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Why Poilievre is distancing Conservatives from corporate Canada

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You figure Quebec will settle for getting 1 40th of the funding they're accustomed to getting? Especially if they push the issue?

Let us know how that works.

Quebec isn't getting any funding.  This is the cbc.

What quebec will get is quebec cbc radio canada.  THat's what pp has said.  And he's going up in the polls there.  So yeap  that's what they'll get. Sorry kiddo.  Bad luck about your poor math skills :) 


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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Quebec isn't getting any funding.  This is the cbc.

Yes, but this is you telling us what PP will do.

6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

transfer that show's ownership to quebec and let them run it and just give cash. 


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Yes, but this is you telling us what PP will do.


Well it is specifically what  he mentioned. You were the one who made up the 40 percent figure, i'm just going by what PP said.

And as i said before it's possible radio canada (French or english) may well survive without funding. It's very low cost to produce and advertisers like it. PP may have to splurge and buy them some new microphones or the like :)

And if we go back to the original reason we had a cbc in the first place, to provide news and services to places that woudn't normally have any because it wasn't commercially viable, having a french radio service that anyone can access anywhere with the internet isn't completely out of whack. I doubt there'll be a lot of french language stations popping up in moosejaw. So if a small pittance had to go to keep cbc radio french running i think that there woudln't be a lot of upset over it.

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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well it is specifically what  he mentioned.

Yes and as the article I posted pointed out Poilievre will have a very difficult time doing that without changing the law that created the CBC.  Especially after explaining to everyone how simple it will be - its just common sense right?  LMAO!


You were the one who made up the 40 percent figure.

No, the same article reported that 40% of CBC's budget is spent in Quebec.


And as i said before it's possible radio canada (French or english) may well survive without funding. It's very low cost to produce and advertisers like it. PP may have to splurge and buy them some new microphones or the like

I think you're dreaming. The chances are high that Quebec is going to ask PP to maintain the level of spending Quebec has become accustomed to.  All of a sudden it won't be so simple, twist Quebec's arm or backpeddle from a signature promise?


And if we go back to the original reason we had a cbc in the first place, to provide news and services to places that woudn't normally have any because it wasn't commercially viable, having a french radio service that anyone can access anywhere with the internet isn't completely out of whack.

It was also to have a news service that wouldn't be dominated by American broadcasters across Canada, nobody wanted that.  Content has and should still be a factor. Its curious that the loudest voices against the CBC are amongst the loudest who bemoan the loss of our Canadian character.  As for access via the Internet, that's how I get it. The guy across the way has a dish, we all had cable before that. I haven't seen a pair of rabbit ears for decades.

So what about a discussion about the main reason PP wants to scrap the CBC? Personally I think its because he's a dumb-ass chud who's swallowed the hooey that says the editorial boardroom of the CBC and the PMO are one and the same thing and all we're getting for our money is propaganda from Beijing.

Sure Poilievre could scrap the entire CBC across the country including Quebec. But it won't be happening without a lot of attention given to the real reasons he want's to. I doubt they'll go over as well as you think they will.

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13 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Yes and as the article I posted pointed out Poilievre will have a very difficult time doing that without changing the law that created the CBC. 

He's wrong but lets say he's right - so what. He can easily change the law.


Especially after explaining to everyone how simple it will be - its just common sense right?  LMAO!

It is easy to change the law.


No, the same article reported that 40% of CBC's budget is spent in Quebec.

He's not keeping the cbc. So it won't matter how much they spend in quebec. And you knew that so just more fake numbers.  HE might spend a million or so on radio.


I think you're dreaming. The chances are high that Quebec is going to ask PP to maintain the level of spending Quebec has become accustomed to.  All of a sudden it won't be so simple, twist Quebec's arm or backpeddle from a signature promise?

It will be simple.


It was also to have a news service that wouldn't be dominated by American broadcasters across Canada,

No it wasn't. There weren't ANY broadcasters anywhere near most of the areas the cbc serviced.  THat was the point.


So what about a discussion about the main reason PP wants to scrap the CBC?

