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Belinda Stronach


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And therefore it's safe for you to criticize her.

Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????

I can tell you one thing, the last thing my son wanted from his dad at that age was a hug and a pat on the head in front of his school mates. Not cool at all. Perhaps he knows a little more about how to deal with adolescents than you give him credit for.

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And therefore it's safe for you to criticize her.

Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????

I can tell you one thing, the last thing my son wanted from his dad at that age was a hug and a pat on the head in front of his school mates. Not cool at all. Perhaps he knows a little more about how to deal with adolescents than you give him credit for.

It's one thing to refuse to say you love Canada. But to shake hands with your kids? Come on. They're 10 and 12 for God's sake.

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And therefore it's safe for you to criticize her.

Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????

I can tell you one thing, the last thing my son wanted from his dad at that age was a hug and a pat on the head in front of his school mates. Not cool at all. Perhaps he knows a little more about how to deal with adolescents than you give him credit for.

It's one thing to refuse to say you love Canada. But to shake hands with your kids? Come on. They're 10 and 12 for God's sake.

How many kids have you brought up Newbie?

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"Have you any idea how long it took just for women to get the vote in this country ?????"

I am well aware. I am also aware it is one thing to have equal rights and another thing to make the system easier for some at the expense of other, such as affirmative action (read: reverse discrimination) systems.

"As an aside, since you insist on using hearsay opinion to validate yours, I would be interested to know what rolls your aunty may have taken in male dominated worlds ? Did she have a career? Who were her piers in that career? Did she ever "get ahead" or try ?"

My aunt was a top management executive at a computer company where she oversaw the jobs of many white men. She started at the bottom, worked her way up, and was very proud of doing that with less help from the system then she would have gotten if she was still working today. She also made more money than most of the men in my family.

"Did she play any sports or have any extra curricular activities outside of the home where maybe the majority of the people participating were not women ?"

I am unaware whether or not she played sports but she has been a tireless community activist working with many less fortunate people for years.

"Was she active in politics?"

My aunt considers her integrity higher than political office. Yet she has volunteered time, money, and written many letters on behalf of the conservatives whom she hopes will restore integrity to the political office and bring back family and personal responsibility to the forefront of the political agenda, rather than political correctness.

In which case your aunt is capable of stating her own viewpoints, and doesn't need you to twist them to your own end. Why don't you invite her to make a comment here instead of commenting on her behalf?

Your aunt is an exception, not the rule. I am also successful business person at the top of my organization. I got there because I quit the large corporate that gave me headaches with their boysclub attitude. I have many female friends, colleagues and employees that have alot of trouble forging through the kind of crap that certain men (not ALL men, this is not a sexist statement, I am pointing at the type of comments seen here on this website as examples of the types of lows that men with inferiority complexes towards women can stoop to....the examples are blatently here. And this is the type of shit that women do not want to put up with so choose to stay out of politics/leadership roles and in many cases do not make their way up the ladder because of it). The more male oriented the organization is, the more comments I hear from my friends as to the kind of crap that have to put up with. The police force is a good example, and did you ever know a women that happened to make it into the fire department ? Banks, know any women in bank management? Ask them how many actually make it into six figure incomes ... compare the number of men at the top to the number of women in the bottom and you will get the picture.

I personally do not believe in creating equal numbers for the sake of numbers, or in reverse descrimination of any kind. I am for organizations who recognize the needs of women, respect women from the bottom of their organizations up, and challenge and encourage women to make it through the system, defending them wherever possible against the type of ignorance that they can and have been subjected to.

Above is an apology from a guy that noticed his comment was offensive. Thanks for being big about it. I have never held a grudge against a guy for these types of comments nor am I a man hater. For most of my life I have been a minority amongst my piers (spelling !! ), in my career and in sports, and in other extra curricular activities. I have always been a tom-boy and have many male friends.

