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On 5/8/2024 at 4:33 PM, Hodad said:

I don't care--at all--about some alleged "Satan dildo cake." It's not relevant. It has nothing to do with the Masterpiece case. It was not the reason he refused to sell a gay couple the same cake he would sell a straight couple. At BEST word got out that the man was discriminating against gay people and someone decided to troll him for it. A bigot got verbally trolled? Cry me a river.

The entire point of bringing up the Masterpiece case was in response to your absurd rhetorical questions:

"This is completely new territory. lol Gay thugs forcing "compliance" on people? Jeebus. Compliance with what? Compliance with equal rights? Compliance with not bullying gays? Compliance with live and let live? 🙄"

So, yes, the Satan dildo cake was indeed relevant and part of the response to you. 

You have tried to claim some moral high ground of so-called tolerance here, and you even tried to argue for basic courtesy. 

I bring these things up to counter your clearly hypocritical arguments. You now say "cry me a river" when you first tried to act like this didn't happen, tried to preach tolerance and courtesy. 

Thank you for continuing to show your true colors here. 

On 5/8/2024 at 4:33 PM, Hodad said:

If a basic farking 3-tiered cake (or whatever) is "art" ....

Well, if your sandwich shop is run by a person of sincere religious belief who doesn't wish to participate in a homosexual wedding, they certainly seem to have some grounds here for choosing not to participate. Then again... how would they ever know if you just went in and asked for some sandwiches? 

And to the point here... about tolerance, you should be OK with that. 


On 5/8/2024 at 4:33 PM, Hodad said:

And beyond being bullshit, it's an attempt to cynically use "god" as a legal facade to exclude ANYONE from anything about which a person claims to have religious feelings. I'm sure Jesus would be thrilled that people are being abused, marginalized or excluded in his name.

Are you really this ignorant regarding Christian views on Homosexuality or just making bigoted comments like you usually do?

Jesus marginalized sin and sinful behavior. Forgive me for not taking anything you have to say about what Jesus would or would not be thrilled with when you clearly do not seem to have the first clue or care at all about such things. 

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1 hour ago, User said:

The entire point of bringing up the Masterpiece case was in response to your absurd rhetorical questions:

"This is completely new territory. lol Gay thugs forcing "compliance" on people? Jeebus. Compliance with what? Compliance with equal rights? Compliance with not bullying gays? Compliance with live and let live? 🙄"

So, yes, the Satan dildo cake was indeed relevant and part of the response to you. 

You have tried to claim some moral high ground of so-called tolerance here, and you even tried to argue for basic courtesy. 

I bring these things up to counter your clearly hypocritical arguments. You now say "cry me a river" when you first tried to act like this didn't happen, tried to preach tolerance and courtesy. 

Thank you for continuing to show your true colors here. 

Well, if your sandwich shop is run by a person of sincere religious belief who doesn't wish to participate in a homosexual wedding, they certainly seem to have some grounds here for choosing not to participate. Then again... how would they ever know if you just went in and asked for some sandwiches? 

And to the point here... about tolerance, you should be OK with that. 


Are you really this ignorant regarding Christian views on Homosexuality or just making bigoted comments like you usually do?

Jesus marginalized sin and sinful behavior. Forgive me for not taking anything you have to say about what Jesus would or would not be thrilled with when you clearly do not seem to have the first clue or care at all about such things. 

Dude, you're a nut if you think that a bully getting verbally trolled is some kind of evidence of intolerance. I suppose next you'll tell me that the Black protestors at the lunch counters were bullying business owners. Or Rosa Parks was bullying a bus driver. So mean!

Like I've said many times, tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance. These people are saying Marginalized people can--and should--stand up for themselves against abuse and exclusion. And FFS, does it get more "snowflakey" than pretending the equivalent of a prank call is evidence of "gay thugs." GTFO.

I'm not ignorant on christian views of homosexuality. But I think most so-called christians are ignorant of the alleged views of the Christ figure, who said nothing at all about homosexuality, and who was in the stories tolerant and inclusive of even those who may have "sinned." The Christ character could make bread for sinners, but this "christian" baker wouldn't sell those he judged a cake. 🙄

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18 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Dude, you're a nut if you think that a bully getting verbally trolled is some kind of evidence of intolerance. I suppose next you'll tell me that the Black protestors at the lunch counters were bullying business owners. Or Rosa Parks was bullying a bus driver. So mean!

You have moved on from tolerance and courtesy to: come on, dude, mocking the whole thing. No, it was not merely being verbally trolled. These intolerant LBTQ bullies, intent on destroying his business, sued him not just for the Satan Dildo cake but for a Gender transition cake as well. 

Yet again, you continue to conflate not wanting to participate in an event by creating something for it with outright discrimination based on race. 

Yet again, you prove your whole schtick about "tolerance" and "courtesy" was all a ruse. You are not interested in these things. You demand acceptance and participation and cheer on using whatever force or coercion people use to demand it. 


18 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Like I've said many times, tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance. These people are saying Marginalized people can--and should--stand up for themselves against abuse and exclusion. And FFS, does it get more "snowflakey" than pretending the equivalent of a prank call is evidence of "gay thugs." GTFO.

As I said before, in my last big response, which you ignored, you conflated tolerance with acceptance and then demanded people accept. 

These are not "prank calls."

You are not making honest responses now, as you continue to ignore the facts and try to downplay what is going on as I have repeatedly explained it to you. 

18 minutes ago, Hodad said:

I'm not ignorant on christian views of homosexuality. But I think most so-called christians are ignorant of the alleged views of the Christ figure, who said nothing at all about homosexuality, and who was in the stories tolerant and inclusive of even those who may have "sinned." The Christ character could make bread for sinners, but this "christian" baker wouldn't sell those he judged a cake. 🙄

Well, you claim not to be ignorant, but then you make one of the most average ignorant comments an ignorant person about Christianity makes. You make the average ignorant response that Jesus did not mention homosexuality! 

And yet, Jesus did talk at great lengths about marriage, the relations between husband and wife, and analogies of such, as well as what Paul went on to write as well as the constant theme of scripture throughout the Bible. 

The baker did not refuse to feed sinners. He refused to participate in their wedding. He would have made them any other baked good. Again, you continue to ignore and contort what happened completely. 

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