Too late nobody cares. If you wanted to have a discussion about the cbc 10 years ago when the right was still willing to look at whether it could be fixed was the time. But you were perfectly happy with it's bias reporting as long as it served your interests. You've been saying that for decades :)



Sure Poilievre could scrap the entire CBC across the country including Quebec.

He could, but that's not what he said he's going to do. He's going to defund it across the entire country including quebec - with the exception of cbc french radio canada which is mostly self funding.

It's possible it will survive.  But if it does it'll be on a consumer model. Good luck with that


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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

It's possible it will survive.  But if it does it'll be on a consumer model. Good luck with that

Leaving Canada without the same sort of public broadcaster advanced democratic countries around the world have maintained for over a hundred years and for the same reasons.

So how many other countries are scrapping their publicly owned broadcasters because they're biased, woke, and only ever put conservatives in a bad light?

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:


So how many other countries are scrapping their publicly owned broadcasters because they're biased, woke, and only ever put conservatives in a bad light?

Talking about other countries... the anti CBC people never mention that every developed country has a publicly funded public broadcaster.  Almost all of our foreign correspondents in Canada are CBC.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

Leaving Canada without the same sort of public broadcaster advanced democratic countries around the world have maintained for over a hundred years and for the same reasons.

Leaving Canada without the same sort of propaganda machine for a corrupt and authoritarian party that dictators and facists throughout history have cultivated.

Like i said - if you actually gave a crap about this then you should have stood up ages ago and demanded action be taken to remove bias and favouritism from the cbc.

Now it's too late.

But hey - if you think it's important you can still fund it out of your own pocket.

10 hours ago, eyeball said:

So how many other countries are scrapping their publicly owned broadcasters because they're biased, woke, and only ever put conservatives in a bad light?

Who knows.  Maybe we'll start a trend :)  But at the end of the day whether anyone else is or not it's the right thing to do.

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5 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Talking about other countries... the anti CBC people never mention that every developed country has a publicly funded public broadcaster.  Almost all of our foreign correspondents in Canada are CBC.

Sure, russia, china, all the cool kids have one :)  

If you cared about it mike then you should have been speaking up and demanding that the extreme bias and favoratism be purged from it years ago. But you were content to allow it to flourish.  It's gotten so severe at this point it's hard to even think of them as 'news' anymore - the cbc is the 'fox news' of canada, running fake stories about political figures during elections and then blowing it off with a quick 'oh guess it wasn't true my bad' after.

Here's the thing lefties don't get. If you are unreasonable and unfair in your constant behavior and demands - eventually the right will get sick of it. And when that happens they WILL elect people who will start to swing things the other way, and at that point it's far too late to come hat in hand saying "Can't we talk about this?"

The cbc will be gone and that will be a situation of your own making. Don't pretend to be upset about it now when you didn't care enough to make sure it was fair before.

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The arguments for the CBC are that the content is made by Canadians for Canadians with Canadian content, and to provide it to all Canadians no matter how far flung and small their communities are, but given that the Liberals have declared Canada genocidal, racist and patriarchal, wouldn’t it be better to keep Canada out of people’s living rooms, especially in the boonies?  It’s certainly cheaper.

Also what does all this protection of monopolies do for consumers?  Let in all the cell phone and cable providers from around the world, boost competition and lower prices.  Slash the CRTC.

Public broadcasters are for countries where the government and its people believe that the country has value and a good story to tell.  Otherwise, we might as well watch other stories.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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52 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

1. The arguments for the CBC are that the content is made by Canadians for Canadians with Canadian content, and to provide it to all Canadians no matter how far flung and small their communities are, but given that the Liberals have declared Canada genocidal, racist and patriarchal, wouldn’t it be better to ..

2. Public broadcasters are for countries where the government and its people believe that the country has value and a good story to tell.  Otherwise, we might as well watch other stories.

1. 2. Is this argument therefore that because the Liberals hate Canada, why are they promoting Canada?  The answer is that since the Liberals, in your view, PRETEND to love Canada this is part of their great scheme.  Simple. 🙂

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

The arguments for the CBC are that the content is made by Canadians for Canadians with Canadian content, and to provide it to all Canadians no matter how far flung and small their communities are, but given that the Liberals have declared Canada genocidal, racist and patriarchal, wouldn’t it be better to keep Canada out of people’s living rooms, especially in the boonies?  It’s certainly cheaper.

