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Dems Lower Unemployment; GOP Increases Unemployment

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303,000 new jobs added to US economy in March, dropping unemployment to 3.8%. Under Joe Biden, America is in the longest stretch of sustained sub-4% unemployment in over fifty years.  

Unemployment under President Trump was 15%. 

See for yourself: https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm

Trump can move numbers down, though, like his stock price, which is dropping like a rock. Trump Media is by far the most expensive stock to short on Wall Street.  

Edited by Rebound
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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

303,000 new jobs added to US economy in March, dropping unemployment to 3.8%. Under Joe Biden, America is in the longest stretch of sustained sub-4% unemployment in over fifty years.  

Unemployment under President Trump was 15%. 

See for yourself: https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm

Trump can move numbers down, though, like his stock price, which is dropping like a rock. Trump Media is by far the most expensive stock to short on Wall Street.  

I hope these new jobs are effectively combating Joe Biden's inflation. 

What do you think, democrats? Are they? 

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Oh goody! Mostly part time and government jobs.


You don't understand the underlying socio-economic principles involved with an expanding workplace and the employment vs participation ratios, now do you want fries with that or not!?!?!?

- Dem supporters.

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19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You don't understand the underlying socio-economic principles involved with an expanding workplace and the employment vs participation ratios, now do you want fries with that or not!?!?!?

- Dem supporters.

From a very high level, this Libbie/Conservative culture war can be summarized as those who see reality and trust their senses, and those who see reality but choose to believe excuses and warped narratives.

I haven't figured out why so many would freak out like this all at once...but this age (roughly 2000 years) is closing. This is gonna sound a tad "flighty" but...every time history records a shift in the ages, humans freak out. 

So I'm-a-gonna go look at some new irons now, and try to ignore the "magnetically challenged".

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4 hours ago, Rebound said:

303,000 new jobs added to US economy in March, dropping unemployment to 3.8%. Under Joe Biden, America is in the longest stretch of sustained sub-4% unemployment in over fifty years.  

Unemployment under President Trump was 15%. 

See for yourself: https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-unemployment-rate.htm

Trump can move numbers down, though, like his stock price, which is dropping like a rock. Trump Media is by far the most expensive stock to short on Wall Street.  

That is a lie and the source is a lie. It  has been caught in LIES before.

Shutting down the economy, forcing small businesses to lay off their employees, then allowing them to hire those employees back does NOT constitute positive employment numbers.

Before the Obama Virus, Trump's policies brought in high paying MANUFACTURING JOBS and America's employment numbers were the highest of all.

You might as well go to reliable sources, and not the Nazi rags.


