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CBC to air comedy "Little Mosque On The Prairie"

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Okay, hands up everyone who has posted on this thread who is a CBC employee! You guys should now realize that your viewers are a little more educated to the issues than you thought. Proceed with fairness and you will do fine. Proceed in the usual Mother Corp knows best attitude and you WILL lose viewers and get lots of complaints.

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One last thing: if this show was called "Little Temple on the Prairie" and featured Sihks, no one with their knickers in a twist over it now would bat an eye at the same gags.

Do you honestly think those of us posting objections to this show have a profound bias towards Sikhism over Islam?

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Okay, hands up everyone who has posted on this thread who is a CBC employee! You guys should now realize that your viewers are a little more educated to the issues than you thought. Proceed with fairness and you will do fine. Proceed in the usual Mother Corp knows best attitude and you WILL lose viewers and get lots of complaints.

I didn't know one had to work for the CBC to take issue with dumbassery.

You mean no one would start going on ad nauseum about Sihks taking away RCMP jobs from derserving white folk?

Way to reinforce the disgusting stereotypes of white prairie Christians as racists, dude. HATE CRIME!!! :P

Do you honestly think those of us posting objections to this show have a profound bias towards Sikhism over Islam?

No I think you have a profound bias against Islam that is driving your objections. You couldn't care less about Sikhs.

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I didn't know one had to work for the CBC to take issue with dumbassery.

I like that word. Do I have permission to use it?

No I think you have a profound bias against Islam that is driving your objections. You couldn't care less about Sikhs.

Uhhh, it's got more to do with the Left's ongoing attack on people with conservative values and beliefs and our funding of that attack through tax dollars.

If you believe nothing, else believe me that Little Temple on the Prairie using exactly the same *jokes* to belittle and put down the ignorant white hicks would be just as offensive.

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Are these stereotypes truly the most disgusting stereotypes of Muslims? Links to terrorism and the like or is it more benign stereotypes being poked fun at.

I can't think of any more disgusting sterotypes of white prairie folk than racists and sexists.

Islam is a religion, not a race, so I haven't yet seen any racist Prairie folk in the show. What is dealt with is culture, the inherent problems within each, and the ignorance within both of the other. Thus, when it comes to sexism, both sides of the fence are painted as sexist. So, again, you're creating the very offence that offends you; nothing is implied or said about white people that is equivalent to labelling all Persians, Arabs and North Africans as terrorists and mass-murderers.

You have a point with the Despereate Housewives thing. But that is the one and only example you can find. *Known for their sense of humour.* Is that really attacking a stereotype.

Ignoring the women behind the hockey boards again? And those are the only two so far - speakers on my computer aren't working so I can't hear what's being said in the clips on the show's website.

The sense of humour comment is about how Muslims don't have a sense of humour. Mohammed cartoons? Riots? Get it?

If you really want to nitpick try cutting down on the typo's and spelling errors.

Asking for opinion based on fact is hardly nitpicking - that you think it is says a lot. As for the spelling, yes, you're right on two counts, though semblance is spelled correctly.

IYO anyone here who hasn't been pro-LMoTP been credible? If not, maybe, just maybe because they can't be in your eyes...

I've only mainly been dealing with you, so I can't comment on others really.

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Uhhh, it's got more to do with the Left's ongoing attack on people with conservative values and beliefs and our funding of that attack through tax dollars.

Okay, well that's interesting. Do you then take offence to the "attacks" within Little Mosque on the Prairie on the conservative values of traditional Islam?

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Islam is a religion, not a race, so I haven't yet seen any racist Prairie folk in the show.

Pedantic hairsplitting.

So, again, you're creating the very offence that offends you;

What does that mean?

Ignoring the women behind the hockey boards again?

I just didn't understand that part at all. Seriously, explain how that would be offensive to women. I didn't see the humour in it and I dont' see why

The sense of humour comment is about how Muslims don't have a sense of humour. Mohammed cartoons? Riots? Get it?

I really don't get it. Stereotypes build up over years through constant use of the same cliched approach to a certain group. Is this dour muslim thing really a stereotype?

IYO anyone here who hasn't been pro-LMoTP been credible? If not, maybe, just maybe because they can't be in your eyes...

I've only mainly been dealing with you, so I can't comment on others really.

You'd think somebody as fair and open-minded as yourself would take the time to read the entire thread. :rolleyes:

Okay, well that's interesting. Do you then take offence to the "attacks" within Little Mosque on the Prairie on the conservative values of traditional Islam?

