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Canadians insult America (again)

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did you read the artice or just the headline? I'd be very surprised if Americans didn't think the exact same thing.

Why do you think the US was attacked? Because they hate your freedom? (snicker)

Yes, I read the article, lose your condescending attitude smart *ss.

Why would you think we believe that we are to blame for radical Islamic fanatics attacking and killing 3,000 of our civilians without warning or provocation?

I think we were attacked b/c

- We defend Israel's right to exist.

- Islamic fundamentalists want to wage a jihad against those who are not Muslim.

- Our culture is in contrast to much of what these fundamentalists believe in (we give women equal right, have many progressive ideas and cultural norms compared to these 12 century throw backs, we do business with many of their gvts that they dislike, etc).

But mainly, I don't give a flying sh*t b/c none of the reasons justify sneak attacking us without warning on innocent civilians. For Canadians to say it OUR fault for being attacked is pathetic and speaks volumes about Canadians. Once again, Canadians prove that they are not our friends and will use almost any chance to try and rip us.

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For Canadians to say it OUR fault for being attacked is pathetic and speaks volumes about Canadians.
That is not what the survey asked whether they believed that "Canadians believe U.S. foreign policy was one of the root causes that led to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks". When given the opportunity to list more than one cause "two-thirds [of Canadians] blamed Islamic fundamentalists and their anti-Western views, while a third pointed the finger at Israel and its position in the Middle East."

Saying that the US gov't contributed to the attack because of a misguided foreign policies does not mean that people think the Islamic terrorists are blameless nor does it mean individual Americans are to blame. Furthermore, I am pretty sure that millions of Americans have exactly the same views.

Attacking Canadians for expressing opposition to American foreign policy is as pathetic as calling fellow Americans with the same views 'traitors'. These kinds of tactics are nothing but political propaganda by people who want to cover their lies and mistakes by pointing fingers at others.

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For Canadians to say it OUR fault for being attacked is pathetic and speaks volumes about Canadians.
That is not what the survey asked whether they believed that "Canadians believe U.S. foreign policy was one of the root causes that led to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks". When given the opportunity to list more than one cause "two-thirds [of Canadians] blamed Islamic fundamentalists and their anti-Western views, while a third pointed the finger at Israel and its position in the Middle East."

Saying that the US gov't contributed to the attack because of a misguided foreign policies does not mean that people think the Islamic terrorists are blameless nor does it mean individual Americans are to blame. Furthermore, I am pretty sure that millions of Americans have exactly the same views.

Attacking Canadians for expressing opposition to American foreign policy is as pathetic as calling fellow Americans with the same views 'traitors'. These kinds of tactics are nothing but political propaganda by people who want to cover their lies and mistakes by pointing fingers at others.

-They did list other reasons,,, as secondary causes. But, when asked for only 1, it was OUR fault.

-You're right there are some in the US who think that ALL of the world’s problems are our fault, we call them Liberal/Progressive Democrats and they suffer from "white guilt". But regardless, they are in a HUGE minority.

-"They Blame Israel's position in the middle east" - Which one? Their mere existence???

-Please name what misguided American Policy YOU believe caused these pieces of Sh*t to attack us, please be specific.

Face it, Canadians have a gigantic inferiority complex with America and Americans, you try to rip us at any chance b/c you think that will somehow make you feel superior but really it makes you look terrily jelous and petty.

Face it, Canadians have a gigantic inferiority complex with America and Americans, you try to rip us at any chance b/c you think that will somehow make you feel superior but really it makes you look terrily jelous and petty.

For the roughly 40 % of Canadians who support the US in our trying time, again, this is not directed at you.

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Why would you think we believe that we are to blame for radical Islamic fanatics attacking and killing 3,000 of our civilians without warning or provocation?

The West acts like a mob boss when his house get robbed. He starts "whacking" people without ever asking himself how all that nice stuff got into his house in the first place.

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Please name what misguided American Policy YOU believe caused these pieces of Sh*t to attack us, please be specific.
Contrary to the popular opinion in some circles, Bin Laden and his crew really don't give a damn what happens inside America. All they care about is what happens inside the countries they call home - Saudi Arabia in Bin Laden's case. The US has supported the non-democratic authoritarian Saudi regime for generations and that has angered many people who are outside the circles of power. The fact that the US had military bases in Saudi Arabia also contributes to this anger.

Bin Laden figured that provoking the US into a war with Islamic people would be the best way to trigger a revolution in Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden did not attack Europe or Canada or Japan because he knew those countries would not over react - he needed that over reaction in order to bring Islamic public opinion onto his side. Unfortunately for Bin Laden he miscalculated. He did not anticipate how much sympathy the Americans would get around the world and even within some Islamic countries. As a result, the US was able to launch the invasion of Afghanistan without triggering the huge wave of Islamic solidarity in the face of a foreign aggressor.

