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CBC to air comedy "Little Mosque On The Prairie"

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Now that would be funny. If this show actually made money, hehehe...

This guy on another forum said:

I'm waiting for the CBC to show "The Little Church in Mecca".

That would be equally fantasist.

As I've always said, the Islamic takeover of Canada will have it's good side: No more "Little Gay Steam Baths in Moosejaw Public Schools" and stuff like that.

Let's look on the bright side.

Another one:

yeah yeah, Islam is sooo funny. Islam really is for everybody, why not try it? Islam "As Seen ON TV" will soon be preached at a local school near you. Very funny. haha. No reference to the fact that women are treated worse than dirt in strict Islamic countries. Right, I forgot. The basis of an Islamic country and the basis of Islamofascim is NOT Islam. Right. Muslims who identify with Islam and the Koran are really not part of the things that are going on in Islamic countries and countries that are besieged by Islamofascism. Very funny, haha.

Leave it to the CBC to totally miss the mark again. Never speak out against Mohammed, Islam or anything Islamic. Instead promote Islam with a funny attitude to the dumb, idiotic Canadians so dumbed down by the hedonistic fun loving always fun wanting culture. Fun fun fun. Very funny, haha.

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I don't feel this show represents the social climate in our country. I think Canada finds Islam a very serious matter within Canada.

I should actually put out a www.LittleMosqueStatement.ca... because seriously.. Canada is not a hippy paradise where Christians, Sikh's, and Muslims all live together with no issues and sing koom-bi-ya by the fire. Canada is filled with ethnic, racial tensions between all parties involved and soon a breaking point will reach. All it will take is an incident to happen. Who knows, the show might cuase this.

Maybe you are projecting your own ideology onto the RoC, as we, the majority, are not seething with racial tensions about to ignight between Muslims and Canadians. Good grief!

Maybe your letter might cause more tensions than the show and be the flair up that causes it?

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Maybe you are projecting your own ideology onto the RoC, as we, the majority, are not seething with racial tensions about to ignight between Muslims and Canadians. Good grief!

Maybe your letter might cause more tensions than the show and be the flair up that causes it?

What majority are you talking about?

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I don't recall ever seeing a comic representation of "redneck culture" that didn't play on the idea that rednecks are stupid.

Well duh. That's a central part of the sterotype, innit? The question is: who does that apply to? Ricki and otehrs maintain the redneck in LMotP is aimed at all western Candians. I think that's rather debatable.

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I don't recall ever seeing a comic representation of "redneck culture" that didn't play on the idea that rednecks are stupid.

Well duh. That's a central part of the sterotype, innit? The question is: who does that apply to? Ricki and otehrs maintain the redneck in LMotP is aimed at all western Candians. I think that's rather debatable.

I suppose many people are too young to remember that the Beverly Hillbillies didn't portray themselves as dumb (naive, perhaps) and Jeds simple wisdom confounded the nefarious schemes of swindlers and bankers alike.

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Maybe you are projecting your own ideology onto the RoC, as we, the majority, are not seething with racial tensions about to ignight between Muslims and Canadians. Good grief!

Maybe your letter might cause more tensions than the show and be the flair up that causes it?

When ever I sit with south asians from the old country, they always start to complain about the blacks and the other immigrants and SriLanken refugees. Sikh's think they are the best immigrants and only they should be allowed in. And the Chinese always complain that life is hard for them.

Thinking that all immigrants get along with each other is a pipe dream and not reality. Why not you try to get involved with some immigrant circles and you can see what they talk about.

And no, no one likes Islam in Canada. That goes for Sikh's, Hindu's, Christians, and everyone else. Only the self-hating, small group of leftist, anti-family, anit-father in the family agenda creating destructinists that Canada has a bit too many of.

Its' funny, usually these leftists are very pro-rights and pro-women rights. They are always anti-religions too. UNLESS ISLAM IS INVOLVED!

Then they get into these 'protect Islam' mode. Hey guys, why not try it yourself. They'll show you how to have 5 kids and the welfare marriage loopholes to have 2 wives and collect $10,000 in social service payments.

