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Michael Savage - A Savage Nation

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You can listen to Savage here... http://kprcradio.com/main.html every afternoon from 5:00-8:00 pm CST via Internet streaming... make sure that you've got your pop up blocker "off."

Hush Bimbaugh and Shameless "buy my book, buy my friend's book, buy everybody's book" Vanity... wish they could be half as entertaining as Michael Savage. And when it comes to speaking the truth about raghead islamo-fascist and exposing the brainwashed Bushbots... Savage can't be beat!


You can also catch him @ 910knew.com. 6:00pm - 9:00pm EST via internet streaming.

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So they claim. Of course, the vast majority of it is outside of their jursidiction anyway, and I don't value surrendering all rights to privacy and reasonable expectation of keeping Big Brother out of my Google searches in exchange for what they SAY is their reason for collecting the information.

Besides, what they say and what they do are two different things in most situations anyway.

If you aren't accessing child porn sites--scumbags that abuse children--then I doubt you have anything to worry about. Kink can be many things, but child porn is not an adult's idea of "kink".

Unless you believe there really are hidden WMDs in Iraq, that Saddam had the bomb, and that George W. Bush would never authorize wiretaps without a FISA court warrant. In which case, I'm afraid I'm all out of brains to lend you. :P

More rubbish.


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his book was on the NY Times' Bestseller List for 16 weeks and Coulter is one of the best-selling political authors in the last decade

That's because they buy their own books and resell them to the bookstores. Regnery Press is particularly notorious for those. WalMart often receives truckloads of "new" books from Regnery which already have Walmart stickers on them -- because Regnery went in, bought the books, stuck them in inventory, and then resold them to Walmart.

Don't you understand basic macro-economics/capitalism? Your wild conspiracy theory ignores logic.

So the same book counts as being "sold" 20 or 30 times.

20 or 30 times.

Did I ever mention that Michael Badnarik's Libertarians have troubles being tagged as "Loonytarians"?

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  • 2 months later...
I recently caught a broadcast from a US station that was hosted by a man called Michael Savage. After listening to him I then googled his name and was taken to his web-site. Reading through his pages I became even more interested in this man. He speaks to the extreme right and is outrageous in his comments on many topics. I do not agree with much of what he has to say but I do feel the need to learn more about him. I am wondering if anyone knows where I might find information about him.

I rarely hear anything about him. However, I just heard my first clip from his radio show. It's 2.5 minutes long and it is at the excellent rightwing (3 Native guys) blog: DustMyBroom.com.

When you listen to the clip, you'll understand why they titled their post "When Liberals Cry" ;)

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You've got to be kidding, Liam. You think that is worse than assaulting female conservative speakers with pies; throwing oreo cookies at black Republicans; the head of the DNC saying "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for"; Air America doing on-air skits - twice - that ended up with Bush being assassinated, or progressive liberals penning letters to Muslim terrorists:

Dear Muslim Terrorist,

I know you're mad at the Christian terrorists from the US Empire, the ones that murder your children, occupy your country, and torture your fellows. Were I in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same way. I know there's nothing I can say that will bring back your loved ones, or change your quest for justice and revenge. I have but one small request. If you nuke a US city, please nuke Washington DC, not Fayetteville, Arkansas. Washington is the head of the beast. That's where the rulers abide, where all plots of Christian terrorism are hatched, where the terrorist plotting to kill your people and steal your land originates. That's where you need to bomb; those are the folks you need to kill.

That's just the 1st paragraph. I've said it before and I will say it again. No one harbors as much hatred as a progressive liberal.

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It did happen (scroll two-thirds down), liar.

Which is why numerous eyewitnesses said otherwise and why the accounts from the Lt. Governor, governor and the governor's communications director all differed dramatically on everything from the number of DoubleStufs allegedly hurled to when the incident occured? The question of whether the incident actually happened is less important than how an incident where even the alleged victim can't get get his story straight can be accepted as Gospel by credulous cretins.

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You've got to be kidding, Liam. You think that is worse than assaulting female conservative speakers with pies; throwing oreo cookies at black Republicans; the head of the DNC saying "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for"; Air America doing on-air skits - twice - that ended up with Bush being assassinated, or progressive liberals penning...

The Michael Savage incident was but one of hundreds if not thousands of terrible statements made and actions taken by right wingers which display hate, intolerance, and ignorance. But I'll play along and compare it to each example of left-wing "hate" you've cited:

Assaulting female conservative speakers with pies -- I think that happened to one female speaker, Ann Coulter, not speakers as you said. Yes, I think it is worse to wish AIDS upon someone than to throw (and miss) a whipped cream pie at a radical agitator. AIDS is a terrible disease and I can tell you that, as a gay man, it is something that killed off almost an entire generation of older gay men through the 80's and 90's. It is a disease that people are still terrified of and a disease that millions of men and women around the world, both gay and straight, confront on a daily basis. It lays waste to entire villages in Africa, it causes thousands of people to commit suicide each year, it bankrupts people, it leaves children orphans, it afflicts newborns. If anything, Coulter probably relishes each time someone tries to throw a pie at her. It increases her visibility and makes her more the darling of her fan base. I mean, that Ann Coulter must really be laying into them liberals if they throw pies at her. Please. Directing so much ill-will on a single, innocent caller, is infintely worse than increasing Ann Coulter's popularity among her fans.

