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The Ten Commandments to be posted in Louisiana schools, lefties go bananas

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6 minutes ago, Hodad said:

They are the ones who have to sit in the classrooms, looking at posters of the 10 commandments, being told to worship the one true god and to drop their sculpture elective. Not a single Muslim or Hindu (or whatever) student should have to go home and ask their parents why his school is telling him to believe in a different god. Not one. 

And eventually, they will be the ones targeted by morning prayers and bible study. 


No one is forcing them to look at the poster or telling them anything. 


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10 hours ago, Matthew said:

Personally I think the best way to approach things like this with seriousness is to have a sense of perspective about it and to not be trolled by it and to scale one's reactions according to the actual impact the thing will have.  80% of the motivation behind bills like this is to own the libs etc (refer to thread title) with no expected actual societal impact on anyone. But you're right that trying to win Supreme Court precedents is a thing, and one you'll be seeing a lot of for the foreseeable future.

That was faster than expected. 

Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculums

"Every classroom in the state from grades 5 through 12 must have a Bible and all teachers must teach from the Bible in the classroom, Walters said"

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11 minutes ago, Hodad said:

That was faster than expected. 

Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculums

"Every classroom in the state from grades 5 through 12 must have a Bible and all teachers must teach from the Bible in the classroom, Walters said"

Teaching LGBTQ-inclusive Topics in the Classroom — Pride and Less Prejudice

"Teachers should “sprinkle” age-appropriate LGBTQ topics into every grade level, “Not just for the older grades because younger students definitely can handle it.”"


just don't get it. You just don't see the correlation. You are absolutely 100% fine about one ideology being taught in school but curious at the idea of another being taught in school.

Both is okay, neither is okay. But one and not the other is exclusive and it's inappropriate. And that's why people are starting to fear the democrats are actually the bigger threat to democracy and freedoms


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When you teach a kid about amphibians, you are not trying to have them become frogs. If you teach them about the USSR, you are not brainwashing them into being communists. Having a pride flag at your institution does not make them gay. Acknowledging existence of a minority group and saying that they are ok is not a crime. Having the 10 commandments up on a wall but not teaching the Bible is of similar benign-ness (not sure if that is a word). 

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1 hour ago, impartialobserver said:

When you teach a kid about amphibians, you are not trying to have them become frogs. If you teach them about the USSR, you are not brainwashing them into being communists. Having a pride flag at your institution does not make them gay. 

Completely false equivalency. Very purpose, in fact the stated purpose, of having the gay flag present is not to educate them about homosexuality but rather to impart upon them the doctrine that homosexuality is not only to be tolerated or accepted but rather embraced and that is a wonderful thing. Nobody does that with amphibians or the USSR  :)

Here's the problem. It is painfully obvious that what you have just said is partisan and self-serving and wrong. The difference between educating somebody on a subject and promoting that subject is clear to everyone and it's obvious which side of that line gay pride is in schools.

So when you attempt to dismiss it and fail to address the issue you come across as having a hidden agenda or nefarious intent what do you do or you don't. Nobody can take the idea that you don't have an ulterior motive seriously because you've made a ridiculous statement right out of the gate.

The purpose of instructing students with regards to homosexuality and gay pride currently as it stands in our education systems in both Canada and America is for the purpose of promoting it. That is a simple fact. So now we have to address whether or not that's something we wish to allow and if so whether or not other things such as Christianity should also be allowed to be promoted.

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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Completely false equivalency. Very purpose, in fact the stated purpose, of having the gay flag present is not to educate them about homosexuality but rather to impart upon them the doctrine that homosexuality is not only to be tolerated or accepted but rather embraced and that is a wonderful thing. Nobody does that with amphibians or the USSR

while there is no way to quantitatively prove or disprove what you say.. My life experiences say that you are exaggerating. Those rare times when the pride flag has been up.. there has been no overt messaging that lines up with your narrative.  Accepting gays/lesbians is not mutually exclusive to accepting religion. I am fine with both groups and guess what.. am not a part of either. 

PS... spare me the links. Your cherry picked examples do not give the full story. The full story would a data set that gives explicit examples of when the pride flag was up at a given place and a quantitative measure of how much overt messaging there was. We both know that this does not exist. 

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

while there is no way to quantitatively prove or disprove what you say.. My life experiences say that you are exaggerating.

Well there is though.  One only has to look at the materials and the teachers comments etc.  

But more importantly it's a stated purpose. The purpose of teaching about the USSR is to learn history. It's not to 'normalize' communism. However the LGBQ advocacy groups specifically state that the purpose of 'inclusive' education is to normalize homosexual or Transgender behavior and lifestyles. 

So it's entirely possible to prove it. It is the stated goal. At best we could debate how effective it is. This isn't really a debatable point, there is a craptonne of reference on this - this is why they get mad whenever there's an effort to reduce the gay presence in books or activities. 

This one isn't even up for discussion.  the purpose is to 'normalize' and promote lgbq etc ideology and lifestyles. Which doesn't necessarily make it bad in and of itself, but you can't pretend that isn't the case 


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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Well there is though.  One only has to look at the materials and the teachers comments etc.  

But more importantly it's a stated purpose. The purpose of teaching about the USSR is to learn history. It's not to 'normalize' communism. However the LGBQ advocacy groups specifically state that the purpose of 'inclusive' education is to normalize homosexual or Transgender behavior and lifestyles. 