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Well duh. That's a central part of the sterotype, innit? The question is: who does that apply to? Ricki and otehrs maintain the redneck in LMotP is aimed at all western Candians. I think that's rather debatable.

I don't believe in the least that the show intends it to represent all westerners.

I just know that when the guy on the show says "If we don't stop 'em, soon we'll all be speaking Muslim," some cultured, urbane, Torontonian is going to say "HA! Typical Alburda dumbass!"

I don't claim that's the fault of the show or its producers. It might be the fault of the Ontario public school system. Or maybe just a sign that the CBC hasn't actually done much to inform Canadians about each other, which I'd assume would be part of its mandate.


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Or maybe just a sign that the CBC hasn't actually done much to inform Canadians about each other, which I'd assume would be part of its mandate.


Here in Toronto the odd time I listen tot he CBC radio, they will always strive to show Alberta in a negative light. They will always give a quote from Ralph Klein making him look like a cowboy racist. They treat him like they do Bush.

The CBC almost on a daily basis will run a negative spin on Alberta... actually during Christmas they had to run report on "Calgary has a lot of homeless now and aren't doing anything about it unlike Toronto".

Yeah those CPC Calgarians, leaving the homeless out to die! A premier that sounds like Bush. Ans suprise suprise, now the Westerners are hick xenephobes that know nothing about different cultures, races, or religions.

And the Muslims? They are Dr's, Lawyers. Yes.. Muslims are not allowed to fly on planes. Canadians dono't let Muslims fly on planes.


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Now that would be funny. If this show actually made money, hehehe...

This guy on another forum said:

I'm waiting for the CBC to show "The Little Church in Mecca".

That would be equally fantasist.

As I've always said, the Islamic takeover of Canada will have it's good side: No more "Little Gay Steam Baths in Moosejaw Public Schools" and stuff like that.

Let's look on the bright side.

Another one:

yeah yeah, Islam is sooo funny. Islam really is for everybody, why not try it? Islam "As Seen ON TV" will soon be preached at a local school near you. Very funny. haha. No reference to the fact that women are treated worse than dirt in strict Islamic countries. Right, I forgot. The basis of an Islamic country and the basis of Islamofascim is NOT Islam. Right. Muslims who identify with Islam and the Koran are really not part of the things that are going on in Islamic countries and countries that are besieged by Islamofascism. Very funny, haha.

Leave it to the CBC to totally miss the mark again. Never speak out against Mohammed, Islam or anything Islamic. Instead promote Islam with a funny attitude to the dumb, idiotic Canadians so dumbed down by the hedonistic fun loving always fun wanting culture. Fun fun fun. Very funny, haha.

What the hell are you talking about? I don't waste time on any other political forums right now. I waste enough time on this one. You better link that post in whatever forum you are reading, or else I am going to have to assume it is a viscious, mean-spirited, fabricated libelous attack on me. Not that I don't think you are capable of that, but I am going to give to the benefit of the doubt for a moment. Not that I should.

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This guy on another forum said:

Hehehe i dind't mean YOU.

I meant 'other people on another forum said'. I should take the time to read over my posts.

I was doing a google search and found another forum talking about it so just thought I would throw in what others are talking about for the fun of it.

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A second look:

My first prediction was that it would make fun of both Muslims and Prairie folk in roughly equal amounts, but using more tact when teasing muslims so as not to arouse the more..ahem...adamant in the muslim faith.

I'm changing my prediction after seeing a more extensive trailer on CNN (yes - making some news down south!). The clip had 6-7 clips from different scenes and every single one of them was a mockery of the white/prairie folk.

I still may stand to be corrected, but what I saw was a shameless characature. For example:

A muslim guy talks on his cell phone while waiting in line to check into his flight. During his conversation he talks about suicide, bombs, paradise or something to that effect. The conversation is taken WAY out of context and he is detained.