Despite my ambitious ways to get ahead and to lead, I would NEVER enter politics just as your aunt wouldn't, exactly because of the reasons stated above. My argument is that it's really too bad that organizations such as the conservative party would take a platform that would descourage women from running in the party.

And as for the comment above that most women belong at home watching the children, I certainly take personal offense to that one. The mother of three boys and the owner of a succesful business wishes to tell you that you can raise a very happy family and have a career too...perhaps I get a little more help from the male side of the family then most do, and perhaps the children are far better off because of it.

Finally a hundred bucks a month for child care is a joke, and on top of that its taxable. So if you happen to be a succesful career women, not really very helpful. A tax break in this department would be far better for any women who is actually successful and wanting to pursue leadership positions, but the conservative party only cares about those at home barefoot in the kitchen. Revenue canada does not even let me write off my child care expenses. Any writeoff (which is partial) goes to my husband as he is in the lower tax bracket. Now make sense of that one.

So enough of the flame throwing, I think I'll go have a beer.

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Yes, talk about whoring, I can't remember a party who so blatently designed its platform to "buy" votes. And stifle all of its members during election time that might express the true ideologies of the party, so as to win over the average Canadian voter with handouts.

First, what is wrong with a party that chooses tax cuts that Canadians will notice? I personally like the idea because it promotes integrity in government and its a lot easier to see a promise broken if they never arise. The part of this you're failing to see is that Harper put his party on the line by setting this kind of agenda. If he doesn't deliver on his promises, it will be right out in plain sight for Canadians to see. We won't need the Liberals or NDP to point it out because parents will certainly notice not getting their $100 per month for child-care or for putting their children into sports programs. Harper is in a position of do or die politically because of the route he chose to take. You may think he bought it, and he very well may have. But unless he makes it past the checkout, with everything paid for, his time as PM will be short and he'll do some real damage to his party. So did he buy it? Maybe so. But he certainly cannot be accused of taking the easy way out considering the minority parliament he faces outnumbers him 3-2 against--and on a lot of issues they're united against Harper's policies.

The main reason why I don't believe he 'whored' himself though, is because he's still stuck to his party's value system. He didn't sell himself out for a vote. And for the record, Harper wasn't the only one with multi-billion dollar promises. Layton's plan was just as ripe with promises, and Martin went on a $30B spending spree before the election and then went further with election promises. By your definition all three were 'whores'.

As for stifling their party members expression, Layton won't allow anyone of social beliefs other than those fostered by his party even into his party and if you don't think that given advance knowledge that Martin wouldn't have stifled all the embarassing comments made by his election team you're pretty naive.

Has anybody noticed that comments on this string concerning women politicians are just a little on the sexist side ? Are you guys all sure that Belinda had no real foundation for jumping ship on Harper and his band of idiots? She happens to be a very successful business person from a highly respected family, she would not have made this decision frivolously.

As far as winning her riding is concerned, that riding was always liberal until she ran in it for the conservatives, and won. It was no surprise to anyone that the constituency did not mind her crossing over to the liberals where they prefer to rest their votes.

I'll admit first and foremost that I shouldn't have made that post about the play on the word poll/pole. It was uncalled for and I do apologize to all who were offended by it. But I stick by my comments about her defection. If she knew what she believed all along as you insist, then why wouldn't she investigate the party she was to run for the leadership of before doing so. If she invested her companies' money like that she'd be laughed off the board in a heartbeat.

I'll give you the bit about her riding. Its obvious they didn't care enough about it to send her a message. But it doesn't make her switching teams for a spot in the starting lineup seem any less fishy or any less suspicious to me.

A tax cut to the gst sounded great because the gst was so controversial when it came in, and most voters can remember that. But lets do the math on this tax cut. The average canadian family makes something like 50-60,000. Lets say its 60. One third of disposable income goes to mortgage interest and property taxes, no gst on that. Another third goes to income tax and other non-gst expenses. That leaves about $20,000 of discretionary spending, some of which will have gst and some not. So lets say gst applies to about $15-$20,000 of disposable income per family. A one percent tax cut is $150-200 bucks per annum. Yee haa !!