The fact that Bin Laden's plan failed does not change the fact that Bin Laden targeted the US because the US has a history of invading foreign countries. IOW - the foreign policy of the US in the past contributed to the attacks.

For the roughly 40 % of Canadians who support the US in our trying time, again, this is not directed at you.
Then why did you start the thread title 'Canadians insult the America'> Most Canadians understand the distinction between opposing the policies of a gov't which does not represent the interests of 48% of Americans and hating Americans themselves.
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-They did list other reasons,,, as secondary causes. But, when asked for only 1, it was OUR fault.

I know this is going to be hard, but try to wrap your head around it. Saying "U.S. foreign policy was one of the root causes that led to 9-11" isn't blame (a term which implies some moral judgement). It's a statement of cause and effect.

If you asked the same Canadians who believe the above if that means the attacks were justified or that the U.S. had it coming, I've little doubt you'd get an overwhelmingly negative response.

Using a loaded term like "blame" muddies the waters.

-You're right there are some in the US who think that ALL of the world’s problems are our fault, we call them Liberal/Progressive Democrats and they suffer from "white guilt". But regardless, they are in a HUGE minority.

That's not what he said. He said, quite reasonably:

Saying that the US gov't contributed to the attack because of a misguided foreign policies does not mean that people think the Islamic terrorists are blameless nor does it mean individual Americans are to blame. Furthermore, I am pretty sure that millions of Americans have exactly the same views.
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Another reason why many Americans are starting to really dislike Canadians, add this one to the ever-growing list of insults.

New poll says most Canadians blame U.S. for 9/11 attacks


Leger Marketing is a Quebec based research dedicated with Quebec interest in mind and gives out prizes to answer questions.



I wouldn't be to concerned with a poll of this type as many Canadians are misinformed and not kept abreast concerning pertinent facts regarding their own welfare.

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did you read the artice or just the headline? I'd be very surprised if Americans didn't think the exact same thing.

Why do you think the US was attacked? Because they hate your freedom? (snicker)

Yes, I read the article, lose your condescending attitude smart *ss.

Why would you think we believe that we are to blame for radical Islamic fanatics attacking and killing 3,000 of our civilians without warning or provocation?

I think we were attacked b/c

- We defend Israel's right to exist.

- Islamic fundamentalists want to wage a jihad against those who are not Muslim.

- Our culture is in contrast to much of what these fundamentalists believe in (we give women equal right, have many progressive ideas and cultural norms compared to these 12 century throw backs, we do business with many of their gvts that they dislike, etc).

But mainly, I don't give a flying sh*t b/c none of the reasons justify sneak attacking us without warning on innocent civilians. For Canadians to say it OUR fault for being attacked is pathetic and speaks volumes about Canadians. Once again, Canadians prove that they are not our friends and will use almost any chance to try and rip us.

You have, in your anger, mistaken blame and fault for what is in reality an honest analysis of american foreign policy. All the poll shows, if you had taken the time to actually read it and not just the headline, is that Canadians believe that American foreign policy (dating back to the end of world war two) is responsible, at least in part, for creating certain attitudes towards the united states in the middle east.

I urge you to take off the blindfold that your government has thrown over your eyes. Ignore the rhetoric of the Bush administration. The government's claims about extremists hating american freedoms as their reason for attacking them is just BS they feed to the proletariat to garner support to continue the foreign policies that have led to this horrible tragedy. Such a vicious cycle of violence that could be ended with a fresh way of dealing with this part of the world. I recommend the following article (be warned it is long). Do yourself a favour and read it, become informed, know some history, be less ignorant. Sacrfiice 30 minutes of television time to get smart....


as far as citing specific examples.....it gives load and loads

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Why would you think we believe that we are to blame for radical Islamic fanatics attacking and killing 3,000 of our civilians without warning or provocation?

The West acts like a mob boss when his house get robbed. He starts "whacking" people without ever asking himself how all that nice stuff got into his house in the first place.

Do you think everyone who has nice stuff in their house stole it?

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...You're right there are some in the US who think that ALL of the world’s problems are our fault, we call them Liberal/Progressive Democrats and they suffer from "white guilt". But regardless, they are in a HUGE minority...

I don't think it is possible to say "%$#@ OFF" to Republican neo-fascists more clearly. I mean, I understand lying and creating false realities is how one gets by as a Republican these days, but it's really shameful when you people betray your core beliefs all in the name of scoring political debating points. Back in the GHW Bush days you folks at least had some honor. Now you are all just so shameless.

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Another reason why many Americans are starting to really dislike Canadians, add this one to the ever-growing list of insults.

New poll says most Canadians blame U.S. for 9/11 attacks


I was luck of the draw.....Bin Laden put the name of every country in the world in a hat....