I think the show was trying to demonstrate how "misunderstood" muslims are and how obtuse and kneejerk non-muslims are. The scene mentioned above is a particularly bad attempt in this way: anyone who thinks a conversation in an airport line up about bombs, suicide etc. is not going to set off red flags is clearly out of touch with reality (although, in the scene the Muslim guy is smart and articulate, whereas the guards who detain him are real dumb).

The problem with the premise of the show (that muslims are badly misunderstood) - if that's what the premise is (I may stand to be corrected), is that it misses the whole point of today's "hysteria":

People don't have a problem with peaceful Muslims. What people have a problem with is the non-peaceful ones, and the tolerance of the non-peaceful ones in their own community.

I don't think europeans would be taking the hardline they are (now) if they were overrun by peaceloving muslims in the subrubs of paris and london and brussels. Th problem is the fanatical ones - and the fact that the peaceloving ones, while in the majority, seem to acquiesce to the more hardline version.

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A muslim guy talks on his cell phone while waiting in line to check into his flight.

And that same guy is also a Lawyer I believe trying to encourage the myth all ethnic groups carry; that 'their own' are mostly Doctors and Lawyers. (I guess the Samoli's would be the exception. The truth would probably by the Jewish.)

The only thing proveable is that Muslims are use more welfare services in the EU than any other immigrant group so I guess they should touch on this fact to educate the public.

It's also made news all over the world. In all Muslim countries. Not just the US.

"The show's creator, Zarqa Nawaz, wrote a show about what she knew best: living life as a Muslim in small town Canada.

"I grew up in a mosque, I got married in a mosque, I spend a lot of time in a mosque - mosque is a really important part of my life," says Nawaz, a married mother of four children."

Little Mosque on the Prairie

From the desk of Rondi Adamson on Fri, 2007-01-05 14:52

"One must also take into account the CBC’s propensity for anti-American and anti-Israeli bias in its news coverage, and for increasing dhimmitude in the years since 9/11. The CBC has already hired a Muslim-Canadian consultant to “ensure it doesn’t cause unforeseen offense” with Little Mosque on the Prairie. The consultant’s job will be “to comb through the sitcom’s creative elements and suggest possible alterations.”

The show has also been screened for select Muslim audiences to gauge community reactions. This seems odd, given that Nawaz has said, in many interviews, that she does not wish for Little Mosque on the Prairie to be known as a “Muslim comedy.” The show’s executive producers have stated that they hope the series will – with humour, of course – deal with “the treatment” of Muslims in Canada since 9/11. Treatment that includes a taxpayer-funded sitcom putting focus on their lives, one would do well to remember.

It is hard to believe that the CBC will buck tradition and bring forward anything truly daring or even funny, with this series. More likely, it will be a recycling of corny jokes and situations involving misunderstood Muslims and intolerant non-Muslims.

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Little Mosque on the Prairie

From the desk of Rondi Adamson on Fri, 2007-01-05 14:52

More likely, it will be a recycling of corny jokes and situations involving misunderstood Muslims and intolerant non-Muslims.

Latest clip,

Muslim daughter with exposed belly aproaches her father and he says "You look like a Protestant"

She says"You mean a prostitute"

He says,"no, I mean a Protestant"

This is humour? <_<

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Latest clip,

Muslim daughter with exposed belly aproaches her father and he says "You look like a Protestant"

She says"You mean a prostitute"

He says,"no, I mean a Protestant"

This is humour? <_<


That's pretty good.

Explain the humour to me, I don't get it. :)

Explaining jokes ruins them. If you don't "get it" then you don't "get it".

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Latest clip,

Muslim daughter with exposed belly aproaches her father and he says "You look like a Protestant"

She says"You mean a prostitute"

He says,"no, I mean a Protestant"

This is humour? <_<


That's pretty good.

Explain the humour to me, I don't get it. :)

Explaining jokes ruins them. If you don't "get it" then you don't "get it".

Now that's funny, you don't get it either. :)

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Now that's funny, you don't get it either. :)

What is with your obsession with "getting it"? I found it funny that, is enough. Why I found it funny, may not be the same reason Blubbermiley found it funny. Perhaps you just need a broader sense of humour.

Your sounding like a character out of Corner Gas. :lol:

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