So it's entirely possible to prove it. It is the stated goal. At best we could debate how effective it is. This isn't really a debatable point, there is a craptonne of reference on this - this is why they get mad whenever there's an effort to reduce the gay presence in books or activities. 

This one isn't even up for discussion.  the purpose is to 'normalize' and promote lgbq etc ideology and lifestyles. Which doesn't necessarily make it bad in and of itself, but you can't pretend that isn't the case 


Accepting them as humans therefore normalizing them... is not teaching the child to be gay. We had two gay men that lived next to us growing up. My mom's message was clear, "they are human beings.. nothing more and nothing less". Tell me with a straight face that was promoting their lifestyle and teaching me to be gay? 

if such a database does exist then why did you not send a link to it? Lets be clear.. I said database not links to subjective articles. For example, If I want a database on jobs in Michigan.. I go to https://www.bls.gov/cew/data.htm and then click on one screen. From there, I choose Michigan. Can you provide a database like this?

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3 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Accepting them as humans therefore normalizing them... is not teaching the child to be gay. We had two gay men that lived next to us growing up. My mom's message was clear, "they are human beings.. nothing more and nothing less". Tell me with a straight face that was promoting their lifestyle and teaching me to be gay? 

if such a database does exist then why did you not send a link to it? Lets be clear.. I said database not links to subjective articles. For example, If I want a database on jobs in Michigan.. I go to https://www.bls.gov/cew/data.htm and then click on one screen. From there, I choose Michigan. Can you provide a database like this?

Teaching a child that being gay is not just ok but really great does encourage that kind of behavior.  Obviously. Again this really isn't a debatable issue.  If you say to a kid "you know what? Firemen are really great and they're heros and we should all really like firemen",  then a high percentage of kids will want to be firemen.  That's just how it is. 

But you wanted to compare it to being the same as simply discussing what stalin did in the 40's.   It's not the same thing. 

6 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Tell me with a straight face that was promoting their lifestyle and teaching me to be gay? 

it's certainly teaching you to be open to explore that. But the teachers today go beyond that by far. They don't just say 'it's not bad to be gay", they actively promote it as an exciting and fun lifestyle.  Lets get real, that's what drag story time is about  "See? Gays are fun and great!"

You discredit yourself when you pretend otherwise. Again you could argue that it's necessary to offset the negative programming of the past or something but arguing that it's the same as learning about calculous just makes you look dishonest. 

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

Teaching a child that being gay is not just ok but really great does encourage that kind of behavior.  Obviously. Again this really isn't a debatable issue.  If you say to a kid "you know what? Firemen are really great and they're heros and we should all really like firemen",  then a high percentage of kids will want to be firemen.  That's just how it is. 

But you wanted to compare it to being the same as simply discussing what stalin did in the 40's.   It's not the same thing. 

it's certainly teaching you to be open to explore that. But the teachers today go beyond that by far. They don't just say 'it's not bad to be gay", they actively promote it as an exciting and fun lifestyle.  Lets get real, that's what drag story time is about  "See? Gays are fun and great!"

You discredit yourself when you pretend otherwise. Again you could argue that it's necessary to offset the negative programming of the past or something but arguing that it's the same as learning about calculous just makes you look dishonest. 

interesting you how can't produce a quantitative database... 

Your life experience do not line up with mine. What I see is that it is ok to be gay/lesbian. This whole, "it is great, you should be one of us" narrative that you see... I have never seen it. And as someone who has been to every city of size west of Denver... I have a larger sample size than you. 

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On 6/28/2024 at 1:00 PM, impartialobserver said:

interesting you how can't produce a quantitative database... 

Your life experience do not line up with mine. What I see is that it is ok to be gay/lesbian. This whole, "it is great, you should be one of us" narrative that you see... I have never seen it. And as someone who has been to every city of size west of Denver... I have a larger sample size than you. 


You need look no farther than the evidence of it being a social contagion now with LGBTQ identifications almost being exponential now.

It is not some coincidence of Genetics that you see these left-wing families with all kids who identify as some form of LGBTQ... or that you see huge percentages in more left-wing schools identifying in some LGBTQ way...


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On 6/28/2024 at 11:00 AM, impartialobserver said:

interesting you how can't produce a quantitative database... 

It would only be interesting to someone who was bias and prejudiced and looking for an excuse to dodge the issue.  

No database is required.  There's no database regarding how often Robosmith has said somthing stupid here, but there's no doubt he has :) 

It's hard to find a statement about why things like gay pride month are being included in schools without finding references to allies, and tolerance and inclusiveness etc etc etc.    When was the last time you saw them say that the reason for teaching about russia was to 'become better allies and teach inclusiveness of russia"?   Never? Nope - me either.  :) 

LIke i said it's not a debate. 

It has nothing to do with life experience. These are easily verified facts as you well know.

So the very fact that you would not be willing to address that or acknowledge it tells me that you know damn well you are in the wrong. Whenever this subject comes up you become unreasonable, illogical and you deny simple facts that you don't care for.

The purpose of including pride and other lgbq events in classrooms is teach That these things should be accepted and even admired. Doing it to the exclusion of other groups further promotes the idea that in fact these are actually slightly superior things to more traditional models

That's a simple fact. If you can't be honest then there's not much point in hearing about your life experiences.


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