  • Since President Trump's election, more than 7 million jobs have been added to the economy.
  • For the first time on record there are more job openings than unemployed Americans.
    • There are more than 7 million job openings, outnumbering job seekers by more than 1 million.
    • Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job, empowering more Americans with rewarding careers.
  • This year, the unemployment rate reached its lowest level in half a century.
    • The unemployment rate has remained at or below 4 percent for the past 21 months.
    • The unemployment rate for women reached its lowest rate in 65 years under President Trump.
  • Under President Trump, jobless claims hit their lowest level in half a century.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population is the lowest on record.
  • American workers of all backgrounds are thriving under President Trump.
    • The unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma have all reached record lows under President Trump.
  • The booming economy is putting more money in Americans' pockets.
    • Wages are growing at their fastest rate in a decade, with year-over-year wage gains exceeding 3 percent for the first time since 2009.
    • November 2019 marked the 16th consecutive month that wages rose at an annual rate of at or over 3 percent.
    • Median household income surpassed $63,000 in 2018 – the highest level on record.
  • President Trump's policies are helping forgotten Americans across the country prosper, driving down income inequality.
    • Wages are rising fastest for low-income workers.
    • Middle-class and low-income workers are enjoying faster wage growth than high-earners.
    • When measured as the share of income earned by the top 20 percent, income inequality fell in 2018 by the largest amount in over a decade.
  • Americans are being lifted out of poverty as a result of today's booming economy.
    • Since President Trump took office, over 2.4 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty.
    • Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans have reached record lows.
    • Since President Trump's election, nearly 7 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
  • Americans are coming off of the sidelines and back into the workforce.
    • The prime age labor force has grown by 2.1 million under President Trump.
    • In the third quarter of 2019, 73.7 percent of workers entering employment came from out of the labor force rather than from unemployment, the highest share since the series began in 1990.
  • President Trump's pro-growth policies are helping businesses of all sizes thrive like never before.
    • Small business optimism broke a 35-year old record in 2018 and remains historically high.
    • The DOW, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all repeatedly notched record highs under President Trump.
  • President Trump is following through on his promise to revitalize American manufacturing, with more than a half million manufacturing jobs added since the election.
  • President Trump has prioritized workforce development to ensure American workers are prepared to fill high quality jobs.
    • The President has worked to expand apprenticeship programs, helping Americans gain hands-on training and experience with no student debt.
    • Since President Trump took office, over 660,000 apprentices have been hired across the country.
    • President Trump established the National Council for the American Worker, tasked with developing a workforce strategy for the jobs of the future.
    • Over 370 companies have signed the President's "Pledge to America's Workers," pledging to provide more than 14.4 million employment and training opportunities.
    • President Trump signed an Executive Order prioritizing Cyber Workforce Development to ensure that we have the most skilled cyber workforce of the 21st century.
  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act in 2017 – the largest tax reform package in history.
    • More than 6 million American workers received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to the tax cuts.
    • $1 trillion has poured back into the country from overseas since the President's tax cuts.
  • President Trump is revitalizing distressed communities through Opportunity Zones, which encourage investment and growth in underserved communities.
    • More than 8,760 communities in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and 5 Territories have been designated as Opportunity Zones.
    • The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council has taken more than 175 actions to encourage investment and promote growth within Opportunity Zones.
    • The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council is engaging all levels of government to identify best practices and assist leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs in using the Opportunity Zone incentive to revitalize low-income communities.
  • The President is ensuring that America is prepared to lead the world in the industries of the future, by promoting American leadership in emerging technologies like 5G and AI.
    • The Administration named artificial intelligence, quantum information science, and 5G, among other emerging technologies, as national research and development priorities.
    • President Trump launched the American AI Initiative to invest in AI research, unleash innovation, and build the American workforce of the future.
    • President Trump signed an Executive Order that established a new advisory committee of industry and academic leaders to advise the government on its quantum activities.
  • President Trump has made supporting working families a priority of his Administration.
    • President Trump signed legislation securing historic levels of funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, helping low-income families access child care.
    • During his Joint Address to Congress and each State of the Union Address, the President called on Congress to pass a nationwide paid family leave plan.
    • The President signed into law 12-weeks of paid parental leave for federal workers.
    • President Trump's tax reforms provided a new tax credit to incentivize businesses to offer paid family leave to their employees.
    • The President's historic tax reforms doubled the child tax credit, benefitting nearly 40 million American families with an average of over $2,200 dollars in 2019.


The White House said in a statement the end of last month: “With a 50-year-low unemployment rate of 3.5 percent and 1 million more job openings than job seekers, the ratio of respondents who say jobs are ‘plentiful’ compared to those who say jobs are ‘hard to get’ is more than 4:1.”

A robust U.S. economy  has proved solid and durable, and Trump has used that to his advantage.

The tweet continued: “African-American Unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of our Country, by far. Also, best Poverty, Youth, and Employment numbers, ever. Great!”

In December, the unemployment rate held steady at 3.5 percent, signaling that the job market remains strong at the start of 2020 -- even if hiring and wage gains have slowed somewhat more than a decade into an economic expansion.

For the year of 2019, employers added an average of roughly 175,000 jobs per month, compared with about 223,250 per month in 2018.

The U.S. economy added 2.1 million jobs last year, down from gains of nearly 2.7 million in 2018. Hiring may have slowed because the number of unemployed people seeking work has fallen by 540,000 people over the past year to 5.75 million. With fewer unemployed people hunting for jobs, there is a potential limit on job gains.


