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Time Trump Cover Article on 2025 Plans

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Letters from an American, April 30, 2024



This morning, Time magazine published a cover story by Eric Cortellessa about what Trump is planning for a second term. Based on two interviews with Trump and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisors, the story lays out Trump’s conviction that he was “too nice” in his first term and that he would not make such a mistake again.

Cortellessa writes that Trump intends to establish “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.”

He plans to use the military to round up, put in camps, and deport more than 11 million people. He is willing to permit Republican-dominated states to monitor pregnancies and prosecute people who violate abortion bans. He will shape the laws by refusing to release funds appropriated by Congress (as he did in 2019 to try to get Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky to smear Hunter Biden). He would like to bring the Department of Justice under his own control, pardoning those convicted of attacking the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and ending the U.S. system of an independent judiciary. In a second Trump presidency, the U.S. might not come to the aid of a European or Asian ally that Trump thinks isn’t paying enough for its own defense. Trump would, Cortelessa wrote, “gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.”

To that list, former political director of the AFL-CIO Michael Podhorzer added on social media that if Trump wins, “he could replace [Supreme Court justices Clarence] Thomas, [Samuel] Alito, and 40+ federal judges over 75 with young zealots.”

“I ask him, Don’t you see why many Americans see such talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles?” Cortellessa wrote. No, Trump said.“‘I think a lot of people like it.”

Time included the full transcripts and a piece fact-checking Trump’s assertions. The transcripts reflect the former president’s scattershot language that makes little logical sense but conveys impressions by repeating key phrases and advancing a narrative of grievance. The fact-checking reveals that narrative is based largely on fantasy. 

Like in his first term, MANY of ^these attempts will languish in court. Question is, do the courts have the power to stop Trump's dictatorship plans?

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5 minutes ago, robosmith said:

 the story lays out Trump’s conviction that he was “too nice” in his first term and that he would not make such a mistake again.

Yeah. Letting clinton off after campaigning to throw her in jail and then having the dems use the courts to attack him made him look like a chump - safe bet nobody gets off the hook this time.

That's what has the dems petrified.

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Trump keeps warning us about his second term. Are you listening?


How catastrophic would a second Trump presidency be? Worse than you think. Worse, even, than I had feared — before I read his recent Time magazine interview in which Donald Trump lays out his plans. They are, in a word, insane.

Imagine the National Guard, perhaps aided by active-duty military units, fanning out across the country to round up and deport all undocumented migrants, believed to number roughly 11 million. Imagine these men, women and children being held pending deportation in vast detention camps.

That’s what Trump told Time he would do. He said he would ask local police departments to help in this nationwide pogrom, adding that jurisdictions that refuse to participate would be denied federal funding. As he phrased it, “they won’t partake in the riches.”

Imagine the National Guard also being sent into cities to fight crime, whether or not governors request such assistance. When Time correspondent Eric Cortellessa noted that violent crime is declining across the country — homicides fell by 13 percent last year, according to the FBI — Trump insisted, without evidence, that the data is rigged. “It’s a lie,” he claimed.

Think about what our lives would be like if Trump even tries to do those two things. This is not the kind of country where troops in military gear set up highway checkpoints and raid residential neighborhoods, demanding to see everyone’s papers. This is not a country where camo-clad soldiers patrol shopping malls and nightlife districts. Not yet, that is.

Do you like the rule of law? If so, you probably won’t like Trump’s pledge that “yes, absolutely” he would consider pardoning all the defendants charged with or convicted of crimes stemming from participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. “I call them the J-6 patriots,” he told Time.

Those “patriots” smashed through police lines and into the seat of U.S. democracy, injuring 140 officers and forcing members of Congress first to cower in fear for their lives and then to flee the building. “Hang Mike Pence,” they shouted, as they sought Trump’s vice president for the stated purpose of lynching him. Trump, meanwhile, sat passively in the White House for hours and watched all of this unfold on television. Now, since the insurrectionists believed Trump’s lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, he would consider absolving them all of any wrongdoing.

In fact, upholding the “big lie” appears to be a prerequisite for serving in a second Trump administration. Asked about hiring anyone who acknowledges that Joe Biden legitimately won, Trump told Time: “I wouldn’t feel good about it.”

On foreign affairs, Trump reiterated his threat not to honor our commitment to defend a NATO ally that does not, in his opinion, spend enough on collective defense. “If you’re not going to pay, then you’re on your own,” he said. Asked specifically about continued U.S. aid to Ukraine (not a NATO member), Trump said, “I wouldn’t give unless Europe starts equalizing.”

Europe actually gives about as much aid to Ukraine as the United States does, but who cares about facts? Judging by Trump’s record, his election would be calamitous for the freedom fighters of Ukraine — and also for the Palestinians, since Trump told Time that a two-state solution, the long-standing goal of U.S. policy, “is going to be very, very tough.”

Think about all of this when you decide whether and how to vote in November. Read the interview. And don’t say Trump didn’t warn us. 


