free the people be my guest but I would suggest the truth is somewhere in between and that capitalism does not necessarily liberate or benefit anyone but a few corupt politicians and of course hotel chains. I would suggest with collectivism comes the loss of certain benefits we in Canada and the US think make us superior but to those people may not be as important as we think they are. Much of the anti-cuban myth comes from assuming they think like us and of course want to be like us. It would never dawn on anti-Cubans that Cuban people may not want to be like us at all and that we project our assumptions as to what is superior on them no different then the Christian missionaries of many centuries ago.

Are we superior because we owe more money and live more stressed out and polluted lives?

The truth is if the majority of Cubans hated their state of affairs, they would have revolted long ago. The political police monitor prostitution, crime, domestic violence, but these police can't control the people without the people allowing it. Cubans have short wave radio. They have inter-net. They are in contact with foreigners every day and they can easily get around surveillance and know when it is safe to talk or communicate through non words.

I have travelled in Cuba in non tourist areas. I listen to what is not said, not what is said. To find out about the people, its not words you listen to.

Political police can only control words and physical movement . They restrict the movement of their own people to keep them away from tourists not because of politics but because of the fear of cild molestation, prostitution, drug addiction.

If political police were interested in preventing me from travelling to the interior they could have easily done it. What I look for is not words. It is teeth decay, eye infections, cholera, typhoid, malnutrition, violence, prostitution, drug addiction. I look for dirty water, garbage, the mentally ill.

What I did find are hospitals and many doctors. The hospitals are clean. No they have no medicine. What I found were schools, where every child is in school. What I found were simple homes but no rats, no mice, no roaches and no garbage on the streets.

What I found everywhere was music, spontaneous music. I did not find sex being controlled through prostitution.

Sorry Cuba is not hell. Its not utopia either. It is a country with few luxuries. But its not the USA. It is a society of blended race and cultures-it is a society that is genuinely colour blind and where everyone goes to school and has the same access to hospitals.

Its economic limitations have come from deliberate US embargoes desigend to punish innocent people and make them angry hoping they would turn on their government. All its done is unify its people.

I am no Castro groupy. I hate his love affair with Chavez, Sadam Hussein, North Korea and orthodox Marxist economic planning theories. But this is no fool. This is a man who easily brought in capitalism and capitalist concepts to revitalize certain industries-all he did was assure his people benefitted.

To understand what Castro is all about, you have to travel to Cuban Miami to find that out.

If you think the average Cuban sits and dreams about living in Miami and being American you are mistaken.

Cuba has many problems. But to pretend the US is superior to it and its people are captive and dream about living in America is a crock.

Last time I looked there was more to Miami then Horatio Cane driving around in a Hummer and asking Frank what do we have here after how many shows of encountering dead bodies? American culture tends to get stuck on certain concepts and can't move on.


Cuba also has the most eco friendly agricultural system in the entire world.

I hope they are left alone to live out their existence as they see fit and will not have the "American Dream" foisted upon them.

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Apparently familiarity breads contempt. I just made that up. Hoo ha.

Bollocks to the Castro attackers. Apparently we do not have a lot of contributors here who know a single bloody thing about the history of Cuba. What a pity.

I'm disappointed that Castro did not take this opportunity to announce democracy for Cuba. I think they are ready. We could really use a social healthcare ally right about now.

Hopefully they are waiting in the wings. But they are not waiting for word from George WhatAnIdiot Bush.

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I'm curious if anyone can provide an example of any mother with her baby on her back braving shark-infested waters to get TO Cuba?

Or are all the refugees in leaky, sinking boats trying to get to Florida simply greedy bastards after "wetback" jobs and a chance to be a "capitalist running dog"?

Or are they just not as enlightened as we folks here in this thread? ;)

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I'm curious if anyone can provide an example of any mother with her baby on her back braving shark-infested waters to get TO Cuba?

Or are all the refugees in leaky, sinking boats trying to get to Florida simply greedy bastards after "wetback" jobs and a chance to be a "capitalist running dog"?

Or are they just not as enlightened as we folks here in this thread? ;)

Vietnamese boatpeople come to mind. But then they were the outcome of a US foreign policy gone sour too, weren't they?

US foreign policy has assumed an importance beyond it's enforcement reach.

Time for a World Court.

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Didn't take long for the usual insane liberals to defend Castro as 'human' and having 'done some good things' for Cuba. Yeah and Hitler did some good things too. Yikes!

Here's just a smidgeon of the real Cuba, naive leftwing friends....


"Sexual diversity was seen by Fidel Castro as a corrupt consequence of capitalism.

Cuban poet Jose Mario, an important artistic figure in the country, suffered in Cuban labour camps as Castro's regime 're-educated' homosexuals.

Gays were incarcerated in Military Units to Aid Production (UMAPs) between 1965 and 1968.

Castro believed that hard work would rid the men of their "counter-revolutionary tendencies.""

And to the poster who was disapointed that Castro didn't 'announce democracy' today that's like Hillary Clinton announcing she's really a woman: ain't gonna happen cause it ain't on the table. Dictatorship worked out for Castro and his cronies really well.

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