One of the best lines on this board in the last year :)  

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40 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. 2. Is this argument therefore that because the Liberals hate Canada, why are they promoting Canada?  The answer is that since the Liberals, in your view, PRETEND to love Canada this is part of their great scheme.  Simple. 🙂

Why should I watch Canadian content regulated and paid for by a government that considers the country bad?

Yes there’s a point I’m making.  Throw your country under the bus and expect to go down with it, including the programs you fund.

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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Why should I watch Canadian content regulated and paid for by a government that considers the country bad?

Yes there’s a point I’m making.  Throw your country under the bus and expect to go down with it, including the programs you fund.

Worse - why would voters support a media source that deliberately posts misinformation and inteferes with political campaigns?

in the lead up to the alberta election the CBC published a story insisting Danielle smith's office had sent emails to the justice and prosecutors that were in violation of the law pressuring them to take action.

Smith denied this - and ordered a massive third party audit of both her people's emails and the justice people's emails and nothing was found.

The CBC insisted she was lying and that the emails existed and that the source was beyond question and they'd done their due dilligence and she was guilty.

AFTER the election was over - they admitted they'd never seen teh emails and that there was no evidence they ever existed and that they broke journalistic guidelines printing the story.  AFTER the election. Pretty much immediately after.

This is hardly the only example.

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10 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Worse - why would voters support a media source that deliberately posts misinformation and inteferes with political campaigns?

in the lead up to the alberta election the CBC published a story insisting Danielle smith's office had sent emails to the justice and prosecutors that were in violation of the law pressuring them to take action.

Smith denied this - and ordered a massive third party audit of both her people's emails and the justice people's emails and nothing was found.

The CBC insisted she was lying and that the emails existed and that the source was beyond question and they'd done their due dilligence and she was guilty.

AFTER the election was over - they admitted they'd never seen teh emails and that there was no evidence they ever existed and that they broke journalistic guidelines printing the story.  AFTER the election. Pretty much immediately after.

This is hardly the only example.

Well this is a real problem for Canada.  It’s not really a pluralistic society because we’ve been taught by a biased media to be biased.  There’s barely any conservative voice in Canada, as the Liberals have essentially identified Canada with themselves and associated all opposition with the Americans and MAGA.  It means that anyone who criticizes the Liberal agenda is depicted as scary and dangerous to Canada.  It was always there in my lifetime but it kicked into high gear under Trudeau Jr.  The CBC echoes and amplifies that rhetoric, making their journalism suspect.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Sure, russia, china, all the cool kids have one :)  

If you cared about it mike then you should have been speaking up and demanding that the extreme bias and favoratism be purged from it years ago.

It'll be a real treat to see Poilievre explaining why we need to scrap the CBC using the very same frank language you guys do. LMAO!



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24 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It'll be a real treat to see Poilievre explaining why we need to scrap the CBC using the very same frank language you guys do. LMAO!

He has many times. He's let a few other media outlets have it between the eyes too but he's not shy about the fact the cbc is the liberals' personal media company.

Sorry punkin - the "treat" will be watching the bloated cbc execs leaving with their cardboard box full of their desk contents.

Like i said - it was no secret to anyone that the cbc was bias, or that its' been getting worse, for a long time now and yet your kind not only did nothing to stop it they egged it on.  If you cared about having a public broadcaster - then you should have made sure it was serving ALL the public and been the first to pipe up when it wasn't. Now it's too late.

In other words - you should have been saying this for decades :) 

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

It'll be a real treat to see Poilievre explaining why we need to scrap the CBC using the very same frank language you guys do. LMAO!



Giggle .... I am thinking the corollary of losing your idealism in politics as you age is the horrible glee you feel when cynicism and their forces take over.

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53 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Giggle .... I am thinking the corollary of losing your idealism in politics as you age is the horrible glee you feel when cynicism and their forces take over.