Throwing Oreo cookies at black Republicans -- again, this is alleged to have only happened to one Republican, not to multiple Republicans. And there is serious doubt that it even happened. I've read multiple news articles about this from a variety of news organizations and it appears that the incident did not occur as you believe (if it even happened at all; statements I've read from some in attendance said they never saw the alleged "hail of Oreos"). I've read everything from a "hail of Oreos" from the crowd, to a single Oreo rolling onto the stage, to students tossing Oreos (from snack-sized bags) among themselves as Steele spoke, to Steele's stepping on a leftover Oreo as he existed the stage. Since this incident didn't really happen as you think, I'd have to say wishing a terrible, wasting disease on an innocent caller is infinitely worse.

Head of DNC... -- I don't like that he said he hated Republicans -- and don't think for a minute that he meant anyone outside the power structure of the GOP within the Beltway, and even that would be a bit of hyperbole. I am sure Howard Dean has some close friends and colleagues who are Republicans. But to hate what the GOP stands for is a perfectly acceptable thing to say. I hate a lot of things the GOP stands for. I hate a lot of things the Christian Coalition stands for. I even hate some of the things the Democrats stand for. It doesn't make me a hate-filled person. And it is not even close to wishing a terminal disease on someone.

Air America skits... -- okay, it's called comedy. I mean, it might not be all that entertaining and I am sure it was lame, but I can probably dig up a half dozen similar incidents... wait, I just remembered one... extended family members of mine were big GOP donors in the Clinton years. What was one of the trinkets they got from the GOP? Lapel buttons with the statement, "Where's Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him?" on them. I disliked the sentiment, but I shrugged it off. Even the anti-Clinton assassination stuff (or in your example, bad skits on Air America) was not worse than wishing death on a real private citizen.

"Liberals" penning letters... -- okay, never heard of this. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it something that can be taken seriously? No. Clearly it was written for the domestic/US audience. It neither promotes terrorism against any group of persons nor encourages real terrorist activity. If anything, it seems like a total plant: some GOP supporter to start up some outrageous letter writing campaign that you know a few fringe tin foil-hat whack jobs will jump on. It would be simiar to having some crafty liberal start a petition among right wingers to burn abortion clinics or kill abortion doctors. the publication of such a drive only serves to taint everyone in the class of liberals or right wingers or whomever. But even if legit, is this minor minor letter writing campaign hateful? I don't think so. Like I said, it's stupid and ineffectual. Is wishing death on a real, live person worse? I think so. By a mile.

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It did happen (scroll two-thirds down), liar.

Which is why numerous eyewitnesses said otherwise and why the accounts from the Lt. Governor, governor and the governor's communications director all differed dramatically on everything from the number of DoubleStufs allegedly hurled to when the incident occured? The question of whether the incident actually happened is less important than how an incident where even the alleged victim can't get get his story straight can be accepted as Gospel by credulous cretins.

The fact you guys are arguing about whether someone had cookies tossed at them is both funny, and sad.

Can we just agree that any display of the such is wrong from either side? Isn't it a little ridiculous to just point at the other side and say 'but mommy, they are worse!'

Such sillyness.

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Unfortunately we will likely continue to see people like Savage, so called "pundits", on both sides of the spectrum.

People who spew venom which is lapped up by the more radical elements on their own side of the political fence.

It's kind of like Jerry Springer; appeal to the lowest common denominator to get ratings.

Personally, I can't be bothered with any of them, left or right.

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he fact you guys are arguing about whether someone had cookies tossed at them is both funny, and sad.

Can we just agree that any display of the such is wrong from either side? Isn't it a little ridiculous to just point at the other side and say 'but mommy, they are worse!'

Such sillyness.

It's not the cookie incident, but what it represents that matters. To MB, the alleged incident is an example of the longstanding rascism of the left (though how this conforms with his idea that the left also is in league with brown-skinned terrorists is unclear, but then constistency is not his strong suit). To me, the fact that a story with all the trappings of an urban legend continues to be a staple of the right-wing noise machine is a testament to the power of propaganda to transform lies into "truths" to be used as weapons against political opponents. So the question of whether or not the incident occurred is both tangential and essential to the bigger issue.

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Dear Muslim Terrorist,

I know you're mad at the Christian terrorists from the US Empire, the ones that murder your children, occupy your country, and torture your fellows. Were I in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same way. I know there's nothing I can say that will bring back your loved ones, or change your quest for justice and revenge. I have but one small request. If you nuke a US city, please nuke Washington DC, not Fayetteville, Arkansas. Washington is the head of the beast. That's where the rulers abide, where all plots of Christian terrorism are hatched, where the terrorist plotting to kill your people and steal your land originates. That's where you need to bomb; those are the folks you need to kill.