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6 minutes ago, reason10 said:

That is a lie and the source is a lie. It  has been caught in LIES before.

Shutting down the economy, forcing small businesses to lay off their employees, then allowing them to hire those employees back does NOT constitute positive employment numbers.

Before the Obama Virus, Trump's policies brought in high paying MANUFACTURING JOBS and America's employment numbers were the highest of all.

You might as well go to reliable sources, and not the Nazi rags.


  • Since President Trump's election, more than 7 million jobs have been added to the economy.
  • For the first time on record there are more job openings than unemployed Americans.
    • There are more than 7 million job openings, outnumbering job seekers by more than 1 million.
    • Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job, empowering more Americans with rewarding careers.
  • This year, the unemployment rate reached its lowest level in half a century.
    • The unemployment rate has remained at or below 4 percent for the past 21 months.
    • The unemployment rate for women reached its lowest rate in 65 years under President Trump.
  • Under President Trump, jobless claims hit their lowest level in half a century.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population is the lowest on record.
  • American workers of all backgrounds are thriving under President Trump.
    • The unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma have all reached record lows under President Trump.
  • The booming economy is putting more money in Americans' pockets.
    • Wages are growing at their fastest rate in a decade, with year-over-year wage gains exceeding 3 percent for the first time since 2009.
    • November 2019 marked the 16th consecutive month that wages rose at an annual rate of at or over 3 percent.
    • Median household income surpassed $63,000 in 2018 – the highest level on record.
  • President Trump's policies are helping forgotten Americans across the country prosper, driving down income inequality.
    • Wages are rising fastest for low-income workers.
    • Middle-class and low-income workers are enjoying faster wage growth than high-earners.
    • When measured as the share of income earned by the top 20 percent, income inequality fell in 2018 by the largest amount in over a decade.
  • Americans are being lifted out of poverty as a result of today's booming economy.
    • Since President Trump took office, over 2.4 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty.
    • Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans have reached record lows.
    • Since President Trump's election, nearly 7 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
  • Americans are coming off of the sidelines and back into the workforce.
    • The prime age labor force has grown by 2.1 million under President Trump.
    • In the third quarter of 2019, 73.7 percent of workers entering employment came from out of the labor force rather than from unemployment, the highest share since the series began in 1990.
  • President Trump's pro-growth policies are helping businesses of all sizes thrive like never before.
    • Small business optimism broke a 35-year old record in 2018 and remains historically high.
    • The DOW, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all repeatedly notched record highs under President Trump.
  • President Trump is following through on his promise to revitalize American manufacturing, with more than a half million manufacturing jobs added since the election.
  • President Trump has prioritized workforce development to ensure American workers are prepared to fill high quality jobs.
    • The President has worked to expand apprenticeship programs, helping Americans gain hands-on training and experience with no student debt.
    • Since President Trump took office, over 660,000 apprentices have been hired across the country.
    • President Trump established the National Council for the American Worker, tasked with developing a workforce strategy for the jobs of the future.
    • Over 370 companies have signed the President's "Pledge to America's Workers," pledging to provide more than 14.4 million employment and training opportunities.
    • President Trump signed an Executive Order prioritizing Cyber Workforce Development to ensure that we have the most skilled cyber workforce of the 21st century.
  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act in 2017 – the largest tax reform package in history.
    • More than 6 million American workers received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to the tax cuts.
    • $1 trillion has poured back into the country from overseas since the President's tax cuts.
  • President Trump is revitalizing distressed communities through Opportunity Zones, which encourage investment and growth in underserved communities.
    • More than 8,760 communities in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and 5 Territories have been designated as Opportunity Zones.
    • The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council has taken more than 175 actions to encourage investment and promote growth within Opportunity Zones.
    • The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council is engaging all levels of government to identify best practices and assist leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs in using the Opportunity Zone incentive to revitalize low-income communities.
  • The President is ensuring that America is prepared to lead the world in the industries of the future, by promoting American leadership in emerging technologies like 5G and AI.
    • The Administration named artificial intelligence, quantum information science, and 5G, among other emerging technologies, as national research and development priorities.
    • President Trump launched the American AI Initiative to invest in AI research, unleash innovation, and build the American workforce of the future.
    • President Trump signed an Executive Order that established a new advisory committee of industry and academic leaders to advise the government on its quantum activities.
  • President Trump has made supporting working families a priority of his Administration.
    • President Trump signed legislation securing historic levels of funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, helping low-income families access child care.
    • During his Joint Address to Congress and each State of the Union Address, the President called on Congress to pass a nationwide paid family leave plan.
    • The President signed into law 12-weeks of paid parental leave for federal workers.
    • President Trump's tax reforms provided a new tax credit to incentivize businesses to offer paid family leave to their employees.
    • The President's historic tax reforms doubled the child tax credit, benefitting nearly 40 million American families with an average of over $2,200 dollars in 2019.