Now I'm not complaining about ANY tax cut, but personally the liberal promises worked out to be better math for me. My complaint is that Harper used a sensationalist issue to make things sound so much more of of a give-away, when really he didn't hit the average canadian with much at all.

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And therefore it's safe for you to criticize her.

Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????

I can tell you one thing, the last thing my son wanted from his dad at that age was a hug and a pat on the head in front of his school mates. Not cool at all. Perhaps he knows a little more about how to deal with adolescents than you give him credit for.

Ha ha Wilber you old school guy you. His son didn't look like an adolescent to me. He looked to be about 10. His daughter looked about 5 or 6 and she went to same school so likely they are both elementary school age. My kids who are 9 and 8 both hug and kiss their mom and dad in front of their friends. I'm not saying I know anybetter how to parent kids than Harper. What I did say is that he doesn't look like Mr. Warm and Fuzzy to me and personally I like a leader that shows a bit of heart.

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Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????

Oops ... replied and forgot include a response.

Please, the last thing I want the leader of my party to be is a metrosexual. Who takes a guy seriously that looks and acts gay, insists he's not and is a wuss? Not I.

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Personally I'm going for Preston Manning. Now there's beauty. Oh, and that lovely Mr. Harper, there's another looker ! Somehow it doesn't make a difference to anybody what THEY look like ....

On another note, you gotta love a dad who shakes hands with his kids when seeing them off to school. Oh he's all heart that Harper, Mr. Warm and Fuzzy. No feminine side to that guy !! Did he miss that whole "sensitive guys of the nineties" movement ????

That's not my quote.

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3 Wilber, what is your point?

OK, but it seems to me that around 12 was about the time I started going from being a hero to the dumbest thing on two legs for a few years. I believe that when the start to hit that in between age they would rather be treated with the same sort of respect adults would show each other when in public. Now that my son is in his late twenties a hug in public from his old man wouldn't faze him a bit but at that age I know he didn't appreciate it, particularly if front of his piers. Both he and his mother told me so.

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Now I'm not complaining about ANY tax cut, but personally the liberal promises worked out to be better math for me. My complaint is that Harper used a sensationalist issue to make things sound so much more of of a give-away, when really he didn't hit the average canadian with much at all.

Unfortunately, the Libs proved over the last 12 years that any promises about cutting taxes (GST in particular) weren't worth the single breath of air it took to tel about them.

"I will scrap the GST".

We heard that how many times???

I'm not a Conservative supporter, but Harper now has his chance.

Let's see what he does with it and judge him based on his actions over the coming months, rather than make dire predictions.

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People!! People!!! Have you taken leave of your senses??? Belinda Stronach?? HA!

You people have forgotten about......Hedy Fry!

Hedy Fry...Imaginative (Burning crosses on lawns), forthright , truthful, short, raven haired,

defeated Svend Robinson... did I mention raven haired. Highly intelligent ....well, smart and a born leader.

She would be perfect to lead the Liberals. Now, bring back Preston Manning and, for the Bloc old Luc Bouchard and THAT would be some leader's debate.

On second thought....... :huh:


Please note: in no way is this intended to be a sexist, politically incorrect assessment and is only posted as an attempt at humour. I did not intend to insult nor cause to any particular group pain and suffering and I therefore apologize should anyone take offence at the statements as noted above.

There, that should cover it. :unsure:

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I'd vote for Hedy in a heartbeat too.

Scott Brison as well.

How much for a Liberal Party membership?

Don't you know...they pay YOU to join... :P

Especially if you live in a riding that was decided by less than 3,000 votes last time around... :lol:

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I'd vote for Hedy in a heartbeat too.

Scott Brison as well.

How much for a Liberal Party membership?