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On 5/6/2024 at 1:49 PM, robosmith said:

Like in his first term, MANY of ^these attempts will languish in court. Question is, do the courts have the power to stop Trump's dictatorship plans?

You don't seem to care at all about Biden's dictatorship efforts. 

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I love how Democrats call Republicans "fear-mongers" but every time they talk about a Trump presidency they speak in Apocalyptic terms. He will become a dictator, and Democracy will be over, America will die. They use holocaust imagery by saying he will put immigrants in camps and deport them. Everything is exaggerated and misleading.

I also notice that they make a big deal about Republicans and Trump not committing to accepting the 2024 election results and they don't ask the Democrats and Biden the same thing. Honestly it is a stupid question since we are talking about an unknown situation. That is like asking are you going to commit to using the toilet at 8 pm exactly.

Democrats aren't exactly known for accepting election results.

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24 minutes ago, Fluffypants said:

I love how Democrats call Republicans "fear-mongers" but every time they talk about a Trump presidency they speak in Apocalyptic terms. He will become a dictator, and Democracy will be over, America will die. They use holocaust imagery by saying he will put immigrants in camps and deport them. Everything is exaggerated and misleading.

I also notice that they make a big deal about Republicans and Trump not committing to accepting the 2024 election results and they don't ask the Democrats and Biden the same thing. Honestly it is a stupid question since we are talking about an unknown situation. That is like asking are you going to commit to using the toilet at 8 pm exactly.

Democrats aren't exactly known for accepting election results.

Oh they'll yell and scream and...many like this @robosmith...will just break down and cry.

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54 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Oh they'll yell and scream and...many like this @robosmith...will just break down and cry.

I hope someone has the foresight to prepare to bottle those liberal tear that will be flowing on election night, I should think it would be a fine vintage, extra salty, bitter with equal amounts of rage and fear.

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33 minutes ago, Fluffypants said:

I hope someone has the foresight to prepare to bottle those liberal tear that will be flowing on election night, I should think it would be a fine vintage, extra salty, bitter with equal amounts of rage and fear.



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3 hours ago, Fluffypants said:

I love how Democrats call Republicans "fear-mongers" but every time they talk about a Trump presidency they speak in Apocalyptic terms. He will become a dictator, and Democracy will be over, America will die. They use holocaust imagery by saying he will put immigrants in camps and deport them. Everything is exaggerated and misleading.

In REALITY, Trump is the one claiming ^these things. Are you so IGNORANT that you don't know what Trump is claiming?

3 hours ago, Fluffypants said:

I also notice that they make a big deal about Republicans and Trump not committing to accepting the 2024 election results and they don't ask the Democrats and Biden the same thing. Honestly it is a stupid question since we are talking about an unknown situation. That is like asking are you going to commit to using the toilet at 8 pm exactly.

Democrats aren't exactly known for accepting election results.

Trump STILL has not conceded the 2020 election. ALL Democrats have CONCEDED when they lost. Duh

On top of that, Trump refuses to commit he will accept the results of the next election if he loses.

IOW, ^your post here is DRIVEL.

1 hour ago, Fluffypants said:

I hope someone has the foresight to prepare to bottle those liberal tear that will be flowing on election night, I should think it would be a fine vintage, extra salty, bitter with equal amounts of rage and fear.


1 hour ago, Nationalist said:



You're the one crying in your memes all the time. 

Thanks for demonstrating your BANKRUPTCY AGAIN. LMAO

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1 minute ago, robosmith said:

You don't seem to have ANY EVIDENCE that I should, nor what they are.

This is a pretty tired schtick you have here. 

From Biden trying to force COVID vaccines on almost everyone in the country, his push to cancel student loans, his attempt to violate the First Amendment with his censorship schemes, how he is abusing the DOJ to go after political rivals... 

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8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You're the one crying in your memes all the time. 

Thanks for demonstrating your BANKRUPTCY AGAIN. LMAO

You're welcome. 

Enjoy the election.

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The Three Faces of Don


It is telling to read the new Time magazine cover story at this bizarre moment, when Trump is both a grumpy, sleepy defendant in a criminal trial in a city where he once towered, and a confident former president campaigning to get the Oval back and leading in many polls.

The guises of Trump add up to a fascinating triptych: In the trial, we see who Trump was; at his campaign rallies, we see who Trump is; and in his Time interview, we see who Trump would be.

The lighthearted, human side that Trump shows in rallies and funny posts is belied by the dark-hearted, inhumane side he sometimes reveals.

In the new “If He Wins” Time cover piece, Eric Cortellessa extracted insights from Trump about how far he would go if elected.

Trump shared schemes about “an imperial presidency.” If he returns, there will be no eminences grises. He will lead his hard-core crew and there will be no pushback on his authoritarian lunacy. No aides will be hiding his papers or sneaking around behind his back to protect the country.
In a second term, Trump told Time, he would deport more than 11 million migrants, using the military and detention camps. He also wants to go full Margaret Atwood, letting red states monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute violators. He is mulling pardoning the insurrectionists who broke into the Capitol on Jan. 6, and he may fire any U.S. attorney who is not a lackey.

