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CBC to air comedy "Little Mosque On The Prairie"

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If you open your eyes an inch as well, their are many shows that mock Christianity and Judaism, and you don't hear anyone crying a tear for that, why is it just when a minority group is singled out, it is considered an atrocity? So un-doubtfully it will not be the first TV program to mock religion.

Little Mosque on the Parries is just another one of those funny shows, but really has no plot to them but stupidity, just like Trailer Park Boys.

There is the rub. If it is an attack on a "minority" religion people do get up in arms.

But because it is mocking hick, white christian people from the prairies it is ok to put down and belittle.

The CBC should follow the PBS model. Pledge drives then the likes of Saturn can put their money where their mouth is. If you don't want to watch the *bullshit* put out by the commercial networks you can pay for an alternative. Just don't make me pay for that alternative!

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so many panties, and so many knots. You guys need to relax a little, seriously.

It's a comedy, if people don't understand that, well then there is something wrong here, I bet you all loved The Beachcombers in the day, how was that show any different?

"The Beachcombers" are still on TV!!! I was channel surfing one day and stumbled upon the show on TV Tropolis or what ever the heck 'Prime' used to be called. BTW if im not mistaken that would be a CanWest Global company airing re-runs of old CBC content... funny how that works.

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I saw some previews for this and basically they show Canadians and dumb racist ignorate idiots and potray the Muslims as these educated, under employed, perfect people that we should learn something from.

So you haven't actually seen the show, then?

Geez, who needs the CBC to perpetuate dumb redneck stereotypes when so many others will do it for them? :lol:

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So you haven't actually seen the show, then?

Geez, who needs the CBC to perpetuate dumb redneck stereotypes when so many others will do it for them? :lol:

Ahh, but we have seen the ads. To quote one of my earlier posts.

They actually have a scene where a dumb, hick white farmer says to the hardworking under employed muslim woman:

"Would it kill you Muslim gals to show a little cleavage now and then?"

Come on. That's sexist and offensive. Of course the white hick said it. Just confirms the stereotypes have that all prairie fold are dumb and uneducated.

Look at Corner Gas. It pokes fun without lowering itself to the most basic stereotypes.

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Ahh, but we have seen the ads. To quote one of my earlier posts.

You're basing your evaluation of the content based on a single incomplete sample. That's like reading a paragraph from a novel and demanding it be banned.

Come on. That's sexist and offensive. Of course the white hick said it. Just confirms the stereotypes have that all prairie fold are dumb and uneducated

And why do you assume that character is meant to symbolize all prairie folk?

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Being that this seems to be an attempt at a 'cutting edge' show, I wonder if the gay issue will come up. I further wonder if CBC will portray Muslims stereotypical attitudes of hate towards gays to poke fun at the Muslim culture. Another area they could mine to comic effect (since its obvious they will be poking fun at rural folk, otherwise known by the term rednecks), is the muslim attitudes towards their property, namely women.

I can guarantee you it will be open season on rednecks, but muslims will get a free pass.

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You're basing your evaluation of the content based on a single incomplete sample. That's like reading a paragraph from a novel and demanding it be banned.

And why do you assume that character is meant to symbolize all prairie folk?

That's the key with ads to promote entertainment.

They are meant to present the meaning and spirit of the entertainment product in 30 seconds.

No it isn't one sample. Just the most offensive one.

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Being that this seems to be an attempt at a 'cutting edge' show, I wonder if the gay issue will come up. I further wonder if CBC will portray Muslims stereotypical attitudes of hate towards gays to poke fun at the Muslim culture. Another area they could mine to comic effect (since its obvious they will be poking fun at rural folk, otherwise known by the term rednecks), is the muslim attitudes towards their property, namely women.

I can guarantee you it will be open season on rednecks, but muslims will get a free pass.

So you wonder if muslims will be stereotyped.....but if they aren't treated as two dimensional card board cutouts, they will get a pass?

Just curious, what colour is the sky on your world?

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That's the key with ads to promote entertainment.

They are meant to present the meaning and spirit of the entertainment product in 30 seconds.

No it isn't one sample. Just the most offensive one.

Please explain how you know the character in the "offensive" sample is intended to represent all "prairie folk". You mentioned "Corner Gas" which chronicles the misadventures of dim-witted smalll town folk, yet it gets a pass. Why is the LMoP character any more representative of white prarie folk than any of the idiots on CG?