Don't you know...they pay YOU to join... :P

Especially if you live in a riding that was decided by less than 3,000 votes last time around... :lol:

They offered me a cabinet position to switch parties.

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People!! People!!! Have you taken leave of your senses??? Belinda Stronach?? HA!

You people have forgotten about......Hedy Fry!

Hedy Fry...Imaginative (Burning crosses on lawns), forthright , truthful, short, raven haired,

defeated Svend Robinson... did I mention raven haired. Highly intelligent ....well, smart and a born leader.

She would be perfect to lead the Liberals. Now, bring back Preston Manning and, for the Bloc old Luc Bouchard and THAT would be some leader's debate.

On second thought....... :huh:


Please note: in no way is this intended to be a sexist, politically incorrect assessment and is only posted as an attempt at humour. I did not intend to insult nor cause to any particular group pain and suffering and I therefore apologize should anyone take offence at the statements as noted above.

There, that should cover it. :unsure:

Just out of curiosity could we get your take on physical appearances of male conservative mp's and how that relates to their ability to represent the Canadian public?

Since you have such a great sense of humour, please humour us !!

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People!! People!!! Have you taken leave of your senses??? Belinda Stronach?? HA!

You people have forgotten about......Hedy Fry!

Hedy Fry...Imaginative (Burning crosses on lawns), forthright , truthful, short, raven haired,

defeated Svend Robinson... did I mention raven haired. Highly intelligent ....well, smart and a born leader.

She would be perfect to lead the Liberals. Now, bring back Preston Manning and, for the Bloc old Luc Bouchard and THAT would be some leader's debate.

On second thought....... :huh:


Please note: in no way is this intended to be a sexist, politically incorrect assessment and is only posted as an attempt at humour. I did not intend to insult nor cause to any particular group pain and suffering and I therefore apologize should anyone take offence at the statements as noted above.

There, that should cover it. :unsure:

Just out of curiosity could we get your take on physical appearances of male conservative mp's and how that relates to their ability to represent the Canadian public?

Since you have such a great sense of humour, please humour us !!

Harper looks like a passport photo... and admits it.

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People!! People!!! Have you taken leave of your senses??? Belinda Stronach?? HA!

You people have forgotten about......Hedy Fry!

Hedy Fry...Imaginative (Burning crosses on lawns), forthright , truthful, short, raven haired,

defeated Svend Robinson... did I mention raven haired. Highly intelligent ....well, smart and a born leader.

She would be perfect to lead the Liberals. Now, bring back Preston Manning and, for the Bloc old Luc Bouchard and THAT would be some leader's debate.

On second thought....... :huh:


Please note: in no way is this intended to be a sexist, politically incorrect assessment and is only posted as an attempt at humour. I did not intend to insult nor cause to any particular group pain and suffering and I therefore apologize should anyone take offence at the statements as noted above.

There, that should cover it. :unsure:

Just out of curiosity could we get your take on physical appearances of male conservative mp's and how that relates to their ability to represent the Canadian public?

Since you have such a great sense of humour, please humour us !!

Harper looks like a passport photo... and admits it.

Harper reminds me of Ferris Bueller's teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I'd bet that Ben Stein can do a really good Stephen Harper.

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People!! People!!! Have you taken leave of your senses??? Belinda Stronach?? HA!

You people have forgotten about......Hedy Fry!

Hedy Fry...Imaginative (Burning crosses on lawns), forthright , truthful, short, raven haired,

defeated Svend Robinson... did I mention raven haired. Highly intelligent ....well, smart and a born leader.

She would be perfect to lead the Liberals. Now, bring back Preston Manning and, for the Bloc old Luc Bouchard and THAT would be some leader's debate.

On second thought....... :huh:


Please note: in no way is this intended to be a sexist, politically incorrect assessment and is only posted as an attempt at humour. I did not intend to insult nor cause to any particular group pain and suffering and I therefore apologize should anyone take offence at the statements as noted above.