Do explain those attacks to me. I was being serious when I said I didn't understand the thing with the hockey boards at all. Are women and men in traditional Mosques separated by some sort of physical barrier?

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Uhhh, it's got more to do with the Left's ongoing attack on people with conservative values and beliefs and our funding of that attack through tax dollars.

If you believe nothing, else believe me that Little Temple on the Prairie using exactly the same *jokes* to belittle and put down the ignorant white hicks would be just as offensive.

I highly doubt it would get the degree of atention. But,as its a hypothetical, that canot be proven. i am heartened to learn you would be equally offended by any show depicting brown people.

What does that mean?

You're complaining about stereotyping while employing stereotypes. geez.

I just didn't understand that part at all. Seriously, explain how that would be offensive to women. I didn't see the humour in it and I dont' see why

It's funny because it takes the stereotypical seperation of the sexes in Islam and places it in a unexpected context. It's not intended to be offensive to women.

Next up, I'll explain the whole "Knock-knock" joke thing.

I really don't get it. Stereotypes build up over years through constant use of the same cliched approach to a certain group. Is this dour muslim thing really a stereotype?

It's not a sterotype as you would definie it, but its a perception based on, as bambino said, current events like the Danish cartoon borouhaha.

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So, are stereotypes only stereotypes if it's applied to every single member of the show?

(did having a token Arab good-guy in "True Lies" invalidate criticism of the dozens of fanatical Arab terrorists in the film, for instance?)

The question isn't "does the dumb redneck stereotype exist?" It is "does the depiction of a dumb redneck stereotype on 'Little Mosque...' constitute a 'disgusting' attack on all western Christians? Or is it simply recycling a (relatively harmless) cliche for comic purposes?"

Or is it just matter of some stereotypes being "ok" and others being verbotten? You can still make fun of blondes, yokels, and white males in general, but ethnic and religious minorities aren't allowed right now.

This show would seem to prove you wrong.

As for moving the goal posts...where, in my "unpacking" (as the kids say) of the use of stereotypes in pop culture, did I do that?

Why are you bringing race into this?

Technically, you did, by decrying the show as racist.

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Why are you bringing race into this?

Technically, you did, by decrying the show as racist.

Technically you are misrepresenting the case. Setting up a straw man to justify your own racism.

I guess your ridiculous remarks about Little Temple on the Prairie have only gone to prove your ignorance, not those of the white hicks you hoped to expose with such a shrewd plot. :lol:

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Technically you are misrepresenting the case. Setting up a straw man to justify your own racism

Straw man? Absolutely. Because it's funny and I undertsand humour. But my own racism? I giv ethat comeback a big "what the fuck?" Keep working on those comedy chops.

But there's no denying that the first person on this thread to cry "racism!" was you.

I guess your ridiculous remarks about Little Temple on the Prairie have only gone to prove your ignorance, not those of the white hicks you hoped to expose with such a shrewd plot

My ignorance of what, exactly? Please enlighten me.

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Islam is a religion, not a race, so I haven't yet seen any racist Prairie folk in the show.

Pedantic hairsplitting.

Hardly - it makes a huge difference. People aren't being made fun of because of their skin colour or the shape of their eyes; culture is the basis of the humour, and specifically the clash thereof. It's the classic "worlds colliding" scenario that is the basis of so much comedic material. Sometimes specific cultures can be tied to race, and religions can be tied to specific cultures, but poking fun at cultural traits does not racism make.

So, again, you're creating the very offence that offends you;

What does that mean?

What you're getting angry about doesn't actually exist.

Ignoring the women behind the hockey boards again?

I just didn't understand that part at all. Seriously, explain how that would be offensive to women. I didn't see the humour in it and I dont' see why.

It appears to be some kind of motivational speaker addressing the occupants of the mosque; the men are sitting in front of a set of hockey boards erected in the middle of the room. The speaker, a woman, says something along the lines of how women are advancing in the world, and then she says "isn't that right girls?", as the women poke their heads above the boards that they were clearly segregated behind.

The sense of humour comment is about how Muslims don't have a sense of humour. Mohammed cartoons? Riots? Get it?

I really don't get it. Stereotypes build up over years through constant use of the same cliched approach to a certain group. Is this dour muslim thing really a stereotype?

It's not necessarily an entrenched stereotype, but it certainly seems like a comment on the behaviour of many Muslims in recent years.

I've only mainly been dealing with you, so I can't comment on others really.

You'd think somebody as fair and open-minded as yourself would take the time to read the entire thread. :rolleyes:

I don't want to get caught up in multiple other tangential threads. Plus, I don't have the time to read through every other post and respond to yours. You are the instigator of this thread, so it seems appropriate to engage you in particular.