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Please explain how you know the character in the "offensive" sample is intended to represent all "prairie folk". You mentioned "Corner Gas" which chronicles the misadventures of dim-witted smalll town folk, yet it gets a pass. Why is the LMoP character any more representative of white prarie folk than any of the idiots on CG?

He isn't. He is just more representative of the Toronto silver-spoon socialist view of hick prairie folk.

In this myopic view hick prairie folk say ignorant, racist and sexist things to poor hard working over-educated muslims. I have never seen any of the characters on Corner Gas say anything as offensive as is portrayed in the ads for LMoP.

Which just plays into the Toronto silver-spoon, and your, stereotype that all prairie falk are dim-witted idiots.

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He isn't. He is just more representative of the Toronto silver-spoon socialist view of hick prairie folk.

In this myopic view hick prairie folk say ignorant, racist and sexist things to poor hard working over-educated muslims. I have never seen any of the characters on Corner Gas say anything as offensive as is portrayed in the ads for LMoP.

Which just plays into the Toronto silver-spoon, and your, stereotype that all prairie falk are dim-witted idiots.

Again: how do you know this character is intended to stereotype all western Canadians? Simple question.

Has it occurred to you (I know it hasn't, but thought I'd ask) that rather than being a stereotype of all western Canadians, the character is a sterotype of stereotypical rednecks? Most TV shows (and sitcoms in particular) offer up such stock characters or archetypes. Of course they are stereotypes: that's the point. But it's a huge leap to suggest that the stereotype is targeted at all western Canadians.

I must say that it's funny seeing how quickly the righties lapse into politically correct hysteria over soemthing so silly.

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Being that this seems to be an attempt at a 'cutting edge' show, I wonder if the gay issue will come up. I further wonder if CBC will portray Muslims stereotypical attitudes of hate towards gays to poke fun at the Muslim culture. Another area they could mine to comic effect (since its obvious they will be poking fun at rural folk, otherwise known by the term rednecks), is the muslim attitudes towards their property, namely women.

I can guarantee you it will be open season on rednecks, but muslims will get a free pass.

I don't know if they'll get a "pass". But you can bet the show will be touted as a great bridge between Muslim and non-Muslim culture, while not really addressing some of the problems of assimilation of lack thereof.

My prediction is that the show will make light of small differences and try to make them look cute and harmless. The show might take some liberties with respect to white-redneck stereotypes - and that won't be surprising. On the other hand, if the show takes any risks with respect to offending hardcore Muslims, I'll be very surprised. We all know who's more likely to take "action" if offended.

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My prediction is that the show will make light of small differences and try to make them look cute and harmless. The show might take some liberties with respect to white-redneck stereotypes - and that won't be surprising. On the other hand, if the show takes any risks with respect to offending hardcore Muslims, I'll be very surprised. We all know who's more likely to take "action" if offended.

Good analysis.

I think you can take it as a given the show will take some liberties with respect to white-redneck stereotypes.

And that they won't offend Muslims.

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Which just plays into the Toronto silver-spoon, and your, stereotype that all prairie falk are dim-witted idiots.

Interesting....considering the creator/producer is prarie born and bred....

Good retort - but you have to admit: the prairies are probably the worst breeding grounds for academic superiority complexes. Stick a university schmuck (yes - I was one too) amongst a bunch of common sense, hardworking people who speak the truth instead of trying to bend it. It's a lot harder to preach social engineering academic bullshit when the people around you don't buy it. And it makes for some really frustrated passive aggressive ivory towers ;)

We'll see what happens I suppose....

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Again: how do you know this character is intended to stereotype all western Canadians? Simple question.

Never said that it was intend to stereotype all western Canadians. Read what I wrote. *Prairie folk doesn't imply everybody from the prairies.*

Has it occurred to you (I know it hasn't, but thought I'd ask) that rather than being a stereotype of all western Canadians, the character is a sterotype of stereotypical rednecks?

Never said that it was intend to stereotype all western Canadians. Read what I wrote. *Prairie folk doesn't imply everybody from the prairies.*

But it's a huge leap to suggest that the stereotype is targeted at all western Canadians.

Never said that it was intend to stereotype all western Canadians. Read what I wrote. *Prairie folk doesn't imply everybody from the prairies.*

I must say that it's funny seeing how quickly the righties lapse into politically correct hysteria over soemthing so silly.