There, that should cover it. :unsure:

Just out of curiosity could we get your take on physical appearances of male conservative mp's and how that relates to their ability to represent the Canadian public?

Since you have such a great sense of humour, please humour us !!

Harper looks like a passport photo... and admits it.

Harper reminds me of Ferris Bueller's teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I'd bet that Ben Stein can do a really good Stephen Harper.

I bet Harper can do a good Ben Stein... have you heard his impressions?

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People!! People!!! Have you taken leave of your senses??? Belinda Stronach?? HA!

You people have forgotten about......Hedy Fry!

Hedy Fry...Imaginative (Burning crosses on lawns), forthright , truthful, short, raven haired,

defeated Svend Robinson... did I mention raven haired. Highly intelligent ....well, smart and a born leader.

She would be perfect to lead the Liberals. Now, bring back Preston Manning and, for the Bloc old Luc Bouchard and THAT would be some leader's debate.

On second thought....... :huh:


Please note: in no way is this intended to be a sexist, politically incorrect assessment and is only posted as an attempt at humour. I did not intend to insult nor cause to any particular group pain and suffering and I therefore apologize should anyone take offence at the statements as noted above.

There, that should cover it. :unsure:

Just out of curiosity could we get your take on physical appearances of male conservative mp's and how that relates to their ability to represent the Canadian public?

Since you have such a great sense of humour, please humour us !!

Harper looks like a passport photo... and admits it.

Harper reminds me of Ferris Bueller's teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I'd bet that Ben Stein can do a really good Stephen Harper.

I bet Harper can do a good Ben Stein... have you heard his impressions?

You mean most of his campaign and generally every time he speaks? Yup.

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People!! People!!! Have you taken leave of your senses??? Belinda Stronach?? HA!

You people have forgotten about......Hedy Fry!

Hedy Fry...Imaginative (Burning crosses on lawns), forthright , truthful, short, raven haired,

defeated Svend Robinson... did I mention raven haired. Highly intelligent ....well, smart and a born leader.

She would be perfect to lead the Liberals. Now, bring back Preston Manning and, for the Bloc old Luc Bouchard and THAT would be some leader's debate.

On second thought....... :huh:


Please note: in no way is this intended to be a sexist, politically incorrect assessment and is only posted as an attempt at humour. I did not intend to insult nor cause to any particular group pain and suffering and I therefore apologize should anyone take offence at the statements as noted above.

There, that should cover it. :unsure:

Just out of curiosity could we get your take on physical appearances of male conservative mp's and how that relates to their ability to represent the Canadian public?

Since you have such a great sense of humour, please humour us !!

Harper looks like a passport photo... and admits it.

Harper reminds me of Ferris Bueller's teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I'd bet that Ben Stein can do a really good Stephen Harper.

I bet Harper can do a good Ben Stein... have you heard his impressions?

You mean most of his campaign and generally every time he speaks? Yup.

Ha ha guys, thanks, now I feel better.....

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ok....ok....how about Stockwell Day ? Now there's someone who looks way cool in a wetsuit. And...he was the leader of the Refooooorm Party.

He will be an excellent choice as Ambassador to the United States.

Not sure about qualifications but he looks good in a wetsuit.

Now I will no doubt be chastised....again.... it is a cruel world...thank you and goodbye..... :(

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I wish she does run for the Liberal leadership, and I would join the entire Tory executive in breathlessly but silently hoping she wins the leadership. I'd join the Liberals briefly just to vote for her. The only better leader from a Tory perspective would be Sheila Copps.

If you watch her in any unscripted debate, it doesn't take long to relalize Belinda is not the brightest bulb in the Xmas tree string of lights.

Oh you never know....she might be deadly.

I was talking to a "now-generation" professional lady (you know, yuppie type) and after we've both agreed that Belinda does not seem to have much under her belt except dad's billions, the lady waffled in the end and said: "well...it will be nice to have a strong woman sitting in power, you know."

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