We have seen the truculent face Trump shows at trial and the affable face he shows at rallies. But the most important face is the one Trump has when he conjures the years ahead — because his vision of America’s future is terrifying and apocalyptic. 

Even more terrifying is how many of the MAGA CULT posting here are thrilled at the hideous prospect of Trump 2.0 🤮

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3 hours ago, User said:

This is a pretty tired schtick you have here. 

From Biden trying to force COVID vaccines on almost everyone in the country,

Incentives is NOT "forcing." Maybe you're thinking of Canada where the mandates were more severe.

3 hours ago, User said:

his push to cancel student loans,

Executive orders are not "dictatorship," as they are subject to challenge IN COURT and Biden did LOSE on one already. Duh

3 hours ago, User said:

his attempt to violate the First Amendment with his censorship schemes,

You mean pushing back on DISINFORMATION? Apparently you prefer LYING with IMPUNITY. 🤮

3 hours ago, User said:

how he is abusing the DOJ to go after political rivals... 

^NO EVIDENCE Biden is playing ANY ROLE in ^this. It is uninterfered-with DoJ all the way.

Unlike Trump, Biden has not given orders to his AG regarding prosecuting decisions.

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4 hours ago, robosmith said:

Incentives is NOT "forcing." Maybe you're thinking of Canada where the mandates were more severe.

Executive orders are not "dictatorship," as they are subject to challenge IN COURT and Biden did LOSE on one already. Duh

You mean pushing back on DISINFORMATION? Apparently you prefer LYING with IMPUNITY. 🤮

^NO EVIDENCE Biden is playing ANY ROLE in ^this. It is uninterfered-with DoJ all the way.

Unlike Trump, Biden has not given orders to his AG regarding prosecuting decisions.

Boy they're getting nervous.  THey really need to pace themselves,  there's still 6 months to go!  

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18 hours ago, robosmith said:

The Three Faces of Don

Even more terrifying is how many of the MAGA CULT posting here are thrilled at the hideous prospect of Trump 2.0 🤮


Love every second of it. Sounds like utopia.

14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Boy they're getting nervous.  THey really need to pace themselves,  there's still 6 months to go!  

Oh, they know what they are doing. They are trying to get the base so scared that someone will be crazy enough to kill Trump. And if that doesn't happen, then they have the basis for doing anything necessary to invalidate the election. Just like they did after 2016. The ends justify the means.

Edited by gatomontes99
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19 minutes ago, gatomontes99 said:


Oh, they know what they are doing. They are trying to get the base so scared that someone will be crazy enough to kill Trump. And if that doesn't happen, then they have the basis for doing anything necessary to invalidate the election. Just like they did after 2016. The ends justify the means.

I might have called that a slight over reaction before they tried to put a bill forward to pull his security service that he is due as a former president. And on the basis that he is too disgusting to be protected. Very obvious that some of them would like to see him die and are happy to assist if possible.

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17 hours ago, robosmith said:

Incentives is NOT "forcing." Maybe you're thinking of Canada where the mandates were more severe.

Incentives? Um, no. It was punishment for failure to comply, and to the point, it was ruled unconstitutional. Biden abused his authority. You cheer him on here and try to justify his actions

when he acts like a dictator instead of condemning him. 

17 hours ago, robosmith said:

Executive orders are not "dictatorship," as they are subject to challenge IN COURT and Biden did LOSE on one already. Duh

Oh... so how exactly is Trump going to be a dictator, as you fearmonger about then?

17 hours ago, robosmith said:

You mean pushing back on DISINFORMATION? Apparently you prefer LYING with IMPUNITY. 🤮

Yet again, Biden is losing in court here because he abused the power of the federal government to silence and censor people. 

You cheer on his abuse of power. 

Lying, is a protected 1st Amendment activity and it is not Biden's job to determine what information is a lie and what is not, and then silencing what they choose is a lie. 

Again, you cheer on his dictator attempts. 

17 hours ago, robosmith said:

^NO EVIDENCE Biden is playing ANY ROLE in ^this. It is uninterfered-with DoJ all the way.

Unlike Trump, Biden has not given orders to his AG regarding prosecuting decisions.

Yeah, just like a mafia boss doesn't have to order his hitman directly to take out someone... 

Give me a break with this nonsense. The AG reports to Biden and acts at his discretion. Biden picked him up, Biden supported him, and the AG is now carrying out the political vendetta on Biden's behalf. 

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This is another low-water mark for western 'journalism', and sadly, they're occurring with metronome consistency now. The worst was obvious the covid lies and BS, but this is right up there with the MSM/Big Tech's laptop disinformation campaign and Russian collusion campaign.

This is like distilling all the low-IQ disinformation of internet sh1t-jockeys like eyeball and robo into one post and barfing it right on the cover of a previously respected news magazine. 


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