The White House said in a statement the end of last month: “With a 50-year-low unemployment rate of 3.5 percent and 1 million more job openings than job seekers, the ratio of respondents who say jobs are ‘plentiful’ compared to those who say jobs are ‘hard to get’ is more than 4:1.”

A robust U.S. economy  has proved solid and durable, and Trump has used that to his advantage.

The tweet continued: “African-American Unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of our Country, by far. Also, best Poverty, Youth, and Employment numbers, ever. Great!”

In December, the unemployment rate held steady at 3.5 percent, signaling that the job market remains strong at the start of 2020 -- even if hiring and wage gains have slowed somewhat more than a decade into an economic expansion.

For the year of 2019, employers added an average of roughly 175,000 jobs per month, compared with about 223,250 per month in 2018.

The U.S. economy added 2.1 million jobs last year, down from gains of nearly 2.7 million in 2018. Hiring may have slowed because the number of unemployed people seeking work has fallen by 540,000 people over the past year to 5.75 million. With fewer unemployed people hunting for jobs, there is a potential limit on job gains.


And then it all fell apart due to Trump's totally INCOMPETENT management of the COVID pandemic, when he tried to pretend COVOD wasn't dangerous and CAUSED many SUPER-SPREADER EVENTS that made the pandemic as horrible as it was.

1. See unmasked campaign rally events.

2. See travel "bans" that allowed 10s of thousands of unmasked travelers to fly back to the US without testing, tracking nor quarantine.

3. See Woodward interview TAPES on which Trump admitted his public statements were LIES.

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Just now, robosmith said:

And then it all fell apart due to Trump's totally INCOMPETENT management of the COVID pandemic, when he tried to pretend COVOD wasn't dangerous and CAUSED many SUPER-SPREADER EVENTS that made the pandemic as horrible as it was.

1. See unmasked campaign rally events.

2. See travel "bans" that allowed 10s of thousands of unmasked travelers to fly back to the US without testing, tracking nor quarantine.

3. See Woodward interview TAPES on which Trump admitted his public statements were LIES.

Excuse me, but THAT is a lie as well. And it is the OBAMA VIRUS epidemic, since  Obama was responsible for the creation of the lab that produced that virus.

And you are clearly the dumbest human  on the  planet if you think masks stopped everything.

I don't see any masks on THESE animals.

Migrants take part in a caravan towards the border with the United States in Tapachula, Chiapas State, Mexico, on Dec. 24, 2023.


And Unelected Joe invited these animals to come here and register Demonazi.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Oh goody! Mostly part time and government jobs.


Hey mooron, explain how Biden cut federal spending and employed more people.  

https://www.statista.com/statistics/204535/number-of-governmental-employees-in-the-us/#:~:text=U.S. number of government employees1982-2022&text=In 2022%2C around 19.23 million,million people in that year.

Edited by Rebound
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21 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Those stats only account for direct employees. For example they wouldn't account for independent branches such as the military, who employs about the same number of 'federal' employees listed in your link by itself.  There are dozens of departments and such that would not be calculated in that number at all. Yet their pay does come from the gov't - the army isn't privately funded :)

So if you thought you were accurately showing the number of people paid by the gov't, you were wrong.