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Another reason why many Americans are starting to really dislike Canadians, add this one to the ever-growing list of insults.

New poll says most Canadians blame U.S. for 9/11 attacks


I was luck of the draw.....Bin Laden put the name of every country in the world in a hat....

I have troubles believing there wasn't more to it then that.... Even terrorists have more legitmate motivations than just randomly selecting countries to kill innocent civilians for sport. My arguement is that the majority of middle eastern hate towards the west comes from a long history of intervention, of which the US has been probably the most involved. I think it is fairly clear that Bin Laden has a specific hatred for America in particular.

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I was luck of the draw.....Bin Laden put the name of every country in the world in a hat....

I have troubles believing there wasn't more to it then that.... Even terrorists have more legitmate motivations than just randomly selecting countries to kill innocent civilians for sport. My arguement is that the majority of middle eastern hate towards the west comes from a long history of intervention, of which the US has been probably the most involved. I think it is fairly clear that Bin Laden has a specific hatred for America in particular.

I was being flippant. Of course Bin Laden has a special hate on for America because of her foreign policies. That doesn't excuse Bin Laden nor does it condemn America's foreign policies. Japan attacked the USA over her foreign policies (opposing Japan's war in China). Britain decalred war on Germany because of Germany's foreign policies ......(invading her neighbours)

That being said, America's pre 911 policies of: supporting Bosnian muslims, feeding somalian muslims, trying to broker peace and establish a homeland for Palestinian Muslims.....these and having the audacity of having a presence in Saudi Arabia...that's what pissed off Bin Laden.

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Okay, so the headline uses the word "Blame", yet the text says......

A majority of Canadians believe U.S. foreign policy was one of the root causes that led to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks......

Before passing judgement on anyone, I would be interested to hear EXACTLY how the question was phrased.

I mean, if people were asked "What factors do you feel contributed to the 9/11 attacks; choose 1 of the following.....

1) American foreign policy

2) The north American auto industry

3) The environment

......then it's pretty much a question loaded to lead to a specific end.

Yes, I deliberately made the alternatives ludicrous, but that was simply to illustrate the point that a poll can be designed to deliberately come up with a specific result.

Secondly, I would be interested to know who exactly hired the polling firm to conduct this so called "research".

Until we know the answer to these questions, the poll itself is meaningless.

Sorry to throw a damper on the more passionate arguments this thread has generated.

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Another reason why many Americans are starting to really dislike Canadians, add this one to the ever-growing list of insults.

New poll says most Canadians blame U.S. for 9/11 attacks


In my opinion the poll is meaningless because most Canadians could not identify a single foreign policy the USA applies to the middle eat. Nor could most people in the middle east. Nor could most Americans.

The phrase represents a successfull slogan widely used by opponents of the USA in Iraq and elsewhere. It sounds good but has no specific meaning.

I would like to be straigtend out if anyone can quote foreign policy statements by the USA that caused the 9/11 disaster.

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Another reason why many Americans are starting to really dislike Canadians, add this one to the ever-growing list of insults.

New poll says most Canadians blame U.S. for 9/11 attacks


In my opinion the poll is meaningless because most Canadians could not identify a single foreign policy the USA applies to the middle eat. Nor could most people in the middle east. Nor could most Americans.

The phrase represents a successfull slogan widely used by opponents of the USA in Iraq and elsewhere. It sounds good but has no specific meaning.

I would like to be straigtend out if anyone can quote foreign policy statements by the USA that caused the 9/11 disaster.

The fact is many Canadians are dumber than a sack of hammer heads when it comes to the realities of the world. They are the willing dupes and easy prey for the Cindy Sheehan's, and old Jack Taliban types. The 911 attacks were an attack on the North American economy just as much as they were an attack on American property. The Islamic butchers have said as much. If pinned down on what they claim as American mid east foreign policy they would tell you, support for Israel and Israel's self defence policy. It's nothing but the new anti semitism.

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The fact is many Canadians are dumber than a sack of hammer heads when it comes to the realities of the world. They are the willing dupes and easy prey for the Cindy Sheehan's, and old Jack Taliban types.

Nice to know how the CPCers, for all their bleating about parlimentary free votes and the democratic defecit, really feel about Canadians.

The 911 attacks were an attack on the North American economy just as much as they were an attack on American property. The Islamic butchers have said as much.

"Attack on the economy"? Wow. What a crappy way to go about it. Sure, they cost a few billion dollars, but didn't do a damn thing to seriously disrupt it. Nossir: it was a symbolic attack on the centres of North American finance and military power.

If pinned down on what they claim as American mid east foreign policy they would tell you, support for Israel and Israel's self defence policy. It's nothing but the new anti semitism.

I hear it's the new black.

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