Okay, well that's interesting. Do you then take offence to the "attacks" within Little Mosque on the Prairie on the conservative values of traditional Islam?

Do explain those attacks to me. I was being serious when I said I didn't understand the thing with the hockey boards at all. Are women and men in traditional Mosques separated by some sort of physical barrier?

Not all mosques, and not all the time, but yes, some mosques separate women from men, even going so far as to stipulate that the women must enter via a different entrance.

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Boy...could you imagine the outrage if say, All in the family was done today?

The shrieks as a white bluecolour worker is depicted as a racist, sexist loudmouth.....

And Archie Bunker's use of ignorant terms such as fag, wop, polack, n*gger, chinks, and spade would gladly be shrugged off by all the enlightened members of the communites affected because they also see how white, redneck stereotypes were being equally roasted?

Hmmm, very interesting take on things.

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Boy...could you imagine the outrage if say, All in the family was done today?

The shrieks as a white bluecolour worker is depicted as a racist, sexist loudmouth.....

To say nothing of the outrage that greeted "My Name is Earl" or the afore-mentioned "Corner Gas"...

But to be fair they've said they don't have a problem with the stereotype qua stereotype (except when they are complaining about how "disguisting" and "offensive" it is), but the fact that the sterotype is being perpetuated by a public broadcaster. Evidently, if one must have a public broadcaster, you must ensure that it does not rehash any cliched, stock characters, and you better think twice before trying your hand at any jocularity. Or something. It's so very hard to tell, what with them taking offense at..pretty much everything.

To wit:

Boy with such reasoned and well-thought out responses I should just walk away...

You're going to get huffy after you came through with "I'm not racist, you're the one whio is racist!" I can't wait to hear about what happens if you are rubber and I am, in fact, glue.

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For me personally, I think Zarqua should have made it a show about Muslims FOR Muslims to watch and to shed a little light about Islam for themselves.

Not on my tax dollars. This is there special agenda for their special audience. It's thier business, not the publics.

They seem to be the ones who have a misunderstanding of their own religion.

So true. But as a Muslim you must partake in Madessa which ensures brainwashing from the beginning of childhood so I doubt a 1 hr. show will change that.

The whole world has seen what Islam is all about, and so far no one cares much of what they see, yet alone find anything funny about it..

I agree. Islam and bombs on planes are not a laughing matter. Same way people don't make fun of war vet's or Hitler. Some things aren't laughing matters.

If there has been a misunderstanding about this religion it is primarly be the participants of Islam.Putting the Little Mosque on the Prairie for the purpose of understanding Islam isn't funny.

I agree. It's especially not funny when my tax dollars are funding this.

Putting the Little Mosque in Iraq or Iran or any of the other the violent Muslim countries won't be funny either,but that's where it does belong.

Exactly. She would be killed instantly if she lived in those countries and tried to make this show. The fact that she's mentioning the 'prophet' in a comical light alone will secure her death.

Especially if Zarqua Narwaz's intent in correcting a misunderstanding of Islam and it's followers.Let

them find something funny in what they preach in the places where they preach it the most.

I agree.

The CBC is in the TV business trying to sell a show based of controversy and also promoting a political agenda. This is not in the interest of Canadians. We need to cut funding to 1/10th of what the CBC currently has so they can focus on core Canadian news and downsize their unionized staff.

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To say nothing of the outrage that greeted "My Name is Earl" or the afore-mentioned "Corner Gas"...

What outrage?

You're going to get huffy after you came through with "I'm not racist, you're the one whio is racist!" I can't wait to hear about what happens if you are rubber and I am, in fact, glue.

Are you stoned? You aren't making any sense right now ...

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I just didn't understand that part at all. Seriously, explain how that would be offensive to women. I didn't see the humour in it and I dont' see why

It's funny because it takes the stereotypical seperation of the sexes in Islam and places it in a unexpected context. It's not intended to be offensive to women.

Next up, I'll explain the whole "Knock-knock" joke thing.

LMAO Classic!


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Boy...could you imagine the outrage if say, All in the family was done today?

The shrieks as a white bluecolour worker is depicted as a racist, sexist loudmouth.....

I have been saying for years that another "All in the Family" is exactly what this world needs. Maybe it would get people to lighten up and take the pickle out of their arse.

That show is one of the best ever. Lionel Jefferson was one of the best supporting roles I have ever seen. The best part was the way the show showed that racism is not exclusive to whites, and it makes anyone look like a fool.

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