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2 hours ago, Deluge said:

I hope these new jobs are effectively combating Joe Biden's inflation. 

Must be, cause US inflation is one of the lowest of the Western world.

2 hours ago, Deluge said:

What do you think, democrats? Are they? 

Do you have any idea what the current inflation rate is? Or are you just here to TROLL us with your FANTASIES?


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5 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Must be, cause US inflation is one of the lowest of the Western world.

Highest actually. Add it up for the last few years and compare it to others and you'll see that i'ts been REALLY bad.

That's why people are furious with joe. Unfortunately you can't eat lies.


Do you have any idea what the current inflation rate is? Or are you just here to TROLL us with your FANTASIES?

Doesn't really matter by itself. Inflation is cumulative.  For example - if inflation went up 10 percent last year then a 100 dollar item now costs110.  If it then goes up 1 percent this year, that item now costs 111.10.   It didn't go down in price just because inflation did. So the average inflation over those two years would still be 5.05, and if wages didn't go up as much that means people still afford less and go hungry.

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23 minutes ago, robosmith said:

1. Must be, cause US inflation is one of the lowest of the Western world.

Do you have any idea what the current inflation rate is? Or are you just here to TROLL us with your FANTASIES?

1. Of course, that's enough for robochism, because he's a government slut. ;)

2. Yes, I know what it's listed at, but costs are still WAY too high. So what are you cultists doing to get it back to normal? 

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1 minute ago, Deluge said:

1. Of course, that's enough for robochism, because he's a government slut. 

You're an lDIOT.

1 minute ago, Deluge said:

2. Yes, I know what it's listed at, but costs are still WAY too high. So what are you cultists doing to get it back to normal? 

Costs aren't "too high" where I shop. Maybe you should learn how, instead of blaming everyone else like a delicate flower.

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6 minutes ago, robosmith said:

1. You're an lDIOT.

Costs aren't "too high" where I shop. Maybe you should learn how, instead of blaming everyone else like a delicate flower.

1. I'm an American patriot. YOU are a marxist a$$hole. 

2. Yes they are. Just because a whore like you has infinite patience for the world's most destructive government, doesn't mean we all have to be patient - that's why we vote; so we can bounce the hair sniffer's ass out of office this November. 

Now get over yourself, you sick little f*ck. 

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37 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Dudette.... ^This is not a news source, it is from a stock trading company Benzinga.com with no references to source statistics.

IOW, you're really scraping the bottom of  the barrel.

Lol...typical denial.

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38 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Dudette.... ^This is not a news source, it is from a stock trading company Benzinga.com with no references to source statistics.

IOW, you're really scraping the bottom of  the barrel.

It is absolutely a news source and reported elsewhere. THat's why yahoo finance covers it.


And once again robotard proves he has no idea what he's talking about.

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6 minutes ago, robosmith said:

^Typical PRETENSE of a valid source.

I know you won't admit it but, your time is coming to an end. Oh you Progies had a destructive run but...it could not have lasted and I figure you must have known that all along.


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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I know you won't admit it but, your time is coming to an end. Oh you Progies had a destructive run but...it could not have lasted and I figure you must have known that all along.


You're going to be sorely disappointed when Joe kicks Trump's ass. Get your crying towel ready.

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14 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You're going to be sorely disappointed when Joe kicks Trump's ass. Get your crying towel ready.

YOU'RE going to be sorely disappointed when Joe kicks the bucket, probably about 2 weeks before the election :)  Possibly during an argument with a teleprompter.

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On 4/7/2024 at 1:46 AM, CdnFox said:

YOU'RE going to be sorely disappointed when Joe kicks the bucket, probably about 2 weeks before the election :)  Possibly during an argument with a teleprompter.

That fat orange tub of lard is going to keel over from a heart attack long before we lose Joe Biden. Biden’s health is clearly better than FatMan’s.

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