Why is it hysteria? When Muslims complain about the stereotyping on the show will you accuse them of lapsing into politically correct hysteria?

If it's so silly why post repeatedly on the subject.

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Interesting....considering the creator/producer is prarie born and bred....

Good retort - but you have to admit: the prairies are probably the worst breeding grounds for academic superiority complexes. Stick a university schmuck (yes - I was one too) amongst a bunch of common sense, hardworking people who speak the truth instead of trying to bend it. It's a lot harder to preach social engineering academic bullshit when the people around you don't buy it. And it makes for some really frustrated passive aggressive ivory towers ;)

We'll see what happens I suppose....

Why is it a good retort?

That issue has already been dealt with.

The network execs who greenlighted the project are silver-spoon GTA types...

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Never said that it was intend to stereotype all western Canadians. Read what I wrote.

Do you mean this:

Of course. All Westerners are hicks. And ungrateful whiners for resenting the fact that our tax dollars go to paying for this program that confirms this universal truth in the eyes of *real Canadians* i.e. 'civilized' silver spoon socialists in Toronto.


And the CBC ran with it and produced the show to harp on the stereotype of Western Canadians being uneducated hicks.


Why am I not surprised that you would think a show that confirms all the CBCs left-leaning, bias against white, Christian Canadians from the Prairies funny?


But because it is mocking hick, white christian people from the prairies it is ok to put down and belittle.

Or this?

Just confirms the stereotypes have that all prairie fold are dumb and uneducated.

Why is it hysteria? When Muslims complain about the stereotyping on the show will you accuse them of lapsing into politically correct hysteria?

Hysteria, in this case, refers to getting worked up (and don't worry: you're not the only one who did) over the show sterotyping all prarie folk when there's no indication it does so.

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There is the rub. If it is an attack on a "minority" religion people do get up in arms.

But because it is mocking hick, white christian people from the prairies it is ok to put down and belittle.

Oh, the blindness.

In the course of one 30 second advertisement for the show I saw parodied: Muslim treatment of women, non-muslim treatment of women, and Torontonians.

Corner Gas is a show that mocks hick, white, Christian people from the Prairies; but, I guess because it's made by CTV and not CBC it's a perfectly acceptable show.

Later note: I see now the Corner Gas issue has already been raised, and is being dealt with amply by others. My apologies.

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The network execs who greenlighted the project are silver-spoon GTA types...

And you know that because......?

Why not call Mary Kreuk, VP of marketing at CTV (and a huge fan of Corner Gas) and ask her what her type is.....

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I'm seeing a lot of sterotypes being perpetuated here.

The network execs who greenlighted the project are silver-spoon GTA types...
He is just more representative of the Toronto silver-spoon socialist view of hick prairie folk.
Which just plays into the Toronto silver-spoon, and your, stereotype that all prairie falk are dim-witted idiots.


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There is the rub. If it is an attack on a "minority" religion people do get up in arms.

But because it is mocking hick, white christian people from the prairies it is ok to put down and belittle.

Oh, the blindness.

In the course of one 30 second advertisement for the show I saw parodied: Muslim treatment of women, non-muslim treatment of women, and Torontonians.

Corner Gas is a show that mocks hick, white, Christian people from the Prairies; but, I guess because it's made by CTV and not CBC it's a perfectly acceptable show.

Later note: I see now the Corner Gas issue has already been raised, and is being dealt with amply by others. My apologies.

Note that there is no denial that there are "hick, white christian people from the prairies", it seems they just do not want satirical depictions of them to occur. Why not? Particularily when all the other demographics are being mocked as well?

Personally, I think they are afraid!

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Hysteria, in this case, refers to getting worked up (and don't worry: you're not the only one who did) over the show sterotyping all prarie folk when there's no indication it does so.

What about the line I quoted?

The dumb, white prairie hick makes a sexist racist comment to the poor, over-worked, over0-educated, misunderstood Muslim woman. That is definitely an indication.

Note that there is no denial that there are "hick, white christian people from the prairies", it seems they just do not want satirical depictions of them to occur. Why not? Particularily when all the other demographics are being mocked as well?

Note there is no denial that there are muslims who hate Western culture and have been responsible for repeated terrorist attacks. Is this *stereotype* being attacked? Why not?

Personally, I think they are afraid!

Afraid of what???

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