 LOL  - well you're certainly entitled to whatever feelings you prefer to have - but the cbc is going either way :) 

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Like i said - it was no secret to anyone that the cbc was bias, or that its' been getting worse

They only thing that's gotten worse is the right wings paranoia - to the extent people actually believe the PMO and CBC editorial room are essentially one and the same thing.

There's no evidence whatsoever of the several lines of communication it would take to engineer the amount of propagandizing imagined to be happening. Unless PP is trying to say Justin simply calls up Ian Hanomansing and tells him what he wants to hear that night on the news. If it was that easy why wouldn't PP avail himself of the same opportunity, he's too virtuous or something?

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43 minutes ago, eyeball said:

They only thing that's gotten worse is the right wings paranoia - to the extent people actually believe the PMO and CBC editorial room are essentially one and the same thing.


Well there's also the increase in the lies from the left pretending it's not. :)  

It's close enough. The cbc moves to attack anything on the right to the point of posting fake news on a disturbingly regular basis, and tends to let the PM slide on many issues.

That isn't to say ALWAYS - but mostly.  I gave an example, one of many. When was the last time they made that kind of 'mistake' about a left of center candidate? Never? Hmmm. Seems to happen a lot to the right.  Why are these 'mistakes always in favour of the libs and to the disadvantage of the right?

45 minutes ago, eyeball said:

There's no evidence whatsoever of the several lines of communication it would take to engineer the amount of propagandizing imagined to be happening. 

Oh please. There's tonnes of evidence of that and both parties do that with the media.  Are you joking?  Its' not even hidden, they have media relations departments who's job it is to work with the media to get stories out specifically!  They all have contacts in the media and use them.

But the difference is - the CBC listens to the libs.  And worse - they run their OWN agenda independent of the PM, they just hate the right.

And they've had noted left wing writers and journalists walk away from them specifically citing that reason. They are beyond biased.

So you want to lie about it, you want to ignore it, you want to pretend like a child that if you put your fingers in your ears and hum it'll all go away. Fine.  We'll make it all go away. The whole cbc. 

And then we'll discuss which leftie agenda items are next.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

they run their OWN agenda independent of the PM, they just hate the right.

So what you're saying is, the CBC is the deepstate and it's agenda is to destroy the right. And you know this because they never say anything bad about the Liberals and especially Mr Socks.

PP clearly represents an asylum of loons.

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55 minutes ago, eyeball said:

So what you're saying is,

you remember how i told you that the only time people say that is when they're trying to lie about what the other person said?  Tsk tsk tsk ;)


the CBC is the deepstate and it's agenda is to destroy the right. And you know this because they never say anything bad about the Liberals and especially Mr Socks.

Yeah - i actually was very specific to say something very different, and noted that it's not that they NEVER say anything bad about mr socks.

but - of course you had to lie about it because otherwise you don't have anything to argue :) 


PP clearly represents an asylum of loons.

I'm sure the voices in your head certainly think so ;) 

You had a chance to do something to prevent this. Instead you, like the cbc, chose dishonesty. So now we'll fix that.  If you cared you should have made other choices.


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23 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

you remember how i told you that the only time people say that is when they're trying to lie about what the other person said? 

Like it was yesterday.

27 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Yeah i actually was very specific to say something very different, and noted that it's not that they NEVER say anything bad about mr socks.

True - in fact you were even more specific when you said The cbc moves to attack anything on the right to the point of posting fake news on a disturbingly regular basis.

...they just hate the right.



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Just now, eyeball said:

Like it was yesterday.


With the frequency you feel to rewrite what other people say when you get stuck  it probably was :)



True - in fact you were even more specific when you said The cbc moves to attack anything on the right to the point of posting fake news on a disturbingly regular basis.

...they just hate the right.



So lets look at what i actually said.

The cbc moves to attack anything on the right to the point of posting fake news on a disturbingly regular basis, and tends to let the PM slide on many issues.

That isn't to say ALWAYS - but mostly.

Wow.  "That isn't to say always. "

I guess i was pretty specific. And it would seem that you tried to lie again.

This is why people like you must never be held in anything but contempt and treated as an amusement rather than take your opinions seriously or care what you have to say. And the cbc is people like you. So - bye bye funding.

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