Who wrote this? Isn't this considered a crime???

Inciting? Hate-crime?

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Dear Muslim Terrorist,

I know you're mad at the Christian terrorists from the US Empire, the ones that murder your children, occupy your country, and torture your fellows. Were I in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same way. I know there's nothing I can say that will bring back your loved ones, or change your quest for justice and revenge. I have but one small request. If you nuke a US city, please nuke Washington DC, not Fayetteville, Arkansas. Washington is the head of the beast. That's where the rulers abide, where all plots of Christian terrorism are hatched, where the terrorist plotting to kill your people and steal your land originates. That's where you need to bomb; those are the folks you need to kill.

Who wrote this? Isn't this considered a crime???

Inciting? Hate-crime?

It was written by one of those compassionate tolerant progressive liberals at IndyMedia.

Of course it is not a crime. Haven't you heard the new leftwing meme: "Dissent is Patriotic".

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The US does not have hate speech legislation that is the equivalent of what you live under in Canada, so the only option left is to consider whether or not this letter incites another to perpetrate a criminal act. Anyone with half a brain cell can see that this more like Swift's "A Modest Proposal" (although admittedly not nearly as good) than an actual plea to kill people. Get a grip. This isn't a real letter to any terrorist.

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It did happen (scroll two-thirds down), liar.

Which is why numerous eyewitnesses said otherwise and why the accounts from the Lt. Governor, governor and the governor's communications director all differed dramatically on everything from the number of DoubleStufs allegedly hurled to when the incident occured? The question of whether the incident actually happened is less important than how an incident where even the alleged victim can't get get his story straight can be accepted as Gospel by credulous cretins.

The fact you guys are arguing about whether someone had cookies tossed at them is both funny, and sad.

Can we just agree that any display of the such is wrong from either side? Isn't it a little ridiculous to just point at the other side and say 'but mommy, they are worse!'

Such sillyness.

I don't recall any Republicans throwing Oreo cookies at a Democrat Lt. Governor and then justifying it by claiming that "politics trumps race".

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It was written by one of those compassionate tolerant progressive liberals at IndyMedia.

Okay: who? A contributor? A commentor?

Of course it is not a crime. Haven't you heard the new leftwing meme: "Dissent is Patriotic

First: I thought you righties didn't believe in the criminalization of speech? Second: the fact that you find the notion of patriotic dissent to be a "leftwing meme" (which, I suppose, make the likes of Teddy Rosevelt and Thomas Jefferson raging pinkos) speaks volumes about your attitudes. Finally, speaking of speaking volumes, for all your blubbing about "intolerant...potty-mouthed" lefties, I notice you're curiously silent when right-wing 'net denizens tell a bunch of college students that they are going to "come down to (their) little shithole with some axe handles and bust (their) fucking heads." Hmmmm....

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Black Dog:

To MB, the alleged incident is an example of the longstanding rascism of the left...

The Democrats unlucky 13:

1. Emancipation Proclamation issued by...a Republican President.

2. Slavery abolished under...a Republican President and a Republican Congress.

3. Japanese interned under a Repub...no, wait...sorry, that was a Democrat.

4. (Percentage wise), more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than Democrats. They must've had some ulterior racist motive of which only they were aware.

5. Affirmative Action implemented under a Republican President (Nixon).

6. First black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as first black Secretary of State, under a Republican President.

7. First black woman named as Secretary of State...under a Republican President.

8. Still, lots and lots of KKK members in Congress are part of the Republican Party. No...my mistake again - Byrd is the only one I found (and he's a Democrat).

9. Republicans oppose the school choice and vouchers that the...majority of blacks support. Oops, my mistake again - Republicans support them while Democrats oppose them.

10. Well, at least the majority of blacks are pro-choice, right? Nope, most are...pro-life.

11. Well, at least most support gay marriage. Sorry, my mistake again. Once more, Republicans are more in line with majority black views than Democrats.

12. Republicans throw Oreo cookies at...black people running for Congress. Darn, that's the Dems, too.

13. Republicans enacted the Jim Crow laws. Nope, wrong again.

...(though how this conforms with his idea that the left also is in league with brown-skinned terrorists is unclear...

Easy. The left always takes the side of America's enemies. Do you honestly think the public hasn't noticed this?

...but then constistency is not his strong suit).

Oh great. I'm getting lectured on consistency by BD. :lol:

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Amidst the usual half-truths and canards (the fictional Oreo incident, the fact that Republicans and conservatives alike are generally oppossed to affirmative action, the fact that the Japanese internment was supported by Republicans at the time and is defended by Republicans like your pin up du jour Michelle Malkin to this day, Democrats elect more minorities overall, et.c etc.), it's clear the poor Monty can't disengage the part of his brain that equates "the left" with the Democratic Party.

Oh great. I'm getting lectured on consistency by BD.

That's right, you are. And as long as you continue to peddle your dishonest bilge about violent, rascist leftists while ignoring similar or worse examples from your side of the spectrum, you can expect a lot more.

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